Ex-F.B.I. Lawyer Expected to Plead Guilty in Durham Investigation

Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.

Oh, you mean for our President to be accused (never proven) to do something the candidate for your party admitted to doing on tape? Our guy gets impeached, but your guy gets to run for President? Where is the equity in that?

Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

Seriously? You really believe this? Biden is corrupt and his mind is gone----he has been extorting bribes from the Ukraine and taking bribes from China using his family's bank accounts---this is but the tip of the ice berg.
Then why isnt Durham going after that?

You don't know what he's going after. Neither do I nor anybody else. That's the beauty of all this.
It must drive the corrupt press nuts that they arent getting leaks like they did with the Mueller investigation.
A lot of what we knew about the Mueller investigation wasn’t because of leaks, but because of the grand jury process. We could tell who was being interviewed and when.

Durham doesn’t even have a grand jury which should tell you something about where this is going.

Yeah, we know what it means----instead of trying to smear innocent people in the media......Durham is collecting his evidence and and getting to the facts.
it's not false
Its completely made up by you in an effort to cover the other shit you made up earlier.
Clinesmith will reportedly admit that he altered a CIA email that FBI investigators used to get a judge's permission to renew a surveillance warrant targeting former Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page.
Which is precisely the crime with which he is charged. As has already been established.
Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 1519.
Neato! But the statute under which he was charged also covers this. So...your fantasy...vs. My facts...the game was over pages ago....

And here we are...watching the trump supporter tap dance and make stuff up, all because of his own behavior in dismissing "process crimes" for the last 3 years. It's kind of fascinating to watch. And sad.
He made a deal he plead guilty to a lesser crime
You have been shown he admitted to altering a government document
I realize a foreigner cannot comprehend the American judicial system and how it works maybe you should stick with the Russian court system something you're more familiar with.
You're done now
Then why isnt Durham going after that?

You don't know what he's going after. Neither do I nor anybody else. That's the beauty of all this.
It must drive the corrupt press nuts that they arent getting leaks like they did with the Mueller investigation.
A lot of what we knew about the Mueller investigation wasn’t because of leaks, but because of the grand jury process. We could tell who was being interviewed and when.

Durham doesn’t even have a grand jury which should tell you something about where this is going.

Yeah, we know what it means----instead of trying to smear innocent people in the media......Durham is collecting his evidence and and getting to the facts.

The question is whether the right is going to accept the facts that Durham produces if they don't fit their preconceived notions.

Or are we going to hear more about "deep state" or "elites protecting their own". There's a lot of expectations of indictments out there for a laundry list of figures that the right has been demonizing. What happens when it doesn't materialize?
Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.

Oh, you mean for our President to be accused (never proven) to do something the candidate for your party admitted to doing on tape? Our guy gets impeached, but your guy gets to run for President? Where is the equity in that?

Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

Seriously? You really believe this? Biden is corrupt and his mind is gone----he has been extorting bribes from the Ukraine and taking bribes from China using his family's bank accounts---this is but the tip of the ice berg.

Not only do I believe it but I have lots of testimony to back it up. Your narrative has never been substantiated by anyone other than what the Trump DNI labels as Russian propaganda aimed to influence the election in Trump's favor.
Then why isnt Durham going after that?

You don't know what he's going after. Neither do I nor anybody else. That's the beauty of all this.
It must drive the corrupt press nuts that they arent getting leaks like they did with the Mueller investigation.
A lot of what we knew about the Mueller investigation wasn’t because of leaks, but because of the grand jury process. We could tell who was being interviewed and when.

Durham doesn’t even have a grand jury which should tell you something about where this is going.

Yeah, we know what it means----instead of trying to smear innocent people in the media......Durham is collecting his evidence and and getting to the facts.

The question is whether the right is going to accept the facts that Durham produces if they don't fit their preconceived notions.

Or are we going to hear more about "deep state" or "elites protecting their own". There's a lot of expectations of indictments out there for a laundry list of figures that the right has been demonizing. What happens when it doesn't materialize?

Oh you are very funny----------you ASSume that people need someone to tell them what to Think instead of them being able to look at the evidence themselves and deciding for themselves. Even with Durham---------put up the evidence and facts and I will (not anyone else) make up my own mind about what to think based on all the evidence and facts that I can find.
Then why isnt Durham going after that?

You don't know what he's going after. Neither do I nor anybody else. That's the beauty of all this.
It must drive the corrupt press nuts that they arent getting leaks like they did with the Mueller investigation.
A lot of what we knew about the Mueller investigation wasn’t because of leaks, but because of the grand jury process. We could tell who was being interviewed and when.

Durham doesn’t even have a grand jury which should tell you something about where this is going.

Yeah, we know what it means----instead of trying to smear innocent people in the media......Durham is collecting his evidence and and getting to the facts.

The question is whether the right is going to accept the facts that Durham produces if they don't fit their preconceived notions.

Or are we going to hear more about "deep state" or "elites protecting their own". There's a lot of expectations of indictments out there for a laundry list of figures that the right has been demonizing. What happens when it doesn't materialize?

Oh you are very funny----------you ASSume that people need someone to tell them what to Think instead of them being able to look at the evidence themselves and deciding for themselves. Even with Durham---------put up the evidence and facts and I will (not anyone else) make up my own mind about what to think based on all the evidence and facts that I can find.

If that’s truly what was going to happen, that’d be fine, but we both know that’s not the case.

The right isn’t looking to weigh the evidence and facts. They’re looking to confirm the narrative that Trump and the right wing media has perpetuated. It’s all confirmation bias. The right wing is now home to countless conspiracy theories. Everything from pizza gate to Seth Rich to the Clinton body count.

Which is why what Durham finds or more importantly doesn’t find is irrelevant. Y’all have made up your mind.
Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.

Oh, you mean for our President to be accused (never proven) to do something the candidate for your party admitted to doing on tape? Our guy gets impeached, but your guy gets to run for President? Where is the equity in that?

Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

Seriously? You really believe this? Biden is corrupt and his mind is gone----he has been extorting bribes from the Ukraine and taking bribes from China using his family's bank accounts---this is but the tip of the ice berg.

Not only do I believe it but I have lots of testimony to back it up. Your narrative has never been substantiated by anyone other than what the Trump DNI labels as Russian propaganda aimed to influence the election in Trump's favor.

Oh good grief---the FBI said that he wasn't lying before the FBI corrupt agents of Paige and Strzok changed other agents report and made up lies to put in it which is illegal and criminal.--
Comey flat out said that they weren't really interviewing that they were trying to force flynn to lie or obstruct in hopes of GETTING him fired---ergo not a criminal investigation but a political stunt and abuse of office and Flynn civil rights.

And yet the FACTS don't even phase the goofy Trump haters. It's crazy.
Everything the snowflakes have said for years now - regurgitated lies fed to them by the criminal LPSD organization - has been debunked, and now members of Barry's administration / his FBI are cutting deals, confessing to crimes already proven by an overwhelming, undeniable amount of evidence...completely destroying everything they have claimed, all the lies they continue to cling to.....

The advice I have to my reality-denying, evidence-ignoring, TDS-suffering, Trump-hating, traitor-supporting snowflake brethren is 'EMBRACE THE SUCK'. It was only a matter of time, as always, until the undeniable truth came out and the criminals began being rounded up and sent to jail. It has begun...

'Nuff said.

Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.

Oh, you mean for our President to be accused (never proven) to do something the candidate for your party admitted to doing on tape? Our guy gets impeached, but your guy gets to run for President? Where is the equity in that?

Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

Seriously? You really believe this? Biden is corrupt and his mind is gone----he has been extorting bribes from the Ukraine and taking bribes from China using his family's bank accounts---this is but the tip of the ice berg.

Not only do I believe it but I have lots of testimony to back it up. Your narrative has never been substantiated by anyone other than what the Trump DNI labels as Russian propaganda aimed to influence the election in Trump's favor.

Oh good grief---the FBI said that he wasn't lying before the FBI corrupt agents of Paige and Strzok changed other agents report and made up lies to put in it which is illegal and criminal.--
Comey flat out said that they weren't really interviewing that they were trying to force flynn to lie or obstruct in hopes of GETTING him fired---ergo not a criminal investigation but a political stunt and abuse of office and Flynn civil rights.

And yet the FACTS don't even phase the goofy Trump haters. It's crazy.

You’re mischaracterizing this. The FBI never made a determination that Flynn didn’t lie. The interviewing agent said his body language didn’t seem like someone who had lied. Since when do we not prosecute people simply because they’re really good at lying? The answer is obviously never, but that fact never manages to penetrate.

As for altering the report, it was Strzok’s report. He was one of two agents interviewing Flynn. Of course Strzok would edit the report, after all, he was signing his name to it. Coincidentally, so did the other agent. That fact doesn’t seem to penetrate either.

Flynn lied. To avoid his fate, all he had to do was tell the truth. Why was that so hard?
Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.

Oh, you mean for our President to be accused (never proven) to do something the candidate for your party admitted to doing on tape? Our guy gets impeached, but your guy gets to run for President? Where is the equity in that?

Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

Seriously? You really believe this? Biden is corrupt and his mind is gone----he has been extorting bribes from the Ukraine and taking bribes from China using his family's bank accounts---this is but the tip of the ice berg.

Not only do I believe it but I have lots of testimony to back it up. Your narrative has never been substantiated by anyone other than what the Trump DNI labels as Russian propaganda aimed to influence the election in Trump's favor.

Oh good grief---the FBI said that he wasn't lying before the FBI corrupt agents of Paige and Strzok changed other agents report and made up lies to put in it which is illegal and criminal.--
Comey flat out said that they weren't really interviewing that they were trying to force flynn to lie or obstruct in hopes of GETTING him fired---ergo not a criminal investigation but a political stunt and abuse of office and Flynn civil rights.

And yet the FACTS don't even phase the goofy Trump haters. It's crazy.

You’re mischaracterizing this. The FBI never made a determination that Flynn didn’t lie. The interviewing agent said his body language didn’t seem like someone who had lied. Since when do we not prosecute people simply because they’re really good at lying? The answer is obviously never, but that fact never manages to penetrate.

As for altering the report, it was Strzok’s report. He was one of two agents interviewing Flynn. Of course Strzok would edit the report, after all, he was signing his name to it. Coincidentally, so did the other agent. That fact doesn’t seem to penetrate either.

Flynn lied. To avoid his fate, all he had to do was tell the truth. Why was that so hard?

What is in it for you? Why so obsessed with Flynn?
Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.

Oh, you mean for our President to be accused (never proven) to do something the candidate for your party admitted to doing on tape? Our guy gets impeached, but your guy gets to run for President? Where is the equity in that?

Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

Seriously? You really believe this? Biden is corrupt and his mind is gone----he has been extorting bribes from the Ukraine and taking bribes from China using his family's bank accounts---this is but the tip of the ice berg.

Not only do I believe it but I have lots of testimony to back it up. Your narrative has never been substantiated by anyone other than what the Trump DNI labels as Russian propaganda aimed to influence the election in Trump's favor.

Oh good grief---the FBI said that he wasn't lying before the FBI corrupt agents of Paige and Strzok changed other agents report and made up lies to put in it which is illegal and criminal.--
Comey flat out said that they weren't really interviewing that they were trying to force flynn to lie or obstruct in hopes of GETTING him fired---ergo not a criminal investigation but a political stunt and abuse of office and Flynn civil rights.

And yet the FACTS don't even phase the goofy Trump haters. It's crazy.

You’re mischaracterizing this. The FBI never made a determination that Flynn didn’t lie. The interviewing agent said his body language didn’t seem like someone who had lied. Since when do we not prosecute people simply because they’re really good at lying? The answer is obviously never, but that fact never manages to penetrate.

As for altering the report, it was Strzok’s report. He was one of two agents interviewing Flynn. Of course Strzok would edit the report, after all, he was signing his name to it. Coincidentally, so did the other agent. That fact doesn’t seem to penetrate either.

Flynn lied. To avoid his fate, all he had to do was tell the truth. Why was that so hard?

What is in it for you? Why so obsessed with Flynn?
I don’t care about Flynn. I care about the country. Getting special treatment because of political affiliation is damaging the country, turning us into just another corrupt state.
Then why isnt Durham going after that?

You don't know what he's going after. Neither do I nor anybody else. That's the beauty of all this.
It must drive the corrupt press nuts that they arent getting leaks like they did with the Mueller investigation.
A lot of what we knew about the Mueller investigation wasn’t because of leaks, but because of the grand jury process. We could tell who was being interviewed and when.

Durham doesn’t even have a grand jury which should tell you something about where this is going.

Yeah, we know what it means----instead of trying to smear innocent people in the media......Durham is collecting his evidence and and getting to the facts.

The question is whether the right is going to accept the facts that Durham produces if they don't fit their preconceived notions.

Or are we going to hear more about "deep state" or "elites protecting their own". There's a lot of expectations of indictments out there for a laundry list of figures that the right has been demonizing. What happens when it doesn't materialize?

Oh you are very funny----------you ASSume that people need someone to tell them what to Think instead of them being able to look at the evidence themselves and deciding for themselves. Even with Durham---------put up the evidence and facts and I will (not anyone else) make up my own mind about what to think based on all the evidence and facts that I can find.
The most recent senate intelligence report says that Manafort shared internal campaign info with Russia. (even fox news reports it) Crimes occurred and russia interfered and US citizens were part of it. So whats the point of what Durham is doing?
Anything to do with Flynn doesnt change that Biden and Harris are a god awful ticket and Trump is super likely to win.

Flynn was railroaded by the FBI. TDS sufferers should worry about Dunham.
Democrats freaked out because Trump was corruptly manipulating with our ally, one who is too weak to fight back. You should freak out too, because this is the corrupt BS we criticize other countries of doing. Zelensky never wanted anything to do with our political campaign which is why Trump’s administration had to corruptly pressure him to do so.

They didn't pressure him to do anything. He asked for favor but never said any aid was dependent on that favor. Ukraine didn't take it that way either as stated by them. Biden is the one that looks like a corrupt, career politician and Trump is merely trying to root out that corruption.

What happens when it doesn't materialize?

I guess we could follow the Democrats lead with their continued fantasy's regarding the Mueller probe.
They didn't pressure him to do anything. He asked for favor but never said any aid was dependent on that favor. Ukraine didn't take it that way either as stated by them. Biden is the one that looks like a corrupt, career politician and Trump is merely trying to root out that corruption.
And so when the funding was mysteriously held up, what would be the logical conclusion on Ukraine's part? Don't be silly. We both know the answer.

I guess we could follow the Democrats lead with their continued fantasy's regarding the Mueller probe.

The Mueller probe demonstrated pretty clear obstruction in my opinion. Not a fantasy, backed up by facts.
Democrats freaked out because Trump was corruptly manipulating with our ally, one who is too weak to fight back. You should freak out too, because this is the corrupt BS we criticize other countries of doing. Zelensky never wanted anything to do with our political campaign which is why Trump’s administration had to corruptly pressure him to do so.

They didn't pressure him to do anything. He asked for favor but never said any aid was dependent on that favor. Ukraine didn't take it that way either as stated by them. Biden is the one that looks like a corrupt, career politician and Trump is merely trying to root out that corruption.

What happens when it doesn't materialize?

I guess we could follow the Democrats lead with their continued fantasy's regarding the Mueller probe.
It was proven true by the senate report released in the past few days

Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.

Oh, you mean for our President to be accused (never proven) to do something the candidate for your party admitted to doing on tape? Our guy gets impeached, but your guy gets to run for President? Where is the equity in that?

Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

Seriously? You really believe this? Biden is corrupt and his mind is gone----he has been extorting bribes from the Ukraine and taking bribes from China using his family's bank accounts---this is but the tip of the ice berg.

Not only do I believe it but I have lots of testimony to back it up. Your narrative has never been substantiated by anyone other than what the Trump DNI labels as Russian propaganda aimed to influence the election in Trump's favor.

Oh good grief---the FBI said that he wasn't lying before the FBI corrupt agents of Paige and Strzok changed other agents report and made up lies to put in it which is illegal and criminal.--
Comey flat out said that they weren't really interviewing that they were trying to force flynn to lie or obstruct in hopes of GETTING him fired---ergo not a criminal investigation but a political stunt and abuse of office and Flynn civil rights.

And yet the FACTS don't even phase the goofy Trump haters. It's crazy.

You’re mischaracterizing this. The FBI never made a determination that Flynn didn’t lie. The interviewing agent said his body language didn’t seem like someone who had lied. Since when do we not prosecute people simply because they’re really good at lying? The answer is obviously never, but that fact never manages to penetrate.

As for altering the report, it was Strzok’s report. He was one of two agents interviewing Flynn. Of course Strzok would edit the report, after all, he was signing his name to it. Coincidentally, so did the other agent. That fact doesn’t seem to penetrate either.

Flynn lied. To avoid his fate, all he had to do was tell the truth. Why was that so hard?


It wasn't Strzok's report sweetheart----------strzok and Paige pretended to be Joe Pientka the other agent flat out, changed the other agents notes after he signed off on it, and then lied their azzes off on 3 (count them 3 different occasions) in court about who wrote the notes and who did the interview Then they destroyed or think they destroyed the original 302 three weeks after it was written and 2 days AFTER Flynn had resigned (the 302's are required to be completed within 5 days of the interview btw). Oh and Strzok claims that our supposed premier law enforcement agency didn't record their interrogation/witch hunt----------- since when does law enforcement not record interviews of suspects?

And btw, since the original 302 was destroyed or the coup thinks they destroyed the original with no trace.........where exactly are you coming up with with any agent saying that only the body language of flynn said that he wasn't lying?

"An intelligence source who had seen the transcripts of Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak told National Public Radio — hardly a conservative news source — in February 2017 that they did not show any criminal wrongdoing: “I don’t think [Flynn] knew he was doing anything wrong … Flynn talked about sanctions, but no specific promises were made. Flynn was speaking more in general ‘maybe we’ll take a look at this going forward’ terms,” the intelligence source told NPR."--Breitbart december 17, 2018

OH and then there is Obama's slimey Judge Sullivan so desperate to get Flynn that he is actually refusing to drop the charges...see the reason why I know about the FBI lying in court 3 times about who wrote what and who interview what, is that I was paying attention to Judge sullivans court-------see it was his court and there is no way in hell that he didn't know that the FBI were willing and committing perjury multiple times in his court EARLY on-------yet Obama's judge did nothing to the FBI perjurying and manufacturing evidence in his court----this isn't what judges normally do...well ever do. ....unless the judge himself is in on the railroading. It would be very interesting to see exactly how sullivans name got drawn...

And while we are at it----judge amy berman jackson in Stone and manaforts cases. She just oddly kept getting her name drawn up and the interesting thing with her is that she clearly demonstrated bias and refused to remove herself AND AND AND has a long history of playing footsie with MUELLER including in cases where Mueller lied about innocent people, hid evidence of innocent people, and kept them in prison where unfortunately they all didn't make it out alive before being exonerated costing taxpayers million $$$$$$$$$$$$$ and yet Mueller rose to the top of the FBI and the highly public investigation into corruption and railroading. It's almost like the clintons didn't stop at corrupt law enforcement to help them get away with their crimes over the years, but they also chose equally inept judges to rise to the tops as well.

Anyways in regards to how come the corrupt judge and corrupt fbi are fighting so hard to continue their attack on Flynn is that they clearly violated flynns rights ----------and clearly there will be not just people going to jail and huge civil suits filed all over the place if Flynn is released without charges------------but if he is cleared, then with these investigations and suits, DISPOSITIONS AND AFFAVIDAVIDS galore are to come--------

Before as long as the clintons/obama's controlled the investigations, they and their people were able to avoid going to prison by 1) corrupt investigators making sure that the right questions where not asked and 2) that as long as they didn't lie while under investigation, that their corrupt justice system didn't have to prosecute them and even like the FBI did for Hilliary would even destroy blackberries/computers and other evidence to keep the truth hidden from public view. In essence, our corrupt FBI would investigate crimes involving the clintons and then make sure that the evidence never ever saw the light of day.

But with dispositions being given by attorneys from opposing parties in court---their protections are over with. Uncomfortable questions will be asked, --so much for the clinton judge's gag orders, prosecutions for crimes are coming especially for underlings, and especially for perjury that the dems were so wet to get Flynn on ---so underlings in the Obama white house who don't want to go bankrupt defending themselves or go to prison will have to start talking and telling the truth----hence why Flynn must go down at all costs even for the clintons judge sullivan who thought that he was above the law and above investigation when he no longer is. If Flynn is set free, and if he isn't arkancided-----then all hell will be breaking loose. Judge Sullivan among others will be forced to give dispositions for civil courts.........Hence why we can see dem trolls who have gotten their orders so hot to get Flynn still despite the obvious------they can never ever admit that Flynn is innocent and was abused. Never ----no matter how much evidence. They have to keep lying saying flynn lied-------when it is obvious he hasn't.
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They didn't pressure him to do anything. He asked for favor but never said any aid was dependent on that favor. Ukraine didn't take it that way either as stated by them. Biden is the one that looks like a corrupt, career politician and Trump is merely trying to root out that corruption.
And so when the funding was mysteriously held up, what would be the logical conclusion on Ukraine's part? Don't be silly. We both know the answer.

I guess we could follow the Democrats lead with their continued fantasy's regarding the Mueller probe.

The Mueller probe demonstrated pretty clear obstruction in my opinion. Not a fantasy, backed up by facts.

It was a fantasy or as desperate as they are..they would have certainly tried for more criminal charges.

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