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Everything old is new again: Pastor calls for camps..for Homosexuals.

First, I'm not a liberal.

Not according to your posts.

Second, Up yours you damned racist.

I'm flattered.

Doesn't surprise me that you would be flattered.

I'm fairly certain had you been around when Hitler reigned you would have been egging him on.

By the way, having compassion for others is not a liberal trait. Intolerance and hatred are liberal traits. That would make you closer to being a liberal than me.

Like Ariux he displays his utter lack of understanding about what Christ taught. Clearly, they both missed the line, "he who is without sin cast the first stone".

You might have missed the line, "Sin no more".

Also, like a typical unchristian liberal, you take verses out of context and then assert they say things they don't say. Jesus wasn't overturning God's law on stoning.

Kind of rich that you are accusing someone else of taking verses out of context, but what the hell. Accuracy has never been your strong suit.

I don't see where he "calls for death of Queers". He specifically says to give them food and all, they would eventrually die naturally because they won't procreate.

He was just trying to make a point about homos, so continue with the phoney outrage.

He has, in the past, expressed his thoughts about "killing queers".


This is a very bad man we are talking about here.
It would be nice if some of these outspoken pastors would figure out that the Sermon on the Mount wasnt just idle talk Jesus had with His disciples one day and would start applying it to their lives.

I don't see where he "calls for death of Queers". He specifically says to give them food and all, they would eventrually die naturally because they won't procreate.

He was just trying to make a point about homos, so continue with the phoney outrage.

What point would that be?

That he wants to corral them into camps?

Well, historically..that never really goes to well.

I don't see where he "calls for death of Queers". He specifically says to give them food and all, they would eventrually die naturally because they won't procreate.

He was just trying to make a point about homos, so continue with the phoney outrage.

What point would that be?

That he wants to corral them into camps?

Well, historically..that never really goes to well.

Neither does electing progressives, but that's never stopped you guys before.
Well let me break this down a little more specifically. This particular pastor is a lot like Ariux. What I mean is he has developed his opinion and then looked for verses that support his position, taken them out of context, ignored history, ignored ancient culture, ignored linguistics....pretty much ignored everything except the modern English translation of a specific verse. Well that's a really fucked up thing to do. Let me take one verse and break it all down. I Corinthians 6:9-10 which reads according to the New International Version (among the worst offenders): "9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." They footnote: "The words men who have sex with men translate two Greek words that refer to the passive and active participants in homosexual acts."

Well that's what they wrote, but does it really say that? Fuck no. It doesn't say anything of the sort and they know it good and damned well because they attempt to cover their asses with a flat out lie in the footnote which they assume no one will bother reading.

Let's look at it linguistically. The "two Greek words" they refer to in the footnote is actually one Greek word: "arsenokotai". Problem....no one knows what it means. There is no other example of it in any of Paul's writings nor any example of it in any contemporary writings at all. The best we can tell it's a word that Paul made up and gave no definition for. The King James Version translates arsenokotai as "abusers of themselves with mankind" but the reality is no one has the slightest clue what it means.

The context doesn't help either. Despite how the NIV translates it, in the original Greek Paul lays out a list of things that would deny someone the kingdom of God and not all of them are related. Adulterers, thieves, drunks, etc and whoever the "arsenokotai" are they are just one in a seemingly unrelated list. But one word is conspicuously absent and that word is "paiderasste" which was the standard Greek word at the time for homosexual activity.

So how did a completely unknown word that lacks contextual support in a long list of completely unrelated acts get translated to "men who have sex with men"? Well that's a damned good question and no one seems to know. The church sure aint in a hurry to explain themselves even though they have been asked countless times.

Well the answer lies in an ancient Jewish tradition known as Midrash. What Midrash essentially says is that when you are translating scripture and you run into a word that has no meaning, or the verse itself makes no sense, or there's a hole in the papyrus, etc that the church reserves the right to translate it themselves. In other words they are free to simply say it means whatever the hell they decide to say it means and they require no evidence at all to justify their decision or translation. So when they run into a word like "arsenokotai" they can literally make up whatever the hell they want...and I have to say...when it comes to Corinthians 6:9-10 boy did they ever take advantage of that one because there's not a single shred of linguistic evidence that "arsenokotai" has anything whatsoever to do with homosexuality and in fact quite the contrary it probably doesn't since if that's what Paul wanted to point to he had a perfectly good and common word to use in the term "paiderasste" which would be universally understood, clear as a bell, and a smoking gun against homosexual activity. Unfortunately, that's not what Paul wrote.

Now that's just looking at one verse linguistically. I can easily provide examples of what complete bullshit Corinthians 6:9-10 is from a cultural perspective (i.e did you know that homosexuality was no big deal if you assumed the dominant role but a total cultural taboo if you assumed the feminine role after a certain age?), or from a historical perspective (i.e. Corinthians is a series of letters Paul wrote to Corinth but the letters in response have been lost. We have no idea whatsoever what questions Paul was answering, the context he was referring to, what points he was responding to...nothing. It's like walking in on someone talking on the phone in the middle of their conversation and only hearing one side of the remaining conversation. You have no clue what the hell they are talking about).

Now the moral here is very simple. For this pastor in the video or Ariux they will decide they hate homosexuals, take a verse like 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, ignore everything else except the most vile English translation they can find and wield it like machine gun. But they are not the worst...they are just fucking ignorant. Worse are those who understand the history, the culture, the linguistics...they understand all that perfectly...but they don't care. They hold onto that mistranslation anyhow. Those are the ones who are truly slime because they KNOW they are spreading a false message.

So why is "arsenokotai" translated that way in the NIV? it's anyone's guess...mine is because it will fill donation plates and sell a shitload of Bibles to jackasses like Ariux and this dipshit pastor's congregation who don't really give a fuck about what the scriptures really say and are more interested in advancing their personal prejudices than in finding the path to God. But that's just my guess.
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I don't see where he "calls for death of Queers". He specifically says to give them food and all, they would eventrually die naturally because they won't procreate.

He was just trying to make a point about homos, so continue with the phoney outrage.

What point would that be?

That he wants to corral them into camps?

Well, historically..that never really goes to well.

Neither does electing progressives, but that's never stopped you guys before.

Damn those failure Founding Fathers.....
Sigh.........it's jackasses like that that give my party a bad name. I guess this "man of God" forget that little tidbit about Mary Magdalene and casting the first stone and a whole slew of verses about being judgmental.

I might respond to this clown: Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

Hey Blue Phantom

Besides this one pastor, how does one identify a false prophet? Is there a method of identifying them? Because if there is not, how do we not know that Pastor Crazy is not speaking for his god?

Christianity teaches to not mistreat anyone. That's how we know he's an idiot.
What point would that be?

That he wants to corral them into camps?

Well, historically..that never really goes to well.

Neither does electing progressives, but that's never stopped you guys before.

Damn those failure Founding Fathers.....

Please. We both know that the Founding Fathers found their Eternal reward well over 100 years before the Progressives hit the scene:)
Sigh.........it's jackasses like that that give my party a bad name. I guess this "man of God" forget that little tidbit about Mary Magdalene and casting the first stone and a whole slew of verses about being judgmental.

I might respond to this clown: Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

Hey Blue Phantom

Besides this one pastor, how does one identify a false prophet? Is there a method of identifying them? Because if there is not, how do we not know that Pastor Crazy is not speaking for his god?

Christianity teaches to not mistreat anyone. That's how we know he's an idiot.

It also teaches us not to call people idiots/fools. We don't listen to that one well. I know I forget frequently.
Hey Blue Phantom

Besides this one pastor, how does one identify a false prophet? Is there a method of identifying them? Because if there is not, how do we not know that Pastor Crazy is not speaking for his god?

Christianity teaches to not mistreat anyone. That's how we know he's an idiot.

It also teaches us not to call people idiots/fools. We don't listen to that one well. I know I forget frequently.

I'm not a perfect Christian, so I call people idiots/fools. I might even slice someone's ear pretty soon.
I'm not a perfect Christian, so I call people idiots/fools. I might even slice someone's ear pretty soon.

Who is? If we were perfect, we wouldnt need Christ and the precious gift of Repentence He gives us. But we do. Which means we need to use His Atoning Grace to repent. That means if we know we arent living a certain principle, we need to work on it until we are. Too often I think people are like "I'm not perfect, so not going to try to live what Christ taught me." But Christ still wants us to follow Him. Why else would He say "Come unto me"?

He loved us and invited us to love Him and others. If we love Him, we will keep His commandments and love our fellow man.
It also teaches us not to call people idiots/fools. We don't listen to that one well. I know I forget frequently.

I'm not a perfect Christian, so I call people idiots/fools. I might even slice someone's ear pretty soon.

I totally agree with you.

You are both and idiot and a fool.

You must play with the neighbor girl who calls people "poopy pants". Does your mommy know you're on the internet talking with adults?

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