EVERYONE is a biggot


Pls trust in God
Mar 14, 2012
Bensonhurst, Brooklyn

There's three kinds of black americans now.

- There's the Colin Powell, Condolezza Rice, Alan West types (...and what I notice - many black NEWS anchors or weather people that speak clearly and intelligently--you know, like "white" people.)

- Then there are the ones "in between." Proud of their 'black heritage' and yet, not as ghetto as the next tier of blacks.

- The last tier - This sick culture of ghetto black "americans" that run around calling themselves *******. Depending upon where you live - this is a disturbing ghetto culture that has choked our society with it's "thug" way life.

I was too young at the time to understand what segregation meant.

now i understand. It needs to be brought back. We NEED to be SEGRATED from these ghetto mongrels.

Where I come from, Young black males - they're very disturbing....they're like WILD ANIMALS running lawlessly thru the streets wrecking havoc.

for decades now, there's been this domino effect - jive-talkers are "in"- BUT speaking clearly and intelligently is "OUT". i notice MANY in society, that it's cooler to talk like you're LiL Dwayne, the rapper from the 'hood' than to speak intelligently, like.....Colin Powell. Where i come from -- 99% of blacks only know 2 words: "yo niggah." That's all i hear. everybody talks like they're from "bed-sty." ......white, black, spanish.........everyone's a "******." "Yo niggah." that's what they like to say. it's pretty effin' sick. they make me sick and they make me not 'like' them.

speaking of people that 'make me sick:'


these young black males have absolutely no parental guidence whatsoever. LiL DWAYNE and JAYZ - that's who's bringing them up. For decades now, these rappers use words like: ******, GUNS, HO, BITCHES (and assorted other violent lyrics) in their "songs.". They try to pass off what they do as 'real' music or art or poetry. It's the ugliest CRAP i ever 'hoid.".....you have to have absolutely "no-taste" in music to like it and "get into it...."

It's [still] scary to live around these blacks that call themselves *******, that glorify violence, carry guns, will kill you for the $dollar$ in your pocket - and a whole HOST of other disturbing VIOLENT actions.

We need to be segregated from them. this ghetto culture....it's not normal.

Good post. I'm not racist at all. however, man, I hate *******! (black, white, latino, polish idc). Have you ever seen that old movie with Kurt Russell, "Escape from L.A." or some shit? Throw that shit away! Put them with their own!
The new member with the douche-bag username of "member" was cordially invited to hurry up and suck another bag of dicks.

Why do those idiot-scumbag racists least grasp that they are idiots?
So because he dont like thugs and gangbangers, he is a racist scumbag? Really? It's just like being against the Nazis or the Irish mob or al-queda.
"white" was a racist way to put that. Didnt catch on to that. MY BAD. I asked a question, and I got called a name..?? lol I didnt know this a pre-k blog site. And as far as the segregation part goes, I'm sure people in every country want to segregated from the people that kill innocents, deal drugs and are just an all-around menace to society.
"white" was a racist way to put that. Didnt catch on to that. MY BAD. I asked a question, and I got called a name..?? lol I didnt know this a pre-k blog site. And as far as the segregation part goes, I'm sure people in every country want to segregated from the people that kill innocents, deal drugs and are just an all-around menace to society.

Try not to cry, you sniveling pussy.

I called you a "moron" because -- well -- you are a moron.

See: http://www.usmessageboard.com/6123798-post3.html
There'll never be racial harmony in racially hetrogeneous western countries until there's open, honest dialogue between the races that won't result in sharply critical whites having their reputations dragged through the mud by the press and anyone else who won't stand to profit by eliciting racial solidarity amongst the [white] majority.
"white" was a racist way to put that. Didnt catch on to that. MY BAD. I asked a question, and I got called a name..?? lol I didnt know this a pre-k blog site. And as far as the segregation part goes, I'm sure people in every country want to segregated from the people that kill innocents, deal drugs and are just an all-around menace to society.

Try not to cry, you sniveling pussy.

I called you a "moron" because -- well -- you are a moron.

See: http://www.usmessageboard.com/6123798-post3.html

LMAO. I think your moms basement might be leaking. Better get out before you melt!
Good post. I'm not racist at all. however, man, I hate *******! (black, white, latino, polish idc). Have you ever seen that old movie with Kurt Russell, "Escape from L.A." or some shit? Throw that shit away! Put them with their own!

No, you're not racist. At all.


I hate the bull shit. Sorry that you love high crime rates and teenagers beating the hell out of people.:eusa_shhh:
There'll never be racial harmony in racially hetrogeneous western countries until there's open, honest dialogue between the races that won't result in sharply critical whites having their reputations dragged through the mud by the press and anyone else who won't stand to profit by eliciting racial solidarity amongst the [white] majority.


We must become a society that's open with each other. When one race has a problem with another...dialogue is a must.

All the people that wish to silence whites are just causing more hate. It's a fact that the black community has a super high crime rate.

This must be figured out before anything.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FACING THIS COUNTRY RIGHT NOW is the fact that we can't call a black criminal, A BLACK CRIMINAL. They want them to run freely through our streets. Obama is trying to do the same with our fucking schools.

Detroit, Atlanta, Chicago is what this has got us.
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There'll never be racial harmony in racially hetrogeneous western countries until there's open, honest dialogue between the races that won't result in sharply critical whites having their reputations dragged through the mud by the press and anyone else who won't stand to profit by eliciting racial solidarity amongst the [white] majority.

In other words, there'll never be racial harmony.
Harley: "....So because he dont like thugs and gangbangers, he is a racist scumbag? Really? It's just like being against the Nazis or the Irish mob or al-queda."

Liability: "He only likes "blacks" who act "white;" and he calls for segregation. THOSE constitute tip-offs that he is a racist, you moron."



man, what a mob...........

"youse are wrong."

"Liability" ......

.....I'm not a he
- I'm a she

...and I'm way past this
"let me be delicate and politically correct" towards black folks on how I feel about this ....this "disturbing black culture" that has taken over "society." (well, as far as i'm concerned).

I'm not a racist. a racist to the extent where it gets violent.
oh no. let's take for example - what's his name 'king" [they just put him to death] - you know, he dragged james byrd behind his pick-up truck - I wasn't brought up "that way" + it's not in my nature to do something like that to another human being. What he did was -- the act of a deranged lunatic if you ask me....i mean, the HATRED inside of him...!

i used to have black friends, but they were different then. NOW, if i went to high school with these black teenagers of today - I KNOW IT WOULD BE A HORRIFYING EXPERIENCE. They're like wild animals [i know there are black teenagers NOT like that-i'm not that naive)....

I've admired alot of black people over the years-from comedians/actors, to politicians to 'american heroes' to musicians, to the hard-working joe..............

blacks are different now.


the truth is: I wish I didn't have to live around black people, in general, or be subjected to their 'rap' crap [which i don't ever listen to, but sometimes are exposed to it -it makes me cringe] -- and being around these GHETTO THUG types [they're all over the place] - they make me CRINGE...and YET, THAT still doesn't mean "i'm a racist."

i mean really, who wants to live NEXT door to these ..."types" of black people ?

......CERTAINLY not you Liability
or you...

it's the people who call others 'racists' that are the biggest phonies around
..........that's what i've learned.

Good post. I'm not racist at all. however, man, I hate *******! (black, white, latino, polish idc). Have you ever seen that old movie with Kurt Russell, "Escape from L.A." or some shit? Throw that shit away! Put them with their own!

No, you're not racist. At all.


I hate the bull shit. Sorry that you love high crime rates and teenagers beating the hell out of people.:eusa_shhh:
You don't hate bullshit. You spout it in this forum all the time.

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