Evidence CDC Is Working For Biden Administration To Spread Political COVID-13 Misinformation & As Political 'Hit Squad'

Never before heard of the spring flu season overwelming so many ICU's that entire states are running out of beds.

And when president trump floated that navy hospital boat to NYC to alleviate all that overcrowding your side was hollering about.... The boat arrived, and NYC had no patients for it.

Every time your side opens its mouth about Covid, it lies.

Why does your side always lie about Covid?
I have three relatives in Florida. They all confirm...it's out of control..and the governor isn't doing shit to help any of it...just like his mentor did for the country last year. :)
You seem happy to share this tragic news. Do they know you think their danger of death is amusing to you? Don't you have a basement to go back to? Find a game to play and let the adults handle the flu outbreak.
CDC tampering with COVID-19 published mutations came from higher up, like the WHO in changing categorizations. This occurred about the time of the George Floyd trial. The COVID-19 “fentanyl mutation” was tampered with on the CDC webpage either during or just after the trial.
Wonder WHY There Is So Much Distrust In The CDC & Biden Administration In Regards To COVID-19 And Why There Is So Much Vaccine Hesitancy? Here's Another Example of 'WHY':

The CDC Just Got BUSTED!

CDC Combines Multiple Days of Data into One to Make it Appear Florida is Reporting Record Number of New Daily Covid Cases

Florida calls on CDC to 'correct the record' after allegedly incorrect report of spike in COVID cases'correct the record' after allegedly incorrect report of spike in COVID cases

Florida calls on CDC to 'correct the record' after allegedly incorrect report of spike in COVID cases​

'Incorrect Report? Try INTENTIONALLY 'COOKING THE NUMBERS' in an attempted political hit against DeSantis?!

DeSantis has been an outspoken critic of Biden / the Biden administration for his massively failed Illegal Immigration policy and handling of the Pandemic AND a major critic of the see-sawing / flip-flopping CDC that has helped Biden / Democrats engage in fear-mongering and pushing 'misinformation'. DeSantis, meanwhile, has been doing it right in Florida.

So what did Biden and the CDC do? They tried to 'torpedo' DeSantis by creating a bogus report to make it look like COVID-19 was going wild in Florida.

This is proof the Biden administration is using the CDC as a political tool and weapon.

...and they wonder why there is vaccine...and mask...hesitancy.


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You seem happy to share this tragic news. Do they know you think their danger of death is amusing to you? Don't you have a basement to go back to? Find a game to play and let the adults handle the flu outbreak.
Well, there seems to be need of adult supervision in Florida. DeSantis is making just as big a mess out of the response to the virus as his mentor did last year.
I'm only relaying the reality of what people who ACTUALLY live in the state are reporting to me...as opposed to people like you fawning over Trump Lite 2.0 and
how he is "handling" things....(hint...he isn't). :)
Well, there seems to be need of adult supervision in Florida. DeSantis is making just as big a mess out of the response to the virus as his mentor did last year.
I'm only relaying the reality of what people who ACTUALLY live in the state are reporting to me...as opposed to people like you fawning over Trump Lite 2.0 and
how he is "handling" things....(hint...he isn't). :)
You're the only person who know people in Florida? :auiqs.jpg:

Honestly though, we do trust what you say about Florida........... Honest. :eusa_whistle:
Wonder WHY There Is So Much Distrust In The CDC & Biden Administration In Regards To COVID-19 And Why There Is So Much Vaccine Hesitancy? Here's Another Example of 'WHY':

The CDC Just Got BUSTED!

CDC Combines Multiple Days of Data into One to Make it Appear Florida is Reporting Record Number of New Daily Covid Cases

Florida calls on CDC to 'correct the record' after allegedly incorrect report of spike in COVID cases'correct the record' after allegedly incorrect report of spike in COVID cases

Florida calls on CDC to 'correct the record' after allegedly incorrect report of spike in COVID cases​

'Incorrect Report? Try INTENTIONALLY 'COOKING THE NUMBERS' in an attempted political hit against DeSantis?!

DeSantis has been an outspoken critic of Biden / the Biden administration for his massively failed Illegal Immigration policy and handling of the Pandemic AND a major critic of the see-sawing / flip-flopping CDC that has helped Biden / Democrats engage in fear-mongering and pushing 'misinformation'. DeSantis, meanwhile, has been doing it right in Florida.

So what did Biden and the CDC do? They tried to 'torpedo' DeSantis by creating a bogus report to make it look like COVID-19 was going wild in Florida.

This is proof the Biden administration is using the CDC as a political tool and weapon.

...and they wonder why there is vaccine...and mask...hesitancy.


This from the same State Health Department and Gubner who suppressed COVID data from being published at the height of the pandemic in 2020?

These state-level Disinformation Rubes are both dangerous and stupid in the extreme.

Godalmighty but the Rumplican Orange Baboon-Temple Cult Republican Party has shifted to some kind of weird Alternative Reality all their own.
Well, there seems to be need of adult supervision in Florida. DeSantis is making just as big a mess out of the response to the virus as his mentor did last year.
I'm only relaying the reality of what people who ACTUALLY live in the state are reporting to me...as opposed to people like you fawning over Trump Lite 2.0 and
how he is "handling" things....(hint...he isn't). :)
How is Joe Biden "handling" things, Jack? He was telling us just a month ago the Covid was on the run and he was the guy who did it...now you're getting crickets from the White House on Covid! The truth is Biden didn't do shit to end the pandemic and he won't do shit to end the new strains of Covid. My prediction is that he puts Kamala Harris in charge of the pandemic response! :)
This from the same State Health Department and Gubner who suppressed COVID data from being published at the height of the pandemic in 2020?

These state-level Disinformation Rubes are both dangerous and stupid in the extreme.

Godalmighty but the Rumplican Orange Baboon-Temple Cult Republican Party has shifted to some kind of weird Alternative Reality all their own.
Admit it, Kondor...this has less to do with Covid numbers than it does with the left seeing DeSantis as a threat in the next Presidential election. They NEED to see Florida do badly and they'll pull out all the stops to make it look like that's happening. I'm not seeing anything like what they're talking about on CNN or MSNBC happening here. People haven't been wearing masks for months and life is pretty much back to normal except there are a ton more people moving here than there were before.
It's cool to see DeSantis coming unraveled. All he has is his Trump inspired screaming, misdirection on border policy, and digging up old grievances with the CDC to throw around.
He's like a fish on the hot deck of a boat. Only a matter of time before his eyes bug out and he stops flopping.

I have three relatives in Florida. They all confirm...it's out of control..and the governor isn't doing shit to help any of it...just like his mentor did for the country last year. :)
You have three relatives in Florida? That's your proof, Jack? I live in Florida. It's NOT out of control!
This from the same State Health Department and Gubner who suppressed COVID data from being published at the height of the pandemic in 2020?

These state-level Disinformation Rubes are both dangerous and stupid in the extreme.

Godalmighty but the Rumplican Orange Baboon-Temple Cult Republican Party has shifted to some kind of weird Alternative Reality all their own.
You do know that claim was totally debunked long ago...right, Kondor?
Admit it, Kondor...this has less to do with Covid numbers than it does with the left seeing DeSantis as a threat in the next Presidential election. They NEED to see Florida do badly and they'll pull out all the stops to make it look like that's happening. I'm not seeing anything like what they're talking about on CNN or MSNBC happening here. People haven't been wearing masks for months and life is pretty much back to normal except there are a ton more people moving here than there were before.
No need to admit something that is irrelevant to the point being made.
Well, there seems to be need of adult supervision in Florida. DeSantis is making just as big a mess out of the response to the virus as his mentor did last year.
I'm only relaying the reality of what people who ACTUALLY live in the state are reporting to me...as opposed to people like you fawning over Trump Lite 2.0 and
how he is "handling" things....(hint...he isn't). :)
We do not believe you. By the rules of science, nuclear detonations on Prog areas will sanitize the virus.
How is Joe Biden "handling" things, Jack?
Continuing to push vaccinations and PPE...
He was telling us just a month ago the Covid was on the run...
It was, until Delta showed up...
and he was the guy who did it...
I know he took credit for the distribution effort, rightfully...

I don't remember hearing him taking credit for Warp Speed...
now you're getting crickets from the White House on Covid!
Because the White House has said all that needs to be said for now?

Besides... Ol' Joe IS still banging the drum for vaccinations and masks...
The truth is Biden didn't do shit to end the pandemic...

* Cranking up production of the vaccines
* Getting > 50% of the population fully vaccinated... so that Delta is now largely a pandemic of the UNvaccinated
* Fast-tracking FDA approval for a 3rd (booster) does tor the immuocompromised
* Fast-tracking (behind the scenes) the process for the FDA to approve vaccine for kids < 12
* Leading the way via the Federal workforce ( civil, military ) in mandating vaccinations
* Leading the way via the Federal workforce ( civil, military ) in mandating masks/PPE
* Publicly bitch-slapping Idiot Governors standing in the way of local control of mask and vaccine mandates
* Shipping surplus vaccine to needy countries before its shelf-life expires

...and, I'm sure, other steps attributable to Sleepy Old Uncle Joe that I'm missing here.
and he won't do shit to end the new strains of Covid.
Too late... he already has... and is likely to do much more...

My prediction is that he puts Kamala Harris in charge of the pandemic response! :)
And MY prediction is that - unlike the Orange Baboon-God - Uncle Joe will keep THAT one to himself... FAR too important to trust to a showboating lieutenant
Continuing to push vaccinations and PPE...

It was, until Delta showed up...

I know he took credit for the distribution effort, rightfully...

I don't remember hearing him taking credit for Warp Speed...

Because the White House has said all that needs to be said for now?

Besides... Ol' Joe IS still banging the drum for vaccinations and masks...


* Cranking up production of the vaccines
* Getting > 50% of the population fully vaccinated... so that Delta is now largely a pandemic of the UNvaccinated
* Fast-tracking FDA approval for a 3rd (booster) does tor the immuocompromised
* Fast-tracking (behind the scenes) the process for the FDA to approve vaccine for kids < 12
* Leading the way via the Federal workforce ( civil, military ) in mandating vaccinations
* Leading the way via the Federal workforce ( civil, military ) in mandating masks/PPE
* Publicly bitch-slapping Idiot Governors standing in the way of local control of mask and vaccine mandates
* Shipping surplus vaccine to needy countries before its shelf-life expires

...and, I'm sure, other steps attributable to Sleepy Old Uncle Joe that I'm missing here.

Too late... he already has... and is likely to do much more...

And MY prediction is that - unlike the Orange Baboon-God - Uncle Joe will keep THAT one to himself... FAR too important to trust to a showboating lieutenant
LOL...you don't seem to grasp that it's because Harris is a showboating lieutenant that Biden dumps anything he doesn't know how to fix on her which is why I predict he'll do the same thing with the Covid crisis. She's too dumb to say no.
Continuing to push vaccinations and PPE...

It was, until Delta showed up...

I know he took credit for the distribution effort, rightfully...

I don't remember hearing him taking credit for Warp Speed...

Because the White House has said all that needs to be said for now?

Besides... Ol' Joe IS still banging the drum for vaccinations and masks...


* Cranking up production of the vaccines
* Getting > 50% of the population fully vaccinated... so that Delta is now largely a pandemic of the UNvaccinated
* Fast-tracking FDA approval for a 3rd (booster) does tor the immuocompromised
* Fast-tracking (behind the scenes) the process for the FDA to approve vaccine for kids < 12
* Leading the way via the Federal workforce ( civil, military ) in mandating vaccinations
* Leading the way via the Federal workforce ( civil, military ) in mandating masks/PPE
* Publicly bitch-slapping Idiot Governors standing in the way of local control of mask and vaccine mandates
* Shipping surplus vaccine to needy countries before its shelf-life expires

...and, I'm sure, other steps attributable to Sleepy Old Uncle Joe that I'm missing here.

Too late... he already has... and is likely to do much more...

And MY prediction is that - unlike the Orange Baboon-God - Uncle Joe will keep THAT one to himself... FAR too important to trust to a showboating lieutenant
Did you miss the part where Joe claimed they didn't have vaccines when he took office, Kondor?
It's cool to see DeSantis coming unraveled. All he has is his Trump inspired screaming, misdirection on border policy, and digging up old grievances with the CDC to throw around.
He's like a fish on the hot deck of a boat. Only a matter of time before his eyes bug out and he stops flopping.

I have three relatives in Florida. They all confirm...it's out of control..and the governor isn't doing shit to help any of it...just like his mentor did for the country last year. :)
You are so full of chit....I live in Florida---FLORIDA loves Desantis and we all know that the CDC is FULL of shit.

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