Ex-F.B.I. Lawyer Expected to Plead Guilty in Durham Investigation

Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.
Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.
Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.

Oh, you mean for our President to be accused (never proven) to do something the candidate for your party admitted to doing on tape? Our guy gets impeached, but your guy gets to run for President? Where is the equity in that?
Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.

Oh, you mean for our President to be accused (never proven) to do something the candidate for your party admitted to doing on tape? Our guy gets impeached, but your guy gets to run for President? Where is the equity in that?

Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.
Then why isnt Durham going after that?

You don't know what he's going after. Neither do I nor anybody else. That's the beauty of all this.
It must drive the corrupt press nuts that they arent getting leaks like they did with the Mueller investigation.
A lot of what we knew about the Mueller investigation wasn’t because of leaks, but because of the grand jury process. We could tell who was being interviewed and when.

Durham doesn’t even have a grand jury which should tell you something about where this is going.
Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

No, it just proves what most of us figured out a long time ago. Biden is a complete idiot who was protected by the corrupt Obama administration.
Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.

Oh, you mean for our President to be accused (never proven) to do something the candidate for your party admitted to doing on tape? Our guy gets impeached, but your guy gets to run for President? Where is the equity in that?

Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

So what you are suggesting is that if somebody does something corrupt in the open, it's okay by you. But if they do something corrupt and not on television for you to see, it's an impeachable offense?

Trump never tried to hide anything. When the allegation came up, he openly handed them the transcript of the call. Why would he not? He never did anything wrong. There is no law that states a President cannot ask the leader of another country for a favor.
Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.
I haven't heard anyone say that. However, he was deliberately given the impression it wasn't an official investigation. If your neighbor is an FBi agent, is it a crime to tell him that your dog didn't crap in his yard?
No one gave him that impression. Two FBI agents don’t show up to your office randomly for friendly conversations.

Actually that is what the FBI claimed they were there for..........a friendly conversation about the switch over of power etc. Flynn even flat out asked them about it and the fbi lied about what they were doing there-------

Maybe the fbi should be in prison for lying....
That’s very much not true. McCabe asked Flynn to sit down for a voluntary interview regarding his conversation with the Russian ambassador. Flynn agreed.

Oh geebus.......

Let's start with getting a few basics down.

1) There was no predicate to investigate Flynn---Flynn had done nothing wrong so any investigation launched at this point was ILLEGAL AND AN ABUSE of POWER. To investigate someone without cause (predicate) is a clear violation of civil rights law. All of the claims that the FBI made before about having cause have been shown to be a lie.......Comey, McCabe, and Stroz are now retracting all claims. They are best trying to claim that the ambassadors call was grounds---even though they know that nothing said during call was in any way grounds for any investigation.
2) In Flynns position, talking to foreign ambassadors is a common practice unworthy of any investigation It is the typical when administrations switch over.
3) As Flynn would later note---foreign ambassador phone calls are RECORDED by our FBI/NSA group--ergo the FBI already knew what was said and Flynn already knew that they knew what was exactly said. Flynn had no reason to lie or even fear an interview and the FBI knew they had no reason to question anything that was said. The FBI who has been snagged lying repeatedly claims that they told Flynn it was about the Ambassador----Flynns account is different. Now who do I believe---Flynn who hasn't lied, or the FBI who has been snagged lying over and over.
4) If you are investigating someone for a crime, it is law that you inform them that they have a right to an attorney. The FBI said flat out to Flynn that he didn't need an attorney ergo they said he wasn't under investigation.

6) COMEY-----despite what McCabe is now spinning specifically stated the that the FBI did not tell Flynn the real reason for why they wanted to interview him. IN FACT THE FBI'S NOTES FROM THAT TIME HAVE THE FBI DISCUSSING THEIR GOALS OF THE INTERVIEW WHICH WAS TO TRY TO TRICK FLYNN INTO TO LYING OR GET HIM FIRED. They could care a less about the phone call to the ambassador-----they weren't investigating anything--they were abusing their position violating Flynns rights and running a coup trying to take out Trumps people one way or the other.
Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

No, it just proves what most of us figured out a long time ago. Biden is a complete idiot who was protected by the corrupt Obama administration.
Sorry, but the idiots are the ones still toting around the Russian propaganda that Biden did something wrong by getting Shokin fired.

Biden doesn’t need protection from the DoJ because he’s not corrupt.
Hey, libtards.

Lets say that Clinesmith altered a document to send YOU to jail.


I don’t recall anybody being sent to jail here. He lied on a FISA warrant application. Nobody died or went to jail.

All Trump did was ask a leader of another country to check out one of our corrupt politicians, and the commies impeached him over it. Nobody died there either.

Corruption is getting our allies to do his political dirty work.

We impeach corrupt politicians in this country.

Oh, you mean for our President to be accused (never proven) to do something the candidate for your party admitted to doing on tape? Our guy gets impeached, but your guy gets to run for President? Where is the equity in that?

Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

So what you are suggesting is that if somebody does something corrupt in the open, it's okay by you. But if they do something corrupt and not on television for you to see, it's an impeachable offense?

Trump never tried to hide anything. When the allegation came up, he openly handed them the transcript of the call. Why would he not? He never did anything wrong. There is no law that states a President cannot ask the leader of another country for a favor.

Dims claimed they were going to impeach Trump even before the election. Everyone knows that Ukraine gate was total bullshit.


It was a pathetic scam.
Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

No, it just proves what most of us figured out a long time ago. Biden is a complete idiot who was protected by the corrupt Obama administration.
Sorry, but the idiots are the ones still toting around the Russian propaganda that Biden did something wrong by getting Shokin fired.

Biden doesn’t need protection from the DoJ because he’s not corrupt.

Of course he's not corrupt. He just had a guy fired who was looking into the company his son was getting paid off by. Yeah, I know what the Democrats lie about, but Shokin said on video that's exactly what happened.
Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.
I haven't heard anyone say that. However, he was deliberately given the impression it wasn't an official investigation. If your neighbor is an FBi agent, is it a crime to tell him that your dog didn't crap in his yard?
No one gave him that impression. Two FBI agents don’t show up to your office randomly for friendly conversations.

Actually that is what the FBI claimed they were there for..........a friendly conversation about the switch over of power etc. Flynn even flat out asked them about it and the fbi lied about what they were doing there-------

Maybe the fbi should be in prison for lying....
That’s very much not true. McCabe asked Flynn to sit down for a voluntary interview regarding his conversation with the Russian ambassador. Flynn agreed.

Oh geebus.......

Let's start with getting a few basics down.

1) There was no predicate to investigate Flynn---Flynn had done nothing wrong so any investigation launched at this point was ILLEGAL AND AN ABUSE of POWER. To investigate someone without cause (predicate) is a clear violation of civil rights law. All of the claims that the FBI made before about having cause have been shown to be a lie.......Comey, McCabe, and Stroz are now retracting all claims. They are best trying to claim that the ambassadors call was grounds---even though they know that nothing said during call was in any way grounds for any investigation.
2) In Flynns position, talking to foreign ambassadors is a common practice unworthy of any investigation It is the typical when administrations switch over.
3) As Flynn would later note---foreign ambassador phone calls are RECORDED by our FBI/NSA group--ergo the FBI already knew what was said and Flynn already knew that they knew what was exactly said. Flynn had no reason to lie or even fear an interview and the FBI knew they had no reason to question anything that was said. The FBI who has been snagged lying repeatedly claims that they told Flynn it was about the Ambassador----Flynns account is different. Now who do I believe---Flynn who hasn't lied, or the FBI who has been snagged lying over and over.
4) If you are investigating someone for a crime, it is law that you inform them that they have a right to an attorney. The FBI said flat out to Flynn that he didn't need an attorney ergo they said he wasn't under investigation.

6) COMEY-----despite what McCabe is now spinning specifically stated the that the FBI did not tell Flynn the real reason for why they wanted to interview him. IN FACT THE FBI'S NOTES FROM THAT TIME HAVE THE FBI DISCUSSING THEIR GOALS OF THE INTERVIEW WHICH WAS TO TRY TO TRICK FLYNN INTO TO LYING OR GET HIM FIRED. They could care a less about the phone call to the ambassador-----they weren't investigating anything--they were abusing their position violating Flynns rights and running a coup trying to take out Trumps people one way or the other.

These are not basics, they are mostly incorrect.

1. Flynn hadn't done anything wrong? Well apart from running an illegal lobbying organization (not filing required FARA documentation while working on behalf of Turkey in secret), receiving money from Russia against regulations and stipulations with his government contract. Not all FBI investigations are criminal, they also handle counterintelligence. Flynn was to be entrusted with our country's most secure and deeply held secrets, but he was lying about conversations he had with Russian government officials to his own bosses. You telling me that doesn't warrant an investigation? Nonsense.

2. That's fine. But conducting policy with foreign officials is not common practice. There's only one president at a time and his behavior, while not illegal, was not common or considered appropriate.

3. Paints more of a picture of Flynn's arrogance thinking he was above accountability. Flynn's account is not different based on any court filings I've read. As for Flynn has ever lied? Well, even if we accept your argument of his innocence, he did plead guilty to his offenses, so at the very least he lied in that regard.

4. You may have a right to an attorney but that doesn't mean you need to have an attorney, which is exactly what Flynn was told. He was also told he could have one present. So this point is not logical.
Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

No, it just proves what most of us figured out a long time ago. Biden is a complete idiot who was protected by the corrupt Obama administration.
Sorry, but the idiots are the ones still toting around the Russian propaganda that Biden did something wrong by getting Shokin fired.

Biden doesn’t need protection from the DoJ because he’s not corrupt.

Of course he's not corrupt. He just had a guy fired who was looking into the company his son was getting paid off by. Yeah, I know what the Democrats lie about, but Shokin said on video that's exactly what happened.

Oh, so we believe the corrupt prosecutor's version on his little video rather than the testimony of numerous state department officials, documentation and that of our allies? I guess that Russian propaganda is potent stuff.
Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

No, it just proves what most of us figured out a long time ago. Biden is a complete idiot who was protected by the corrupt Obama administration.
Sorry, but the idiots are the ones still toting around the Russian propaganda that Biden did something wrong by getting Shokin fired.

Biden doesn’t need protection from the DoJ because he’s not corrupt.

Of course he's not corrupt. He just had a guy fired who was looking into the company his son was getting paid off by. Yeah, I know what the Democrats lie about, but Shokin said on video that's exactly what happened.

Oh, so we believe the corrupt prosecutor's version on his little video rather than the testimony of numerous state department officials, documentation and that of our allies? I guess that Russian propaganda is potent stuff.

Yes, I do believe him over anybody in the corrupt Obama administration. We didn't need to stick our neck in their business. Furthermore the guy they replaced Shokin with was just as corrupt if not more corrupt than he was.

Why did the Democrats freak out so badly when their spy reported that Trump was trying to figure out what happened there? The only reason for the impeachment was to force Zelensky to shut up and not tell Trump a thing. They knew that by forwarding a phony impeachment, Zelensky would not want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between the House and the President; both are responsible for the money his country gets from us.
'Jim, former CIA Director John Brennan has agreed to cooperate with Durham in exchange for not being named as a 'Person of Interest' in this criminal case.

Brennan, former NSA Director James Clapper, and former Obama Cabinet member Sally Yates all threw you under the bus, declaring you, McCabe, and other members f the FBI ran the whole conspiracy against President Trump.

Now former FBI attorney Clinesmith has agreed to turn state's evidence in a plea agreement consisting of leniency if he pleads guilty.

It's only a matter of time, especially since you even confessed to leaking classified...and you know Andy is going to testify against you after you threw him under the bus for leaking classified.

It looks like you're going to ail, Jim.'

James Comey should be worried about his own conspiracy theory track record  – Boston Herald
'B...b...but I'm the hero. I tried to save the
entire United States single-handedly!'

Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

No, it just proves what most of us figured out a long time ago. Biden is a complete idiot who was protected by the corrupt Obama administration.
Sorry, but the idiots are the ones still toting around the Russian propaganda that Biden did something wrong by getting Shokin fired.

Biden doesn’t need protection from the DoJ because he’s not corrupt.

Of course he's not corrupt. He just had a guy fired who was looking into the company his son was getting paid off by. Yeah, I know what the Democrats lie about, but Shokin said on video that's exactly what happened.

Oh, so we believe the corrupt prosecutor's version on his little video rather than the testimony of numerous state department officials, documentation and that of our allies? I guess that Russian propaganda is potent stuff.

Yes, I do believe him over anybody in the corrupt Obama administration. We didn't need to stick our neck in their business. Furthermore the guy they replaced Shokin with was just as corrupt if not more corrupt than he was.

Why did the Democrats freak out so badly when their spy reported that Trump was trying to figure out what happened there? The only reason for the impeachment was to force Zelensky to shut up and not tell Trump a thing. They knew that by forwarding a phony impeachment, Zelensky would not want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between the House and the President; both are responsible for the money his country gets from us.
Circular logic. Obama administration is corrupt because Shokin says. Shokin is believable because he says Obama is corrupt. Seems the only reason anyone would believe him is, for lack of a better term, ODS. Our government doesn’t believe him. Trump’s own FBI knows that his story is Russian propaganda intended to hurt Biden.

Democrats freaked out because Trump was corruptly manipulating with our ally, one who is too weak to fight back. You should freak out too, because this is the corrupt BS we criticize other countries of doing. Zelensky never wanted anything to do with our political campaign which is why Trump’s administration had to corruptly pressure him to do so.
Everything Biden did was out in the open, public knowledge, which is how we know it wasn’t corrupt.

Trump did his very best to hide what he did.

Should tell you something about the difference between the two situations.

No, it just proves what most of us figured out a long time ago. Biden is a complete idiot who was protected by the corrupt Obama administration.
Sorry, but the idiots are the ones still toting around the Russian propaganda that Biden did something wrong by getting Shokin fired.

Biden doesn’t need protection from the DoJ because he’s not corrupt.

Of course he's not corrupt. He just had a guy fired who was looking into the company his son was getting paid off by. Yeah, I know what the Democrats lie about, but Shokin said on video that's exactly what happened.

Oh, so we believe the corrupt prosecutor's version on his little video rather than the testimony of numerous state department officials, documentation and that of our allies? I guess that Russian propaganda is potent stuff.

Yes, I do believe him over anybody in the corrupt Obama administration. We didn't need to stick our neck in their business. Furthermore the guy they replaced Shokin with was just as corrupt if not more corrupt than he was.

Why did the Democrats freak out so badly when their spy reported that Trump was trying to figure out what happened there? The only reason for the impeachment was to force Zelensky to shut up and not tell Trump a thing. They knew that by forwarding a phony impeachment, Zelensky would not want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between the House and the President; both are responsible for the money his country gets from us.
Circular logic. Obama administration is corrupt because Shokin says. Shokin is believable because he says Obama is corrupt. Seems the only reason anyone would believe him is, for lack of a better term, ODS. Our government doesn’t believe him. Trump’s own FBI knows that his story is Russian propaganda intended to hurt Biden.

Democrats freaked out because Trump was corruptly manipulating with our ally, one who is too weak to fight back. You should freak out too, because this is the corrupt BS we criticize other countries of doing. Zelensky never wanted anything to do with our political campaign which is why Trump’s administration had to corruptly pressure him to do so.

Trump didn't pressure anybody to do anything. The lying Democrats made that up. Trump asked for a favor, not made a demand.

Shokin is just one reason the Obama administration was corrupt. The other is the IRS who went after conservative groups. The other is the FBI who targeted a political opponent of the Democrat party. And let's not forget Page who said in a text that DumBama wanted to know everything they were doing. The other who is Hillary Clinton that (with the knowledge of Hussein) had her own server in her bathroom closet. Another is Louis Lerner who destroyed her hard drive to destroy evidence. There's a string of corruption in his administration, including not calling the FBI when the DNC server was breached.
House Republicans grill FBI, Justice leaders on Russia probe ...

'Didn't you say anyone who gave false testimony in a FISA Warrant, who signed a FISA warrant that contained false information should go to jail?'


"Didn't you sign the FISA Warrant that contained false information?"

"I...um.....yes, I did."

"Didn't you testify that you never volunteered to wear a wire to try to entrap the President, that you were asked to do so? Wasn't that a lie? Wasn't it true that you offered on several occasions to do so, as multiple Cabinet Members have testified?"

"Umm...Yes, yes that is true.

"Have you ever been to Gitmo?"

"(Gulp) N...n...n...no I haven't.'

Let's see if we can change that!

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