Evil Muzzies

It's the standard deflection used by Regressives to protect their pet constituent religion.

The Crusades! The Crusades! Don't look at what's happening today!

Um, what's happening today is people are fighting back because we are invading their countries.

Just like they did during the Crusades.

Again, in Mac's world, wearing a Hijab is cruel, but getting carpet bombed is okay!!!
Irrelevant, sadly. The Regressives are committed to defending the most regressive religion on the planet, no matter what.

The biggest victim group of this religion? People within the same religion.

Particularly Muslim women, gay Muslims and apostates.

This is madness, but the Regressives have made their choice.
Irrelevant, sadly. The Regressives are committed to defending the most regressive religion on the planet, no matter what.

The biggest victim group of this religion? People within the same religion.

Particularly Muslim women, gay Muslims and apostates.

This is madness, but the Regressives have made their choice.

Yeah, it's called not getting involved in other people's problems. something we should all learn to do at a young age.

Point is, you guys wouldn't give a shit about how straight Muslims are treating gay Muslims if they weren't all standing on top of a shitload of oil.

Plenty of honest liberals, actual liberals, can be found discussing the Regressives here:

you mean a bunch of Islamophobes trying to dress their bigotry up in a nice suit? Pass.

Oh, wait, I did check out the link. The first one is Atheist asshole Richard Dawkins talking with racist Bill Maher.. You know, the one who said the word "house n****r" in front of Ben Sasse, who looked really uncomfortable.

If your bigotry is so bad it make Ben Sasse uncomfortable, you should probably look at yourself.

The next one is from ultra-right website Prager U.
Full Disclosure: I do not now, nor I have ever, paid Joe to constantly jump in and illustrate my posts for me.

He represents the Regressive Left entirely on his own time, with no compensation of any kind from me whatsoever.

Further, there is no coercion of any kind by me. His assistance is something he chooses to provide fully on his own.

Somebody notarize this, willya?
Remember Paris when the Muslim bashers were going around saying "why haven't they condemned these attacks?" and it took me 2 minutes to find HUNDREDS of Muslims who had condemned the attacks.

Yes, you found "HUNDREDS OF MUSLIMS" who condemned the attacks.

Too bad there are over a BILLION MUSLIMS.

I found this to be truly confounding....and incriminating:

"Astonishing" two in three British Muslims would NOT give police terror tip-offs
TWO thirds of British Muslims would not inform the police if they thought that somebody close to them had become involved with terrorist sympathisers, according to a poll."
Two thirds of British Muslims would not give police terror tip-offs | UK | News | Express.co.uk
The only evil is that which manifests among those on the right who propagate an unwarranted fear of Muslims and Islam, and seek to disadvantage Muslims, the consequence of conservative hate and bigotry.
The only evil is that which manifests among those on the right who propagate an unwarranted fear of Muslims and Islam, and seek to disadvantage Muslims, the consequence of conservative hate and bigotry.

Evidently you are clueless of the definition of 'unwarrented,' C_Chamber_Pot.

But, then, you are clueless in a myriad of areas.
Full Disclosure: I do not now, nor I have ever, paid Joe to constantly jump in and illustrate my posts for me.

He represents the Regressive Left entirely on his own time, with no compensation of any kind from me whatsoever.

Further, there is no coercion of any kind by me. His assistance is something he chooses to provide fully on his own.

Somebody notarize this, willya?

Full disclosure, I don't pay Mac to be an Islamophobic bigot.

I think a girlfriend dumped his beta male ass for a swarthy middle eastern gentlemen, and he's been on this kick ever since.

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