Evil Muzzies

Nobody can trigger a Regressive like Mac can trigger a Regressive.

Look at what they have chosen to defend, look at what they have to deflect and attack and make excuses for.

Look at what they have to ignore.

This is how powerful an ideology can be, gang. It can get this ugly and hypocritical. Don't let it happen to you.

again, guy, you are the one who is obsessing about what people on the other side of the planet are doing.

And you are willing to give up lots of treasure and the lives of other people's children in order to assuage your fears.

I for one don't see a need to spend 900 Billion every year trying to beat some third world countries into submission and only end up making things worse. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Libya have all collapsed into chaos because we've tried to "Help" them get governments that we like.

Insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different result.
Imagine for a moment instead of radical Islamists, radical Christians were committing cold blooded mass murder around the world to impose their religion. How would the Left and their media respond? I think most of us know, proving what hypocrites and idiots many on the Left are.

Except your premise fails on the face. "Radical Islamists" are not committing terrorist acts to "impose their religion", they are committing terrorist acts because the west invaded their countries or prop up awful governments.

Just remember, Osama bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians in Afghanistan. Ronnie Reagan said so....


When he and his boys started killing Americans with the weapons we gave them, they became "Islamist Terrorists".

So I think you and Mac need to get off your high horses.
Okay Joey I agree that some of these terrorist acts are the consequence of blow back. The problem with this thinking is how do you reconcile that thinking with the numerous cold blooded killings of Muslims in Muslim countries, by radical Islamists. ISIS rapes, murders and destroys everything in it's path. That path is not in the West. What of the numerous suicide bombings committed by radical Islamists in Muslim countries, killing Muslims?

In addition, many western nations allow Muslims to immigrant in and they are given all sorts of welfare benefits, schooling, medical care, etc....then some of these Muslims resort to cold blooded murder. One would think they would be happy to receive the freedom and benefits of life in the West.

If only you were capable of thinking on your own.
Imagine for a moment instead of radical Islamists, radical Christians were committing cold blooded mass murder around the world to impose their religion. How would the Left and their media respond? I think most of us know, proving what hypocrites and idiots many on the Left are.

Except your premise fails on the face. "Radical Islamists" are not committing terrorist acts to "impose their religion", they are committing terrorist acts because the west invaded their countries or prop up awful governments.

Just remember, Osama bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians in Afghanistan. Ronnie Reagan said so....


When he and his boys started killing Americans with the weapons we gave them, they became "Islamist Terrorists".

So I think you and Mac need to get off your high horses.
We all know Joey that if it were Christians committing these heinous crimes, you would be demanding they be apprehended and executed.

So....stop with the stupid hypocrisy.
That which is not forbidden (in Islam), is allowed.

Christianity FORBIDS this, so stop lying

Please point out the bible verse that specifically forbids it. Please point out the verse in the Quran that advocates it.


Here's an article where you can educate yourself.

Female genital mutilation is not a uniqeuly Muslim problem

Female genital mutilation is a barbaric practice, and Muslims in many countries are far too tolerant of it. Anyone who fights it—as do many feminist NGOs as well as Islamic clergy and scholars—is literally doing God’s work. But it’s uncommon in the heartland of Islam, and in Africa it’s practiced by plenty of Christians too. The only way to represent it as a uniquely Islamic problem is to imply it with a wink and a nudge but without actually producing any evidence.


Snopes (the liberal Bible) says... .


that they were calling themselves the "Muhahadeen" instead of the "Taliban" is sort of irrelevant. It was still the same bunch of assholes fighting for the same reasons... their dislike of the West in their country.

Again, American Policy - Sticking your dick into a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.
We all know Joey that if it were Christians committing these heinous crimes, you would be demanding they be apprehended and executed.

So....stop with the stupid hypocrisy.

I think you are delusional. Where have I said that I don't think terrorists should be apprehended? (I don't think anyone should be executed.)

The problem with the way the right wants to handle this issue is they want to treat it as a military issue - let's invade countries to get the terrorists - instead of a law enforcement one.

And sometimes, they don't even invade the right countries. (Iraq). Other times, they do it so haphazardly that they create places for Terrorists to congregate. (Libya)
We all know Joey that if it were Christians committing these heinous crimes, you would be demanding they be apprehended and executed.

So....stop with the stupid hypocrisy.

I think you are delusional. Where have I said that I don't think terrorists should be apprehended? (I don't think anyone should be executed.)

The problem with the way the right wants to handle this issue is they want to treat it as a military issue - let's invade countries to get the terrorists - instead of a law enforcement one.

And sometimes, they don't even invade the right countries. (Iraq). Other times, they do it so haphazardly that they create places for Terrorists to congregate. (Libya)

Joe you are really are delusional.

You know damn well you leftists would go nuts on Christians, if they were doing what Muslims are. So, stop lying.

Did I post that you DON'T want terrorists executed. Read more carefully if you can.

You think the right is alone in wanting war. You need to realize many adherents of the right and left want war. Your beloved D Party was happy to vote for the Iraq War and said little of your Messiah's many military interventions. Wake up!

Why did your Messiah and your beloved Cankles invade Libya and then Syria? Do you even pay attention to what is going on. Stop watching CNN.
Okay Joey I agree that some of these terrorist acts are the consequence of blow back. The problem with this thinking is how do you reconcile that thinking with the numerous cold blooded killings of Muslims in Muslim countries, by radical Islamists. ISIS rapes, murders and destroys everything in it's path. That path is not in the West. What of the numerous suicide bombings committed by radical Islamists in Muslim countries, killing Muslims?

I agree, that's all horrible stuff, and largely our fault. Do you think there would be an ISIS if we hadn't toppled Saddam to start with? You see, just like you can't understand the brutality Nazi Germany without understanding the chaos in Germany that happened between 1914 and 1939, you can't really understand ISIS without understanding the brutality inflicted on Iraq by the West between 1990 and 2007.

Even the most civilized man will become a monster if he is pushed hard enough.

Now here's the thing. ISIS is slowly being defeated... by other Muslims. And in ten years, the very same Zionist tools like Mac are going to be back here telling us we need to go to War with Iran because, hey, they have taken over Syria and Iraq and they are threatening our oil supplies.... um, our "Freedom", yeah, that's it, "Freedom".

In addition, many western nations allow Muslims to immigrant in and they are given all sorts of welfare benefits, schooling, medical care, etc....then some of these Muslims resort to cold blooded murder. One would think they would be happy to receive the freedom and benefits of life in the West.

No more than I am surprised when a privileged American kid like Loughner or Cho or Holmes goes on a shooting spree in this country. (Okay, Cho was Korean, but you get my point). The thing is, you are conflating acts of insanity with a religion. any group is capable of producing crazy people. Reading some of the insanity here on USMB from right wingers who just can't wait to murder some darkies, I'm really surprised we don't have more of it.
You'll notice how patient, defensive and understanding the Regressives are of their pet constituent religion. And to your point earlier, they'll attack Christianity as viciously as they can and do everything they can to wipe it completely from public view. But not burkas.

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. As I mentioned, a cautionary tale about the power of ideology.
You know damn well you leftists would go nuts on Christians, if they were doing what Muslims are. So, stop lying.

Why? We've already seen that in the 1990's when a bunch of Christian terrorists like McVeigh and Eric Rudolf and others went on bombing sprees, and no one on the left was kicking in the doors of churches or anything like that. They actually- get this - did investigations and caught the perpetrators!!!

You think the right is alone in wanting war. You need to realize many adherents of the right and left want war. Your beloved D Party was happy to vote for the Iraq War and said little of your Messiah's many military interventions. Wake up!

Why did your Messiah and your beloved Cankles invade Libya and then Syria? Do you even pay attention to what is going on. Stop watching CNN.

NO, I never said the democrats weren't just as bad. The Zionists and the Oil Companies dictate our Middle East policy and both sides say, "Who we invading next?"

I will say, though, that there is a big difference between invading Iraq, and taking a side in a civil war in LIbya or Syria that was already going on.

If we hadn't invaded Iraq, Saddam would still be in power and the area wold be more more stable.

But Khadafy was probably going down no matter what the west did or didn't do.
You'll notice how patient, defensive and understanding the Regressives are of their pet constituent religion. And to your point earlier, they'll attack Christianity as viciously as they can and do everything they can to wipe it completely from public view. But not burkas.

Funny, I've never seen a woman in a burka in this country. I've seen a few women wear hijabs. I think I saw an abaya once. Most Muslim women I've met wear their hair like American women, though.

Of course, our problem isn't with their religion, it's with our policy. We invade their countries and then wonder why they fight back.

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. As I mentioned, a cautionary tale about the power of ideology.

and when you walk down to a recruiter and sign up for the Army, like I did in 1981, I will take you seriously on your desire to defend "Western Civilization".
Houston mosques are opening up as 24-hour shelters for Harvey victims

"This is an obligation, a religious obligation to help others," Khan said. "When you give, you don't give only to your own family. ... You give to anybody who needs help."

If only they would assimilate ?
Unfortunately, for most hateful bigots on the right, there is nothing Muslim Americans can do to convince conservatives that Islam is not a ‘terrorist religion’ and that Muslims are not ‘all terrorists’ or ‘condone terrorism.’
You know damn well you leftists would go nuts on Christians, if they were doing what Muslims are. So, stop lying.

Why? We've already seen that in the 1990's when a bunch of Christian terrorists like McVeigh and Eric Rudolf and others went on bombing sprees, and no one on the left was kicking in the doors of churches or anything like that. They actually- get this - did investigations and caught the perpetrators!!!

You think the right is alone in wanting war. You need to realize many adherents of the right and left want war. Your beloved D Party was happy to vote for the Iraq War and said little of your Messiah's many military interventions. Wake up!

Why did your Messiah and your beloved Cankles invade Libya and then Syria? Do you even pay attention to what is going on. Stop watching CNN.

NO, I never said the democrats weren't just as bad. The Zionists and the Oil Companies dictate our Middle East policy and both sides say, "Who we invading next?"

I will say, though, that there is a big difference between invading Iraq, and taking a side in a civil war in LIbya or Syria that was already going on.

If we hadn't invaded Iraq, Saddam would still be in power and the area wold be more more stable.

But Khadafy was probably going down no matter what the west did or didn't do.

Okay good...yet I can't recall EVER seeing ONE post by you condemning the military actions by Big Ears and Cankles, but you do regularly condemn W for his stupid Iraq War. Proof you are nothing more than a partisan dupe.

There is NO DIFFERENCE between Iraq and Libya...NONE. The USA used military intervention to overthrow a sitting government that was no threat to us. Wake up...stop trying to justify your Messiah's heinous murderous actions. W and BO were stupid fucking assholes.

Your last sentence is just more stupidity and pure supposition based on nothing. He ruled Libya for decades.
You'll notice how patient, defensive and understanding the Regressives are of their pet constituent religion. And to your point earlier, they'll attack Christianity as viciously as they can and do everything they can to wipe it completely from public view. But not burkas.

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. As I mentioned, a cautionary tale about the power of ideology.
Exactly but dupes like Joey and Tammy, can't see their obvious hypocrisy. They regularly post condemnations of Christianity, but NEVER Islam.

They are dupes for the elite left media and are too stupid to see it.
Houston mosques are opening up as 24-hour shelters for Harvey victims

"This is an obligation, a religious obligation to help others," Khan said. "When you give, you don't give only to your own family. ... You give to anybody who needs help."

If only they would assimilate ?
Unfortunately, for most hateful bigots on the right, there is nothing Muslim Americans can do to convince conservatives that Islam is not a ‘terrorist religion’ and that Muslims are not ‘all terrorists’ or ‘condone terrorism.’
You clearly think W a right winger...yet he claimed Islam was a religion of peace. Are you stupid or just watching too much MSLSD?

W's own words.... "The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war."

To think all on the right think ALL Muslims are terrorists or condone terrorism, clearly proves you are duped by the DNC media.
You'll notice how patient, defensive and understanding the Regressives are of their pet constituent religion. And to your point earlier, they'll attack Christianity as viciously as they can and do everything they can to wipe it completely from public view. But not burkas.

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. As I mentioned, a cautionary tale about the power of ideology.
Exactly but dupes like Joey and Tammy, can't see their obvious hypocrisy. They regularly post condemnations of Christianity, but NEVER Islam.

They are dupes for the elite left media and are too stupid to see it.
Ideology is an affliction that robs even perfectly intelligent people of their capacity for reason and critical thinking.

And I'm being dead serious. They do not, they will not, see the hypocrisy here, and I think they're absolutely being honest.

There's nothing you can say to a True Believer. I've tried many times.
You'll notice how patient, defensive and understanding the Regressives are of their pet constituent religion. And to your point earlier, they'll attack Christianity as viciously as they can and do everything they can to wipe it completely from public view. But not burkas.

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. As I mentioned, a cautionary tale about the power of ideology.
Exactly but dupes like Joey and Tammy, can't see their obvious hypocrisy. They regularly post condemnations of Christianity, but NEVER Islam.

They are dupes for the elite left media and are too stupid to see it.
Ideology is an affliction that robs even perfectly intelligent people of their capacity for reason and critical thinking.

And I'm being dead serious. They do not, they will not, see the hypocrisy here, and I think they're absolutely being honest.

There's nothing you can say to a True Believer. I've tried many times.

I believe Joey and Tammy are fairly intelligent people.

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