Evil Muzzies

Hopefully they'll treat gay and female victims of the flood a bit better at this terrible moment than they do the rest of the time.

Well it's kind of like

"I'm a Christian, I hate Muslims, Muslims don't like women and gay people, but neither do Christians, bahhhh"
Not sure what that means, but it appears to be some kind of deflection. Equating the two religions on that topic is intellectually dishonest at best.

Is it?

I mean, many of the Christian churches hate gay people. The Catholic Church has women down as second best, they can't be priests. Many Protestant churches put women second best too.

I don't like Islam, I'm not saying Islam is good, but what pisses me off is when gay bashers come on here saying how bad Muslims are for being gay bashers. Deflection? Not at all. It's the topic. You shouting "deflection" sounds like you can't shout "fake news" at me.
I'm a gay basher now? Perhaps you have me confused with someone else. I'm pro-gay marriage, unlike the religion for which you are deflecting.

What you're doing is the standard behavior of the Regressive Left: Through your words, you ultimately align yourself with the most regressive religion on the planet.

Here's a brave liberal Brit Muslim, risking his life every day fighting for a Islamic Reformation, asking people like you to reconsider your words:

No, I didn't call you a gay basher, I said it annoys me when gay bashers do certain things. Maybe I should call you someone who doesn't read things properly.

No, I'm not the standard bearer of the left at all. But then again for someone who can't even read a few paragraphs......

I'm aligning myself with Islam? No, I'm not. What you're doing is trying to simplify things down to the level of absurd so you can bash it easily. I'm not going to be told that I have to go down to your level of simplicity thank you very much.

I know what my thoughts are and I won't have you trying to bully me into your type of simple thoughts.
Hopefully they'll treat gay and female victims of the flood a bit better at this terrible moment than they do the rest of the time.

Well it's kind of like

"I'm a Christian, I hate Muslims, Muslims don't like women and gay people, but neither do Christians, bahhhh"
Not sure what that means, but it appears to be some kind of deflection. Equating the two religions on that topic is intellectually dishonest at best.

Is it?

I mean, many of the Christian churches hate gay people. The Catholic Church has women down as second best, they can't be priests. Many Protestant churches put women second best too.

I don't like Islam, I'm not saying Islam is good, but what pisses me off is when gay bashers come on here saying how bad Muslims are for being gay bashers. Deflection? Not at all. It's the topic. You shouting "deflection" sounds like you can't shout "fake news" at me.
I'm a gay basher now? Perhaps you have me confused with someone else. I'm pro-gay marriage, unlike the religion for which you are deflecting.

What you're doing is the standard behavior of the Regressive Left: Through your words, you ultimately align yourself with the most regressive religion on the planet.

Here's a brave liberal Brit Muslim, risking his life every day fighting for a Islamic Reformation, asking people like you to reconsider your words:

No, I didn't call you a gay basher, I said it annoys me when gay bashers do certain things. Maybe I should call you someone who doesn't read things properly.

No, I'm not the standard bearer of the left at all. But then again for someone who can't even read a few paragraphs......

I'm aligning myself with Islam? No, I'm not. What you're doing is trying to simplify things down to the level of absurd so you can bash it easily. I'm not going to be told that I have to go down to your level of simplicity thank you very much.

I know what my thoughts are and I won't have you trying to bully me into your type of simple thoughts.
Sorry if I triggered you.

I think I'll side with the brave and brilliant Mr. Nawaz, and the growing number of honest liberals (Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, Richard Dawkins and many others) who are speaking out on this.

You know, us simple folk.
Not sure what that means, but it appears to be some kind of deflection. Equating the two religions on that topic is intellectually dishonest at best.

Why? The only difference between the two religions is that one of them is fat and comfortable enough not to take the crazy seriously.

"I haven't stoned a gay person recently" isn't much of an excuse.

ALL religion is bad.

Here's a brave liberal Brit Muslim, risking his life every day fighting for a Islamic Reformation, asking people like you to reconsider your words:

I'm sorry, what's his moral authority for a "Reformation", exactly?

Is he a theologian? Or is he just an attention whore trying to get the approval of white people.

Our problem with the Middle East has nothing to do with their sky fairy being more evil than your sky fairy.

It has to do with the fact that we've bombed, invaded or occupied their lands directly or by proxy for the last 40 years.

Mac's response "see...see...see.... he doesn't accept my premise.!"
Not sure what that means, but it appears to be some kind of deflection. Equating the two religions on that topic is intellectually dishonest at best.

Why? The only difference between the two religions is that one of them is fat and comfortable enough not to take the crazy seriously.

"I haven't stoned a gay person recently" isn't much of an excuse.

ALL religion is bad.

Here's a brave liberal Brit Muslim, risking his life every day fighting for a Islamic Reformation, asking people like you to reconsider your words:

I'm sorry, what's his moral authority for a "Reformation", exactly?

Is he a theologian? Or is he just an attention whore trying to get the approval of white people.

Our problem with the Middle East has nothing to do with their sky fairy being more evil than your sky fairy.

It has to do with the fact that we've bombed, invaded or occupied their lands directly or by proxy for the last 40 years.

Mac's response "see...see...see.... he doesn't accept my premise.!"
Why in the world would I care whether someone like you accepted my premise?

Holy crap.
Sorry if I triggered you.

I think I'll side with the brave and brilliant Mr. Nawaz, and the growing number of honest liberals (Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, Richard Dawkins and many others) who are speaking out on this.

YOu mean the ones who take their Islamophobia and dress it up in a nice suit?

Look, we aren't going to have an honest discussion on this because liberal and conservatives follow the same policy in the middle east.

Stick your dick in a hornet's nest, and then complain about getting stung.

Complain about the Hornets being hornets.

Even after you raised a meaner and nastier hornet that turned on you.
So we're supposed to celebrate when Muslims do what is normal for everyone else?

they did more than Joel Olsteen did.

I have passed over TV programs run by a person named Joel Olsteen------
Not sure what that means, but it appears to be some kind of deflection. Equating the two religions on that topic is intellectually dishonest at best.

Why? The only difference between the two religions is that one of them is fat and comfortable enough not to take the crazy seriously.

"I haven't stoned a gay person recently" isn't much of an excuse.

ALL religion is bad.

Here's a brave liberal Brit Muslim, risking his life every day fighting for a Islamic Reformation, asking people like you to reconsider your words:

I'm sorry, what's his moral authority for a "Reformation", exactly?

Is he a theologian? Or is he just an attention whore trying to get the approval of white people.

Our problem with the Middle East has nothing to do with their sky fairy being more evil than your sky fairy.

It has to do with the fact that we've bombed, invaded or occupied their lands directly or by proxy for the last 40 years.

Mac's response "see...see...see.... he doesn't accept my premise.!"
Why in the world would I care whether someone like you accepted my premise?

Holy crap.

joe seems to feel a need to post
Why in the world would I care whether someone like you accepted my premise?

Holy crap.

well, you care quite a bit, buddy. You like it when you can present your Islamophobia and pretend that it is progressive, because look how backwards those people are.

You know, instead of having an honest conversation about why we have a problem with the Middle East that has been going on since I was a child, and i'm an old man now.

So this Uncle Tom thinks that if he sucks up enough, the racists will suddenly love him?

Meh, not really.

Look, guy, there was a day when I realized Catholicism was full of shit.

I didn't go around telling the Pope how to do his job. I just left.

Mr. Nawaz should do the same. But the bigots are still going to hate him, and the West will still follow the same awful policies that are causing the problems to start with.

So this Uncle Tom thinks that if he sucks up enough, the racists will suddenly love him?

Meh, not really.

Look, guy, there was a day when I realized Catholicism was full of shit.

I didn't go around telling the Pope how to do his job. I just left.

Mr. Nawaz should do the same. But the bigots are still going to hate him, and the West will still follow the same awful policies that are causing the problems to start with.
^^^ See?

So this Uncle Tom thinks that if he sucks up enough, the racists will suddenly love him?

Meh, not really.

Look, guy, there was a day when I realized Catholicism was full of shit.

I didn't go around telling the Pope how to do his job. I just left.

Mr. Nawaz should do the same. But the bigots are still going to hate him, and the West will still follow the same awful policies that are causing the problems to start with.
^^^ See?
i would give you more props but joeb is sooo easy ;)
Why in the world would I care whether someone like you accepted my premise?

Holy crap.

well, you care quite a bit, buddy. You like it when you can present your Islamophobia and pretend that it is progressive, because look how backwards those people are.

You know, instead of having an honest conversation about why we have a problem with the Middle East that has been going on since I was a child, and i'm an old man now.

how LONG ago were you a child? There has been trouble in the MIDDLE EAST that impacted on
the world for a few thousand years. ---------
how LONG ago were you a child? There has been trouble in the MIDDLE EAST that impacted on
the world for a few thousand years. ---------

I was referring to the US having issues, not "the world".

We've had issues since 1973, when the Arab world caused the first oil crash after we bailed out the Zionist Entity in the Yom Kippur war, instead of letting the Arabs do the world a favor and push it into the sea.

And pretty much since then, we've been letting the Zionists and Oil Companies dictate our policy over there, which is mostly sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.
how LONG ago were you a child? There has been trouble in the MIDDLE EAST that impacted on
the world for a few thousand years. ---------

I was referring to the US having issues, not "the world".

We've had issues since 1973, when the Arab world caused the first oil crash after we bailed out the Zionist Entity in the Yom Kippur war, instead of letting the Arabs do the world a favor and push it into the sea.

And pretty much since then, we've been letting the Zionists and Oil Companies dictate our policy over there, which is mostly sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.

you forgot about the Pirates of Tripoli-----BARBARY WAR----1801. How old were you in 1801?

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