'Evil little thing' or defender of the constitution?

It doesn't protect our right to guns either.


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

arm2    [ahrm] Show IPA
Usually, arms. weapons, especially firearms.

you are correct, it protect our rights to arms, all of them, not juts guns.

The word "gun" is not in the Constitution. Sorry. Not protected.
Sorry, you are wrong. But anti-Americans usually are.
It doesn't protect our right to guns either.


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

arm2    [ahrm] Show IPA
Usually, arms. weapons, especially firearms.

you are correct, it protect our rights to arms, all of them, not juts guns.

The word "gun" is not in the Constitution. Sorry. Not protected.

Abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution.

sorry, you now must make a stand against it or admit you're a hypocrite.

James Madison's Veto Messages by Gene Garman

June 3, 1811

I have recd. fellow Citizens your address, approving my Objection to the Bill contain[in]g a grant of public land, to the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House Missippi Terry. Having always regarded the practical distinction between Religion & Civil Govt as essential to the purity of both, and as guaranteed by the Constn: of the U.S. I could not have otherwise discharged my duty on the occasion which presented itself. Among the various religious Societies in our Country, none have been more vigilant or constant in maintain[in]g that distinction, than the Society of which you make a part, and it is an honourable proof of your sincerity & integrity, that you are as ready to do so, in a case favoring the interest of your brethren, as in other cases. It is but just, at the same time, to the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House, to remark that their application to the Natl. Legislature does not appear to have contemplated a grant of the Land in question, but on terms that might be equitable to the public as well as to themselves. Accept my friendly respects

James Madison
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I just proved to you that Madison said that seperation of churcch and state were written into the constitution by the founders.

Got any comment on that one?
I just proved to you that Madison said that seperation of churcch and state were written into the constitution by the founders.

Got any comment on that one?
Says "Distinction between" not "separation of". Still has nothing to do about the Ten Commandments on school walls. The whole premise is that the Gov't. shall not establish a state run religion, which I agree they shouldn't. They also should not prevent any religion from exercising their rights such as the Ten Commandments in the school. Sounds like you guys are saying that public schools are Gov't. establishments?
i just proved to you that madison said that seperation of churcch and state were written into the constitution by the founders.

Got any comment on that one?
says "distinction between" not "separation of". Still has nothing to do about the ten commandments on school walls. The whole premise is that the gov't. Shall not establish a state run religion, which i agree they shouldn't. They also should not prevent any religion from exercising their rights such as the ten commandments in the school. Sounds like you guys are saying that public schools are gov't. Establishments?


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

arm2    [ahrm] Show IPA
Usually, arms. weapons, especially firearms.

you are correct, it protect our rights to arms, all of them, not juts guns.

The word "gun" is not in the Constitution. Sorry. Not protected.

now you're just being a moron.

guns are arms, unless you think you know more than the dictionary.

We've just gone thru several posts where people have insisted that if the actual words "Separation of church and state" are not in the Constitution, that separation doesn't exist.

I'm just going by that same policy. If the word "gun(s)" isn't in the 2nd amendment, that protection to keep our guns doesn't exist either.

Unless you want to say that is somehow.....um....."different?"
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The word "gun" is not in the Constitution. Sorry. Not protected.

now you're just being a moron.

guns are arms, unless you think you know more than the dictionary.

We've just gone thru several posts where people have insisted that if the actual words "Separation of church and state" are not in the Constitution, that separation doesn't exist.

I'm just going by that same policy. If the word "gun(s)" isn't in the 2nd amendment, that protection to keep our guns doesn't exist either.

Unless you want to say that is somehow.....um....."different?

You rock, I tried to rep you but I cant
James Madison's Veto Messages by Gene Garman

June 3, 1811

I have recd. fellow Citizens your address, approving my Objection to the Bill contain[in]g a grant of public land, to the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House Missippi Terry. Having always regarded the practical distinction between Religion & Civil Govt as essential to the purity of both, and as guaranteed by the Constn: of the U.S. I could not have otherwise discharged my duty on the occasion which presented itself. Among the various religious Societies in our Country, none have been more vigilant or constant in maintain[in]g that distinction, than the Society of which you make a part, and it is an honourable proof of your sincerity & integrity, that you are as ready to do so, in a case favoring the interest of your brethren, as in other cases. It is but just, at the same time, to the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House, to remark that their application to the Natl. Legislature does not appear to have contemplated a grant of the Land in question, but on terms that might be equitable to the public as well as to themselves. Accept my friendly respects

James Madison

this man knows the constitution, he wrote most of it
I just proved to you that Madison said that seperation of churcch and state were written into the constitution by the founders.

Got any comment on that one?
Says "Distinction between" not "separation of". Still has nothing to do about the Ten Commandments on school walls. The whole premise is that the Gov't. shall not establish a state run religion, which I agree they shouldn't. They also should not prevent any religion from exercising their rights such as the Ten Commandments in the school. Sounds like you guys are saying that public schools are Gov't. establishments?

Um....sweetie? They are. You didn't know that? :eusa_eh:
Sounds exactly like you are talking about libtards. Trust me, libtards are anti-American.

Define a libtard for us....and how many there are approximately in this country. I look forward to your answer.
A libtard is a liberal retard who thinks it is the gov't.s job to take care of the people and want bigger gov't.
A libtard assumes to know what the founding fathers wanted and what the constitution says but are so far off the mark it is pitiful. A libtard is like obamaturd who thinks he is constitutionalist yet violates it all the time.

A governments job is to take care of the people. That is why we elect them. As a society, there are some things that are best taken care of at the individual level and some that are best taken care of at the government level

Schools, roads, public safety are all universally acknowledged as best performed by the government
Then you also must make a stand against abortion.

you tools make this Two easy.

Funny how they claim the constitution protects the murder of infants when it doesn't, yet deny the right to bear arms which is in there. Socialist tools.

And conservative hypocrisy is exposed in their opposition to the right to privacy guaranteed by the Constitution.

Neither the words ‘individual right’ nor ‘self-defense’ appear in the Second Amendment or Constitution. Yet in Heller the Court ruled that there is indeed a Constitutional right to self-defense, and to exercise that right the individual has a right to own a handgun.

If conservatives are going to accept and support the Heller ruling, interpreting the Second Amendment as to protecting an individual right to own a firearm, then to be consistent they must also accept and support the Constitutional right to privacy, and acknowledge that banning abortion is a violation of that right to privacy.

The Constitution is not a ‘cafeteria plan,’ one may not support the rights he likes and approves of and reject those he opposes. One’s fellow Americans are going to say and do things in the context of their Constitutional rights he may disapprove of, it is an indicator of a truly free and just society.
Jesus was strongly opposed to public prayer. These Christians are so un-Christ-like...

Matthew 10:
7 As you go, preach this message, 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' 8 Heal those who are sick. Bring those who are dead back to life. Make those who have skin diseases 'clean' again. Drive out demons. You have received freely, so give freely.

"So don't be afraid of your enemies. Everything that is secret will be brought out into the open. Everything that is hidden will be uncovered. 27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight. What is whispered in your ear, shout from the rooftops.

Matthew 10 is full of examples of how NOT to keep Him a secret.


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