Evolutionary Thoery is about as useful as an art museum

So computer scientists say they base something on the theory of evolution, but you are 100 percent confident it doesn't support it? A strong claim that is claiming the exact opposite of those who use it. This, of course is the problem with discussing something with a creationist. You feel that your faith has the same power as facts.

You have to do more than slap a label "evolution" onto an algorithm to show there's practical value in the Theory of Evolution.

The Wikipedia article on Evolutionary Computation says it's "a family of algorithms for global optimization." Optimization is not Evolution. Optimization adjusts variables. Evolution requires indefinite additions of practical novelty. Even if Evolutionary Computation could create novelty, it's your job to demonstrate it, which hasn't been done.

The trouble with discussing something with an Evolutionist is they believe their faith is the same as facts.
What's funny is you really do believe that a god would make dozens(or many dozens) of past species of walking apes with some trees branches failing and some moving forward towards the current form of man. This is what the fossil record shows and what such a god would need to have done. Unlikely I'd say. Evolution makes far more sense.
Indeed, the history of life on this planet is waaay too complex for an Intelligent Designer. Occam's Razor cuts the God theory to shreds.

Now, if they wanna change it to Really Stupid Designer Who Had to Keep on Designing to Get It Right, THAT would fit the data.
What's funny is you really do believe that a god would make dozens(or many dozens) of past species of walking apes with some trees branches failing and some moving forward towards the current form of man. This is what the fossil record shows and what such a god would need to have done. Unlikely I'd say. Evolution makes far more sense.

Evolution doesn't stand or fall based on the reasonableness of my religious beliefs.

I'm not aware of any, let alone dozens, of species of bipedal apes. (I don't count man as an ape.) There might be a bipedal ape or two, even if no one has have proven it. So what?

Where's the usefulness of Evolution? All I've seen in this thread is pro-Evolution propaganda, some of it very embarrassing and credibility-destroying (like, if you don't believe in Evolution, you don't believe in math), but no support for Evolution being a useful belief.
I am not a Creationist or even a Christian. I simply don't see the importance of studying Evolution. There are a lot of things people find interesting. Heck, some people find impressionist paintings interesting. That doesn't make them useful. I can not fathom any purpose of math and science other than to serve as a foundation for technological innovation. I do not see how Evolution is contributing much in terms of better cars, planes, computers, firearms, bombs, rockets, etc.

Not one penny of taxpayer money should go towards art, music, or other non-productive fields. I have never bought a painting or a music album. I am not missing out on anything. Most music annoys me and realism is the only legitimate form of art.

Of course, evolutionary science is not a detriment to society like the arts and humanities are. If we got rid of the arts and humanities, we would all be better off. They are poisonous to us as a species. For example, we spend huge amounts of money researching and trying to treat people with psychological illnesses when simply rounding them up and institutionalizing them into concentrated populations is actually much more effective at protecting society at a lower cost.
Evolution is the foundation of all of biology, which itself is the foundation of all of medicine. Most crusty old people complaining that "evolution is useless" would have been dead long ago, if not for evolutionary theory. That's a fact.
Now for the rest of the OP

Art & Music

The religions of the world are in very deep doodoo without art & music.

And tributes to America!

The reason the Creation vs. Evolution debate can't be resolved is because there's no practical consequence to believing either, no matter how much some Evolutionists idiotically insist that you can't do, or even wouldn't want to do, science without believing Evolution.

What do you mean "believing evolution?"

Facts are facts, religion is religion. Evolution is a fact, demonstrable and repeatable.. Religion is a matter of faith.

Why do facts scare so may people? You can still have your religion, just say god, allah, or cthulu created evolution.

The evidence for evolution isn't overwhelming, it's iron clad, irrefutable.
I am not a Creationist or even a Christian. I simply don't see the importance of studying Evolution. There are a lot of things people find interesting. Heck, some people find impressionist paintings interesting. That doesn't make them useful. I can not fathom any purpose of math and science other than to serve as a foundation for technological innovation. I do not see how Evolution is contributing much in terms of better cars, planes, computers, firearms, bombs, rockets, etc.

Not one penny of taxpayer money should go towards art, music, or other non-productive fields. I have never bought a painting or a music album. I am not missing out on anything. Most music annoys me and realism is the only legitimate form of art.

Of course, evolutionary science is not a detriment to society like the arts and humanities are. If we got rid of the arts and humanities, we would all be better off. They are poisonous to us as a species. For example, we spend huge amounts of money researching and trying to treat people with psychological illnesses when simply rounding them up and institutionalizing them into concentrated populations is actually much more effective at protecting society at a lower cost.
Evolution is the foundation of all of biology, which itself is the foundation of all of medicine. Most crusty old people complaining that "evolution is useless" would have been dead long ago, if not for evolutionary theory. That's a fact.

No, it is not.

Evolution has almost nothing to do with biology.
I am not a Creationist or even a Christian. I simply don't see the importance of studying Evolution. There are a lot of things people find interesting. Heck, some people find impressionist paintings interesting. That doesn't make them useful. I can not fathom any purpose of math and science other than to serve as a foundation for technological innovation. I do not see how Evolution is contributing much in terms of better cars, planes, computers, firearms, bombs, rockets, etc.

Not one penny of taxpayer money should go towards art, music, or other non-productive fields. I have never bought a painting or a music album. I am not missing out on anything. Most music annoys me and realism is the only legitimate form of art.

Of course, evolutionary science is not a detriment to society like the arts and humanities are. If we got rid of the arts and humanities, we would all be better off. They are poisonous to us as a species. For example, we spend huge amounts of money researching and trying to treat people with psychological illnesses when simply rounding them up and institutionalizing them into concentrated populations is actually much more effective at protecting society at a lower cost.
Evolution is the foundation of all of biology, which itself is the foundation of all of medicine. Most crusty old people complaining that "evolution is useless" would have been dead long ago, if not for evolutionary theory. That's a fact.

No, it is not.

Evolution has almost nothing to do with biology.

Would you rather we put it into physics or chemistry texts?
Evolution, geology, physics, astronomy, chemistry.

Have no value other than revealing the details of how reality works. If that is important to any species that is trying to avoid being killed by every natural force on a particular planet that is.

Reality for many, though, is something to be avoided.
I am not a Creationist or even a Christian. I simply don't see the importance of studying Evolution. There are a lot of things people find interesting. Heck, some people find impressionist paintings interesting. That doesn't make them useful. I can not fathom any purpose of math and science other than to serve as a foundation for technological innovation. I do not see how Evolution is contributing much in terms of better cars, planes, computers, firearms, bombs, rockets, etc.

Not one penny of taxpayer money should go towards art, music, or other non-productive fields. I have never bought a painting or a music album. I am not missing out on anything. Most music annoys me and realism is the only legitimate form of art.

Of course, evolutionary science is not a detriment to society like the arts and humanities are. If we got rid of the arts and humanities, we would all be better off. They are poisonous to us as a species. For example, we spend huge amounts of money researching and trying to treat people with psychological illnesses when simply rounding them up and institutionalizing them into concentrated populations is actually much more effective at protecting society at a lower cost.
Evolution is the foundation of all of biology, which itself is the foundation of all of medicine. Most crusty old people complaining that "evolution is useless" would have been dead long ago, if not for evolutionary theory. That's a fact.

No, it is not.

Evolution has almost nothing to do with biology.

Would you rather we put it into physics or chemistry texts?

I'd rather education be privatized completely.
I am not a Creationist or even a Christian. I simply don't see the importance of studying Evolution. There are a lot of things people find interesting. Heck, some people find impressionist paintings interesting. That doesn't make them useful. I can not fathom any purpose of math and science other than to serve as a foundation for technological innovation. I do not see how Evolution is contributing much in terms of better cars, planes, computers, firearms, bombs, rockets, etc.

Not one penny of taxpayer money should go towards art, music, or other non-productive fields. I have never bought a painting or a music album. I am not missing out on anything. Most music annoys me and realism is the only legitimate form of art.

Of course, evolutionary science is not a detriment to society like the arts and humanities are. If we got rid of the arts and humanities, we would all be better off. They are poisonous to us as a species. For example, we spend huge amounts of money researching and trying to treat people with psychological illnesses when simply rounding them up and institutionalizing them into concentrated populations is actually much more effective at protecting society at a lower cost.
What you are saying is that it is unimportant to study where we come from. It is unimportant where we're going. Couple of things, almost all science has a use outside the actual knowledge and just because you don't have an immediate use for it doesn't mean it doesn't get one. For instance evolution is not only used in biology, but also in computer science, a thoroughly practical application.Evolutionary computation - Wikipedia
Point is if mankind wouldn't pursue science for science sake all progress would stop.
Secondly understanding who we are should be a fundamental question for anybody who has an ounce of curiosity.
In mathematics, there were whole branches created before they had any known use. And now are considered indispensible.
I am not a Creationist or even a Christian. I simply don't see the importance of studying Evolution. There are a lot of things people find interesting. Heck, some people find impressionist paintings interesting. That doesn't make them useful. I can not fathom any purpose of math and science other than to serve as a foundation for technological innovation. I do not see how Evolution is contributing much in terms of better cars, planes, computers, firearms, bombs, rockets, etc.

Not one penny of taxpayer money should go towards art, music, or other non-productive fields. I have never bought a painting or a music album. I am not missing out on anything. Most music annoys me and realism is the only legitimate form of art.

Of course, evolutionary science is not a detriment to society like the arts and humanities are. If we got rid of the arts and humanities, we would all be better off. They are poisonous to us as a species. For example, we spend huge amounts of money researching and trying to treat people with psychological illnesses when simply rounding them up and institutionalizing them into concentrated populations is actually much more effective at protecting society at a lower cost.
Evolution is the foundation of all of biology, which itself is the foundation of all of medicine. Most crusty old people complaining that "evolution is useless" would have been dead long ago, if not for evolutionary theory. That's a fact.

No, it is not.

Evolution has almost nothing to do with biology.

Would you rather we put it into physics or chemistry texts?

I'd rather education be privatized completely.
You would and have avoided anything past the most elementary education quite successfully. That is completely evident from your posts.
I am not a Creationist or even a Christian. I simply don't see the importance of studying Evolution. There are a lot of things people find interesting. Heck, some people find impressionist paintings interesting. That doesn't make them useful. I can not fathom any purpose of math and science other than to serve as a foundation for technological innovation. I do not see how Evolution is contributing much in terms of better cars, planes, computers, firearms, bombs, rockets, etc.

Not one penny of taxpayer money should go towards art, music, or other non-productive fields. I have never bought a painting or a music album. I am not missing out on anything. Most music annoys me and realism is the only legitimate form of art.

Of course, evolutionary science is not a detriment to society like the arts and humanities are. If we got rid of the arts and humanities, we would all be better off. They are poisonous to us as a species. For example, we spend huge amounts of money researching and trying to treat people with psychological illnesses when simply rounding them up and institutionalizing them into concentrated populations is actually much more effective at protecting society at a lower cost.
Evolution is the foundation of all of biology, which itself is the foundation of all of medicine. Most crusty old people complaining that "evolution is useless" would have been dead long ago, if not for evolutionary theory. That's a fact.

No, it is not.

Evolution has almost nothing to do with biology.

Would you rather we put it into physics or chemistry texts?

I'd rather education be privatized completely.
WTF? Do you always suffer from tourettes?

First you post evolution is fact and then it is not biology. Now Privatization?
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Education was privatized early in this nations history. Only the rich could afford to hire a tutor to teach their children. But people in townships banded together and all paid a certain amount so a teacher could teach all their children. Socialism on the small scale. But as the demands of industry increased for better educated workers, counties and states became involved. And as we realized that, as a nation, we needed many highly educated people, the Federal Government became involved. Were we to try to go back to privatized education, we would soon be competing with Uganda, rather than the EU.
I am not a Creationist or even a Christian. I simply don't see the importance of studying Evolution. There are a lot of things people find interesting. Heck, some people find impressionist paintings interesting. That doesn't make them useful. I can not fathom any purpose of math and science other than to serve as a foundation for technological innovation. I do not see how Evolution is contributing much in terms of better cars, planes, computers, firearms, bombs, rockets, etc.

Not one penny of taxpayer money should go towards art, music, or other non-productive fields. I have never bought a painting or a music album. I am not missing out on anything. Most music annoys me and realism is the only legitimate form of art.

Of course, evolutionary science is not a detriment to society like the arts and humanities are. If we got rid of the arts and humanities, we would all be better off. They are poisonous to us as a species. For example, we spend huge amounts of money researching and trying to treat people with psychological illnesses when simply rounding them up and institutionalizing them into concentrated populations is actually much more effective at protecting society at a lower cost.
That is just soooooooooooooo incredibly ignorant.

Evolution is everywhere. Evolution of a storm. Evolution of the economy. Evolution of an illness. And on and on.

Evolution of the solar system.

Evolution of the planet.

When scientists make disease resistant plants, it's forced evolution.

It's everywhere. Why would it be everywhere, and yet, people just popped into existence? That's stupid.
I am not a Creationist or even a Christian. I simply don't see the importance of studying Evolution. There are a lot of things people find interesting. Heck, some people find impressionist paintings interesting. That doesn't make them useful. I can not fathom any purpose of math and science other than to serve as a foundation for technological innovation. I do not see how Evolution is contributing much in terms of better cars, planes, computers, firearms, bombs, rockets, etc.

Not one penny of taxpayer money should go towards art, music, or other non-productive fields. I have never bought a painting or a music album. I am not missing out on anything. Most music annoys me and realism is the only legitimate form of art.

Of course, evolutionary science is not a detriment to society like the arts and humanities are. If we got rid of the arts and humanities, we would all be better off. They are poisonous to us as a species. For example, we spend huge amounts of money researching and trying to treat people with psychological illnesses when simply rounding them up and institutionalizing them into concentrated populations is actually much more effective at protecting society at a lower cost.
That is just soooooooooooooo incredibly ignorant.

Evolution is everywhere. Evolution of a storm. Evolution of the economy. Evolution of an illness. And on and on.

Evolution of the solar system.

Evolution of the planet.

When scientists make disease resistant plants, it's forced evolution.

It's everywhere. Why would it be everywhere, and yet, people just popped into existence? That's stupid.
To be fair, the best IDers (and this is actually most) believe in all of evolution, but man is special creation. The only reason for God is to specifically create US.

Darwin's On the origin of species was universally accepted. It was his Decent of Man that started the war on science.
I am not a Creationist or even a Christian. I simply don't see the importance of studying Evolution. There are a lot of things people find interesting. Heck, some people find impressionist paintings interesting. That doesn't make them useful. I can not fathom any purpose of math and science other than to serve as a foundation for technological innovation. I do not see how Evolution is contributing much in terms of better cars, planes, computers, firearms, bombs, rockets, etc.

Not one penny of taxpayer money should go towards art, music, or other non-productive fields. I have never bought a painting or a music album. I am not missing out on anything. Most music annoys me and realism is the only legitimate form of art.

Of course, evolutionary science is not a detriment to society like the arts and humanities are. If we got rid of the arts and humanities, we would all be better off. They are poisonous to us as a species. For example, we spend huge amounts of money researching and trying to treat people with psychological illnesses when simply rounding them up and institutionalizing them into concentrated populations is actually much more effective at protecting society at a lower cost.
That is just soooooooooooooo incredibly ignorant.

Evolution is everywhere. Evolution of a storm. Evolution of the economy. Evolution of an illness. And on and on.

Evolution of the solar system.

Evolution of the planet.

When scientists make disease resistant plants, it's forced evolution.

It's everywhere. Why would it be everywhere, and yet, people just popped into existence? That's stupid.
To be fair, the best IDers (and this is actually most) believe in all of evolution, but man is special creation. The only reason for God is to specifically create US.

Darwin's On the origin of species was universally accepted. It was his Decent of Man that started the war on science.
Man is "special"?
I am not a Creationist or even a Christian. I simply don't see the importance of studying Evolution. There are a lot of things people find interesting. Heck, some people find impressionist paintings interesting. That doesn't make them useful. I can not fathom any purpose of math and science other than to serve as a foundation for technological innovation. I do not see how Evolution is contributing much in terms of better cars, planes, computers, firearms, bombs, rockets, etc.

Not one penny of taxpayer money should go towards art, music, or other non-productive fields. I have never bought a painting or a music album. I am not missing out on anything. Most music annoys me and realism is the only legitimate form of art.

Of course, evolutionary science is not a detriment to society like the arts and humanities are. If we got rid of the arts and humanities, we would all be better off. They are poisonous to us as a species. For example, we spend huge amounts of money researching and trying to treat people with psychological illnesses when simply rounding them up and institutionalizing them into concentrated populations is actually much more effective at protecting society at a lower cost.
That is just soooooooooooooo incredibly ignorant.

Evolution is everywhere. Evolution of a storm. Evolution of the economy. Evolution of an illness. And on and on.

Evolution of the solar system.

Evolution of the planet.

When scientists make disease resistant plants, it's forced evolution.

It's everywhere. Why would it be everywhere, and yet, people just popped into existence? That's stupid.
To be fair, the best IDers (and this is actually most) believe in all of evolution, but man is special creation. The only reason for God is to specifically create US.

Darwin's On the origin of species was universally accepted. It was his Decent of Man that started the war on science.
Man is "special"?
Yeah we are. No argument there.
The reason the Creation vs. Evolution debate can't be resolved is because there's no practical consequence to believing either, no matter how much some Evolutionists idiotically insist that you can't do, or even wouldn't want to do, science without believing Evolution.
Evolutionary computation - Wikipedia Just because people like you don't believe in it, doesn't mean the scientists don't. And they do use evolution for practical purposes. Can Creationism claim the same? And btw not believing in evolution means you have to not believe in genetics, biology, math, chemistry, physics, archaeology, anthropology and geology. Every one of these sciences can proof evolution.

That is an example of Computer Science being used by Evolutionary scientists, not the other way around. Evolutionary theory is not being used to advance computer technology. Again, I am not disputing the legitimacy of evolutionary theory and when I say theory I am not trying to disparage it as "only a theory". This is neither a criticism of the legitimacy of evolutionary theory nor an endorsement of creationism. In the end, technology is all that matters and I do not see how evolutionary theory is significantly contributing to the Military Industrial complex, i.e. the crowning achievement of humanity.

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