Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.


You have an articulate and good looking black woman who probably came from up north some where and you have a very red neck white officer with that hickey kind of country accent. He's probably spent his entire life within 10 miles of where that incident took place. I bet he has a half dozen confederate T shirts.

For some reason, and you can see it here on the USMB, conservatives and right wingers believe you should just give up every right you have and instantly jump at what a police officer says, no matter the circumstances, or you get what you deserve. Especially if you are black, Hispanic, gay or some other minority. It's an example of the ultimate police state.

So he stops her for not using her turn signal. Of course she should use her turn signal, that's what it's there for. He should have just given her a ticket or a warning. And if it was some other white with that hickey accent, you know he would have only given a verbal warning if he had bothered to stop them.

And I'll tell you something else. I have relatives in the deep south that I spent some vacations and a couple of summers with growing up. I speak perfect "Yawl (or as some USMB members insist, "ya'll"), and I have been stopped because my license is from out of state and I just start talking Yawl and they suddenly talk very nice and have never given me a ticket.

Clearly that officer provoked her and escalated the situation with "put out your cigarette" and "step out of the car" and arresting her. It wasn't that he wanted her respect. He wanted her to cower and shuffle and she wasn't having it. So in his tiny and racist little mind, he was teaching her a lesson and it was within his right to teach her that lesson no matter what the actual law said because of who he was, the uniform he was wearing and who she was. In that part of the country, it's the "natural order" of things.

If she was that smart she would have been sensitive to regional variation. She wasn't. She was a depressed, suicidal liberal...who chose not to continue.

I can't believe how restrained that cop was. If she had been white, it probably would have been a lot worse. You don't fuck with cops down here. Seriously. There are repercussions if you think they are wrong, but you don't take that up with them on the street. She was just belligerent and she lost it anyway, he did a great job keeping his cool with the whacked out ho

Like I said in a previous post...
I used to drive through Prairie View a couple of times a week,you never speed or break any traffic law in the area because they're known for handing out tickets.
The wacky chick went to college there and she knew damn well what the cops in the area were about.
Cop says get out of the car, you get out of the car. If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

If you take issue with it, remember it's being recorded, and sue them after the fact.

If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

Not gonna happen. If you want a police state, that's what you do. I don't want a police state.

You have an articulate and good looking black woman who probably came from up north some where and you have a very red neck white officer with that hickey kind of country accent. He's probably spent his entire life within 10 miles of where that incident took place. I bet he has a half dozen confederate T shirts.

For some reason, and you can see it here on the USMB, conservatives and right wingers believe you should just give up every right you have and instantly jump at what a police officer says, no matter the circumstances, or you get what you deserve. Especially if you are black, Hispanic, gay or some other minority. It's an example of the ultimate police state.

So he stops her for not using her turn signal. Of course she should use her turn signal, that's what it's there for. He should have just given her a ticket or a warning. And if it was some other white with that hickey accent, you know he would have only given a verbal warning if he had bothered to stop them.

And I'll tell you something else. I have relatives in the deep south that I spent some vacations and a couple of summers with growing up. I speak perfect "Yawl (or as some USMB members insist, "ya'll"), and I have been stopped because my license is from out of state and I just start talking Yawl and they suddenly talk very nice and have never given me a ticket.

Clearly that officer provoked her and escalated the situation with "put out your cigarette" and "step out of the car" and arresting her. It wasn't that he wanted her respect. He wanted her to cower and shuffle and she wasn't having it. So in his tiny and racist little mind, he was teaching her a lesson and it was within his right to teach her that lesson no matter what the actual law said because of who he was, the uniform he was wearing and who she was. In that part of the country, it's the "natural order" of things.

First of all, why would any black person on the planet want to work and live in Texas only God knows. This is a state that murdererd a president, drug a black man behind a car and who houses the biggest idiots in politics, Bush and Perry....but with than being said, even if she did kill herself, she did so after being bullied and humiliated by some bully cop that don't like blacks talking back to them.......these bastards act like they own us. For once I would love to see some sorry as cop murder blacks over something more serious than nonpayment of child support, failure to signal, walking in the streets and not on the side walks or selling e cigs on a cornor....damnit

You have an articulate and good looking black woman who probably came from up north some where and you have a very red neck white officer with that hickey kind of country accent. He's probably spent his entire life within 10 miles of where that incident took place. I bet he has a half dozen confederate T shirts.

For some reason, and you can see it here on the USMB, conservatives and right wingers believe you should just give up every right you have and instantly jump at what a police officer says, no matter the circumstances, or you get what you deserve. Especially if you are black, Hispanic, gay or some other minority. It's an example of the ultimate police state.

So he stops her for not using her turn signal. Of course she should use her turn signal, that's what it's there for. He should have just given her a ticket or a warning. And if it was some other white with that hickey accent, you know he would have only given a verbal warning if he had bothered to stop them.

And I'll tell you something else. I have relatives in the deep south that I spent some vacations and a couple of summers with growing up. I speak perfect "Yawl (or as some USMB members insist, "ya'll"), and I have been stopped because my license is from out of state and I just start talking Yawl and they suddenly talk very nice and have never given me a ticket.

Clearly that officer provoked her and escalated the situation with "put out your cigarette" and "step out of the car" and arresting her. It wasn't that he wanted her respect. He wanted her to cower and shuffle and she wasn't having it. So in his tiny and racist little mind, he was teaching her a lesson and it was within his right to teach her that lesson no matter what the actual law said because of who he was, the uniform he was wearing and who she was. In that part of the country, it's the "natural order" of things.

First of all, why would any black person on the planet want to work and live in Texas only God knows. This is a state that murdererd a president, drug a black man behind a car and who houses the biggest idiots in politics, Bush and Perry....but with than being said, even if she did kill herself, she did so after being bullied and humiliated by some bully cop that don't like blacks talking back to them.......these bastards act like they own us. For once I would love to see some sorry as cop murder blacks over something more serious than nonpayment of child support, failure to signal, walking in the streets and not on the side walks or selling e cigs on a cornor....damnit

LOL..You might want to ask the crazy lady why she went to school at an all black college in Texas.
As i've said at least three times now..you dont break traffic laws in that area because they hand out traffic tickets like you've never seen.
And it makes no damn difference what color you may be.
She was about to get a warning and then went all stupid and ended up in jail.
You cant blame cops for her stupidity.
Cop says get out of the car, you get out of the car. If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

If you take issue with it, remember it's being recorded, and sue them after the fact.

If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

Not gonna happen. If you want a police state, that's what you do. I don't want a police state.

Well then, give the cop a hard time, and go to jail. I don't care.
It's not at all obvious what happened there.. Yes the incidence escalated into an arrest and detention. But the media has never addressed the issue of WHY she spent 3 days there. Bail was set on the day of the arrest at $5000 -- yet the family that loves her so much didn't POST bail for 3 days????

Something stinks.. And I think it has to do with her recent activism about the police and her alleged depression...
Unreliable leaks from autopsy say she had cut-mark scars...

Sounds to me like she MIGHT HAVE martyred herself to bring attention to police abuse..
Cop says get out of the car, you get out of the car. If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

If you take issue with it, remember it's being recorded, and sue them after the fact.

If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

Not gonna happen. If you want a police state, that's what you do. I don't want a police state.

Well then, give the cop a hard time, and go to jail. I don't care.
She didn't give the cop a hard time. He gave her a hard time.
Her family couldn't post 500 for her bail? Either they didn't give a shit or they'd spent all their welfare checks, or both.
Remember, according to conservatives, a white militia may point their loaded weapons at the authorities, but black people may not talk back in the face of indignity and unconstitutionality.
I certainly wouldn't let a loved one languish in jail for 3 days, especially if I knew she was already suicidal. Wtf is wrong with that family?

All of a sudden she's their loving sister or whatever. They're so full of shit!

You have an articulate and good looking black woman who probably came from up north some where and you have a very red neck white officer with that hickey kind of country accent. He's probably spent his entire life within 10 miles of where that incident took place. I bet he has a half dozen confederate T shirts.

For some reason, and you can see it here on the USMB, conservatives and right wingers believe you should just give up every right you have and instantly jump at what a police officer says, no matter the circumstances, or you get what you deserve. Especially if you are black, Hispanic, gay or some other minority. It's an example of the ultimate police state.

So he stops her for not using her turn signal. Of course she should use her turn signal, that's what it's there for. He should have just given her a ticket or a warning. And if it was some other white with that hickey accent, you know he would have only given a verbal warning if he had bothered to stop them.

And I'll tell you something else. I have relatives in the deep south that I spent some vacations and a couple of summers with growing up. I speak perfect "Yawl (or as some USMB members insist, "ya'll"), and I have been stopped because my license is from out of state and I just start talking Yawl and they suddenly talk very nice and have never given me a ticket.

Clearly that officer provoked her and escalated the situation with "put out your cigarette" and "step out of the car" and arresting her. It wasn't that he wanted her respect. He wanted her to cower and shuffle and she wasn't having it. So in his tiny and racist little mind, he was teaching her a lesson and it was within his right to teach her that lesson no matter what the actual law said because of who he was, the uniform he was wearing and who she was. In that part of the country, it's the "natural order" of things.

Wait a minute

Why should the cop be forced into breathing in that smokers toxic filth?
He had every right to ask her to put it out and she should have.
Cop says get out of the car, you get out of the car. If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

If you take issue with it, remember it's being recorded, and sue them after the fact.

If the cop says stand on one leg and bark like a dog, you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.

Not gonna happen. If you want a police state, that's what you do. I don't want a police state.

Well then, give the cop a hard time, and go to jail. I don't care.
She didn't give the cop a hard time. He gave her a hard time.

Maybe he did. Take it up in court, or spend some time in jail. Your choice.
Remember, according to conservatives, a white militia may point their loaded weapons at the authorities, but black people may not talk back in the face of indignity and unconstitutionality.

How childish you people are. That was not said.

Anyone can be a hardcase with a cop if they so choose. Just don't expect there to be no consequences.
There are only two things you EVER say to the police:

"This interaction is being recorded and saved off-site in real time."

"Am I being detained or am I free to go?"

I certainly wouldn't let a loved one languish in jail for 3 days, especially if I knew she was already suicidal. Wtf is wrong with that family?

All of a sudden she's their loving sister or whatever. They're so full of shit!
They wait now for their lawyer and their million dollar civil suit.
Everyone (no, just liberfools) is dancing around the truth (that she was an obstinate colored woman with a "hate cops attitude") in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.(yes ! she hanged herself with a plastic bag)


You have an articulate and good looking black woman who probably came from up north some where and you have a very red neck white officer with that hickey kind of country accent. He's probably spent his entire life within 10 miles of where that incident took place. I bet he has a half dozen confederate T shirts.

For some reason, and you can see it here on the USMB, conservatives and right wingers believe you should just give up every right you have and instantly jump at what a police officer says, no matter the circumstances, or you get what you deserve. Especially if you are black, Hispanic, gay or some other minority. It's an example of the ultimate police state.

So he stops her for not using her turn signal. Of course she should use her turn signal, that's what it's there for. He should have just given her a ticket or a warning. And if it was some other white with that hickey accent, you know he would have only given a verbal warning if he had bothered to stop them.

And I'll tell you something else. I have relatives in the deep south that I spent some vacations and a couple of summers with growing up. I speak perfect "Yawl (or as some USMB members insist, "ya'll"), and I have been stopped because my license is from out of state and I just start talking Yawl and they suddenly talk very nice and have never given me a ticket.

Clearly that officer provoked her and escalated the situation with "put out your cigarette" and "step out of the car" and arresting her. It wasn't that he wanted her respect. He wanted her to cower and shuffle and she wasn't having it. So in his tiny and racist little mind, he was teaching her a lesson and it was within his right to teach her that lesson no matter what the actual law said because of who he was, the uniform he was wearing and who she was. In that part of the country, it's the "natural order" of things.

Wait a minute

Why should the cop be forced into breathing in that smokers toxic filth?
He had every right to ask her to put it out and she should have.
Every cop in the country is trained to insure nothing can be used against them as any sort of weapon. That includes cups containing any liquid, car keys, any food items, etc. That's why every fucking cop tells everyone they stop to "please put out the cigarette". No cop wants a lite cigarette flicked in their face.
I do hope this very simple point gets through to you stupid fuck-wits.
Before the cop got out of his car he KNEW the negro bitch's driving record.
Her family didn't give a shit about her.
All of them are secretly happy she offed herself. Now they didn't have to put up with the simian anymore. The NEGRO medical officer who did the autopsy ruled the negro's death a suicide.
All you LIB simians can go back to your shitholes and wait for another opportunity to prove what a bunch of tree dweller losers who all are.

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