"Evidence", My Ass


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
All the talk about having to show "evidence" of election fraud is preposterous.
EVERYBODY (other than a brain-dead FOOL) knows the fraud, plain as day. The frauders proved their fraud on Weds early morning Nov 4, when the votes SUDDENLY changed in ONE HOUR, from Trump with big leads in the swing states, to Biden showing leads. Hundreds of thousands of "votes" for Biden, and none going to Trump. Wow. A little fantasy, anybody ?

Total FARCE. . I guess the frauders knew that this was obvious fraud, but they had no choice. For them, it was either just obviously/fraudulently report the Biden leads, or watch Trump get re-elected. Since liberals are used to saying ludicrous things with a straight face, I guess to them, oh well, this is just more of that.

Hopefully the courts, SCOTUS if necessary, will put a stop to this lunacy, so dangerous to the foundations of our nation.
I dont know if recounts can save trump since so many of the illegal ballots were harvested from inert people who are registered voters, and other slight-of-hand election tricks

But clearly biden is not the legal election winner

what we need is a revote in all the disputed states
All the talk about having to show "evidence" of election fraud is preposterous.
EVERYBODY (other than a brain-dead FOOL) knows the fraud, plain as day. The frauders proved their fraud on Weds early morning Nov 4, when the votes SUDDENLY changed in ONE HOUR, from Trump with big leads in the swing states, to Biden showing leads. Hundreds of thousands of "votes" for Biden, and none going to Trump. Wow. A little fantasy, anybody ?

Total FARCE. . I guess the frauders knew that this was obvious fraud, but they had no choice. For them, it was either just obviously/fraudulently report the Biden leads, or watch Trump get re-elected. Since liberals are used to saying ludicrous things with a straight face, I guess to them, oh well, this is just more of that.

Hopefully the courts, SCOTUS if necessary, will put a stop to this lunacy, so dangerous to the foundations of our nation.

Nothing. Not one piece of voter fraud evidence. I know it must piss you off immensely. But you continue in your little conspiracy theory laden world where Trump couldn't possibly lose.
You were warned repeatedly about red and blue mirages on election night. You saw Trump leading on election night and you got serious wood.

You lost. Concede and move on. This will not end up at the SC. They don't overturn elections..or even decide them. 2000 was about a handful of disputed votes that weren't included.
No such dispute here.
All the talk about having to show "evidence" of election fraud is preposterous.
EVERYBODY (other than a brain-dead FOOL) knows the fraud, plain as day. The frauders proved their fraud on Weds early morning Nov 4, when the votes SUDDENLY changed in ONE HOUR, from Trump with big leads in the swing states, to Biden showing leads. Hundreds of thousands of "votes" for Biden, and none going to Trump. Wow. A little fantasy, anybody ?

Total FARCE. . I guess the frauders knew that this was obvious fraud, but they had no choice. For them, it was either just obviously/fraudulently report the Biden leads, or watch Trump get re-elected. Since liberals are used to saying ludicrous things with a straight face, I guess to them, oh well, this is just more of that.

Hopefully the courts, SCOTUS if necessary, will put a stop to this lunacy, so dangerous to the foundations of our nation.

Different states have different rules regarding when mail-in votes and early votes can be counted. For example: Pennsylvania and Wisconsin:

Laws in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

Have you considered these laws and similar ones in arriving at your conclusion?
"Evidence", My Ass

Of the alternatives you offer, the vast majority of rational, patriotic Americans will opt for "evidence" as their criterion, but you are, of course, at liberty to opt for your alternative, personal source of truth.

That Trump has now been rejected by a margin of nearly 6 million votes, after having been rejected by almost 3 million in 2016, Americans having consistently and relentlessly registered their disgust with him in poll after poll throughout the intervening years, is eminently coherent.

Those who need, for hyper-partisan reasons, to attack America's democratic process will do so mindlessly, but the mounting manure heap of Trump's lawyers' frivolous and/or baseless challenges define the incontrovertible reality.

Legal recourse fizzling on multiple fronts, "Mince around and screech" appears to be the last acceptable release for the aggrieved.
All the talk about having to show "evidence" of election fraud is preposterous.
EVERYBODY (other than a brain-dead FOOL) knows the fraud, plain as day. The frauders proved their fraud on Weds early morning Nov 4, when the votes SUDDENLY changed in ONE HOUR, from Trump with big leads in the swing states, to Biden showing leads. Hundreds of thousands of "votes" for Biden, and none going to Trump. Wow. A little fantasy, anybody ?

Total FARCE. . I guess the frauders knew that this was obvious fraud, but they had no choice. For them, it was either just obviously/fraudulently report the Biden leads, or watch Trump get re-elected. Since liberals are used to saying ludicrous things with a straight face, I guess to them, oh well, this is just more of that.

Hopefully the courts, SCOTUS if necessary, will put a stop to this lunacy, so dangerous to the foundations of our nation.
"Evidence" is just the latest meaningless talking point.

The "evidence" is subject to FOIA and other laws, and they're the ones wanting to obscure it.
... Nothing. Not one piece of voter fraud evidence.
Trump has repeatedly whined "Fraud!", "Hoax!", "Fix!" and his groveling worshippers mindlessly parrot his baseless ravings every time.

He had mewled that millions had voted illegally in 2016, costing him a popular vote victory, but his "Election Integrity Commission" shut down after strutting its impotence, unable to expose even a single bogus vote.

The loser had accused Ted "Carnival" Cruz of fraud after coming in second during the 2016 Iowa caucus.

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In another tweet posted that same day, Trump wrote: “Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!”
During the 2012 presidential campaign, when Trump championed the notorious "birther" theory that Barack Obama was not American, the property developer claimed voting machines wiped ballots for Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

Just after the results were announced, Trump tweeted -- wrongly -- that Obama "lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!

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"We should march on Washington and stop this travesty!"

His lies leading up to the 2016 election were flagrant.
... On August 1 he twice warned that the election "is going to be rigged!", telling supporters "we'd better be careful... or it's going to be taken away from us!".

"People that have died 10 years ago are still voting,"
he later claimed, saying "fraud is very, very common" and that illegal immigrants are also voting.

The candidate also spread a conspiracy theory claiming that 2.5 million Clinton supporters were given two votes "so they can vote twice!"

It is as if, no matter how many times he suckers in his hapless faithful, they fall for it.

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Release the public records for all to inspect.

What do you commie assholes have to hide?
Your hysterical effusions aside, "public records" are, by definition, "public."

This should assuage the deranged paranoia of the most rabid, irrational uber-Trumper:


You can assume that Trump has something to hide in desperately trying to conceal the tax returns he had promised to release, but you appear confused about what Trump's own security people have confirmed: the fairest election on record.

Meanwhile, Trump's crapping upon the American democratic process is winding down: Voters in four states who had brought longshot lawsuits to disrupt President-elect Joe Biden's win and went nowhere in court have dropped their cases Monday morning.
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All the talk about having to show "evidence" of election fraud is preposterous.
EVERYBODY (other than a brain-dead FOOL) knows the fraud, plain as day. The frauders proved their fraud on Weds early morning Nov 4, when the votes SUDDENLY changed in ONE HOUR, from Trump with big leads in the swing states, to Biden showing leads. Hundreds of thousands of "votes" for Biden, and none going to Trump. Wow. A little fantasy, anybody ?

Total FARCE. . I guess the frauders knew that this was obvious fraud, but they had no choice. For them, it was either just obviously/fraudulently report the Biden leads, or watch Trump get re-elected. Since liberals are used to saying ludicrous things with a straight face, I guess to them, oh well, this is just more of that.

Hopefully the courts, SCOTUS if necessary, will put a stop to this lunacy, so dangerous to the foundations of our nation.

just another dumb ass red neck reBOOBliCON that dreams up shit...just get it Biden will be the next president period...
Release the public records for all to inspect.

What do you commie assholes have to hide?
Your hysterical effusions aside, "public records" are, by definition, "public."

This should assuage the deranged paranoia of the most rabid, irrational uber-Trumper:

You can assume that Trump has something to hide in desperately trying to conceal the tax returns he had promised to release, but you appear confused about what Trump's own security people have confirmed: the fairest election on record.

Meanwhile, Trump's crapping upon the American democratic process is winding down: Voters in four states who had brought longshot lawsuits to disrupt President-elect Joe Biden's win and went nowhere in court have dropped their cases Monday morning.
Nothing hysterical about it.

Trump's tax returns aren't public record, and as such are irrelevant.

The voting records are public....Quit hiding them, commie peckerhead.
EVERYBODY (other than a brain-dead FOOL) knows the fraud, plain as day.
You are entitled to entertain your delusion, but your delusional belief that "EVERYBODY" suffers from the same delusion is delusional.

The continually rejected fake claims Trump's lawyers have attempted to perpetrate on the courts in various jurisdictions attest to the legitimacy of America's democratic process, despite the determination of the Loser and his cult to crap all over it.
Top U.S. government officials declared on Thursday that the 2020 presidential election was “the most secure” in history, saying there was no evidence that votes were compromised.
The statement from high-ranking experts at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency — part of the Department of Homeland Security — strongly rebukes Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that Biden won the election through widespread voter fraud.
“There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised,” the statement said.

The majority of Americans who have been disgusted by Trump since 2016, and expressed that sentiment consistently and relentlessly in survey after survey, voted in a manner that is hardly a surprise for anyone but the delusional and clueless.
Release the public records for all to inspect.

The voting records are public....Quit hiding them, commie peckerhead.

What do you commie assholes have to hide?
Your fixation upon anuses and communists is odd.

Trump's lie in regard to releasing his taxes and your hysterical effusions aside, whom do you fantasize is hiding the voting records that confirm Biden's electoral college victory (306-227)? The vast majority of patriotic Americans - Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike - are not in denial concerning it.
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All the talk about having to show "evidence" of election fraud is preposterous.
EVERYBODY (other than a brain-dead FOOL) knows the fraud, plain as day. The frauders proved their fraud on Weds early morning Nov 4, when the votes SUDDENLY changed in ONE HOUR, from Trump with big leads in the swing states, to Biden showing leads. Hundreds of thousands of "votes" for Biden, and none going to Trump. Wow. A little fantasy, anybody ?

Total FARCE. . I guess the frauders knew that this was obvious fraud, but they had no choice. For them, it was either just obviously/fraudulently report the Biden leads, or watch Trump get re-elected. Since liberals are used to saying ludicrous things with a straight face, I guess to them, oh well, this is just more of that.

Hopefully the courts, SCOTUS if necessary, will put a stop to this lunacy, so dangerous to the foundations of our nation.
Evidence, yeah that stuff that judges demand to review a case.

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