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Everything old is new again: Pastor calls for camps..for Homosexuals.

This kook is old school kook and has not evolved like most hard core religous right against homosexuality.
Used to be down here homosexuality was a crime and you did jail time for it.
Then it was the closet for them and they were discriminated against in the job force if they were open.
Then they were in the government jobs and the pastors still bashed them on Sunday as evil and immoral.
Then it was love the sinner and hate the sin.
Now it is they admit that same sex attraction is what it it is but one should not act on that.
Time for them to give it up.
They claim they do not believe in evolution yet their argument, or lack of one, has been evolving all of my life.
Sigh.........it's jackasses like that that give my party a bad name. I guess this "man of God" forget that little tidbit about Mary Magdalene and casting the first stone and a whole slew of verses about being judgmental.

I might respond to this clown: Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

Hey Blue Phantom

Besides this one pastor, how does one identify a false prophet? Is there a method of identifying them? Because if there is not, how do we not know that Pastor Crazy is not speaking for his god?
Sigh.........it's jackasses like that that give my party a bad name. I guess this "man of God" forget that little tidbit about Mary Magdalene and casting the first stone and a whole slew of verses about being judgmental.

I might respond to this clown: Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

Hey Blue Phantom

Besides this one pastor, how does one identify a false prophet? Is there a method of identifying them? Because if there is not, how do we not know that Pastor Crazy is not speaking for his god?

If I may be so bold as to answer a question addressed to another: search the scriptures.

John 5:38-40

38 nor does his word dwell in you, for you do not believe the one he sent. 39 You study[a] the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life.

Acts 17:11

11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

Matthew 7:15-16

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

2 Peter 2:1-3

2 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them —bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.

1 John 4:1-3

4 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

Sigh.........it's jackasses like that that give my party a bad name. I guess this "man of God" forget that little tidbit about Mary Magdalene and casting the first stone and a whole slew of verses about being judgmental.

I might respond to this clown: Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

Hey Blue Phantom

Besides this one pastor, how does one identify a false prophet? Is there a method of identifying them? Because if there is not, how do we not know that Pastor Crazy is not speaking for his god?

Well you might start with listening to what the person is preaching. If they are teaching bullshit that is not in the Bible or out of line with the teachings of that religions prophet, I'd say you just might have one. It's pretty easy to look at a guy like this jerk off or Bin Laden and recognize that what they endorse and teach is way outside what Jesus or Muhammad would have encouraged. Sometimes it's a lot more tricky.

I would say the first step is to study (not just read) the religious writings of the religion in question. When you simply read it you do so from a modern perspective and through the filter of the translator. When you study it, that means learning about the history of the times, the culture of the times, the languages of the times, the traditions of the church, how things are translated when the scriptures make no sense or have holes in the papyrus, how they deal with things like one copy of a book that says one thing compared to an earlier copy of the same book that says something completely different, and putting it all into that perspective. Once you do that, I can assure you, you will find a far different story and what you may (or may not I suppose) conclude is that there's a whole lot of false prophets out there.
Well if a guy tries to convince you to hand over all your money, property, wife and wants to move you into a barracks style compound to pick grapes all day while he fucks your wife, that usually means the guy is a false prophet and full of shit. Just saying, I don't know how these cult leaders convince people to hand over all their stuff and let them fuck their wives raw.
Well if a guy tries to convince you to hand over all your money, property, wife and wants to move you into a barracks style compound to pick grapes all day while he fucks your wife, that usually means the guy is a false prophet and full of shit. Just saying, I don't know how these cult leaders convince people to hand over all their stuff and let them fuck their wives raw.

I don't think you even have to ask yourself if they are a false prophet.

I think common sense should kick in on that type of situation.

So according to Blue P, you have to study the Christian scriptures(including the historical versions and translations) and compare it to what a person is trying to teach.

Strange, it seems like you have to study the Jewish faith and develop complete comprehension of it before you can properly delve into christian teachings and identify who is teaching christianity proper versus those who are adding to the faith.

Le simple devient complexe!
I'm guessing they agree with him. At least those that have returned to hear him preach again.

Pretty sad since none of what he said is Biblical.

I doubt much of what you believe is biblical.

Also, I doubt the preacher was advocating that we throw a bunch of fags together. I think he was just setting up his point about fags not having children, that they'd die out.
I'm guessing they agree with him. At least those that have returned to hear him preach again.

Pretty sad since none of what he said is Biblical.

I doubt much of what you believe is biblical.

Also, I doubt the preacher was advocating that we throw a bunch of fags together. I think he was just setting up his point about fags not having children, that they'd die out.

I think you are missing a key point about homosexuals.

They are thinking people. If to themselves, they would create a process to replenish their numbers regardless of the fact that they may be naturally inclined not to participate with the opposite sex. Remember, all is needed is a willing female to supply the egg and a willing male to supply the sperm. Instead of sex, the male could "rub one out", capture his contribution to "new life", place it in a turkey baster, and give it to the female in order for her to squeeze it deep into her "Baby processing chamber".

No sex with the opposite gender is required.
Well if a guy tries to convince you to hand over all your money, property, wife and wants to move you into a barracks style compound to pick grapes all day while he fucks your wife, that usually means the guy is a false prophet and full of shit. Just saying, I don't know how these cult leaders convince people to hand over all their stuff and let them fuck their wives raw.

I don't think you even have to ask yourself if they are a false prophet.

I think common sense should kick in on that type of situation.

So according to Blue P, you have to study the Christian scriptures(including the historical versions and translations) and compare it to what a person is trying to teach.

Strange, it seems like you have to study the Jewish faith and develop complete comprehension of it before you can properly delve into christian teachings and identify who is teaching christianity proper versus those who are adding to the faith.

Le simple devient complexe!

I didn't say you had to do anything. I suggested that one would be in a far better position to fully comprehend what a religion was really all about if they educated themselves more thoroughly in regards to what was going on at the time that the scriptures were written, how they were selected, and why they were selected.

For example; would you be shocked as hell to discover that one of your favorite scriptures that you quote all the time comes from a single known papyrus and it has a massive hole in it right at that line? Wouldn't you be even more shocked to learn that when that happens the church literally makes up whatever the heck they want to fill that hole? I sure as hell was.

As far as learning the Jewish faith to fully comprehend Christianity...I'd say..."well yeah considering that Jesus and his followers were Jews. It might be a little valuable to understand Jewish culture and traditions at the time to understand why they felt the way they did."
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I'm guessing they agree with him. At least those that have returned to hear him preach again.

Pretty sad since none of what he said is Biblical.

I doubt much of what you believe is biblical.

Also, I doubt the preacher was advocating that we throw a bunch of fags together. I think he was just setting up his point about fags not having children, that they'd die out.

I think you are missing a key point about homosexuals.

They are thinking people. If to themselves, they would create a process to replenish their numbers regardless of the fact that they may be naturally inclined not to participate with the opposite sex. Remember, all is needed is a willing female to supply the egg and a willing male to supply the sperm. Instead of sex, the male could "rub one out", capture his contribution to "new life", place it in a turkey baster, and give it to the female in order for her to squeeze it deep into her "Baby processing chamber".

No sex with the opposite gender is required.

However, if you listened to the "sermon of hate", he specifically stated locking lesbians behind one electrified fence and "queers and homosexuals" behind another keeping them separate so that they can't reproduce.

Like Ariux he displays his utter lack of understanding about what Christ taught. Clearly, they both missed the line, "he who is without sin cast the first stone".

There are many of these bigoted so called * religious leaders * that need to be ignored .
what is he doing preaching ****POLITICS ***from the pulpit anyway never heard of separation of church and state .

Interesting you should mention that, about the so-called religious leaders. 20+ years of sitting through sermons like this never affected anyone, and they certainly never crossed into the realm of politics, either:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hPR5jnjtLo&feature=player_embedded]GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama - YouTube[/ame]
As a Christian, that video turns my stomach. I honestly wonder if the man has ever read his Bible let alone studied it. Does he lay it under his pillow at night and expect to receive inspiration via osmosis?

I understand that was only a clip from the sermon, but, I can just imagine visiting that church. The first time he said "queers & homosexuals", he would have been looking at my backside as my family and I left the service in the middle of his sermon.


And folks wonder why some have chosen to become agnostics or atheists. Churches are human institutions, the "flock" made up of humans, administered to by humans who interpret the words of their gods. As such, all is fallible and susceptible to human frailty and failure.
They are thinking people.

Child molesters and schizophrenics are also thinking people.

If to themselves, they would create a process to replenish their numbers regardless of the fact that they may be naturally inclined not to participate with the opposite sex.

Homos already have a two-path process to replenishment their numbers from suicide and AIDS deaths. 1) Molest children to psychologically damage them. 2) Indoctrinate children to corrupt them.

Remember, all is needed is a willing female to supply the egg and a willing male to supply the sperm. Instead of sex, the male could "rub one out", capture his contribution to "new life", place it in a turkey baster, and give it to the female in order for her to squeeze it deep into her "Baby processing chamber".

No sex with the opposite gender is required.

As there's no faggot gene, this won't replenish their numbers.
As a Christian, that video turns my stomach. I honestly wonder if the man has ever read his Bible let alone studied it. Does he lay it under his pillow at night and expect to receive inspiration via osmosis?

I understand that was only a clip from the sermon, but, I can just imagine visiting that church. The first time he said "queers & homosexuals", he would have been looking at my backside as my family and I left the service in the middle of his sermon.


Posts like this renew my faith in humanity.


Why? Condemnation of extremism of all sorts should be the order of the day for all decent, thinking people.
Like Ariux he displays his utter lack of understanding about what Christ taught. Clearly, they both missed the line, "he who is without sin cast the first stone".

You might have missed the line, "Sin no more".

Also, like a typical unchristian liberal, you take verses out of context and then assert they say things they don't say. Jesus wasn't overturning God's law on stoning.
Like Ariux he displays his utter lack of understanding about what Christ taught. Clearly, they both missed the line, "he who is without sin cast the first stone".

You might have missed the line, "Sin no more".

Also, like a typical unchristian liberal, you take verses out of context and then assert they say things they don't say. Jesus wasn't overturning God's law on stoning.

First, I'm not a liberal.

Second, Up yours you damned racist.


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