Everything That is Wrong With Today's Beta Men in One Paragraph

sounds good. i recently practiced sautéing onions, mushrooms, and bell peppers with diced ham and mixed it with scrambled eggs. i would have let the eggs poach but i didn't want the bottom to burn; maybe not enough oil and butter. I usually use a higher heat setting when cooking with potatoes and turn the stove off and let the eggs poach on top, covered with lid.

Poaching eggs involves putting the raw eggs in boiling water to cook it. They literally cannot burn.

This will give you a perfect poached egg.

Perfect Poached Eggs Recipe Alton Brown Food Network
sounds good. i recently practiced sautéing onions, mushrooms, and bell peppers with diced ham and mixed it with scrambled eggs. i would have let the eggs poach but i didn't want the bottom to burn; maybe not enough oil and butter. I usually use a higher heat setting when cooking with potatoes and turn the stove off and let the eggs poach on top, covered with lid.

Poaching eggs involves putting the raw eggs in boiling water to cook it. They literally cannot burn.

This will give you a perfect poached egg.

Perfect Poached Eggs Recipe Alton Brown Food Network

Alton is Awesome. I love his Swedish Meatball recipe.

Swedish Meatballs Recipe Alton Brown Food Network
Men grilling is sexy, yeah, I know what you mean, when I see a woman on her hands and knees scrubbing the floors I certainly get a rise out of the occasion...

I doubt you even REMEMBER what it was like to get a rise, Moonie...
Since we are discussing the manly art of grilling, does anyone use propane or gas?

Charcoal is the way a man grills.
This is Perfect Alpha Male Cookery!:


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