Ex-Cop Gets 4 Years For Lying About Torture Of 100 Black Men

I would like to know if the men tortured into confessing are going to have their convictions reviewed. And.... he should have got more than 4 years. A lot more.
shame the time ran out to put him away for the real crime.

He'll do 2 at a minimum security and get out on parol.

Sometimes there's just no justice.
He didn't just torture blacks, he tortured criminals most of whom were black.
Question: Why did you title it the torture of 100 "black" men? Instead of just "100 men"? Had it been 100 white men, or 100 men with equal race distribution, would it have been better or worse?

Just wondering. I'm hoping we'll get to MLK's dream where race is such a non-issue, it's not even mentioned. You have a long way to go, obviously.
Question: Why did you title it the torture of 100 "black" men? Instead of just "100 men"? Had it been 100 white men, or 100 men with equal race distribution, would it have been better or worse?

Just wondering. I'm hoping we'll get to MLK's dream where race is such a non-issue, it's not even mentioned. You have a long way to go, obviously.

Chicago, Illinois– Jon Burge, the former Chicago cop convicted of lying about his role in overseeing a ring of cops that tortured 100 black men, was sentenced to four and a half years in federal prison. John Burge Given 4 1/2 Year Prison Sentence For Lying About Torture | News One

That's exactly how it was reported.
Hmmm. Suppose the writer of the story is having trouble living up to MLK's dream also.

100 men are 100 men. Color doesn't matter.
Burge was convicted of lying about his role in a long-running torture ring that saw black men taken to secret locations, where guns were placed in their mouths and their testicles electrocuted with a cattle prod to coerce confessions.

There ought not be a statute of limitations on crimes against humanity.

He and his fellow perps ought to be hanged.

We owe it to the children. (that is meant to be ironic for the benefit of those of you whose editecian irony-detectors are weak)
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Hmmm. Suppose the writer of the story is having trouble living up to MLK's dream also.

100 men are 100 men. Color doesn't matter.

When they are ALL black, it matters and it is something that needs to be investigated.

They targeted black men.
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I mean, do you think they were just going after random people and they were all black by coincidence?

this guy should complain about getting SIX years for torture and kidnapping in a hate crime. it is obviously unfair considering he only tortured one person for 4 hours rather than 100 for who knows how long.
Mohamed, 22, pleaded guilty last month to first-degree robbery with a deadly weapon and malicious harassment, the state's hate-crime statute, for the attack on Shane McClellan on May 25.

According to court documents, McClellan was walking home from a friend's house around 2 a.m. when Mohamed and Jonathan Baquiring, 21, asked the teen for a light.

When the West Seattle teen, who turned 17 on Friday, stopped, Mohamed and Baquiring attacked him.

For more than four hours, according to court documents, the two men punched McClellan, urinated on him, beat him with his own belt and burned him with cigarettes. They also poured Four Loko on the teen and taunted him by saying, "How do you like it, white boy?" and, "This is for enslaving our people," according to the charges.

Mohamed, who is black, said in his guilty plea that he and Baquiring targeted McClellan "because he was a different race than we are." McClellan is white.

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