Evidence of Economic Collapse Martial Law Preparations


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIVuQsz4aSg]Evidence of Economic Collapse Martial Law Preparations - YouTube[/ame]

I heard a Police Lieutenant on the force for over 30 years on a SC Christian Radio talk show saying he has decided to leave the police force. He said they are currently being trained to participate in martial law targeting those who support 2 nd amendment rights, storing food, etc. He sounds quite certain that their plans are to do this in the next few weeks. Other officers are also opting to quit their jobs rather than be a part of it.
Nothing says "nutter" louder than using "martial law" in an op.

You know Alex Jones has been predicting that would happen every year for almost 10 years.
It's amazing how almost anyone can be convinced of conspiracy theories as long as they're partisan enough.
copied from the byu cougarboard.

Just talked to my Dad. He works for cabellas gun library. He says the only way
(posted from a mobile device)
he can describe how busy it has been is that it feels like people are prepping for war. He says it has been insanely busy.

There is a deep misgiving and lack of faith in the government right now.
Nothing says "nutter" louder than using "martial law" in an op.

You know Alex Jones has been predicting that would happen every year for almost 10 years.

Then why have the alphabet agencies ordered up 1.5 billion rounds of cop-killer ammunition? Target practice?

It makes you wonder why after disarming all citizens, as the supposed "plan" will work out, they'd need all this armor piercing ammunition.

That's more than three bullets for every citizen...do you think they're planning on killing everybody?
Nothing says "nutter" louder than using "martial law" in an op.

You know Alex Jones has been predicting that would happen every year for almost 10 years.

Then why have the alphabet agencies ordered up 1.5 billion rounds of cop-killer ammunition? Target practice?

1. To shoot a 14 yr old boy in the back
2. To shoot the said boy's dog
3. To blow a mothers brains out while she's holding her infant baby.
Every time I log on here, I feel as though I am doing a public service by keeping one or two of you crazy fuckers occupied for a few minutes.
It's possible that the Obama administration is pushing for a confrontation with gun owners.
Why is the Democrat party pushing so hard on gun control and assault weapons knowing
that the shooting in Connecticut was done with hand guns.
It's possible that the Obama administration is pushing for a confrontation with gun owners.
Why is the Democrat party pushing so hard on gun control and assault weapons knowing
that the shooting in Connecticut was done with hand guns.

Look at that.....someone has pulled a lie from another thread and put it here......as though it is fact. isn't it cool!
It's possible that the Obama administration is pushing for a confrontation with gun owners.
Why is the Democrat party pushing so hard on gun control and assault weapons knowing
that the shooting in Connecticut was done with hand guns.

You have a good point there. Except for the fact that the Tea Party is not organized to combat attacks that you suggest. That means that the Maobama gang of thugs will be attacking individuals. Maybe you should read the "Turner Diaries" and get an insight of the future under Maobama for the next 4 years.
Granny says, "Dat's right - an' dem Washin'ton politicians is causin' it...
Historian Predicted America's Financial Collapse... in 1857
Thursday, August 29, 2013 > The Great British historian, Lord Macaulay, predicted the future unraveling of the United States economy in a letter written in May 1857. Macaulay’s prediction was based on his analysis of American institutions. Discussing the life of Thomas Jefferson with an American author, Macaulay wrote, “You are surprised to learn that I have not a high opinion of Mr. Jefferson, and I am surprised at your surprise. I am certain that I never wrote a line, and … uttered a word indicating an opinion that the supreme authority in a state ought to be entrusted to the majority of citizens [counted] by the head; in other words, to the poorest and most ignorant part of society.”
According to Macaulay the United States was becoming increasingly democratic throughout the nineteenth century. And this tendency, he argued, was dangerous to liberty and to the country’s economic well-being. As Macaulay explained, “I have long been convinced that institutions purely democratic must, sooner or later, destroy liberty or civilization, or both.” Macaulay pointed to the French Revolution and to the tendency of democratic movements to despoil the rich. “You may think that your country enjoys an exemption from these evils,” Macaulay wrote to his American correspondent. “I will frankly own to you that I am of a very different opinion. Your fate I believe to be certain, though it is deferred by a physical cause. As long as you have a boundless extent of fertile and unoccupied land, your laboring population will be far more at ease than the laboring population of the Old World, and, while that is the case, the Jefferson politics may continue to exist without causing any fatal calamity.”


Eventually, of course, the United States must fill up with people. It must lose its economic advantages. “[T]he time will come, noted Macaulay, “when New England will be as thickly peopled as old England. Wages will be as low, and will fluctuate as much with you as with us.” America will then be urbanized, with a large population of “artisans.” Then it will happen that large numbers of these artisans will sometimes find themselves out of work. “Then your institutions will be fairly brought to the test,” wrote Macaulay. “Distress everywhere makes the laborer mutinous and discontented, and inclines him to listen with eagerness to agitators who tell him that it is a monstrous iniquity that one man should have a million, while another cannot get a full meal.”

With the supreme power in the hands of a discontented multitude, what kind of government are they likely to elect? Would it be a government committed to “the security of property and the maintenance of order”? Or would it be a government that gets through hard times by robbing the rich “to relieve the indigent”? Eventually, wrote Macaulay, the Jeffersonian bent of the United States will result in the destruction of property, the plundering of the wealthy. “It is quite plain that your government will never be able to restrain a distressed and discontented majority. For with you the majority is the government, and the rich, who are always a minority, absolutely at its mercy.”

As we see today, all levels of government in America are involved in relieving the distress of the poor and unemployed, and we also see that this is presently accomplished by taxing the rich as well as by taking on debt. Presently the United States has the most progressive income tax system in the industrialized world with the rich paying more than half of all income taxes. As for the accumulation of debt, the gross public debt of the United States exceeds 160 percent of GDP; and this figure necessarily represents the future despoliation of the rich through inflation and/or future taxation.

Nothing says "nutter" louder than using "martial law" in an op.

You know Alex Jones has been predicting that would happen every year for almost 10 years.

You want access to my prison planet tv subscription, and my Ron Paul channel sub? You might learn something.

Suppose that they are wrong (and they might be), it doesn't help that the DHS has decided to label the Founding Fathers extremists, purchase billions of rounds of HOLLOW POINT ammo, and use posters of pregnant white women and white old men for target practice (No Hesitation).

There has yet to be a single story in the United States history of a pregnant woman having a shootout with law enforcement; yet, they claim to be "preparing" them for this scenario?


Maybe the Progressives will do what China did, and force you to have abortions after a certain LIMIT of children.

I would certainly hope that my wife would pick up an M4 and shooting every federal dog that even tried to abort our child.

It makes you wonder why after disarming all citizens, as the supposed "plan" will work out, they'd need all this armor piercing ammunition.

That's more than three bullets for every citizen...do you think they're planning on killing everybody?

Rut ro. You have figured out the secret plan. Kill us all......three times over. Dayum how did you figure this out?


Nothing says "nutter" louder than using "martial law" in an op.

You know Alex Jones has been predicting that would happen every year for almost 10 years.

You want access to my prison planet tv subscription, and my Ron Paul channel sub? You might learn something.

Suppose that they are wrong (and they might be), it doesn't help that the DHS has decided to label the Founding Fathers extremists, purchase billions of rounds of HOLLOW POINT ammo, and use posters of pregnant white women and white old men for target practice (No Hesitation).

There has yet to be a single story in the United States history of a pregnant woman having a shootout with law enforcement; yet, they claim to be "preparing" them for this scenario?


Maybe the Progressives will do what China did, and force you to have abortions after a certain LIMIT of children.

I would certainly hope that my wife would pick up an M4 and shooting every federal dog that even tried to abort our child.

dAMN dude. Call your doctor. Your meds are all fucked up. Forcing abortions. Where do you right wingers get this bull shit. You guys will believe ANYTHING. Won't ya?
Nothing says "nutter" louder than using "martial law" in an op.

You know Alex Jones has been predicting that would happen every year for almost 10 years.

You want access to my prison planet tv subscription, and my Ron Paul channel sub? You might learn something.

Suppose that they are wrong (and they might be), it doesn't help that the DHS has decided to label the Founding Fathers extremists, purchase billions of rounds of HOLLOW POINT ammo, and use posters of pregnant white women and white old men for target practice (No Hesitation).

There has yet to be a single story in the United States history of a pregnant woman having a shootout with law enforcement; yet, they claim to be "preparing" them for this scenario?


Maybe the Progressives will do what China did, and force you to have abortions after a certain LIMIT of children.

I would certainly hope that my wife would pick up an M4 and shooting every federal dog that even tried to abort our child.

dAMN dude. Call your doctor. Your meds are all fucked up. Forcing abortions. Where do you right wingers get this bull shit. You guys will believe ANYTHING. Won't ya?

Some responses are clear indicators of just how far Adolf Obama is pushing folks. Obama's actions warrant concerns that cover the gamut


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