Evil Muzzies

Why is what so difficult for me to accept? Are you trying another straw man, pretending that I think all Muslims are terrorists?

Why is it that Regressives simply cannot be honest? It's because the REAL liberals who are fighting you are right, and you know it.

This "conversation" has long since become tedious. I don't like Regressives, and I see no reason to continue here. Play with someone else.

You were the one who tried to pin a cultural practice on a religion. I think if anyone is being dishonest, it's you.
Shut your slack jawed mouth, faggot. You could not care less about religious freedoms. Muzzies hate America, so do you...that's the only reason you care about them and how they are portrayed.
Christianity BAD. Islam Good.
Look at this thread, it has provided yet another example of their deflect/pivot/attack approach to protecting "oppressed" groups.

A religion that treats women and gays as second class citizens (or worse) is worthy of their protection, but you're the bad guy for pointing it out. And they'll attack everything they don't like about Christianity in their next breath.

And after the next Jihadist atrocity, they'll attack you for bringing it up, and they'll deflect to the Crusades.

Ideology warps, it distorts. Yet at some level, the Regressives know what they're doing, and that's why they so aggressively attack anyone who points it out.
And you project all of this from me pointing out the simple fact that not all Muslims are terrorists.
Why is that fact so difficult for you to accept ?
The notion of ‘condemning’ Islam is as ridiculous as it is bigoted.

The ‘condemnation’ of Islam is in no way warranted – individuals alone are responsible for their acts of terrorism, not the religions they belong to.

Or, in order for conservatives to be consistent (!), when a Christian commits an act of terror, Christianity as a whole must be likewise condemned.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

You can selectively take things out of either to make the religion look bad.

But the point is, most Muslims and most Christians are just regular folks living their lives.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Time to put up or shut up...Tammy.

You have made over 9k posts here. Show me ONE post where you criticize the actions of Muslims. Just one....please.
Well I absolutely condemn the actions of Isis,Al quade and Taliban. Is that what you are after ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Christianity BAD. Islam Good.
Look at this thread, it has provided yet another example of their deflect/pivot/attack approach to protecting "oppressed" groups.

A religion that treats women and gays as second class citizens (or worse) is worthy of their protection, but you're the bad guy for pointing it out. And they'll attack everything they don't like about Christianity in their next breath.

And after the next Jihadist atrocity, they'll attack you for bringing it up, and they'll deflect to the Crusades.

Ideology warps, it distorts. Yet at some level, the Regressives know what they're doing, and that's why they so aggressively attack anyone who points it out.
And you project all of this from me pointing out the simple fact that not all Muslims are terrorists.
Why is that fact so difficult for you to accept ?
The notion of ‘condemning’ Islam is as ridiculous as it is bigoted.

The ‘condemnation’ of Islam is in no way warranted – individuals alone are responsible for their acts of terrorism, not the religions they belong to.

Or, in order for conservatives to be consistent (!), when a Christian commits an act of terror, Christianity as a whole must be likewise condemned.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

You can selectively take things out of either to make the religion look bad.

But the point is, most Muslims and most Christians are just regular folks living their lives.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Christianity BAD. Islam Good.
Look at this thread, it has provided yet another example of their deflect/pivot/attack approach to protecting "oppressed" groups.

A religion that treats women and gays as second class citizens (or worse) is worthy of their protection, but you're the bad guy for pointing it out. And they'll attack everything they don't like about Christianity in their next breath.

And after the next Jihadist atrocity, they'll attack you for bringing it up, and they'll deflect to the Crusades.

Ideology warps, it distorts. Yet at some level, the Regressives know what they're doing, and that's why they so aggressively attack anyone who points it out.
And you project all of this from me pointing out the simple fact that not all Muslims are terrorists.
Why is that fact so difficult for you to accept ?
The notion of ‘condemning’ Islam is as ridiculous as it is bigoted.

The ‘condemnation’ of Islam is in no way warranted – individuals alone are responsible for their acts of terrorism, not the religions they belong to.

Or, in order for conservatives to be consistent (!), when a Christian commits an act of terror, Christianity as a whole must be likewise condemned.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

You can selectively take things out of either to make the religion look bad.

But the point is, most Muslims and most Christians are just regular folks living their lives.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Why is what so difficult for me to accept? Are you trying another straw man, pretending that I think all Muslims are terrorists?

Why is it that Regressives simply cannot be honest? It's because the REAL liberals who are fighting you are right, and you know it.

This "conversation" has long since become tedious. I don't like Regressives, and I see no reason to continue here. Play with someone else.
I give up then. I do not know what point you are trying to make .

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Christianity BAD. Islam Good.
Look at this thread, it has provided yet another example of their deflect/pivot/attack approach to protecting "oppressed" groups.

A religion that treats women and gays as second class citizens (or worse) is worthy of their protection, but you're the bad guy for pointing it out. And they'll attack everything they don't like about Christianity in their next breath.

And after the next Jihadist atrocity, they'll attack you for bringing it up, and they'll deflect to the Crusades.

Ideology warps, it distorts. Yet at some level, the Regressives know what they're doing, and that's why they so aggressively attack anyone who points it out.
And you project all of this from me pointing out the simple fact that not all Muslims are terrorists.
Why is that fact so difficult for you to accept ?
The notion of ‘condemning’ Islam is as ridiculous as it is bigoted.

The ‘condemnation’ of Islam is in no way warranted – individuals alone are responsible for their acts of terrorism, not the religions they belong to.

Or, in order for conservatives to be consistent (!), when a Christian commits an act of terror, Christianity as a whole must be likewise condemned.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

You can selectively take things out of either to make the religion look bad.

But the point is, most Muslims and most Christians are just regular folks living their lives.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Christianity BAD. Islam Good.
Look at this thread, it has provided yet another example of their deflect/pivot/attack approach to protecting "oppressed" groups.

A religion that treats women and gays as second class citizens (or worse) is worthy of their protection, but you're the bad guy for pointing it out. And they'll attack everything they don't like about Christianity in their next breath.

And after the next Jihadist atrocity, they'll attack you for bringing it up, and they'll deflect to the Crusades.

Ideology warps, it distorts. Yet at some level, the Regressives know what they're doing, and that's why they so aggressively attack anyone who points it out.
And you project all of this from me pointing out the simple fact that not all Muslims are terrorists.
Why is that fact so difficult for you to accept ?
The notion of ‘condemning’ Islam is as ridiculous as it is bigoted.

The ‘condemnation’ of Islam is in no way warranted – individuals alone are responsible for their acts of terrorism, not the religions they belong to.

Or, in order for conservatives to be consistent (!), when a Christian commits an act of terror, Christianity as a whole must be likewise condemned.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

You can selectively take things out of either to make the religion look bad.

But the point is, most Muslims and most Christians are just regular folks living their lives.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Why is what so difficult for me to accept? Are you trying another straw man, pretending that I think all Muslims are terrorists?

Why is it that Regressives simply cannot be honest? It's because the REAL liberals who are fighting you are right, and you know it.

This "conversation" has long since become tedious. I don't like Regressives, and I see no reason to continue here. Play with someone else.
I give up then. I do not know what point you are trying to make .

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
You look like someone just poured a bunch of fat over a skeleton.
Christianity BAD. Islam Good.
Look at this thread, it has provided yet another example of their deflect/pivot/attack approach to protecting "oppressed" groups.

A religion that treats women and gays as second class citizens (or worse) is worthy of their protection, but you're the bad guy for pointing it out. And they'll attack everything they don't like about Christianity in their next breath.

And after the next Jihadist atrocity, they'll attack you for bringing it up, and they'll deflect to the Crusades.

Ideology warps, it distorts. Yet at some level, the Regressives know what they're doing, and that's why they so aggressively attack anyone who points it out.
And you project all of this from me pointing out the simple fact that not all Muslims are terrorists.
Why is that fact so difficult for you to accept ?
The notion of ‘condemning’ Islam is as ridiculous as it is bigoted.

The ‘condemnation’ of Islam is in no way warranted – individuals alone are responsible for their acts of terrorism, not the religions they belong to.

Or, in order for conservatives to be consistent (!), when a Christian commits an act of terror, Christianity as a whole must be likewise condemned.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

You can selectively take things out of either to make the religion look bad.

But the point is, most Muslims and most Christians are just regular folks living their lives.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Time to put up or shut up...Tammy.

You have made over 9k posts here. Show me ONE post where you criticize the actions of Muslims. Just one....please.
Well I absolutely condemn the actions of Isis,Al quade and Taliban. Is that what you are after ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
That will work.
Of course, only idiots who have never read the Koran or hadiths have this sort of stupid mindless attitude re Islam. Same for their ignorant neurotic beliefs of what Christianity is.

You can selectively take things out of either to make the religion look bad.

But the point is, most Muslims and most Christians are just regular folks living their lives.

Don't care about the stupid hippie shit approach that 'we're all the same let's have a group hug and dialogue with each other' rubbish, since I can read it for myself, something you are afraid to do for some reason.
Shut your slack jawed mouth, faggot. You could not care less about religious freedoms. Muzzies hate America, so do you...that's the only reason you care about them and how they are portrayed.

I served in the army for 11 years, my patriotism isn't in question.

I'm indifferent to religious freedom. A happy world would be one free of any religion.

My issue with the Islamophobes is that they are letting the one percent play them. We wouldn't give a crap about the Islamic World if it didn't have a shitload of oil under it after the Christian world sucked up and burned all of its oil

So then you get all this fake outrage about FGM or throwing gays off roofs when you wouldn't care about it otherwise.

Don't care about the stupid hippie shit approach that 'we're all the same let's have a group hug and dialogue with each other' rubbish, since I can read it for myself, something you are afraid to do for some reason.

Yes, we know. You are the type who sticks his dick in a hornet's nest and then complains about getting stung.

here's a thought expirment for you. Let's supposed that a huge Islamic Army did conquer America? What would you do? Probably the same thing Muslims are doing to us. Attack us and if they can get in a cheap shot on the civilian population, do it.
They can't help themselves, and Joe has Hitler hiding under his bed.

The Regressives gave the WH to Trump with this type of bullshit, and they're flailing.

Hitler isn't hiding under my bed. He's in the White House with a bad orange hairpiece.

And, no Trump didn't win because of the "regressives", he won because a lot of people who should have known better voted for third party candidates. He actually got less votes than Romney did.
Shut your slack jawed mouth, faggot. You could not care less about religious freedoms. Muzzies hate America, so do you...that's the only reason you care about them and how they are portrayed.

I served in the army for 11 years, my patriotism isn't in question.

I'm indifferent to religious freedom. A happy world would be one free of any religion.

My issue with the Islamophobes is that they are letting the one percent play them. We wouldn't give a crap about the Islamic World if it didn't have a shitload of oil under it after the Christian world sucked up and burned all of its oil

So then you get all this fake outrage about FGM or throwing gays off roofs when you wouldn't care about it otherwise.

Don't care about the stupid hippie shit approach that 'we're all the same let's have a group hug and dialogue with each other' rubbish, since I can read it for myself, something you are afraid to do for some reason.

Yes, we know. You are the type who sticks his dick in a hornet's nest and then complains about getting stung.

here's a thought expirment for you. Let's supposed that a huge Islamic Army did conquer America? What would you do? Probably the same thing Muslims are doing to us. Attack us and if they can get in a cheap shot on the civilian population, do it.
You pushed pencils if you were in the military.
Remember Paris when the Muslim bashers were going around saying "why haven't they condemned these attacks?" and it took me 2 minutes to find HUNDREDS of Muslims who had condemned the attacks.

Yes, you found "HUNDREDS OF MUSLIMS" who condemned the attacks.

Too bad there are over a BILLION MUSLIMS.
For the tards who still run around babbling all about 'moderate Muslims', and can't bring themselves to read Mad Mo's own little personal desert bandit and professional murderer's Mein Kampf, the Koran, here are some polls of 'moderate' Islamists.

Out of context polls really don't mean that much.

Look, guy, the only reason why your one percent masters tell you to "care" about the Muslims is because they are standing on top of a lot of oil.

You're being duped, buddy.
For the tards who still run around babbling all about 'moderate Muslims', and can't bring themselves to read Mad Mo's own little personal desert bandit and professional murderer's Mein Kampf, the Koran, here are some polls of 'moderate' Islamists.

Out of context polls really don't mean that much.

Look, guy, the only reason why your one percent masters tell you to "care" about the Muslims is because they are standing on top of a lot of oil.

You're being duped, buddy.
You're a leftist, the last thing you get to do is call someone else a dupe.
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