Ex-Employee Leaks Details About Refugee Abuse On Nauru

humanely does not mean letting them in, they chose to leave
Are you nine?

don't get it
...years old.

oh hahaha, you are so witty

BTW you dick in New Zealand, when the day come that you guys have taken in all the worlds refugees then I won't laugh at you, in the meantime you pushing the rest of us to take in the worlds trash is nothing short of douchebaggery

I bet a search of it's posting history shows very little in the way of real concern for 'The Children'; for these types they're just useful for propaganda purposes of the current moment and then discarded like yesterday's newspapers. And that's an excellent point about New Zealand; they have a lot of the usual bourgeois grandstanding and finger wagging at others about 'human rights' and the like, all aimed at western countries and never at the usual degenerate vermin who cause the problems, but they wouldn't be caught dead taking in 10's of millions of these 'refugees' and supporting them themselves; that would be 'icky n stuff'. It's 'Everybody Else's Job', you know ... Total shallow hypocrites.
Feel free to point out where I've said that anyone should take in refugees.
Read the thread.
Posters are saying that these people come from countries that condone rape and mistreatment - implying that they're less civilised than us.
Is that the standard we should adopt as well?

higher standards does not mean taking in the victims of their lower standards
No, but when you have them it means treating them humanely.

humanely does not mean letting them in, they chose to leave
Are you nine?

Even if he were he would still be 3 times more mature than you are.
Ah... the old "I know what I am...what are you?!" comeback.
This thread has also shown the fundamental lack of understanding about, or empathy for people that become refugees because they have no other options available to them.

What it shows is that western countries are the only cultures that even have options for refugees, and the usual astro-turfers will never in a million years deplore that and criticize anybody but western countries, as if it's all our problem and nobody else's, and they should just accept them without question no matter how many of them there are for some weird reason they can never explain with any sense.

Iran, Brunei, Pakistan, north Africa, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, all have plenty of room as well, and they much closer to boot. Snivel and cry about them for once.
So Western countries shouldn't hold themselves to a higher standard than those other countries.
It's OK to for us to allow rape and child molestation in our detention camps because they do.

Don't you think that some of those refugees might be trying to escape that very culture?

arrogance to say western nations must have higher standard, you are implicitly being elitist, some sort of disorder where you must feel like you can save the world because you are better, and I am tired of paying for your mental health issues
Read the thread.
Posters are saying that these people come from countries that condone rape and mistreatment - implying that they're less civilised than us.
Is that the standard we should adopt as well?

Who said anything like that, moron? Can't make a point without strawmen, can you?
Learn what a strawman is and I'll answer your question...moron.

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