Evidence Environmentalism Losing Ground


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Obama on the ropes, California environmentalists stymied.....

The sky is blue!

1. "Boom: California greens try, fail to pass a fracking moratorium

2. .... an especially interesting and kind of epic piece of news from a state that’s home to some of the largest, most cultishly do-or-die green interests in the country and a legislature currently dominated by a liberal supermajority.

3. .... enough of California’s legislators are at least somewhat tuned in to the economic realities of hydraulic fracturing, and enough so to thwart the often overwhelming clout of the state’s many eco-lobbies.

4. At the moment, California is the fourth-largest oil producing state in the union, but production has been steadily declining while the state has been dropping plenty of cash on forcibly integrating wind and solar into their energy grid.

5. 'Democratic leaders brought their fracking moratorium bill to the Assembly floor last week, and their rank and file revolted. The bill lost 37-24, with 12 Democrats joining 25 Republicans to defeat it. Another 18 Democrats abstained, and it’s a good bet they were “no” votes who didn’t want to publicly cross their leadership.'

6. 'This was a rare rout of the Sierra Club and other greens that denounce “fracking” for polluting water and inducing earthquakes, among other horrors.'

7. A study by University of Southern California scientists funded by the oil industry estimates fracking would deliver 500,000 jobs over the next several years and $24.6 billion in state and local tax revenue in 2020 alone. If those numbers are even close to accurate, drilling could be a financial salvation for a state that has $167.9 billion in long-term liabilities….

8. Expect to continue to see the eco-zealots continuing to work their tailfeathers off impose deliberately onerous regulations on hydraulic fracturing and to sue oil and gas companies for various offenses, real or imagined,....

9. ....the natural gas that could come out of increased hydraulic fracturing is one of the most effective and economical methods we’ve yet discovered for reducing the carbon emissions they claim to loathe so much."
Boom: California greens try, fail to pass a fracking moratorium « Hot Air

Folks are waking up to the threat posed by the eco-fascists.
It is unfortunate that environmentalism has taken all of the air away from conservation. Conservationalists actually have a clue and work for the benefit of nature as opposed to environmentalists who operate on the principle of the knee jerk and are forever leaving their unintended consequences for someone else to clean up.
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It is unfortunate that environmentalism has taken all of the air away from conservation. Conservationalists actually have a clue and work for the benefit of nature as opposed to environmentalists who operate on the principle of the knee jerk and are forever leaving their unintended consequences for someone else to clean up.

Excellent point.

Most don't understand how very different the two are.

1. Just as John Dewey attempted to provide reputability to socialism by co-opting the name ‘Liberalism,’ so did environmentalists attempt the same sleight of hand by pretending that environmentalism is based on ‘science.’ “The term conservation biology was introduced as the title of a conference held at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla, California in 1978 organized by biologists Bruce Wilcox and Michael E. Soulé. The meeting was prompted by the concern among scientists over tropical deforestation, disappearing species, eroding genetic diversity within species.”
Nature Vol. 275, 14 September 1978. Kat Williams . 1978. Natural Sciences. Science News. September 30, 1978.

2. Teddy Roosevelt, icon of conservation, along with his ideological soul-mate, Gifford Pinchot, head of the Division of Forestry (later the Forest Service), strongly believed in the preservation of forest lands. Their view of conservation saw waste as the problem…..not people. “He was a progressive who strongly believed in the efficiency movement. The most economically efficient use of natural resources was his goal; waste was his great enemy.”
Gifford Pinchot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. TR and Pinchot believed that the first duty of the human race is to control the earth on which we live; nature, they believed, is unable to do the job on its own.” Pinchot was generally opposed to preservation for the sake of wilderness or scenery, a fact perhaps best illustrated by the important support he offered to the damming of Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park.” Gifford Pinchot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Environmentalism is very different.
The Fabians, Beatrice and Sidney Webb at Oxford, infatuated with Haeckel not just as a way to understand nature, saw the ideas as a scheme for social engineering, for control of society’s environment. Oxford invented Hegelian ecology….unity, the whole….there is no separateness from nature. Hegelian ecology is the total control of everything.

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