Evil Muzzies

you forgot about the Pirates of Tripoli-----BARBARY WAR----1801. How old were you in 1801?

that wasn't a big problem. We sent over some ships, they didn't bother us again for 170 years... because it wasn't our problem.

But we foolishly picked up being the new colonial masters after the Europeans got out, and now we are wondering why we are having problems.

Kind of like- wait for it - sticking your dick in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.
Well it's kind of like

"I'm a Christian, I hate Muslims, Muslims don't like women and gay people, but neither do Christians, bahhhh"
Not sure what that means, but it appears to be some kind of deflection. Equating the two religions on that topic is intellectually dishonest at best.

Is it?

I mean, many of the Christian churches hate gay people. The Catholic Church has women down as second best, they can't be priests. Many Protestant churches put women second best too.

I don't like Islam, I'm not saying Islam is good, but what pisses me off is when gay bashers come on here saying how bad Muslims are for being gay bashers. Deflection? Not at all. It's the topic. You shouting "deflection" sounds like you can't shout "fake news" at me.
I'm a gay basher now? Perhaps you have me confused with someone else. I'm pro-gay marriage, unlike the religion for which you are deflecting.

What you're doing is the standard behavior of the Regressive Left: Through your words, you ultimately align yourself with the most regressive religion on the planet.

Here's a brave liberal Brit Muslim, risking his life every day fighting for a Islamic Reformation, asking people like you to reconsider your words:

No, I didn't call you a gay basher, I said it annoys me when gay bashers do certain things. Maybe I should call you someone who doesn't read things properly.

No, I'm not the standard bearer of the left at all. But then again for someone who can't even read a few paragraphs......

I'm aligning myself with Islam? No, I'm not. What you're doing is trying to simplify things down to the level of absurd so you can bash it easily. I'm not going to be told that I have to go down to your level of simplicity thank you very much.

I know what my thoughts are and I won't have you trying to bully me into your type of simple thoughts.
Sorry if I triggered you.

I think I'll side with the brave and brilliant Mr. Nawaz, and the growing number of honest liberals (Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, Richard Dawkins and many others) who are speaking out on this.

You know, us simple folk.

Good for you.
you forgot about the Pirates of Tripoli-----BARBARY WAR----1801. How old were you in 1801?

that wasn't a big problem. We sent over some ships, they didn't bother us again for 170 years... because it wasn't our problem.

But we foolishly picked up being the new colonial masters after the Europeans got out, and now we are wondering why we are having problems.

Kind of like- wait for it - sticking your dick in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.

your reasoning is shallow. The "middle east" is a problem to us just as is the far east and the melting
ice cap
If you knew anything about Houston there is a large Persian Community along with many Muslims in the region.

I know you believe Texas is a majority white state but it is a Minority-Majority State which mean there are more minorities than whites.

So as you realize that many of the Muslims in this region live peacefully with other Texans, and you should learn this before commenting about Houston!
If you knew anything about Houston there is a large Persian Community along with many Muslims in the region.

I know you believe Texas is a majority white state but it is a Minority-Majority State which mean there are more minorities than whites.

So as you realize that many of the Muslims in this region live peacefully with other Texans, and you should learn this before commenting about Houston!

Generally, Iranian migrants to the USA are not Iranian Shiite shit. Try not to tell any Iranian--
-Shiite shit or not-----that he is "not white"------but most of all-----NEVAH accuse an Iranian of being
"arab" <nevah> Why would anyone make a statement -----"minorities are not white"
In a PROTESTANT MAJORITY STATE------catholics are "colored"?
So we're supposed to celebrate when Muslims do what is normal for everyone else?
No, I think the OP was pointing out that they are people, too, and the majority of Muslims are nice people.
Which is exactly my point. The fact that you even have to mention that is due to so many Muslims being bad.
So we're supposed to celebrate when Muslims do what is normal for everyone else?
This is a common tactic of liberals.
Take the rare exception of their "oppressed" anti-western group and tout it as their normal behaviour.

Is this celebrating, or just pointing out to people something because they're immensely color blind when it comes to Muslims?

Remember Paris when the Muslim bashers were going around saying "why haven't they condemned these attacks?" and it took me 2 minutes to find HUNDREDS of Muslims who had condemned the attacks.
I don't think people are color or otherwise blind when Muslim terrorism throughout the world is incessant.
THAT is what makes Muslim benevolence remarkable.
So we're supposed to celebrate when Muslims do what is normal for everyone else?

well-----yes. It's like when a very retarded child finally learns to that it is a good idea to close the
bathroom door-------when he finally learns what the toilet is for.--------ENCOURAGE the poor kid
I was thinking a more accurate analogy would be Biden calling Obama 'clean and articulate' because so many young black males are functionally illiterate criminals.
your reasoning is shallow. The "middle east" is a problem to us just as is the far east and the melting
ice cap

actually, it really isn't our problem. It's the Jews' problem. They might have to back to Europe or something. It's the oil company's problem, they might have to pay these folks a fair price.

It's not our problem, though.
So we're supposed to celebrate when Muslims do what is normal for everyone else?
This is a common tactic of liberals.
Take the rare exception of their "oppressed" anti-western group and tout it as their normal behaviour.

Is this celebrating, or just pointing out to people something because they're immensely color blind when it comes to Muslims?

Remember Paris when the Muslim bashers were going around saying "why haven't they condemned these attacks?" and it took me 2 minutes to find HUNDREDS of Muslims who had condemned the attacks.
I don't think people are color or otherwise blind when Muslim terrorism throughout the world is incessant.
THAT is what makes Muslim benevolence remarkable.

Muslim terrorism or US warmongering, which kills more? Probably the latter. But hey, let's forget the US loves war.
So we're supposed to celebrate when Muslims do what is normal for everyone else?
This is a common tactic of liberals.
Take the rare exception of their "oppressed" anti-western group and tout it as their normal behaviour.

Is this celebrating, or just pointing out to people something because they're immensely color blind when it comes to Muslims?

Remember Paris when the Muslim bashers were going around saying "why haven't they condemned these attacks?" and it took me 2 minutes to find HUNDREDS of Muslims who had condemned the attacks.
I don't think people are color or otherwise blind when Muslim terrorism throughout the world is incessant.
THAT is what makes Muslim benevolence remarkable.

Muslim terrorism or US warmongering, which kills more? Probably the latter. But hey, let's forget the US loves war.
I don't know of any US warmongering since Vietnam.
Mosques in Houston opened their doors to flood victims, and we have post after post bashing Muslims.

How predictable.
So we're supposed to celebrate when Muslims do what is normal for everyone else?
This is a common tactic of liberals.
Take the rare exception of their "oppressed" anti-western group and tout it as their normal behaviour.

Is this celebrating, or just pointing out to people something because they're immensely color blind when it comes to Muslims?

Remember Paris when the Muslim bashers were going around saying "why haven't they condemned these attacks?" and it took me 2 minutes to find HUNDREDS of Muslims who had condemned the attacks.
I don't think people are color or otherwise blind when Muslim terrorism throughout the world is incessant.
THAT is what makes Muslim benevolence remarkable.

Muslim terrorism or US warmongering, which kills more? Probably the latter. But hey, let's forget the US loves war.
I don't know of any US warmongering since Vietnam.

Well I'm sure when you lost your mind after Vietnam, that you have no idea what's going on in the world....
I don't care if they're the salt of the earth, stay in your own goddamn country.
This is a common tactic of liberals.
Take the rare exception of their "oppressed" anti-western group and tout it as their normal behaviour.

Is this celebrating, or just pointing out to people something because they're immensely color blind when it comes to Muslims?

Remember Paris when the Muslim bashers were going around saying "why haven't they condemned these attacks?" and it took me 2 minutes to find HUNDREDS of Muslims who had condemned the attacks.
I don't think people are color or otherwise blind when Muslim terrorism throughout the world is incessant.
THAT is what makes Muslim benevolence remarkable.

Muslim terrorism or US warmongering, which kills more? Probably the latter. But hey, let's forget the US loves war.
I don't know of any US warmongering since Vietnam.

Well I'm sure when you lost your mind after Vietnam, that you have no idea what's going on in the world....
Give an example of US warmongering, democrat sheeple.
Is this celebrating, or just pointing out to people something because they're immensely color blind when it comes to Muslims?

Remember Paris when the Muslim bashers were going around saying "why haven't they condemned these attacks?" and it took me 2 minutes to find HUNDREDS of Muslims who had condemned the attacks.
I don't think people are color or otherwise blind when Muslim terrorism throughout the world is incessant.
THAT is what makes Muslim benevolence remarkable.

Muslim terrorism or US warmongering, which kills more? Probably the latter. But hey, let's forget the US loves war.
I don't know of any US warmongering since Vietnam.

Well I'm sure when you lost your mind after Vietnam, that you have no idea what's going on in the world....
Give an example of US warmongering, democrat sheeple.

Try getting through a sentence without insulting!

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