Evil Muzzies

Please point out the bible verse that specifically forbids it. Please point out the verse in the Quran that advocates it.


Easy. Thanks for the opportunity.

What does the Bible say about self-harm / self-mutilation / cutting?

so nothing banning genital mutilation.... which should be, the bible advocates it.

What the Bible says about Circumcision

Circumcision is supremely important to God. It is his "everlasting covenant."

I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. Genesis 17:7
This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin. v Genesis 17:10-11

My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. Genesis 17:13

And I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.Genesis 17:19

Every boy must be circumcised when he is eight days old.He that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations. Genesis 17:12All of your male slaves must also be circumcised.He that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised. Genesis 17:13Jesus was circumcised eight days after his birth.When eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS. Luke 2:21
Please point out the bible verse that specifically forbids it. Please point out the verse in the Quran that advocates it.


Easy. Thanks for the opportunity.

What does the Bible say about self-harm / self-mutilation / cutting?

so nothing banning genital mutilation.... which should be, the bible advocates it.

What the Bible says about Circumcision

Circumcision is supremely important to God. It is his "everlasting covenant."

I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. Genesis 17:7
This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin. v Genesis 17:10-11

My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. Genesis 17:13

And I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.Genesis 17:19

Every boy must be circumcised when he is eight days old.He that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations. Genesis 17:12All of your male slaves must also be circumcised.He that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised. Genesis 17:13Jesus was circumcised eight days after his birth.When eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS. Luke 2:21
The perfect post clearly proving Mac right.

When shown the error of their ways partisan hacks like Joey, ignore it and claim it did not happen.
Okay good...yet I can't recall EVER seeing ONE post by you condemning the military actions by Big Ears and Cankles, but you do regularly condemn W for his stupid Iraq War. Proof you are nothing more than a partisan dupe.

Well, I can't be responsible for your lack of attention, because I've condemned Libya and Syria a number of times.

What W did in Iraq was a lot worse. It killed a lot more people and caused a lot more chaos and sent a lot more American back in body bags...

Exactly but dupes like Joey and Tammy, can't see their obvious hypocrisy. They regularly post condemnations of Christianity, but NEVER Islam.

They are dupes for the elite left media and are too stupid to see it.

There's a major difference. There's no way that Muslims are going to ever change the laws in this country. Wearing a Hijab will always be a choice.

Christians, on the other hand, do want to limit who can get married, who can use birth control, and what is taught in science classes. And they've gotten away with a lot of it for a very long time.
The perfect post clearly proving Mac right.

When shown the error of their ways partisan hacks like Joey, ignore it and claim it did not happen.

I ignored it because nothing he posted was on point specifically condemning genital mutilation. I on the other hand, posted specific bible verses advocating genital mutilation.

Not to mention graphs that show that Christians in North Africa practice FGM as much as Muslims do.

On the other hand, Mac was trying to blame a barbaric cultural practice on a religion. It's the kind of dishonesty he engages in regularly to rationalize his Islamophobia.
Ideology is an affliction that robs even perfectly intelligent people of their capacity for reason and critical thinking.

And I'm being dead serious. They do not, they will not, see the hypocrisy here, and I think they're absolutely being honest.

There's nothing you can say to a True Believer. I've tried many times.

Well, you could actually try engaging in a conversation. that always works.

But if you come to the conversation with red herrings like "Islam is bad because of female circumcision" while ignoring that it isn't advocated in the Quran and is also practiced by Christians, it's kind of hard to see you as anything but a bigot trying to rationalize his bigotry.


"and let me tell you another thing about them Muslims, Edith!"
You clearly think W a right winger...yet he claimed Islam was a religion of peace. Are you stupid or just watching too much MSLSD?

W's own words.... "The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war."

To think all on the right think ALL Muslims are terrorists or condone terrorism, clearly proves you are duped by the DNC media.

And that would be great if you guys had nominated and elected Jeb with the same even handed approach towards Muslims as a faith.

But you didn't.

You nominated and "elected" (not really) Trump, who pandered to the worst Islamophobic and hateful sentiments. And you cheer when they barred children trying to get out of war zones from coming to this country.
Okay good...yet I can't recall EVER seeing ONE post by you condemning the military actions by Big Ears and Cankles, but you do regularly condemn W for his stupid Iraq War. Proof you are nothing more than a partisan dupe.

Well, I can't be responsible for your lack of attention, because I've condemned Libya and Syria a number of times.

What W did in Iraq was a lot worse. It killed a lot more people and caused a lot more chaos and sent a lot more American back in body bags...

Exactly but dupes like Joey and Tammy, can't see their obvious hypocrisy. They regularly post condemnations of Christianity, but NEVER Islam.

They are dupes for the elite left media and are too stupid to see it.

There's a major difference. There's no way that Muslims are going to ever change the laws in this country. Wearing a Hijab will always be a choice.

Christians, on the other hand, do want to limit who can get married, who can use birth control, and what is taught in science classes. And they've gotten away with a lot of it for a very long time.
The mind of a radical leftist is amazing to see in action.

Condemning Christianity while commending Islam.

It has to be some form of mental illness.
The majority of Nazis were nice people too and we all know how that turned out.

Holy Shit! Godwin's Law!


Okay, let's look at that.

If you were a German in 1914, and by 1919, you had lost 1/8 of your country, were subjected to brutal embargoes of food to the point where your people were starving and a few resorted to cannibalism.

Then between 1919 and 1933, you had political chaos, rioting in the street, and the Military was tacitly running the country because the politicians couldn't get their act together.

By 1933, you might be more receptive to the crazy person. Shit, we americans just "elected" a crazy person with a lot less motivation.

Even the nicest people can turn into monsters if they are pushed far enough.

The thing was, after the war, most of the monsters went back to their normal lives and tried to pretend the whole thing never happened.

So now let's look at the Middle East, which has been subjected to bombings, invasions, sanctions, and other hostile acts for decades.

And then we are surprised when some of these people turn into monsters?
The mind of a radical leftist is amazing to see in action.

Condemning Christianity while commending Islam.

It has to be some form of mental illness.

Please point out to me where I commend Islam.

Here's the thing. I really don't know enough about Islamic Theology to actually evaluate it one way or the other.

On the other hand, I was subjected to 12 years of Christian indoctrination through the Catholic Schools. So, yeah, I can evaluate and condemn that for no other reason that it was a major part of my life for a large chunk of it.

More than a few of my friends have commented that I'm an atheist with a Catholic value system. So a lot of that never goes away.
Okay good...yet I can't recall EVER seeing ONE post by you condemning the military actions by Big Ears and Cankles, but you do regularly condemn W for his stupid Iraq War. Proof you are nothing more than a partisan dupe.

Well, I can't be responsible for your lack of attention, because I've condemned Libya and Syria a number of times.

What W did in Iraq was a lot worse. It killed a lot more people and caused a lot more chaos and sent a lot more American back in body bags...

Exactly but dupes like Joey and Tammy, can't see their obvious hypocrisy. They regularly post condemnations of Christianity, but NEVER Islam.

They are dupes for the elite left media and are too stupid to see it.

There's a major difference. There's no way that Muslims are going to ever change the laws in this country. Wearing a Hijab will always be a choice.

Christians, on the other hand, do want to limit who can get married, who can use birth control, and what is taught in science classes. And they've gotten away with a lot of it for a very long time.
The mind of a radical leftist is amazing to see in action.

Condemning Christianity while commending Islam.

It has to be some form of mental illness.

Really, nobody should take these gimps seriously at all. They're mentally ill.
The mind of a radical leftist is amazing to see in action.

Condemning Christianity while commending Islam.

It has to be some form of mental illness.

Please point out to me where I commend Islam.

Here's the thing. I really don't know enough about Islamic Theology to actually evaluate it one way or the other.

On the other hand, I was subjected to 12 years of Christian indoctrination through the Catholic Schools. So, yeah, I can evaluate and condemn that for no other reason that it was a major part of my life for a large chunk of it.

More than a few of my friends have commented that I'm an atheist with a Catholic value system. So a lot of that never goes away.

Quit blaming Catholic school for your degeneracy and neurotic deviant compulsions.
Oh, I do, Joe. Just no longer with hateful zealots like you. I'm done with that.

Plus, you illustrate my points for me with virtually every post you make.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

You mean you really can't stand toe to toe with me without getting bitch slapped for the Islamophobic bigot you are. You know, like your blatant lie about Female Genital Mutilation.

You, sir, are a bigot. Learn to deal with it.
Quit blaming Catholic school for your degeneracy and neurotic deviant compulsions.

I wish i had degenerate and deviant compulsions. I'm probably about as white bread as you get in that department.

They did give ma a lot of other neurotic compulsions, like feeling excessive guilt when they tell you even having bad thoughts is a sin.
Quit blaming Catholic school for your degeneracy and neurotic deviant compulsions.

I wish i had degenerate and deviant compulsions. I'm probably about as white bread as you get in that department.

They did give ma a lot of other neurotic compulsions, like feeling excessive guilt when they tell you even having bad thoughts is a sin.

Sounds more like you're just lazy and didn't do your homework, and still don't understand at all what you were being told and why. Typical.
Sounds more like you're just lazy and didn't do your homework, and still don't understand at all what you were being told and why. Typical.

well, no. Actually, the problem I had was that they were saying some absolutely crazy shit.

A great example I like to give in fifth grade, we had this really terrifying old nun named Sr. Mary Bonaventure. Well, 70 years of being a self-loathing lesbian had no doubt taken it's toll, when this woman was ranting at us about the Great Flood and why God drowned everyone in the world because they were "wicked".

And little 11 year old Joe asked "Why did God drown the babies."

"Because they were WICKED BABIES!!! WIIIIIICKED!!!!!!"

Uh, yeah. That's some crazy ass shit right there. But I'm now 55 year old Joe, and have spent a lot of time having conversations on line and in perosn with believers, and I haven't heard a one of you come up with a LESS retarded sounding explanation about why a "Good" God would drown every baby in the world.

Now, when we got into high school, they were less literal about the flood story, and maybe it was just a local flood of Mesopotamia. But they still treated this story like it had some truth to it.
The mind of a radical leftist is amazing to see in action.

Condemning Christianity while commending Islam.

It has to be some form of mental illness.

Please point out to me where I commend Islam.

Here's the thing. I really don't know enough about Islamic Theology to actually evaluate it one way or the other.

On the other hand, I was subjected to 12 years of Christian indoctrination through the Catholic Schools. So, yeah, I can evaluate and condemn that for no other reason that it was a major part of my life for a large chunk of it.

More than a few of my friends have commented that I'm an atheist with a Catholic value system. So a lot of that never goes away.

Quit blaming Catholic school for your degeneracy and neurotic deviant compulsions.
Because a nun kicked his stupid little ass once, poor Joey can't overcome it even at his advanced age.

Hey Joey, that ass kicking probably did you some good.
Sounds more like you're just lazy and didn't do your homework, and still don't understand at all what you were being told and why. Typical.

well, no. Actually, the problem I had was that they were saying some absolutely crazy shit.

A great example I like to give in fifth grade, we had this really terrifying old nun named Sr. Mary Bonaventure. Well, 70 years of being a self-loathing lesbian had no doubt taken it's toll, when this woman was ranting at us about the Great Flood and why God drowned everyone in the world because they were "wicked".

And little 11 year old Joe asked "Why did God drown the babies."

"Because they were WICKED BABIES!!! WIIIIIICKED!!!!!!"

Uh, yeah. That's some crazy ass shit right there. But I'm now 55 year old Joe, and have spent a lot of time having conversations on line and in perosn with believers, and I haven't heard a one of you come up with a LESS retarded sounding explanation about why a "Good" God would drown every baby in the world.

Now, when we got into high school, they were less literal about the flood story, and maybe it was just a local flood of Mesopotamia. But they still treated this story like it had some truth to it.
Joey Think:

Christianity BAD.

Islam Good.
Because a nun kicked his stupid little ass once, poor Joey can't overcome it even at his advanced age.

Hey Joey, that ass kicking probably did you some good.

I'll say some good thing bout the Catholic system, which three generations of my family have worked for. They do very good job with limited resources.

Doesn't forgive the fact they have a goofy religion and some fucked up beliefs.

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