Everyone Should Do Their Part To Save The Planet

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
What a waste. Here is a video of a place where residents are told they must separate out paper and cardboard from the rest of the recycling, only to have the trash people mix it all together anyway. From personal experience, I can tell you that I used to recycle and cleaned out cans, bottles, jars etc. to do my part, only to witness the regular trash pickup people throwing both the trash and the recycling together in the same trash pick up truck and then moving on and doing the same to the next house. I found out I was just wasting my time.

My trash either goes to the dumpsters my taxes pay the township to provide, or in my burn barrel. That's just how we do it in the country.
Recycling glass is a net energy loss, and it's a non-toxic waste.

The organic nature and renewability of paper makes recycling it a wasted effort.

Most "recycled" plastic ends up in landfills or is shipped off to countries like India and China, to ultimately end up in landfills or the oceans.

The only truly recyclable materials are metals....The rest is just virtue signalling Kabuki theater.
In my city nearly 20 percent of the 'recycled' material is trash, and our dumpster is routinely filled with recyclables. Most care but many don't, enough to make a big mess of it.
Recycling is a scam. It's just a business is all it is. Does very little to save the environment.

Look at paper for instance.

How much diesel and gas used to move tons and tons of paper to the recycling center.

Then it requires fuel and electricity to run the machinery that processes the paper.

Then it requires chemicals to bleach the paper.

Then you have the pulpy water waste after the paper is processed.

Then more machines needed to reform the paper into what it's going to be.

Then more diesel and fuel to reship the paper back out to stores to be resold.

Almost all recycling is a scam that exists to make a few people a lot of money by playing on people's gullibility and need to feel smug at thinking how great they are for recycling.


Everyone Should Do Their Part To Save The Planet​

I'm doing my part to help saved the planet.
I've switched to being a good, globally-conscious Democrat.
Us Democrats are good people.
Not like those terrible GOP republicans!

I've stopped eating carbs, shitting, farting, all dairy products, sold my ICE car, like immigrants now, and get around on a carbon-fiber pogo-stick.

I can only carry $12 worth of groceries home at a time and must make 52 trips to fill an order, but as a good Democrat, I'll do anything for the planet.
There are always recycling dumpsters somewhere.
And recycling is not hard to deliver to these dumpsters.
Cardboard is made from recycled paper.
It is worth doing.
Plastic is marginal, but better than wasting more oil.
Glass is the one that likely is better off as sculptures.

Recycling glass is a net energy loss, and it's a non-toxic waste.

The organic nature and renewability of paper makes recycling it a wasted effort.

Most "recycled" plastic ends up in landfills or is shipped off to countries like India and China, to ultimately end up in landfills or the oceans.

The only truly recyclable materials are metals....The rest is just virtue signalling Kabuki theater.
Just like everything else bed wetters promote.
Paper (and more paper) is here to stay and regardless of what is done with it after its first use pollution will be created. The only thing you can do about it is to use less paper.
Glass is the one that likely is better off as sculptures.


Note that glass can be recycled into fiberglass insulation. 70 percent of buildings in the U.S. are under insulated, so here's a marriage made in heaven if we take advantage of it.
Americans are lazy. Most are not going to separate their recycling. Also keep in mind most homeowners only get one bin for recycling.

---Sorting waste is innovation of traditional garbage collection and disposal. With the growing waste production and deterioration of the environment, it becomes word’s common focus how to achieve garbage resource utilization and improve the quality of living environment. Waste separation is an important step before disposal of waste. Trough separation, the useful waste can be sorted for recycling and reusing, such as paper, plastics, rubber, glass, bottles, metals, organics, etc. Separation of waste for recycling not only can improve the level of resources utilization, but also reduce the amount of garbage. It is important way to achieve waste reduction and resource. On the basis of years of waste recycling technology, Kingtiger has researched and developed the most advanced waste separation machine.---


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