Evolution or Darwin?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Best way to raise the blood pressure of a secular-science advocate is to criticize Darwin.

Which I do...because there is no proof for his theory.

One of my frequent debate-battles partners first claimed that I deny science in stating that Darwinian evolution is flawed as a scientific theory.

He wrote:

" I accept the evidence presented, overwhelming evidence, beyond a reasonable doubt, in both cases. [Darwinian evolution and global warming.]

The proof of evolution is present in every cell of your body.
Your 'disproof' of these facts is that you don't want to face reality."

Read carefully....my pal seems to be backing away from Darwin...and smoothly moving over to some other theory...."evolution."
Sure would like him to explain to what theory he now subscribes.....

But....I'd like to respond to my bud, as follows:

I actually understand which aspects of evolution are science, and which aren't.....aren't because the facts run counter to the theory.

Your problem is that you understand science in the same way that a two year old understands mommy's orders: unquestioningly!

Shall I try to teach you?

1. Darwin proposed an idea that changes in organisms occur naturally, and if the changes are helpful to the survival of the organism....they are passed on to progeny. If enough changes accumulate so that the resulting organism is actually unable to reproduce with the original.....that would be a new species.

But....Darwin knew that the changes had to be tiny, as breeders has known for eons. Or else:

a."Darwin’s theory of the development of living systems is based on gradual accumulation of micromutations, i.e. mutations that lead to slight changes in the phenotype of organisms. Only long-term accumulation of these minor changes, as a consequence of the consistent action of natural selection, can lead to major evolutionary changes in the structure of organisms.."
Macromutations evolution | Frozen Evolution. Or, that?s not the way it is, Mr. Darwin. A Farewell to Selfish Gene.

b. "By macro-mutation I mean a considerable hunk of DNA that contains more than one gene....All macro-mutations have drastic effects on development, most are lethal. " Genetic Dark Matter? Part 2 | | Richard C. Francis

Now, pal...since you are unable to find documentation that runs counter to the above.....let's stipulate that I am correct about science up to this point. Fair?

2. Here comes the part where I destroy the idea that you have any cachet, and expertise comparable to mine:

We have pre-Cambrian fossils....and Cambrian fossils. In the latter there are fully formed brand new species with new body types and organs with no evidence of attempts in nature to lead up to these new species, pre-Cambrian.
QED..... Darwin loses, you lose, I win.

Who says so?

a. "THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection." Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p.302

b. Steven J. Gould reported: "In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and fully formed." (Natural History, 86:12-16)

Now....if none of the Darwinists on the board can refute the above......

....I'd be glad to explain why they, Darwinists, are so quick to accept the 'evidence-less' theory.
Evolution is a fact

God is a theory

The smartest thing you've done today is not try to dispute the OP.

In a way, I see our exchanges as a kind of verbal "Skinner Box," where my posts administer a kind of negative reinforcement to you every time you post some Leftist pap.....

"The design of Skinner boxes can vary depending upon the type of animal and the experimental variables. The box is a chamber that includes at least one lever, bar, or key that the animal can manipulate. When the lever is pressed, food, water, or some other type of reinforcement might be dispensed. Other stimuli can also be presented including lights, sounds, and images. In some instances, the floor of the chamber may be electrified."
Skinner Box

If only I could electrify it.......hmmmmm.......
Evolution is a fact

God is a theory

The smartest thing you've done today is not try to dispute the OP.

In a way, I see our exchanges as a kind of verbal "Skinner Box," where my posts administer a kind of negative reinforcement to you every time you post some Leftist pap.....

"The design of Skinner boxes can vary depending upon the type of animal and the experimental variables. The box is a chamber that includes at least one lever, bar, or key that the animal can manipulate. When the lever is pressed, food, water, or some other type of reinforcement might be dispensed. Other stimuli can also be presented including lights, sounds, and images. In some instances, the floor of the chamber may be electrified."
Skinner Box

If only I could electrify it.......hmmmmm.......

Your OPs are not worth reading........gave it up years ago
The OP has a constant woodie about darwin.

Any scientific work done on evolution is always "Darwinian Evolution". Uhh, no it isn't. Darwin lived 150 years ago, made some of the first observations about evolution, but wasn't correct about everything. There is a large body of research conducted, evidence collected and theories offered since the time of Darwin but PC asserts EVERYTHING comes from Darwin.

PC engages in a particularly sophomoric version of diversionary debate. She misstates facts in order to produce a questionable premise leading to an invalid conclusion...hoping no one will notice.
Evolution is a fact

God is a theory

If it is a fact.....

...you're makin' this too darn easy....

....."And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."
Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEQCUgOxShc]BaZing! - YouTube[/ame]
Evolution is a fact

God is a theory

The smartest thing you've done today is not try to dispute the OP.

In a way, I see our exchanges as a kind of verbal "Skinner Box," where my posts administer a kind of negative reinforcement to you every time you post some Leftist pap.....

"The design of Skinner boxes can vary depending upon the type of animal and the experimental variables. The box is a chamber that includes at least one lever, bar, or key that the animal can manipulate. When the lever is pressed, food, water, or some other type of reinforcement might be dispensed. Other stimuli can also be presented including lights, sounds, and images. In some instances, the floor of the chamber may be electrified."
Skinner Box

If only I could electrify it.......hmmmmm.......

Your OPs are not worth reading........gave it up years ago

Another fib.
The OP has a constant woodie about darwin.

Any scientific work done on evolution is always "Darwinian Evolution". Uhh, no it isn't. Darwin lived 150 years ago, made some of the first observations about evolution, but wasn't correct about everything. There is a large body of research conducted, evidence collected and theories offered since the time of Darwin but PC asserts EVERYTHING comes from Darwin.

PC engages in a particularly sophomoric version of diversionary debate. She misstates facts in order to produce a questionable premise leading to an invalid conclusion...hoping no one will notice.

Since both Darwin and Gould agree with me.....you look pretty much like a dunce....

The OP has a constant woodie about darwin.

Any scientific work done on evolution is always "Darwinian Evolution". Uhh, no it isn't. Darwin lived 150 years ago, made some of the first observations about evolution, but wasn't correct about everything. There is a large body of research conducted, evidence collected and theories offered since the time of Darwin but PC asserts EVERYTHING comes from Darwin.

PC engages in a particularly sophomoric version of diversionary debate. She misstates facts in order to produce a questionable premise leading to an invalid conclusion...hoping no one will notice.

Since both Darwin and Gould agree with me.....you look pretty much like a dunce....

your that old!


only to a degree you can see.
Evolution is a fact

God is a theory

If it is a fact.....

...you're makin' this too darn easy....

....."And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."
Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEQCUgOxShc]BaZing! - YouTube[/ame]

Wow......that is the best you got
Evolution has never been observed in the lab

Evolution is a FACT that is supported by biological, fossil and DNA evidence
How and why it occurs are still theories, but evolution occurring is a fact
I go with current evolutionary theory over Darwin, if there is any difference.

Since none of our Darwinists seem up to the job.....let me help.

One of the most recent theories of evolution is that of Masatoshi Nei, called "Mutation-Driven Evolution."

From Amazon:
"...a new mechanistic theory of mutation-driven evolution based on recent advances in genomics and evolutionary developmental biology. The theory asserts, perhaps somewhat controversially, that the driving force behind evolution is mutation, with natural selection being of only secondary importance. The word 'mutation' is used to describe any kind of change in DNA such as nucleotide substitution, gene duplication/deletion, chromosomal change, and genome duplication."

Did you see this phrase: "....perhaps somewhat controversially...."

That's the 'uh oh.'

There is no universally accepted evolution theory.

Guess why.

Anyone what to guess why so many spring to the defense of evolution....when there is no proof?
The smartest thing you've done today is not try to dispute the OP.

In a way, I see our exchanges as a kind of verbal "Skinner Box," where my posts administer a kind of negative reinforcement to you every time you post some Leftist pap.....

"The design of Skinner boxes can vary depending upon the type of animal and the experimental variables. The box is a chamber that includes at least one lever, bar, or key that the animal can manipulate. When the lever is pressed, food, water, or some other type of reinforcement might be dispensed. Other stimuli can also be presented including lights, sounds, and images. In some instances, the floor of the chamber may be electrified."
Skinner Box

If only I could electrify it.......hmmmmm.......

Your OPs are not worth reading........gave it up years ago

Another fib.

When you reach the stage where you can make a point in three or four sentences, I will start reading your posts

It is not that hard, most others find a way to do it
The OP has a constant woodie about darwin.

Any scientific work done on evolution is always "Darwinian Evolution". Uhh, no it isn't. Darwin lived 150 years ago, made some of the first observations about evolution, but wasn't correct about everything. There is a large body of research conducted, evidence collected and theories offered since the time of Darwin but PC asserts EVERYTHING comes from Darwin.

PC engages in a particularly sophomoric version of diversionary debate. She misstates facts in order to produce a questionable premise leading to an invalid conclusion...hoping no one will notice.

Since both Darwin and Gould agree with me.....you look pretty much like a dunce....

your that old!


only to a degree you can see.

Actually, I'm the oldest I've ever been.

Since you didn't bother to read the OP.....

a. "THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection." Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p.302

b. Steven J. Gould reported: "In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and fully formed." (Natural History, 86:12-16)

You don't want to argue with either one, do you.
Evolution is a fact

God is a theory

If it is a fact.....

...you're makin' this too darn easy....

....."And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field."
Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEQCUgOxShc]BaZing! - YouTube[/ame]

Wow......that is the best you got
Evolution has never been observed in the lab

Evolution is a FACT that is supported by biological, fossil and DNA evidence
How and why it occurs are still theories, but evolution occurring is a fact

See post #13.
I go with current evolutionary theory over Darwin, if there is any difference.

Since none of our Darwinists seem up to the job.....let me help.

One of the most recent theories of evolution is that of Masatoshi Nei, called "Mutation-Driven Evolution."

From Amazon:
"...a new mechanistic theory of mutation-driven evolution based on recent advances in genomics and evolutionary developmental biology. The theory asserts, perhaps somewhat controversially, that the driving force behind evolution is mutation, with natural selection being of only secondary importance. The word 'mutation' is used to describe any kind of change in DNA such as nucleotide substitution, gene duplication/deletion, chromosomal change, and genome duplication."
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Mutation-Driven-Evolution-Masatoshi-Nei/dp/0199661731]Mutation-Driven Evolution: Masatoshi Nei: 9780199661732: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

Did you see this phrase: "....perhaps somewhat controversially...."

That's the 'uh oh.'

There is no universally accepted evolution theory.

Guess why.

Anyone what to guess why so many spring to the defense of evolution....when there is no proof?

What do you mean not up to the job? I answered your question quite simply. Yes it's true that there is no universally accepted evolutionary theory, that in no way means that evolution is false. This is a new theory as to what drives evolution, it's still true that life evolves it just means that there is some debate as to why. No one is saying animals don't evolve except the creationists.
I go with current evolutionary theory over Darwin, if there is any difference.

Since none of our Darwinists seem up to the job.....let me help.

One of the most recent theories of evolution is that of Masatoshi Nei, called "Mutation-Driven Evolution."

From Amazon:
"...a new mechanistic theory of mutation-driven evolution based on recent advances in genomics and evolutionary developmental biology. The theory asserts, perhaps somewhat controversially, that the driving force behind evolution is mutation, with natural selection being of only secondary importance. The word 'mutation' is used to describe any kind of change in DNA such as nucleotide substitution, gene duplication/deletion, chromosomal change, and genome duplication."
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Mutation-Driven-Evolution-Masatoshi-Nei/dp/0199661731]Mutation-Driven Evolution: Masatoshi Nei: 9780199661732: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

Did you see this phrase: "....perhaps somewhat controversially...."

That's the 'uh oh.'

There is no universally accepted evolution theory.

Guess why.

Anyone what to guess why so many spring to the defense of evolution....when there is no proof?

What do you mean not up to the job? I answered your question quite simply. Yes it's true that there is no universally accepted evolutionary theory, that in no way means that evolution is false. This is a new theory as to what drives evolution, it's still true that life evolves it just means that there is some debate as to why. No one is saying animals don't evolve except the creationists.

..."it's still true that life evolves it just means that there is some debate as to why."

Actually there is no such proof.

If there are no examples of one species changing to another, evolution is no less based on faith than is any religion.

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