Ex-Bush Official Willing to Testify Bush, Cheney Knew Gitmo Prisoners Innocent


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Ex-Bush Official Willing to Testify Bush, Cheney Knew Gitmo Prisoners Innocent

During a radio interview in June 2005, Rumsfeld said the detainees at Guantanamo, "all of whom were captured on a battlefield," are "terrorists, trainers, bomb makers, recruiters, financiers, [Osama Bin Laden's] body guards, would-be suicide bombers, probably the 20th hijacker, 9/11 hijacker."

But Rumsfeld knowingly lied, according to a former top Bush administration official.

And so did then Vice President Dick Cheney when he said, also in 2002 and in dozens of public statements thereafter, that Guantanamo prisoners "are the worst of a very bad lot" and "dangerous" and "devoted to killing millions of Americans, innocent Americans, if they can, and they are perfectly prepared to die in the effort."

"By late August 2002, I found that of the initial 742 detainees that had arrived at Guantánamo, the majority of them had never seen a US soldier in the process of their initial detention and their captivity had not been subjected to any meaningful review," Wilkerson's declaration says. "Secretary Powell was also trying to bring pressure to bear regarding a number of specific detentions because children as young as 12 and 13 and elderly as old as 92 or 93 had been shipped to Guantánamo. By that time, I also understood that the deliberate choice to send detainees to Guantánamo was an attempt to place them outside the jurisdiction of the US legal system."

Ex-Bush Official Willing to Testify Bush, Cheney Knew Gitmo Prisoners Innocent
Expanding Halliburton probe confirms Bush administration is most corrupt in US history
A pattern of corruption and cover-up

Over the past year, one revelation after another has ensued, demonstrating not only that Halliburton/KBR has enjoyed privileged access to Pentagon contracts, but that the Bush administration has done everything in its power to block any review of this corrupt relationship with Cheney’s former company.

* In December 2003, Pentagon auditors uncovered a overcharge of $61 million by KBR on a contract to supply fuel for the military in Iraq. Halliburton was also suspected of overcharging by $67 million on food for military mess halls in Kuwait and Iraq.

* In January 2004, Halliburton repaid $6.3 million in overcharges and kickbacks for fuel contracts in Kuwait.

* In February 2004, the Pentagon announced that Halliburton would repay it for $27 million in KBR overbilling for meals served to troops at five military bases in Kuwait and Iraq. The meals were never delivered.

* In March 2004, the Pentagon requested the Justice Department join the probe of overbilling, a strong indication that potential criminal fraud charges were at issue.

* In June 2004, Time magazine obtained and made public an internal Army Corps of Engineers e-mail from March 2003, reporting that the initial contract award to Halliburton had been “coordinated” with the office of Vice President Cheney.

* Later in June, press reports confirmed that a Bush political appointee, Michael Mobbs, was the Pentagon official who decided to award the initial planning job to KBR which facilitated its selection for the subsequent $7 billion implementation contract.

* In July 2004, a federal grand jury subpoenaed records of Halliburton’s subsidiary in the Cayman Islands, as part of an investigation into illicit dealings with Iran.

* In August 2004, a Pentagon audit found that $1.8 billion by KBR for work in Iraq was inadequately documented and potentially unjustified. The Pentagon initially said it would withhold 15 percent of scheduled payments to KBR pending the result of an investigation—the usual procedure in such cases—but reversed the decision two days later.

* In September 2004, a federal judge in Dallas rejected a proposed $6 million settlement of a lawsuit by Halliburton stockholders charging the company with accounting fraud, suggesting that the penalty was far too small.

The month of October has seen one report after another about dubious or plainly corrupt ties between Halliburton and various federal agencies, some of them directly mediated by Vice President Cheney’s staff. These revelations underscore one reason for the ferocity of the Bush campaign in the November 2 election. Should Bush and Cheney fail to retain the White House—and thus lose the power to block and suppress the myriad investigations into corrupt contracting—dozens of individuals, right up to the topmost levels of the administration, will face trial, conviction and imprisonment.

Expanding Halliburton probe confirms Bush administration is most corrupt in US history - World Socialist Web Site
Please, let me give the Rethug response. Seeing as how we have all heard it before.

Blah blah blah the Dems voted for it to blah blah blah the Dems did it to blah blah blah the Dems knew about it to blah blah blah.

Sorry if I wasted to much of your time with my well thought out and reasoned response. But I am practicing rethugs ways. Got to know your enemy.
Leopold sounds like he once dated a lady who kept single edged razor blades sequestered, sharpened edge facing out, in her vagina.
Your lefty candidate just got re-elected, and you lefty wackos still can't get over President Bush? You're still in a tizzy over Gore losing the 2000 election, aren't ya? Nightmares about dangling chads and all that? Your little fantasies about baseless legal charges will NEVER come true, so you might as well be happy with the recent election and brace yourselves for 2014 instead of venting your frustrations over the previous administration.
Absolutely Bush and Cheney should be prosecuted for this. The only problem Libs have is that it sets a legal precedent that will allow for Obama to be prosecuted as well.
Then we can stick O in there with him for doing the same along with benghazi, fast and furious....
just poor , peaceful, innocent, women children and elderly jihadists caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time. lol

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