Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

Jesus your an idiot.

The woman was a ten time druggie loser. Her own people wouldn't spend the 500 bucks to bail her out because she's been in so much trouble they knew they would lose their money.

All she had to do was take the warning and be on her merry way.

Instead she acted like an ass, got arrested and KILLED HERSELF in jail.

The officer certainly wasn't a storm trooper and the bottom line is the idiot killed herself.

What a fucking ass.

The bottom line is a racist cop pulled her over for a "Driving While Black" and then escalated it into a "Contempt of Cop", which became an "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit...." when she died.

I am sick of the narrative of driving while black bullshit. At night in the suburbs a car full of white teenagers will get pulled over, even if they are doing nothing wrong. Why should it be different for black teenagers, who by the numbers commit more crimes (esp violent crimes) then any other group.

My cop buddy who works in Maywood told me that when he sees a car full of teenagers he pulls them over and 9 out of 10 times he finds drugs or guns. Stats can be a bitch.

My buddy always tells me he hates pulling over blacks for traffic stops. A good chunk of the time they act belligerent and act like they are hiding something. He said it is nearly always a verbal fight. He said every time he was physically attacked at a traffic stop it was a black assailant.

He says he much rather pull over a white, Latino or Asian person, because when he walks over and asks for their license and registration, they give it to him. Many try to talk their way out of the ticket, but few are belligerent or get violent.

Again the cop over-reacted but if she would put out her cigarette and just gave him her license and registration. She would have been fine.

I do think cops expect and prepare for a belligerent driver when they pull over blacks. Experience creates expectation.

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I still.have many friends in LE. One told me that he and others keep an off the books "racial log" notebook. He says they keep a tab of each race they stop. NEVER let it get out of proportion. He said they have "white days" where they go stop and ticket a shit load of whites.....BECAUSE....he knows once a crime spree hits....commanders will send them to saturate high crime areas and expect arrests. Well....those areas are usually black.

So....next time a cop stops you...and it seems petty...remember...it could be "white day". He may be covering his own ass for the next assignment to stop a crime spree in a bad hood.
Jesus your an idiot.

The woman was a ten time druggie loser. Her own people wouldn't spend the 500 bucks to bail her out because she's been in so much trouble they knew they would lose their money.

All she had to do was take the warning and be on her merry way.

Instead she acted like an ass, got arrested and KILLED HERSELF in jail.

The officer certainly wasn't a storm trooper and the bottom line is the idiot killed herself.

What a fucking ass.

The bottom line is a racist cop pulled her over for a "Driving While Black" and then escalated it into a "Contempt of Cop", which became an "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit...." when she died.

I am sick of the narrative of driving while black bullshit. At night in the suburbs a car full of white teenagers will get pulled over, even if they are doing nothing wrong. Why should it be different for black teenagers, who by the numbers commit more crimes (esp violent crimes) then any other group.

My cop buddy who works in Maywood told me that when he sees a car full of teenagers he pulls them over and 9 out of 10 times he finds drugs or guns. Stats can be a bitch.

My buddy always tells me he hates pulling over blacks for traffic stops. A good chunk of the time they act belligerent and act like they are hiding something. He said it is nearly always a verbal fight. He said every time he was physically attacked at a traffic stop it was a black assailant.

He says he much rather pull over a white, Latino or Asian person, because when he walks over and asks for their license and registration, they give it to him. Many try to talk their way out of the ticket, but few are belligerent or get violent.

Again the cop over-reacted but if she would put out her cigarette and just gave him her license and registration. She would have been fine.

I do think cops expect and prepare for a belligerent driver when they pull over blacks. Experience creates expectation.

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I still.have many friends in LE. One told me that he and others keep an off the books "racial log" notebook. He says they keep a tab of each race they stop. NEVER let it get out of proportion. He said they have "white days" where they go stop and ticket a shit load of whites.....BECAUSE....he knows once a crime spree hits....commanders will send them to saturate high crime areas and expect arrests. Well....those areas are usually black.

So....next time a cop stops you...and it seems petty...remember...it could be "white day". He may be covering his own ass for the next assignment to stop a crime spree in a bad hood.
You're pretty clever.
All large police forces keep detailed logs of every patrol officer's stops and what was written up.
There are computer models which show demographics by every factor you can think of.
Cops who have 'outlier' numbers are watched very carefully.
Every lawsuit brought comes with attorneys who have access to EVERY fucking stop the cop/s in question have made since the joined the force. Even the slightest whiff of a cop being 'rogue' or a racist and they are told to jump before they are pushed.
Straight cops will NEVER work with crooked cops. They don't want to be painted with the same brush.
There's no profession as carefully monitored by one's superiors as a cops.
All this fucking BS about racist 'rogue cops' is just that.
You want to lose your job as a cop........and never have another one? Just start putting up skewed numbers based on race as it pertains to where you are patrolling and HR will kick your ass out the door in a heartbeat.
Cops are hired to deal with the worst human scum in earth and to serve and protect everyone else from the scum.
I am sick of the narrative of driving while black bullshit. At night in the suburbs a car full of white teenagers will get pulled over, even if they are doing nothing wrong. Why should it be different for black teenagers, who by the numbers commit more crimes (esp violent crimes) then any other group.

How often do those White Teenagers get shot? How often do they get beaten? How often do they get arrested on frivilous charges?

Duly noted your playing the race card totally ignores reality in this case. For starters...the trooper in question isn't a "Cleetus" or a "Billy Bob"...he's Hispanic! Although he could have very easily issued Sandra Bland a ticket (which any rational person would expect a "racist" to do!) Trooper Encinia was in the process of giving her a warning. If Bland had any common sense AT ALL...she should have said "Thank you very much, Trooper."...signed the warning and driven away. But if you look at Sandra Blands HISTORY it's obvious that she has no common sense! She was a grown woman who was going to have to shell out over seven thousand dollars in fines before she could get her license renewed. She's a grown woman with a DUI already on her record yet she's once again driving around impaired.

Not having common sense shouldn't be a capital crime. Otherwise we'd have weeded you Right Wingers out of the Gene Pool years ago. "I wants to work harder for less money, Cleetus!"

Storm Trooper Encinia decided he was going to teach this uppity black bitch a lesson for not respecting his manhood. He's going to go to prison for a long time for it.

Never spent much time down here huh? The South....BY FAR....has better race relations than any of the Northern or Western big liberal cities. You self righteous cocktail suckered will never admit it. And that's fine. One day....you too will move South looking for a job.

Cleetus, I've spent enough time in the South to know I'd never want to live there... and thanks to free trade, you slackjaws aren't going to be getting all those jobs no matter how much you fucking debase yourself. There's always a Mexican willing to work harder and an Indian willing to work smarter...

And when her family is in the process of trying to cash in on Bland's suicide, Joey...I hope they can live with the fact that they didn't help her when she repeatedly called trying to get bonded out of jail!

Why shouldn't they. Why should they expect that their daughter would end up dead over a fucking traffic violation?
I still.have many friends in LE. One told me that he and others keep an off the books "racial log" notebook. He says they keep a tab of each race they stop. NEVER let it get out of proportion. He said they have "white days" where they go stop and ticket a shit load of whites.....BECAUSE....he knows once a crime spree hits....commanders will send them to saturate high crime areas and expect arrests. Well....those areas are usually black.

So....next time a cop stops you...and it seems petty...remember...it could be "white day". He may be covering his own ass for the next assignment to stop a crime spree in a bad hood.

The more I read your posts, the more I am happy you are no longer a cop.
The negro bitch's family was seen buying plastic garbage bags from a bulk supply store.
They are busy twisting them up then cutting them into little pieces. Then the pieces are 'crazy-glued' onto little plastic fake gold disks then the disks are attached to fake gold chains.
The chains are called 'Sandra B's to be sold on EBAY for $10.
The family has run into a little snag: Seems like the (cough) parents got into a fist and bottle fight with some other family members who claim they were doing most of the work making the 'Sandra B's' so they should be getting a bigger cut.
It's the biggest windfall the family has seen since the Gov. upped all their welfare cheques.
The negro bitch's family was seen buying plastic garbage bags from a bulk supply store.
They are busy twisting them up then cutting them into little pieces. Then the pieces are 'crazy-glued' onto little plastic fake gold disks then the disks are attached to fake gold chains.
The chains are called 'Sandra B's to be sold on EBAY for $10.
The family has run into a little snag: Seems like the (cough) parents got into a fist and bottle fight with some other family members who claim they were doing most of the work making the 'Sandra B's' so they should be getting a bigger cut.
It's the biggest windfall the family has seen since the Gov. upped all their welfare cheques.

Where were they when she needed bail?
I am sick of the narrative of driving while black bullshit. At night in the suburbs a car full of white teenagers will get pulled over, even if they are doing nothing wrong. Why should it be different for black teenagers, who by the numbers commit more crimes (esp violent crimes) then any other group.

How often do those White Teenagers get shot? How often do they get beaten? How often do they get arrested on frivilous charges?

Duly noted your playing the race card totally ignores reality in this case. For starters...the trooper in question isn't a "Cleetus" or a "Billy Bob"...he's Hispanic! Although he could have very easily issued Sandra Bland a ticket (which any rational person would expect a "racist" to do!) Trooper Encinia was in the process of giving her a warning. If Bland had any common sense AT ALL...she should have said "Thank you very much, Trooper."...signed the warning and driven away. But if you look at Sandra Blands HISTORY it's obvious that she has no common sense! She was a grown woman who was going to have to shell out over seven thousand dollars in fines before she could get her license renewed. She's a grown woman with a DUI already on her record yet she's once again driving around impaired.

Not having common sense shouldn't be a capital crime. Otherwise we'd have weeded you Right Wingers out of the Gene Pool years ago. "I wants to work harder for less money, Cleetus!"

Storm Trooper Encinia decided he was going to teach this uppity black bitch a lesson for not respecting his manhood. He's going to go to prison for a long time for it.

Never spent much time down here huh? The South....BY FAR....has better race relations than any of the Northern or Western big liberal cities. You self righteous cocktail suckered will never admit it. And that's fine. One day....you too will move South looking for a job.

Cleetus, I've spent enough time in the South to know I'd never want to live there... and thanks to free trade, you slackjaws aren't going to be getting all those jobs no matter how much you fucking debase yourself. There's always a Mexican willing to work harder and an Indian willing to work smarter...

And when her family is in the process of trying to cash in on Bland's suicide, Joey...I hope they can live with the fact that they didn't help her when she repeatedly called trying to get bonded out of jail!

Why shouldn't they. Why should they expect that their daughter would end up dead over a fucking traffic violation?

Since their daughter has a history of driving impaired...getting traffic tickets...and attempting suicide...one would think that if they had concerns over her they would have responded to her calls. They did not however, despite repeated calls from Bland...which should tell you VOLUMES about how her family viewed Sandra.

By the way, Joey...39.2% of the people shot by police last year were white and 25.5% were black. Now did you want to talk about the race of people who shot police last year? Care to take a guess on how that's going to work out percentage wise?
Since their daughter has a history of driving impaired...getting traffic tickets...and attempting suicide...one would think that if they had concerns over her they would have responded to her calls. They did not however, despite repeated calls from Bland...which should tell you VOLUMES about how her family viewed Sandra.

yeah how dare those people be poor an 1000 miles away!!!! Fucking Shiftless negroes.

Or maybe they had a reasonable expectation that if she was in jail, they wouldn't abuse her. guess they were wrong on that ocunt.

By the way, Joey...39.2% of the people shot by police last year were white and 25.5% were black. Now did you want to talk about the race of people who shot police last year? Care to take a guess on how that's going to work out percentage wise?

Okay- guy, if 39.2% were White and 25.5% were black, that only accounts for 64.7% of people they shoot. so how were the other 35.3%? Asians? Hispanics? Aborigines? Klingons.

So whites made up 70% of the population and only 39% of the shooting victims, and blacks make up 13% of the population and 26% of the shooting victims, you don't see a problem with that?

Well, obviously, you probably see the problem is that they are leaving some alive.

They, the Dry Cleaner Called. They said they couldn't get the burning cross soot out of your white robes.
Since their daughter has a history of driving impaired...getting traffic tickets...and attempting suicide...one would think that if they had concerns over her they would have responded to her calls. They did not however, despite repeated calls from Bland...which should tell you VOLUMES about how her family viewed Sandra.

yeah how dare those people be poor an 1000 miles away!!!! Fucking Shiftless negroes.

Or maybe they had a reasonable expectation that if she was in jail, they wouldn't abuse her. guess they were wrong on that ocunt.

By the way, Joey...39.2% of the people shot by police last year were white and 25.5% were black. Now did you want to talk about the race of people who shot police last year? Care to take a guess on how that's going to work out percentage wise?

Okay- guy, if 39.2% were White and 25.5% were black, that only accounts for 64.7% of people they shoot. so how were the other 35.3%? Asians? Hispanics? Aborigines? Klingons.

So whites made up 70% of the population and only 39% of the shooting victims, and blacks make up 13% of the population and 26% of the shooting victims, you don't see a problem with that?

Well, obviously, you probably see the problem is that they are leaving some alive.

They, the Dry Cleaner Called. They said they couldn't get the burning cross soot out of your white robes.

Dude, blacks may make up a smaller percentage of the population than whites but they're responsible for the bulk of violent crime. Pointing that out doesn't make me a Klansman...it's simply reality. The majority of blacks that are shooting victims are shot by other blacks. When police supposedly "target" blacks they aren't doing so because they are racist...most times they are doing so because the community is asking them to crack down on street crime. The arrest and subsequent death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore is a PERFECT example of what I'm referring to! The Baltimore District Attorney Marilyn Mosby ordered the Police to "enhance" their efforts to crackdown on drug dealers in a particular neighborhood. Police commanders then ordered officers to make "daily" busts down in that area. So who are the racists there? The Black Chief of Police? The black District Attorney?

I'm from Massachusetts, Joey...I don't even think there IS a Klan presence there and if there is it's keeping a VERY low profile! Accusing me of racism is laziness on your part.
Dude, blacks may make up a smaller percentage of the population than whites but they're responsible for the bulk of violent crime. Pointing that out doesn't make me a Klansman...it's simply reality.

I'll just leave that statement there for the ridiculousness of it.

It's like the sentence that starts, "I don't want to sound racist, but...."

And you are trying to cite Freddie Gray as an example of GOOD policing?

The guy didn't have drugs on him, dumbass. They ended up breaking the guys neck.
Dude, blacks may make up a smaller percentage of the population than whites but they're responsible for the bulk of violent crime. Pointing that out doesn't make me a Klansman...it's simply reality.

I'll just leave that statement there for the ridiculousness of it.

It's like the sentence that starts, "I don't want to sound racist, but...."

And you are trying to cite Freddie Gray as an example of GOOD policing?

The guy didn't have drugs on him, dumbass. They ended up breaking the guys neck.

Why didn't you post her bail?
the only things that are obvious is that rdean is a rabidly partisan lemming and left-wingers are race-baiting douchebags willing to divide the country over a false narrative, facts be damned
the only things that are obvious is that rdean is a rabidly partisan lemming and left-wingers are race-baiting douchebags willing to divide the country over a false narrative, facts be damned

Yeah, uh, guy, the facts on that videotape are pretty damning. The guy lost his shit and brutalized a citizen.

It's not race baiting that this is what black folks have to put up with every day.

Shit, in my own condo complex, we had some young black lady who was walking through, and rest assured, the cops decided they needed to stop by and ask her what she was doing there.
the only things that are obvious is that rdean is a rabidly partisan lemming and left-wingers are race-baiting douchebags willing to divide the country over a false narrative, facts be damned

Yeah, uh, guy, the facts on that videotape are pretty damning. The guy lost his shit and brutalized a citizen.

It's not race baiting that this is what black folks have to put up with every day.

Shit, in my own condo complex, we had some young black lady who was walking through, and rest assured, the cops decided they needed to stop by and ask her what she was doing there.

he didn't brutalize anybody you dullard race-baiter
doesn't take much to draw out a black race-baiting victimhood pimp does it
he didn't brutalize anybody you dullard race-baiter
doesn't take much to draw out a black race-baiting victimhood pimp does it

Oh, Bedwetter, maybe we should create a town where the black are the police and white folks have to put up with the kind of daily harrassment you seem to think is okay.

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