Everytown declares single guys in search of hook ups as “right-wing extremists”

Q: Why do wimin wear make-up and perfume? ...
A: Because they're ugly and smell bad ...

That's right, I am still single ... and available ... PM me, ladies, if you're interested ....
Maybe you should switch to buggering blokes, because you're never gonna get laid with that lousy attitude.
Maybe you should switch to buggering blokes, because you're never gonna get laid with that lousy attitude.

Actually, the agreement I have with the state's Child Support Recovery Agency is to keep my fool pants buttoned up ... it's only animals who can't stop fucking ...
Not surprising. Look at this place and the number of time VP Harris (not the most impressive public figure to be selected as VP) has been attacked as a whore, or bitch, or some woman that supposedly slept her way to the top, rather than concentrating on her lack of contribution, intelligence, etc. Most of those posts are by somewhat extreme right wing posters. Maybe there is a connection between misogyny and the far right wing.
No, she just sucks....Literally....Just ask Willie Brown.

"Everytown" is a tax exempt left wing anti-2nd Amendment propaganda source mostly financed by Michael Bloomburg.
Thank you for proving my point.
You are welcome, glad to help. ;)

Oh and you must have me confused with someone who gives a shit about what you have to say.....Just so you know for future reference. 😐
If one long-running affair, marks her with the scarlet letter (and it certainly does not recommend her character), what do Donny's string of affairs say about him, yet the same people that let it become the center of their complaints of her, have no problem or exhibit envy for trump's ability to pick up strange, time and time again, and in multiple countries. Could it be, because she is a woman and right-wingers, have a double standard between men and women for the same things? I thought, that was a prime example of misogyny, adding proof of the link between right wing and misogyny. Am I wrong?

Donald Trump paid like 150 grand to bang a trashy pornstar. Like she's not even hot in my opinion. She has that plastic slut look that I find repulsive.
Not surprising. Look at this place and the number of time VP Harris (not the most impressive public figure to be selected as VP) has been attacked as a whore, or bitch, or some woman that supposedly slept her way to the top, rather than concentrating on her lack of contribution, intelligence, etc. Most of those posts are by somewhat extreme right wing posters. Maybe there is a connection between misogyny and the far right wing.

Or maybe she really is incompetent, and mean, and unethical.
Not surprising. Look at this place and the number of time VP Harris (not the most impressive public figure to be selected as VP) has been attacked as a whore, or bitch, or some woman that supposedly slept her way to the top, rather than concentrating on her lack of contribution, intelligence, etc. Most of those posts are by somewhat extreme right wing posters. Maybe there is a connection between misogyny and the far right wing.
Or maybe partisan hacks say despicable things.

Left criticism on the right, particularly against people that they consider should be democrats, is just as vitriolic.
They are a Bloomberg supported anti-2A .org better known as Mom's Demand Action.
Moms Demand Action
Once again, and?

That makes what they said even less relevant. What do you expect a far left group to be saying? Things you agree with?

I am still waiting why I should care what they have to say. It is not much different than a left winger bitching about something the Kato institute, Prager U or the Heritage Foundation states.
Actually, the agreement I have with the state's Child Support Recovery Agency is to keep my fool pants buttoned up ... it's only animals who can't stop fucking ...
Or just wear a condom. No child support for me

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