Evolution v. Creationism

I don’t presume one or more gods.

The planet is very old. We have no evidence of supernaturalism. Those are material facts.
Religion requires no evidence. It is based solely on belief. In science, beliefs have to be proven, we call them hypotheses. Many scientists have a belief in God but separate that from their real-world hypothesis, theories and experiments.
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There are so many threads from religious fundamentalists trying to debunk the Theory of Evolution. And, I might add, failing.

My question is simple. Why? Why does what happened millions of years ago matter so much?
Evolution isn't even a theory or hypothesis. It's ALL LIES. There is nothing that happened millions or billions of years ago. The earth layers are based on location. Check the names out. They refer to location and not time. Evolution scientists just made up the layers to refer to time. The layers were laid down by the global flood.

I even found out the difference between the natural selection of evolution and natural selection of creation science just recently. DNA tells us that what is defined there cannot be changed by mutation, i.e. one species cannot become an whole new species. Let's say I have plans for a house, i.e. DNA. These plans do not include a basement because they aren't built anymore. No matter how many different designs are in the DNA, one cannot have a basement pop up with this DNA. Thus, the DNA of creation science backs up all the different homes that can be designed, but none with a basement.

I've practically given up on evolutionists with the evidence for creation as science backs up creation and the Bible. Nothing backs up evolution.
Christianity is a moral framework for a society. It is especially helpful because human capacity for empathy varies with each individual. Evolution is on-going scientific research into the origins of life and should never be confused with religion which is based solely on belief.

Couldn't agree more about the roll Christianity can play ... nor about being confused with religion ...

I'm not sure it's correct to say "evolution is research" ... research is conducted within the framework of evolution ... we test new drugs on rats because humans and rats are very close cousins, evolutionary-ily speaking that is ... (adverb troubles) ...

Moral frameworks for moral questions ... scientific frameworks for science questions ... I have no problem existing in both ...
Or the stories are not meant to be history, but teaching a primitive, nomadic people about their world.
Agree. A collection of allegory and fable, written by many authors over many decades and reflects a period in time when life was harsh and the ebb and flow of life was dictated by events and forces little understood at the time so various gods and demons, most of which were passed down from earlier times, were the causes of existence.
Events that happened millions of years ago are a direct contradiction to the Bible and thus Christianity. Consider some of the central themes of the Bible. Without supernatural creation of the universe and mankind 6,000 years ago and a global flood perhaps 4,000 years ago, entire themes of the bible disappear. The known universe is somewhere around 13.8 billion years old with this planet around 4.5 billion years old. That’s utterly incompatible with a young earth.

The ancient, physical universe utterly contradicts the Jesus fable. Without Jesus as a savior, the crucifixion and subsequent rise from the dead, you have removed all the basic elements of christianity.

Why do you think folks living in the Kingdom of Judah in the 9th Century BC should have believed the Earth was 4.6 billion years old? ... we didn't know the Earth was round until the 5th Century BC ...

Exact how many scientific truths should we expect from the oral tradition we received from antiquity? ... stories passed father to son for 45,000 years ... told around camp fires while the wimin folk tended the babies ...

Phaw ... a good argument can be made that the Bible is political spin ... we have evidence of Judah, but nothing of Israel ... much like Hitler invading Czechoslovakia, Putin invading The Ukraine, the United States invading Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Chile, Panama, Grenada, Guatemala, Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq (twice), Guam, etc etc etc ... there's a narrative that allows for territorial conquest ... "It was ours from the beginning, the Bible says so" ...
Couldn't agree more about the roll Christianity can play ... nor about being confused with religion ...

I'm not sure it's correct to say "evolution is research" ... research is conducted within the framework of evolution ... we test new drugs on rats because humans and rats are very close cousins, evolutionary-ily speaking that is ... (adverb troubles) ...

Moral frameworks for moral questions ... scientific frameworks for science questions ... I have no problem existing in both ...
Evolution is on-going research into origins. Those who point to evolution as the answer to origins are actually trying to turn evolution into a religion, which it is not.
Hmmm, so we don’t know then…

My personal opinion of the deity called Lucifer is that it was created to scare children into believing that evil deeds done by humanity is the fault of a fallen being but in reality it is our own dark nature within us instead…
Yet some of the progressives gave credence to Lucifer. Are you saying the Obama and Hillary are liars?
Evolution is on-going research into origins. Those who point to evolution as the answer to origins are actually trying to turn evolution into a religion, which it is not.

Evolution is also about the future ... and here is it's true strength in science ... it has very useful predictive powers ... a core purpose of science is predicting the future ...

Most people are uncomfortable thinking of themselves as hairless semi-evolved rodents on a diseased and dying branch of the Tree of Life ... whose only evolutionary claim to fame is a particularly disgusting taste ... unpalatable except as carrion, and the older the better ...

We were arboreal ... [weeps openly] ... how cool would that be? ...
There are so many threads from religious fundamentalists trying to debunk the Theory of Evolution. And, I might add, failing.

My question is simple. Why? Why does what happened millions of years ago matter so much?
the big problem with the two theories is did it happen millions of yrs ago,,

one says no the other says yes without proof,,
Agree. A collection of allegory and fable, written by many authors over many decades and reflects a period in time when life was harsh and the ebb and flow of life was dictated by events and forces little understood at the time so various gods and demons, most of which were passed down from earlier times, were the causes of existence.
Boy, are you WRONG and not even a shred of evidence to show us to back up your spiel.
... religious fundamentalists ...

My question is simple. Why? Why does what happened millions of years ago matter so much?

And? Any idea why came a complete universe with a lot of energy and spacetime out of a nothing 13.8 billion years ago, killed god on a cross of the Romans about 2000 years ago, did evolve you and makes a war in the Ukraine now?

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Evolution isn't even a theory or hypothesis. It's ALL LIES. ...

Aha. You found out that the hand of a gorilla and your own front paw do not have any similarity - and that's why the blood of your noble dog is blue and your bible - ah sorry: blood - would be green if you came from the planet volcano.
Evolution is also about the future ... and here is it's true strength in science ... it has very useful predictive powers ...

If butterflies would not exist no one and nothing would be able to predict the existence of future butterflies. Same with the mpftlgrmpfs which will evolve within the next 100,000 - 1 million years.
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For those who have trouble with reading comprehension, this thread is not about rehashing Evolution/Creationism. There are already 15 threads in Science & Technology and Religion & Ethics forums doing that.

This is a simple question. Why does the argument exist? Why does it matter?
Evolution is also about the future ... and here is it's true strength in science ... it has very useful predictive powers

I wasn't aware anyone had computer models predicting the path of future evolution ...

Why do you think folks living in the Kingdom of Judah in the 9th Century BC should have believed the Earth was 4.6 billion years old? ... we didn't know the Earth was round until the 5th Century BC ...

Exact how many scientific truths should we expect from the oral tradition we received from antiquity? ... stories passed father to son for 45,000 years ... told around camp fires while the wimin folk tended the babies ...

Phaw ... a good argument can be made that the Bible is political spin ... we have evidence of Judah, but nothing of Israel ... much like Hitler invading Czechoslovakia, Putin invading The Ukraine, the United States invading Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Chile, Panama, Grenada, Guatemala, Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq (twice), Guam, etc etc etc ... there's a narrative that allows for territorial conquest ... "It was ours from the beginning, the Bible says so" ...

I would not expect that folks living in the Kingdom of Judah in the 9th Century BC would have any knowledge that the Earth was 4.6 billion years old. It’s not at all surprising that they invented gods as the movers of the sun, the cause of droughts, evil spirits causing solar / lunar eclipse, etc. etc.

I think the point can be made that science is dynamic and constantly changing, usually for the better. It is incrementally approaching truths. Hypotheses are not infallible and mistakes will inevitably be made. Science attempts to identify and correct these errors – self-correction. Newtonian mechanics was later modified by Einstein when he modified Newton’s laws as special cases in a physical reality different than earlier thought. That’s the nature of discovery.

That is not the case with creationism which has an internal bias. The “Statement of Faith” that is a prerequisite for creationer ministries is a guarantee of subjective bias.
For those who have trouble with reading comprehension, this thread is not about rehashing Evolution/Creationism. There are already 15 threads in Science & Technology and Religion & Ethics forums doing that.

This is a simple question. Why does the argument exist? Why does it matter?
It matters because exploration of the natural world tends to upend religious belief.
Yet some of the progressives gave credence to Lucifer. Are you saying the Obama and Hillary are liars?
Politician lie daily like a Preacher that tend too his flock…

Lucifer is a myth created by humanity to scare children with so they wouldn’t follow the dark path in life.

Is the story needed in life lessons?

Yes, but Lucifer is just a fairytale in my personal opinion and the real evil is in the hearts of humanity…
For those who have trouble with reading comprehension, this thread is not about rehashing Evolution/Creationism. There are already 15 threads in Science & Technology and Religion & Ethics forums doing that.

This is a simple question. Why does the argument exist? Why does it matter?
It matter because people can not agree and both sides have to be right…

People from the evolution side ( most not all ) believe it will prove a deity did not create this Universe while people on the Religious side want to prove that a deity gave us all this and I say it can be both if you really are open minded…

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