Ex-F.B.I. Lawyer Expected to Plead Guilty in Durham Investigation

Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.
I haven't heard anyone say that. However, he was deliberately given the impression it wasn't an official investigation. If your neighbor is an FBi agent, is it a crime to tell him that your dog didn't crap in his yard?
No one gave him that impression. Two FBI agents don’t show up to your office randomly for friendly conversations.

Actually that is what the FBI claimed they were there for..........a friendly conversation about the switch over of power etc. Flynn even flat out asked them about it and the fbi lied about what they were doing there-------

Maybe the fbi should be in prison for lying....
That’s very much not true. McCabe asked Flynn to sit down for a voluntary interview regarding his conversation with the Russian ambassador. Flynn agreed.

Oh geebus.......

Let's start with getting a few basics down.

1) There was no predicate to investigate Flynn---Flynn had done nothing wrong so any investigation launched at this point was ILLEGAL AND AN ABUSE of POWER. To investigate someone without cause (predicate) is a clear violation of civil rights law. All of the claims that the FBI made before about having cause have been shown to be a lie.......Comey, McCabe, and Stroz are now retracting all claims. They are best trying to claim that the ambassadors call was grounds---even though they know that nothing said during call was in any way grounds for any investigation.
2) In Flynns position, talking to foreign ambassadors is a common practice unworthy of any investigation It is the typical when administrations switch over.
3) As Flynn would later note---foreign ambassador phone calls are RECORDED by our FBI/NSA group--ergo the FBI already knew what was said and Flynn already knew that they knew what was exactly said. Flynn had no reason to lie or even fear an interview and the FBI knew they had no reason to question anything that was said. The FBI who has been snagged lying repeatedly claims that they told Flynn it was about the Ambassador----Flynns account is different. Now who do I believe---Flynn who hasn't lied, or the FBI who has been snagged lying over and over.
4) If you are investigating someone for a crime, it is law that you inform them that they have a right to an attorney. The FBI said flat out to Flynn that he didn't need an attorney ergo they said he wasn't under investigation.

6) COMEY-----despite what McCabe is now spinning specifically stated the that the FBI did not tell Flynn the real reason for why they wanted to interview him. IN FACT THE FBI'S NOTES FROM THAT TIME HAVE THE FBI DISCUSSING THEIR GOALS OF THE INTERVIEW WHICH WAS TO TRY TO TRICK FLYNN INTO TO LYING OR GET HIM FIRED. They could care a less about the phone call to the ambassador-----they weren't investigating anything--they were abusing their position violating Flynns rights and running a coup trying to take out Trumps people one way or the other.

These are not basics, they are mostly incorrect.

1. Flynn hadn't done anything wrong? Well apart from running an illegal lobbying organization (not filing required FARA documentation while working on behalf of Turkey in secret), receiving money from Russia against regulations and stipulations with his government contract. Not all FBI investigations are criminal, they also handle counterintelligence. Flynn was to be entrusted with our country's most secure and deeply held secrets, but he was lying about conversations he had with Russian government officials to his own bosses. You telling me that doesn't warrant an investigation? Nonsense.

2. That's fine. But conducting policy with foreign officials is not common practice. There's only one president at a time and his behavior, while not illegal, was not common or considered appropriate.

3. Paints more of a picture of Flynn's arrogance thinking he was above accountability. Flynn's account is not different based on any court filings I've read. As for Flynn has ever lied? Well, even if we accept your argument of his innocence, he did plead guilty to his offenses, so at the very least he lied in that regard.

4. You may have a right to an attorney but that doesn't mean you need to have an attorney, which is exactly what Flynn was told. He was also told he could have one present. So this point is not logical.
Oh stop with the BS-----I know you goofy Trump haters would like to change history and move the field posts, but again Flynn was criminally charged with lying when he hadn't lied to investigators who were lying and running a coup. They had no GROUNDS for an investigation (which they lied about) plain and simple. Anything and everything that they found after that point is MUTE....However, if you want to play games---and move away from the actual false charges of lying---I'll take it as a win for ME and start talking about your lost in a rabbit hole comments.

Lets talk about the Fara documentation that you are touting....yes flynn did it, but hun it is just a procedural error and naught more with no malice intent. Typically when such an oversight occurs, the feds just work with the individual to get back into compliance. Why the special hit job on Flynn when so many others have done the exact thing with no criminal charges.... .

"Under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, U.S. citizens who lobby on behalf of foreign government or political entities must disclose their work to the Justice Department. Willfully failing to register is a felony, though the Justice Department rarely files criminal charges in such cases. It routinely works with lobbying firms to get back in compliance with the law by registering and disclosing their work."---AP March 8, 2017

Oh lordy going after Flynn for accepting a speaking fee from a Russian television? Is that what you are trying to desperately get Flynn with? It violated no previous work policy and to cover his azz his attorney's went ahead and listed it as foreign income something like a big whopping $34,000--not that such fees necessarily required to be listed btw. He took speaking fees from a television company not a foreign government.

Everything Flynn did was appropriate...its dishonest to claim otherwise. Incoming administration have talks with foreign dipolmats all the time .

Flynn was EXTORTED into copping to lying when he hadn't lied------------------which is ILLEGAL, not on Flynns part, but on the FBIs. He didn't lie--he succumbed to the pressure of going bankrupt and having his son and thusly his new grandbaby destroyed if he didn't cave to our abusive FBI. There was no malice intent on his part, just a GOOD man trying to save his family from being destroyed by the evil Clinton/Obama FBI.
Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.
I haven't heard anyone say that. However, he was deliberately given the impression it wasn't an official investigation. If your neighbor is an FBi agent, is it a crime to tell him that your dog didn't crap in his yard?
No one gave him that impression. Two FBI agents don’t show up to your office randomly for friendly conversations.

Actually that is what the FBI claimed they were there for..........a friendly conversation about the switch over of power etc. Flynn even flat out asked them about it and the fbi lied about what they were doing there-------

Maybe the fbi should be in prison for lying....
That’s very much not true. McCabe asked Flynn to sit down for a voluntary interview regarding his conversation with the Russian ambassador. Flynn agreed.

Oh geebus.......

Let's start with getting a few basics down.

1) There was no predicate to investigate Flynn---Flynn had done nothing wrong so any investigation launched at this point was ILLEGAL AND AN ABUSE of POWER. To investigate someone without cause (predicate) is a clear violation of civil rights law. All of the claims that the FBI made before about having cause have been shown to be a lie.......Comey, McCabe, and Stroz are now retracting all claims. They are best trying to claim that the ambassadors call was grounds---even though they know that nothing said during call was in any way grounds for any investigation.
2) In Flynns position, talking to foreign ambassadors is a common practice unworthy of any investigation It is the typical when administrations switch over.
3) As Flynn would later note---foreign ambassador phone calls are RECORDED by our FBI/NSA group--ergo the FBI already knew what was said and Flynn already knew that they knew what was exactly said. Flynn had no reason to lie or even fear an interview and the FBI knew they had no reason to question anything that was said. The FBI who has been snagged lying repeatedly claims that they told Flynn it was about the Ambassador----Flynns account is different. Now who do I believe---Flynn who hasn't lied, or the FBI who has been snagged lying over and over.
4) If you are investigating someone for a crime, it is law that you inform them that they have a right to an attorney. The FBI said flat out to Flynn that he didn't need an attorney ergo they said he wasn't under investigation.

6) COMEY-----despite what McCabe is now spinning specifically stated the that the FBI did not tell Flynn the real reason for why they wanted to interview him. IN FACT THE FBI'S NOTES FROM THAT TIME HAVE THE FBI DISCUSSING THEIR GOALS OF THE INTERVIEW WHICH WAS TO TRY TO TRICK FLYNN INTO TO LYING OR GET HIM FIRED. They could care a less about the phone call to the ambassador-----they weren't investigating anything--they were abusing their position violating Flynns rights and running a coup trying to take out Trumps people one way or the other.

These are not basics, they are mostly incorrect.

1. Flynn hadn't done anything wrong? Well apart from running an illegal lobbying organization (not filing required FARA documentation while working on behalf of Turkey in secret), receiving money from Russia against regulations and stipulations with his government contract. Not all FBI investigations are criminal, they also handle counterintelligence. Flynn was to be entrusted with our country's most secure and deeply held secrets, but he was lying about conversations he had with Russian government officials to his own bosses. You telling me that doesn't warrant an investigation? Nonsense.

2. That's fine. But conducting policy with foreign officials is not common practice. There's only one president at a time and his behavior, while not illegal, was not common or considered appropriate.

3. Paints more of a picture of Flynn's arrogance thinking he was above accountability. Flynn's account is not different based on any court filings I've read. As for Flynn has ever lied? Well, even if we accept your argument of his innocence, he did plead guilty to his offenses, so at the very least he lied in that regard.

4. You may have a right to an attorney but that doesn't mean you need to have an attorney, which is exactly what Flynn was told. He was also told he could have one present. So this point is not logical.
Oh stop with the BS-----I know you goofy Trump haters would like to change history and move the field posts, but again Flynn was criminally charged with lying when he hadn't lied to investigators who were lying and running a coup. They had no GROUNDS for an investigation (which they lied about) plain and simple. Anything and everything that they found after that point is MUTE....However, if you want to play games---and move away from the actual false charges of lying---I'll take it as a win for ME and start talking about your lost in a rabbit hole comments.

Lets talk about the Fara documentation that you are touting....yes flynn did it, but hun it is just a procedural error and naught more with no malice intent. Typically when such an oversight occurs, the feds just work with the individual to get back into compliance. Why the special hit job on Flynn when so many others have done the exact thing with no criminal charges.... .

"Under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, U.S. citizens who lobby on behalf of foreign government or political entities must disclose their work to the Justice Department. Willfully failing to register is a felony, though the Justice Department rarely files criminal charges in such cases. It routinely works with lobbying firms to get back in compliance with the law by registering and disclosing their work."---AP March 8, 2017

Oh lordy going after Flynn for accepting a speaking fee from a Russian television? Is that what you are trying to desperately get Flynn with? It violated no previous work policy and to cover his azz his attorney's went ahead and listed it as foreign income something like a big whopping $34,000--not that such fees necessarily required to be listed btw. He took speaking fees from a television company not a foreign government.

Everything Flynn did was appropriate...its dishonest to claim otherwise. Incoming administration have talks with foreign dipolmats all the time .

Flynn was EXTORTED into copping to lying when he hadn't lied------------------which is ILLEGAL, not on Flynns part, but on the FBIs. He didn't lie--he succumbed to the pressure of going bankrupt and having his son and thusly his new grandbaby destroyed if he didn't cave to our abusive FBI. There was no malice intent on his part, just a GOOD man trying to save his family from being destroyed by the evil Clinton/Obama FBI.

Calling me a goofy Trump hater and then call this a coup is quite ironic. Coup is by far the dumbest way to describe anything that happened. As we can see, Flynn broke several laws and regulations, by your own admission.

Innocent, he wasn’t. So why was Flynn lying about his conversations with the ambassador?
Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.
I haven't heard anyone say that. However, he was deliberately given the impression it wasn't an official investigation. If your neighbor is an FBi agent, is it a crime to tell him that your dog didn't crap in his yard?
No one gave him that impression. Two FBI agents don’t show up to your office randomly for friendly conversations.

Actually that is what the FBI claimed they were there for..........a friendly conversation about the switch over of power etc. Flynn even flat out asked them about it and the fbi lied about what they were doing there-------

Maybe the fbi should be in prison for lying....
That’s very much not true. McCabe asked Flynn to sit down for a voluntary interview regarding his conversation with the Russian ambassador. Flynn agreed.

Oh geebus.......

Let's start with getting a few basics down.

1) There was no predicate to investigate Flynn---Flynn had done nothing wrong so any investigation launched at this point was ILLEGAL AND AN ABUSE of POWER. To investigate someone without cause (predicate) is a clear violation of civil rights law. All of the claims that the FBI made before about having cause have been shown to be a lie.......Comey, McCabe, and Stroz are now retracting all claims. They are best trying to claim that the ambassadors call was grounds---even though they know that nothing said during call was in any way grounds for any investigation.
2) In Flynns position, talking to foreign ambassadors is a common practice unworthy of any investigation It is the typical when administrations switch over.
3) As Flynn would later note---foreign ambassador phone calls are RECORDED by our FBI/NSA group--ergo the FBI already knew what was said and Flynn already knew that they knew what was exactly said. Flynn had no reason to lie or even fear an interview and the FBI knew they had no reason to question anything that was said. The FBI who has been snagged lying repeatedly claims that they told Flynn it was about the Ambassador----Flynns account is different. Now who do I believe---Flynn who hasn't lied, or the FBI who has been snagged lying over and over.
4) If you are investigating someone for a crime, it is law that you inform them that they have a right to an attorney. The FBI said flat out to Flynn that he didn't need an attorney ergo they said he wasn't under investigation.

6) COMEY-----despite what McCabe is now spinning specifically stated the that the FBI did not tell Flynn the real reason for why they wanted to interview him. IN FACT THE FBI'S NOTES FROM THAT TIME HAVE THE FBI DISCUSSING THEIR GOALS OF THE INTERVIEW WHICH WAS TO TRY TO TRICK FLYNN INTO TO LYING OR GET HIM FIRED. They could care a less about the phone call to the ambassador-----they weren't investigating anything--they were abusing their position violating Flynns rights and running a coup trying to take out Trumps people one way or the other.
Former NSC attorney Susan Hennessey said that the conversations justified federal authorities’ decision to investigate Flynn further.
“The idea that this call was perfectly reasonable and not a basis for immediate investigative action in defense of national security is frankly absurd,” she said. “The transcript is far worse and more explicit than even the Mueller report let on.”

This investigation was also due to Flynn being an unregistered foreign agent

'Jim, former CIA Director John Brennan has agreed to cooperate with Durham in exchange for not being named as a 'Person of Interest' in this criminal case.

Brennan, former NSA Director James Clapper, and former Obama Cabinet member Sally Yates all threw you under the bus, declaring you, McCabe, and other members f the FBI ran the whole conspiracy against President Trump.

Now former FBI attorney Clinesmith has agreed to turn state's evidence in a plea agreement consisting of leniency if he pleads guilty.

It's only a matter of time, especially since you even confessed to leaking classified...and you know Andy is going to testify against you after you threw him under the bus for leaking classified.

It looks like you're going to ail, Jim.'

View attachment 376453
'B...b...but I'm the hero. I tried to save the
entire United States single-handedly!'

Comey has no back bone---he is going to be squealer..............thusly I think his life expectancy is going to end pretty soon.
Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.
I haven't heard anyone say that. However, he was deliberately given the impression it wasn't an official investigation. If your neighbor is an FBi agent, is it a crime to tell him that your dog didn't crap in his yard?
No one gave him that impression. Two FBI agents don’t show up to your office randomly for friendly conversations.

Actually that is what the FBI claimed they were there for..........a friendly conversation about the switch over of power etc. Flynn even flat out asked them about it and the fbi lied about what they were doing there-------

Maybe the fbi should be in prison for lying....
That’s very much not true. McCabe asked Flynn to sit down for a voluntary interview regarding his conversation with the Russian ambassador. Flynn agreed.

Oh geebus.......

Let's start with getting a few basics down.

1) There was no predicate to investigate Flynn---Flynn had done nothing wrong so any investigation launched at this point was ILLEGAL AND AN ABUSE of POWER. To investigate someone without cause (predicate) is a clear violation of civil rights law. All of the claims that the FBI made before about having cause have been shown to be a lie.......Comey, McCabe, and Stroz are now retracting all claims. They are best trying to claim that the ambassadors call was grounds---even though they know that nothing said during call was in any way grounds for any investigation.
2) In Flynns position, talking to foreign ambassadors is a common practice unworthy of any investigation It is the typical when administrations switch over.
3) As Flynn would later note---foreign ambassador phone calls are RECORDED by our FBI/NSA group--ergo the FBI already knew what was said and Flynn already knew that they knew what was exactly said. Flynn had no reason to lie or even fear an interview and the FBI knew they had no reason to question anything that was said. The FBI who has been snagged lying repeatedly claims that they told Flynn it was about the Ambassador----Flynns account is different. Now who do I believe---Flynn who hasn't lied, or the FBI who has been snagged lying over and over.
4) If you are investigating someone for a crime, it is law that you inform them that they have a right to an attorney. The FBI said flat out to Flynn that he didn't need an attorney ergo they said he wasn't under investigation.

6) COMEY-----despite what McCabe is now spinning specifically stated the that the FBI did not tell Flynn the real reason for why they wanted to interview him. IN FACT THE FBI'S NOTES FROM THAT TIME HAVE THE FBI DISCUSSING THEIR GOALS OF THE INTERVIEW WHICH WAS TO TRY TO TRICK FLYNN INTO TO LYING OR GET HIM FIRED. They could care a less about the phone call to the ambassador-----they weren't investigating anything--they were abusing their position violating Flynns rights and running a coup trying to take out Trumps people one way or the other.

These are not basics, they are mostly incorrect.

1. Flynn hadn't done anything wrong? Well apart from running an illegal lobbying organization (not filing required FARA documentation while working on behalf of Turkey in secret), receiving money from Russia against regulations and stipulations with his government contract. Not all FBI investigations are criminal, they also handle counterintelligence. Flynn was to be entrusted with our country's most secure and deeply held secrets, but he was lying about conversations he had with Russian government officials to his own bosses. You telling me that doesn't warrant an investigation? Nonsense.

2. That's fine. But conducting policy with foreign officials is not common practice. There's only one president at a time and his behavior, while not illegal, was not common or considered appropriate.

3. Paints more of a picture of Flynn's arrogance thinking he was above accountability. Flynn's account is not different based on any court filings I've read. As for Flynn has ever lied? Well, even if we accept your argument of his innocence, he did plead guilty to his offenses, so at the very least he lied in that regard.

4. You may have a right to an attorney but that doesn't mean you need to have an attorney, which is exactly what Flynn was told. He was also told he could have one present. So this point is not logical.
Oh stop with the BS-----I know you goofy Trump haters would like to change history and move the field posts, but again Flynn was criminally charged with lying when he hadn't lied to investigators who were lying and running a coup. They had no GROUNDS for an investigation (which they lied about) plain and simple. Anything and everything that they found after that point is MUTE....However, if you want to play games---and move away from the actual false charges of lying---I'll take it as a win for ME and start talking about your lost in a rabbit hole comments.

Lets talk about the Fara documentation that you are touting....yes flynn did it, but hun it is just a procedural error and naught more with no malice intent. Typically when such an oversight occurs, the feds just work with the individual to get back into compliance. Why the special hit job on Flynn when so many others have done the exact thing with no criminal charges.... .

"Under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, U.S. citizens who lobby on behalf of foreign government or political entities must disclose their work to the Justice Department. Willfully failing to register is a felony, though the Justice Department rarely files criminal charges in such cases. It routinely works with lobbying firms to get back in compliance with the law by registering and disclosing their work."---AP March 8, 2017

Oh lordy going after Flynn for accepting a speaking fee from a Russian television? Is that what you are trying to desperately get Flynn with? It violated no previous work policy and to cover his azz his attorney's went ahead and listed it as foreign income something like a big whopping $34,000--not that such fees necessarily required to be listed btw. He took speaking fees from a television company not a foreign government.

Everything Flynn did was appropriate...its dishonest to claim otherwise. Incoming administration have talks with foreign dipolmats all the time .

Flynn was EXTORTED into copping to lying when he hadn't lied------------------which is ILLEGAL, not on Flynns part, but on the FBIs. He didn't lie--he succumbed to the pressure of going bankrupt and having his son and thusly his new grandbaby destroyed if he didn't cave to our abusive FBI. There was no malice intent on his part, just a GOOD man trying to save his family from being destroyed by the evil Clinton/Obama FBI.

Calling me a goofy Trump hater and then call this a coup is quite ironic. Coup is by far the dumbest way to describe anything that happened. As we can see, Flynn broke several laws and regulations, by your own admission.

Innocent, he wasn’t. So why was Flynn lying about his conversations with the ambassador?

I explained it to and so have others....I don't understand why the goofy trump haters can not grasp what extortion is. Flynn was innocent of any crimes-----completely...the FBI weren't investigating anything, they were simply out to take out Trumps people and didn't care about how they did it, how unethical, or criminal their actions were (they expected to overthrow the Trump with their Coup. Breaking regulations is like jaywalking---hardly a capital offense usually not even a tickable offense.

Flynn wasn't lying----he like someone who has a gun to their families head and told to rob a bank for a robber isn't the guilty party---the ones holding the gun to the innocent man's family's head are. The FBI had shown by that point that they could and would destroy any innocent lives if flynn didn't cop to something that he hadn't done-----Most good people would have made the same decision dear and copped to a crime that they hadn't committed to save their children. I am alarmed that you don't understand what a parent would do to protect their child/grandchild.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?

WE know that isn't true because early on the FBI was quoting private conversations that Trump had had verbatim.........we also know that FISA courts issued their approval for wire taps.

From BBC news-------

What did the ex-FBI lawyer do?
Mr Clinesmith is due to accept responsibility for altering an email used to obtain permission to wiretap a Trump campaign aide.

The email from another FBI official was changed to suggest that the aide, Carter Page, had never been a CIA "source" - whereas Mr Page was in fact a CIA informant.

The document was cited in support of the contention that there was "probable cause" to suspect Mr Page was "a knowing agent" of Russia."
Just a process crime. This is just providing a false statement. Nothing to see, here.


Roger Stone
Because it's a plea deal to a lesser crime
No it isn't. The alteration of that doc is described to the letter in the statute under which he is charged. You are making things up.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?

WE know that isn't true because early on the FBI was quoting private conversations that Trump had had verbatim.........we also know that FISA courts issued their approval for wire taps.

From BBC news-------

What did the ex-FBI lawyer do?
Mr Clinesmith is due to accept responsibility for altering an email used to obtain permission to wiretap a Trump campaign aide.

The email from another FBI official was changed to suggest that the aide, Carter Page, had never been a CIA "source" - whereas Mr Page was in fact a CIA informant.

The document was cited in support of the contention that there was "probable cause" to suspect Mr Page was "a knowing agent" of Russia."
Just a process crime. This is just providing a false statement. Nothing to see, here.


Roger Stone
Because it's a plea deal to a lesser crime
No it isn't. The alteration of that doc is described to the letter in the statute under which he is charged. You are making things up.
When you have a plan for a plea of guilty it's because you made a deal with the AG
Means nothing. Another sacrificial lamb to appease the masses.

Do you think it goes higher and do others fall?
I hope so since there was an apparent conspiracy, but I think it unlikely. My guess is Trump has been whispered to, that should he allow high level O cabinet members be prosecuted, he and his will be prosecuted once out of office. I believe Pelosi and Harris have publicly stated Trump has committed illegal offenses.
and you're basing your assumption on all that has transpired from the Russian spy gate against the president.
The coupe to overthrow his administration.
How does “spygate” result in the president being overthrown?
it lead to three years of continuous bull shit and lies from your leftists that brought us the shciff sham
So again, how does it overthrow the president?


Not a coup. Thats a legal constitutional process.
Fraud on the court to spy on a campaign is TREASON as is the illegal use of impeachment powers without a crime. WOW you fuck tards will justify anything to obtain power... We need to string these bastards up on gallows.
That is total gibberish.

“Impeachment powers” is a nonsensical meaningless phrase.

Tell me again how Trump gets overthrown? Because you still haven’t described how that happens.

The commies impeach Trump. If the MSM could apply enough pressure, some Republicans in the Senate (like Romney) vote to have him removed from office. If there are enough back-stabbing Republicans willing to vote with the Democrats, Trump is removed, thus the election is overthrown.

There’s a pretty big difference between removal by impeachment and removal by coup, wouldn’t you say?

Just to nit-pick the language a second. The election isn’t overthrown. The election happened, Trump is and always will be the winner. He’s just removed from office by impeachment.

It would have been a coup because he would have been removed with no impeachable offenses and no crimes committed. In other words, removed for no other reason other than to overthrow his presidency.

Admitted leftist Democrat and constitutional scholar Allen Dershowitz even came to testify against the Democrats because what they were doing was indeed un-constitutional. You don't impeach a president with such bogus charges simply because you don't like him. Now they sparked an impeachment war that will last God knows how many generations. If Biden magically wins this election and the Republicans take leadership of the House, he will be impeached. Mark my words on this.
What is an impeachable offense is up to Congress and no one else, including Alan Dershowitz.

So no, it would not be a coup because it would follow the proscribed constitutional process.

Ignoring the Constitution and all that was debated back during our founding may work for you, but if your opinion is an impeachable offense is anything the Congress decides on, I don't want to hear one peep out of you if Biden gets in and the Republicans are able to impeach him by what they "feel" an impeachable offenses is. Remember, your side drew first blood.
What Trump was accused of doing was precisely what our founding fathers considered impeachable. High crimes had a specific definition and referred to crimes committed only by high officials, such as using the government to pursue personal benefit like winning re-election.

I’ll pass your concern of Republicans using impeachment to Newt Gingrich and the 105th Congress.

President Trump did nothing wrong. Clinton committed a felony, which to my understanding is a higher crime than a misdemeanor as outlined in the Constitution.

Your definition of wrong is not the same as our founders.

Clinton was acquitted, so your definition of a higher crime does not match with what the Senate considered applicable to impeachment.

Two strikes!

So was Trump and any other President. I'm not talking about the Senate, I'm talking about the House. The Constitution reads high crimes and misdemeanors. A proven felony is higher than a misdemeanor, therefore the Senate didn't do their job. They sided with their own as the Democrats in the House did when it was clearly an impeachable offense by any definition of the word.
Again, you’re thinking of high crime and misdemeanor as a common use. That’s not how the forefathers knew that language.

It specifically referred to abuses of power. So as you can see, it wasn’t Democrats that drew blood first. It was the house in 1998.

Oh please. Abuse of power is a generic term that can be applied to any President and subjective at the least, it's just that the past House leaderships had some dignity. The Republicans impeached Clinton for committing a felony. A felony is a felony just like our founders intended. They didn't mean it any other way.
Abuse of power is indeed a generic term. That’s why the founders entrusted the Congress to determine what abuse is impeachable and what isn’t.

The founders had no intention of defining impeachment in terms of US criminal code, which you continually ignore by pointing to Clinton’s “felony” (which he was never convicted of).

In terms of impeachment, Trump’s crime was is far more relevant than Clinton’s given it was misuse of the unique and great power entrusted to the president. Clinton lied to a grand jury. Trump is betraying the nation.

Trump is betraying a nation? What are you smoking? Clinton was sexually harassing young interns on the oval office desk-----------something most people would be fired for at their place of business and sued nowadays for.
Again, you need to define the betrayal and document it. Otherwise, you’re just another winger pissing up a rope.
actually he never said anyone betrayed anything. You might want to address your question to Colfax
Flynn wasn't lying-
Unfortunately, he was lying. Asked by the FBI if Flynn discussed how Russia is or should be responding to sanction, he denied it. Of course we know that to not be the case.

All the rest about extortion, which is similarly unproven nonsense, does not change that fact.
When you have a plan for a plea of guilty it's because you made a deal with the AG
False. This is you, making stuff up. Funny, when trump's circle of felons went down one by one for "just process crimes", your attitude was different.
it's not false
What is your expertise in the court system and criminal justice?
He plead guilty to a lesser crime he even admitted he altered a government document
Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 1519.
it's not false
Its completely made up by you in an effort to cover the other shit you made up earlier.

Sorry...he is not and never was charged under that statute. I was nice enough to spoonfeed you the court filing.

But you are literally going to sit there forever and peddle your fantasy as fact. Waste of time.
it's not false
Its completely made up by you in an effort to cover the other shit you made up earlier.
Clinesmith will reportedly admit that he altered a CIA email that FBI investigators used to get a judge's permission to renew a surveillance warrant targeting former Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page.
it's not false
Its completely made up by you in an effort to cover the other shit you made up earlier.
Clinesmith will reportedly admit that he altered a CIA email that FBI investigators used to get a judge's permission to renew a surveillance warrant targeting former Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page.
Which is precisely the crime with which he is charged. As has already been established.
it's not false
Its completely made up by you in an effort to cover the other shit you made up earlier.
Clinesmith will reportedly admit that he altered a CIA email that FBI investigators used to get a judge's permission to renew a surveillance warrant targeting former Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page.
Which is precisely the crime with which he is charged. As has already been established.
Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 1519.
Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.
I haven't heard anyone say that. However, he was deliberately given the impression it wasn't an official investigation. If your neighbor is an FBi agent, is it a crime to tell him that your dog didn't crap in his yard?
No one gave him that impression. Two FBI agents don’t show up to your office randomly for friendly conversations.

Actually that is what the FBI claimed they were there for..........a friendly conversation about the switch over of power etc. Flynn even flat out asked them about it and the fbi lied about what they were doing there-------

Maybe the fbi should be in prison for lying....
That’s very much not true. McCabe asked Flynn to sit down for a voluntary interview regarding his conversation with the Russian ambassador. Flynn agreed.

Oh geebus.......

Let's start with getting a few basics down.

1) There was no predicate to investigate Flynn---Flynn had done nothing wrong so any investigation launched at this point was ILLEGAL AND AN ABUSE of POWER. To investigate someone without cause (predicate) is a clear violation of civil rights law. All of the claims that the FBI made before about having cause have been shown to be a lie.......Comey, McCabe, and Stroz are now retracting all claims. They are best trying to claim that the ambassadors call was grounds---even though they know that nothing said during call was in any way grounds for any investigation.
2) In Flynns position, talking to foreign ambassadors is a common practice unworthy of any investigation It is the typical when administrations switch over.
3) As Flynn would later note---foreign ambassador phone calls are RECORDED by our FBI/NSA group--ergo the FBI already knew what was said and Flynn already knew that they knew what was exactly said. Flynn had no reason to lie or even fear an interview and the FBI knew they had no reason to question anything that was said. The FBI who has been snagged lying repeatedly claims that they told Flynn it was about the Ambassador----Flynns account is different. Now who do I believe---Flynn who hasn't lied, or the FBI who has been snagged lying over and over.
4) If you are investigating someone for a crime, it is law that you inform them that they have a right to an attorney. The FBI said flat out to Flynn that he didn't need an attorney ergo they said he wasn't under investigation.

6) COMEY-----despite what McCabe is now spinning specifically stated the that the FBI did not tell Flynn the real reason for why they wanted to interview him. IN FACT THE FBI'S NOTES FROM THAT TIME HAVE THE FBI DISCUSSING THEIR GOALS OF THE INTERVIEW WHICH WAS TO TRY TO TRICK FLYNN INTO TO LYING OR GET HIM FIRED. They could care a less about the phone call to the ambassador-----they weren't investigating anything--they were abusing their position violating Flynns rights and running a coup trying to take out Trumps people one way or the other.
Former NSC attorney Susan Hennessey said that the conversations justified federal authorities’ decision to investigate Flynn further.
“The idea that this call was perfectly reasonable and not a basis for immediate investigative action in defense of national security is frankly absurd,” she said. “The transcript is far worse and more explicit than even the Mueller report let on.”

This investigation was also due to Flynn being an unregistered foreign agent

Again Flynn didn't lie but the dems like lying about him lying.....How do I know----I mean other than I am really really very smart :).....

If Flynn had said anything and lied about it, the hilliary FBI wouldn't have had to lie about him lying or falsify their #302 report like they did.

Love how the dems say someone said or they feel or think it meant blah blah blah but then they don't offer any proof----------
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?

WE know that isn't true because early on the FBI was quoting private conversations that Trump had had verbatim.........we also know that FISA courts issued their approval for wire taps.

From BBC news-------

What did the ex-FBI lawyer do?
Mr Clinesmith is due to accept responsibility for altering an email used to obtain permission to wiretap a Trump campaign aide.

The email from another FBI official was changed to suggest that the aide, Carter Page, had never been a CIA "source" - whereas Mr Page was in fact a CIA informant.

The document was cited in support of the contention that there was "probable cause" to suspect Mr Page was "a knowing agent" of Russia."
Just a process crime. This is just providing a false statement. Nothing to see, here.


Roger Stone
Because it's a plea deal to a lesser crime
No it isn't. The alteration of that doc is described to the letter in the statute under which he is charged. You are making things up.

No I said flat out that flynn hadn't lied based on the evidence and this is actually what the investigating FBI said and filed in their interview report called a 302--------which then the Hilliary FBI hid and MANUFACTURED a second changing what was said. If Flynn had actually lied or did anything--our corrupt Hilliary FBI would have never had to perjure themselves and manufacture FALSE evidence which are all serious crimes. Why do goofy Trump haters have such an issue with actual facts and evidence. THE INTERVIEWING FBI Said point blank that FLynn hadnt lied------------------McCABE and the rest of the conspirators changed this agents notes and then LIED in court about who had wrote the 302 notes that they were filling REPEATEDLY.

BTW, as far as Stone goes how the hell does one lie to liars trying to harass and make someone lie? If you want me to be honest with you, you better be honest with me---it is just good manners.
Flynn wasn't lying-
Unfortunately, he was lying. Asked by the FBI if Flynn discussed how Russia is or should be responding to sanction, he denied it. Of course we know that to not be the case.

All the rest about extortion, which is similarly unproven nonsense, does not change that fact.
OH brother, it still isn't sinking in to you is it.....there are two sets of notes from the FBI interview-----they are called Form #302's. The first, original, legitimate #302 said that Flynn hadn't lied about anything---------------------------------------but this #302 was stolen and rewritten Stroz and his idiot fellow FBI attorney and lover Lisa Paige who switched the questions and answers around and then said that the interviewing agent found that Flynn was lying about Russia which is a lie. The #302's are put on computers and the idiot who rewrote the interview notes, left a time card and his digital finger prints CLEARLY showing that he altered evidence. To top this off our corrupt clinton judge Sullivan who was presiding over the case, asked the FBI under oath if they had changed the document and who had written it........they lied aka PERJURED themselves as they desperately tried to conceal who the real interviewing agents were (which btw for the goofy Trump haters that don't understand basics---if the original agent was unwilling to lie on his #302 forms or in court for the corrupt Clinton FBI------this FBI will be testifying against our corrupt Clinton FBI.)

from Townhall May 4 of this year

"The U.S. Code makes it a felony offense, punishable by up to 20 years in prison, to knowingly alter or falsify an entry in a document with the intent to influence a federal investigation. This is comparatively a more serious offense than the false statement charge that Michael Flynn pled to, which carries a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison.

Newly revealed text messages between federal agents Paige and Strzok discussing the Michael Flynn case, dating February 10, 2017, show the cheaters discussing rewriting a 302 written by another agent, trying to disguise their edits as the author's own voice.

According to insinuations made by Flynn's lawyers in hearings and court filings, statements made by Sidney Powell to the media, and pursuant to a review of the publicly available materials related to this case, the documents that the federal agents were discussing altering were almost certainly 302 reports. "An objective view of SSA 1's purported handwritten notes with the FD-302 of the January 24, 2017 interview of Mr. Flynn that Lisa Page instructed Agent Strzok to edit on February 10, 2017, reveals equally troubling 'inaccuracies,' 'omissions,' and 'unsupported statements,'" wrote Flynn's lawyers in their Motion to Dismiss for Egregious Government Misconduct. "Overnight February 10-11, 2017, Strzok makes multiple changes to the FBI 302 of that interview—changes that are objectively material to the defense," Flynn's lawyers later explained in a supplemental filing."

Then Strzok filed his fake #302 and then lied his azz off in court under oath about who was the interviewing agent as he tried to push this sham. I btw..have known about this long before this latest townhall article. Page is going to lose her law license and her and ex married lover are likely heading to jail if and when the Orange man is re-elected. I'd prefer a more capital punishment for these treasonous idiots...stupid shouldn't be allowed to roam alive and loose but I digress.

BOTH 302s have been found---they are computer time stamped....and the emails with Page directing Strok on how to frame Flynn using the altered ILLEGAL and CRIMINAL #302 are also now in evidence Trump haters-------------along with Page and strok discussing their CONSPIRACY (NOTICE MY CHOICE OF WORDS HERE AS IT IS A MAJOR CRIME WITH MAJOR IMPLECATIONS FOR ALL AND I DO MEAN ALL INVOLVED UNDER THE RACKETEERING LAWS) and their little "insurance policy" which is by the evidence a reference to abusing their positions to set up and frame Trumps people which is super illegal and opens them all and I do mean all up to civil suits even if they manage to avoid prison and/or get Arkancided by the Hillary Mob.
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it's not false
Its completely made up by you in an effort to cover the other shit you made up earlier.
Clinesmith will reportedly admit that he altered a CIA email that FBI investigators used to get a judge's permission to renew a surveillance warrant targeting former Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page.
Which is precisely the crime with which he is charged. As has already been established.
Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 1519.
Neato! But the statute under which he was charged also covers this. So...your fantasy...vs. My facts...the game was over pages ago....

And here we are...watching the trump supporter tap dance and make stuff up, all because of his own behavior in dismissing "process crimes" for the last 3 years. It's kind of fascinating to watch. And sad.

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