Ex-F.B.I. Lawyer Expected to Plead Guilty in Durham Investigation

You have been shown where he admitted to altering a government document
And you have been shown that charging statute that covers submitting a false document. The actual charges. So...just charged with a process crime. Nothing to see here...just ask any trumpanzee...
Well this thread suddenly got very boring. Who cares about some inconsequential process crime, when Trump's toadies are getting arrested for multiple serious felonies?
altering government documents is a felony it's a shame he was allowed to plea a deal for a lesser crime
Well this thread suddenly got very boring. Who cares about some inconsequential process crime, when Trump's toadies are getting arrested for multiple serious felonies?
altering government documents is a felony it's a shame he was allowed to plea a deal for a lesser crime
Yes, It's a shame the world doesn't factually confirm your fantasies. Just a process crime... Nothing to see here.. .
You have been shown where he admitted to altering a government document
And you have been shown that charging statute that covers submitting a false document. The actual charges. So...just charged with a process crime. Nothing to see here...just ask any trumpanzee...
altering government documents is a totally different statute which is what he admitted to. The indictment is for what he plea deal for not the actual felony he committed
Well this thread suddenly got very boring. Who cares about some inconsequential process crime, when Trump's toadies are getting arrested for multiple serious felonies?
altering government documents is a felony it's a shame he was allowed to plea a deal for a lesser crime
Yes, It's a shame the world doesn't factually confirm your fantasies. Just a process crime... Nothing to see here.. .
and you've been shown the statute that altering a government document is a felony
altering government documents is a totally different statute which is what he admitted to.
False. He submitted the false document, which was the actual crime. It is spelled out. That is why he can plead guilty to the charge. Duh.

Enjoy your fantasy...but i gotta tell ya , it sure is hilarious watching the trumpkins get sand in their gineys over a process crime charge, after telling us for 3 years that process crimes aren't significant. Good stuff. Pure gold.
So lets recap:

- one charge of a process crime, filed
- one fantasy of a plea deal, not documented
- even if true, then no different than Flynn pleading down to a process crime for his cooperation...yet trumpkins cried like little babies that it was only a process crime
altering government documents is a totally different statute which is what he admitted to.
False. He submitted the false document, which was the actual crime. It is spelled out. That is why he can plead guilty to the charge. Duh.

Enjoy your fantasy...but i gotta tell ya , it sure is hilarious watching the trumpkins get sand in their gineys over a process crime charge, after telling us for 3 years that process crimes aren't significant. Good stuff. Pure gold.
That's a blatant lie on your part
"Clinesmith will reportedly admit that he altered a CIA email that FBI investigators used to get a judge's permission to renew a surveillance warrant targeting former Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page. "
Palm plant!!! You are B-E-Y-O-N-D any help.....the fbi has bloody admitted to lying about the 302, altering the 302, and changing after Pientka signed it off--
Okay. Show me. Show me where the FBI admitted such a thing.

Pientka didn’t sign off on the 302 and then it later was edited. He signed off on it when it was officially filed on Feb 15.

Gee you like to ignore the obvious don't you----------------the FBI has just 5 days to have their 302 completed not 3 weeks later.....

On February 10, Pientka left town------------Strzok and Paige rewrote his 302 that he had already signed off on after he left and then turned it into McCABE on the 15th.

I left out the juicy parts of the texts and emails between these two idiots during this time as Paige is an blooming airhead and she and her married lover incriminated themselves. The airhead claimed that the original 302 was garbage and then instructed her married lover on how to specifically rewrite it while pretending to be the other now missing agent (who one of the right wing conspirator writers is now saying is hiding out at Kirkland Air Force Base losing track of weapons and receiving a poor grade as an administrator but this part I don't about. Weird that he like "the Cambridge Professor involved in the Papadoupoulus case are being hidden or in the professors case claimed dead when he wasn't by our FBI.

You left out links to any sources which can verify these right wing fairy tales.

I've left nothing out...well except the texts as everyone already knows and have heard about Lisa Paige telling her lover how to rewrite the 302 to get Flynn....I figured if you are sophisticated enough to know about Comey's really stupid congressional testimony (which YOU directed me to) burying Strzok this year by admitting that the first 302 existed on January 24 (you know within the 5 days that the FBI is required to turn in their reports following an interveiw/interrogation/frame up) not the FEb 15 (3 weeks later) that you are trying to spin currently, that you would also know about the simpler stuff like the texts that have been out for what 2 years now between the two idiot fbi lovebirds seeking their insurance policy against Trump while "getting off" around Valentines Day.

Back in my single days, to spice up our love life we would just go have sex on a beach or somewhere else..not have sex while framing innocent people. That is just tacky. I made sure all my other posts had sources pasted on them with the location of where the information came from.. I'm hurt that you would claim otherwise.

Fascinating. What testimony are you referring to? Comey has a lot of different dates of testimony. Hard to find what one you're talking about.

Purposely Obtuse..........No one can make you admit the facts colfax---you are proof positive that no matter how much evidence is presented and ALREADY put in the thread with the link-----------that demtrolls will still keep playing childish games. The funny part is that the demtrolls think that the adults in the room don't see what is going on. Hate to tell you that they do though----------
I looked over every post of yours in this thread and saw no link to Comey’s testimony saying such a thing.

One of two things is going to happen. One, you’re going to refuse to produce a link. Or two, you’re going to point me to testimony saying something completely different and unrelated.

This story is just bogus. Totally bogus. It even includes nutty murder conspiracies.

Comey never said there was an original signed 302. Pientka signed the 302 on Feb 15th.
oh oh there it is. You know I am referring to the Comey notes that I painfully typed up and gave a link for the January 24 #302 confirmed by Comey which you yourself directed me to not realizing that I research EVERYTHING and Anything----and now you are trying to argue if they were signed or not. Hun, they were signed.....again FBI rule, #302 must be completed and submitted which means SIGNED within 5 days of the Interview/interrogation/attempt to railroad innocent people in order to avoid failing memories.........All of the #302s are done this way ----no exceptions........Comey's NOTES on the January 24th that he entered into congressional record confirms that the first original #302 was completed and turned in to him by January 24----------To keep pretending that this didn't happen is ignorant. SOP for all #302's dear.

Then after he left town on February 10---the idiotic fbi lovebirds Strzok and Paige set about to rewrite them. Paige (an FBI lawyer at the time) directed Strzok her married lover using texts and emails leaving a clear trail of their crimes. Notice the word crimes-----------They turned in the new 302 After pretending to be the other agent who was charged with both taking the notes and filling out the #302 while Strzok job was to ask the questions

---Oh and fyi, which is really funny---------the FBI was asked a minimum of 3 times in court under oath who had written the 302 and other questions related to it...Strzok lied and kept lying and couldn't keep his story straight. He even went so far as to write up notes (not in cursive or with any shorthand) trying to make it seem as though he was the agent charged with taking notes and writing the #302. He is going to prison you do realize this don't you and I hope he finds a new big lover in prison for which he so richly deserves.
So lets recap:

- one charge of a process crime, filed
- one fantasy of a plea deal, not documented
- even if true, then no different than Flynn pleading down to a process crime for his cooperation...yet trumpkins cried like little babies that it was only a process crime
the plea deal is what he's being charged with would what other big fish he gave up to keep from going to prison for 20 years
altering government documents is a totally different statute which is what he admitted to.
False. He submitted the false document, which was the actual crime. It is spelled out. That is why he can plead guilty to the charge. Duh.

Enjoy your fantasy...but i gotta tell ya , it sure is hilarious watching the trumpkins get sand in their gineys over a process crime charge, after telling us for 3 years that process crimes aren't significant. Good stuff. Pure gold.
That's a blatant lie on your part
"Clinesmith will reportedly admit that he altered a CIA email that FBI investigators used to get a judge's permission to renew a surveillance warrant targeting former Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page. "
He was charged with submitting a false document. It's covered.

And no mention of any cooperation in the plea agreement:

So lets recap:

- one charge of a process crime, filed
- one fantasy of a plea deal, not documented
- even if true, then no different than Flynn pleading down to a process crime for his cooperation...yet trumpkins cried like little babies that it was only a process crime
the plea deal is what he's being charged with would what other big fish he gave up to keep from going to prison for 20 years
Doesn't look that way. Looks like they got what they could get.
So lets recap:

- one charge of a process crime, filed
- one fantasy of a plea deal, not documented
- even if true, then no different than Flynn pleading down to a process crime for his cooperation...yet trumpkins cried like little babies that it was only a process crime
the plea deal is what he's being charged with would what other big fish he gave up to keep from going to prison for 20 years

What plea deal? You don't need a plea deal to plead guilty. What you fail to understand is that there is no "big fish" for this guy to give up. Donald Trump has been lying to you for four years and you refuse to believe this simple fact.

Barr and Durham have been investigating for two years now and this is the only charge they've laid. Even worse for Barr, neither he nor Durham found this guy. The DOJ Inspector General named him in his investigation of the investigators. Barr convened a Grand Jury in the McCabe case and they refused to charge Andrew McCabe - twice.

Last but not least, the Senate Intel Committee's damning report on Russian interference into the 2016 election, is now the final nail in the coffin of Barr and Durham's sham investigation of the investigators. What the Senate Intel Committe Report confirms is that the Trump Campaign was coordinating with the Russian government to an extraordinary extent and that Trump's relationships with Putin and the Russian government, are a danger to national security.

If this 1000 page report, which confirms everything that Robert Mueller wrote about the Trump campaign and the Russians, is proof positive that Donald Trump both colluded with Russia, but continues to favour Russia in foreign policy and trade, over your treaty allies and supporters.

But keep telling us what a great American Donald Trump is.
Enjoy your fantasy...but i gotta tell ya , it sure is hilarious watching the trumpkins get sand in their gineys over a process crime charge, after telling us for 3 years that process crimes aren't significant. Good stuff. Pure gold.

You can't possibly believe this is a process crime. It isn't close. He altered a government document than submitted that document in the hopes to mislead a court. You are the one living in a fantasy land.
So lets recap:

- one charge of a process crime, filed
- one fantasy of a plea deal, not documented
- even if true, then no different than Flynn pleading down to a process crime for his cooperation...yet trumpkins cried like little babies that it was only a process crime
the plea deal is what he's being charged with would what other big fish he gave up to keep from going to prison for 20 years

What plea deal? You don't need a plea deal to plead guilty. What you fail to understand is that there is no "big fish" for this guy to give up. Donald Trump has been lying to you for four years and you refuse to believe this simple fact.

Barr and Durham have been investigating for two years now and this is the only charge they've laid. Even worse for Barr, neither he nor Durham found this guy. The DOJ Inspector General named him in his investigation of the investigators. Barr convened a Grand Jury in the McCabe case and they refused to charge Andrew McCabe - twice.

Last but not least, the Senate Intel Committee's damning report on Russian interference into the 2016 election, is now the final nail in the coffin of Barr and Durham's sham investigation of the investigators. What the Senate Intel Committe Report confirms is that the Trump Campaign was coordinating with the Russian government to an extraordinary extent and that Trump's relationships with Putin and the Russian government, are a danger to national security.

If this 1000 page report, which confirms everything that Robert Mueller wrote about the Trump campaign and the Russians, is proof positive that Donald Trump both colluded with Russia, but continues to favour Russia in foreign policy and trade, over your treaty allies and supporters.

But keep telling us what a great American Donald Trump is.
he's pleading guilty for a lesser crime he admitted to altering a government document which carries a 20 year sentence
So lets recap:

- one charge of a process crime, filed
- one fantasy of a plea deal, not documented
- even if true, then no different than Flynn pleading down to a process crime for his cooperation...yet trumpkins cried like little babies that it was only a process crime
the plea deal is what he's being charged with would what other big fish he gave up to keep from going to prison for 20 years
Doesn't look that way. Looks like they got what they could get.
He's not being charged with altering a government document he cut a plea deal which is what he's being charged with.
So lets recap:

- one charge of a process crime, filed
- one fantasy of a plea deal, not documented
- even if true, then no different than Flynn pleading down to a process crime for his cooperation...yet trumpkins cried like little babies that it was only a process crime
the plea deal is what he's being charged with would what other big fish he gave up to keep from going to prison for 20 years

What plea deal? You don't need a plea deal to plead guilty. What you fail to understand is that there is no "big fish" for this guy to give up. Donald Trump has been lying to you for four years and you refuse to believe this simple fact.

Barr and Durham have been investigating for two years now and this is the only charge they've laid. Even worse for Barr, neither he nor Durham found this guy. The DOJ Inspector General named him in his investigation of the investigators. Barr convened a Grand Jury in the McCabe case and they refused to charge Andrew McCabe - twice.

Last but not least, the Senate Intel Committee's damning report on Russian interference into the 2016 election, is now the final nail in the coffin of Barr and Durham's sham investigation of the investigators. What the Senate Intel Committe Report confirms is that the Trump Campaign was coordinating with the Russian government to an extraordinary extent and that Trump's relationships with Putin and the Russian government, are a danger to national security.

If this 1000 page report, which confirms everything that Robert Mueller wrote about the Trump campaign and the Russians, is proof positive that Donald Trump both colluded with Russia, but continues to favour Russia in foreign policy and trade, over your treaty allies and supporters.

But keep telling us what a great American Donald Trump is.
he's pleading guilty for a lesser crime he admitted to altering a government document which carries a 20 year sentence

I guess in some folk's minds, a murderer is not a murderer if he reaches a plea agreement with a prosecutor for a manslaughter charge instead of 1st degree murder in exchange for giving up the mob boss that hired him.

These are Democrats you are talking to. You can't expect them to be logical or pragmatic.
So lets recap:

- one charge of a process crime, filed
- one fantasy of a plea deal, not documented
- even if true, then no different than Flynn pleading down to a process crime for his cooperation...yet trumpkins cried like little babies that it was only a process crime
the plea deal is what he's being charged with would what other big fish he gave up to keep from going to prison for 20 years

What plea deal? You don't need a plea deal to plead guilty. What you fail to understand is that there is no "big fish" for this guy to give up. Donald Trump has been lying to you for four years and you refuse to believe this simple fact.

Barr and Durham have been investigating for two years now and this is the only charge they've laid. Even worse for Barr, neither he nor Durham found this guy. The DOJ Inspector General named him in his investigation of the investigators. Barr convened a Grand Jury in the McCabe case and they refused to charge Andrew McCabe - twice.

Last but not least, the Senate Intel Committee's damning report on Russian interference into the 2016 election, is now the final nail in the coffin of Barr and Durham's sham investigation of the investigators. What the Senate Intel Committe Report confirms is that the Trump Campaign was coordinating with the Russian government to an extraordinary extent and that Trump's relationships with Putin and the Russian government, are a danger to national security.

If this 1000 page report, which confirms everything that Robert Mueller wrote about the Trump campaign and the Russians, is proof positive that Donald Trump both colluded with Russia, but continues to favour Russia in foreign policy and trade, over your treaty allies and supporters.

But keep telling us what a great American Donald Trump is.
he's pleading guilty for a lesser crime he admitted to altering a government document which carries a 20 year sentence

I guess in some folk's minds, a murderer is not a murderer if he reaches a plea agreement with a prosecutor for a manslaughter charge instead of 1st degree murder in exchange for giving up the mob boss that hired him.

These are Democrats you are talking to. You can't expect them to be logical or pragmatic.
It's how our judicial system works
People get a plea deal so they won't be charged with the actual crime they committed
Enjoy your fantasy...but i gotta tell ya , it sure is hilarious watching the trumpkins get sand in their gineys over a process crime charge, after telling us for 3 years that process crimes aren't significant. Good stuff. Pure gold.

You can't possibly believe this is a process crime. It isn't close. He altered a government document than submitted that document in the hopes to mislead a court. You are the one living in a fantasy land.

It would be one thing if the document which he altered was the one and only document which led to the judge signing the warrant, but it wasn't even a small portion of the evidence. Falsifying evidence in a court case is a serious crime, but it was stupid and sloppy. And yes, it is a process crime. Meaningless. Furthermore, the document he altered, was an exhibit to a "renewal application", so there is that to it.

You keep buying into Trump's lies that:

1. The Russia Investigation is a "hoax" except it isn't. Both the Senate Report and the Mueller Report say that the Trump Campaign coordinated with WikiLeaks as to the timing and the content of the DNC email leaks;

2. That Donald Trump lied to the Mueller investigation in regards to his prior knowledge of the contents of the WikiLeaks publication of emails, and contacts with Roger Stone;

3. That the Senate Intelligence Committee sent criminal referrals to the Justice Department in regards to Steve Bannon (last seen being arrested on a Chinese oligarch's yacht, where Bannon has been toughing out covid quarantine), Donald J. Trump Jr., and Jared Kuchner.

4. So now we have two Republican investigations which say that Donald Trump used Russian help to get himself elected in 2016, and further Intelligence Investigations which say that Donald Trump and his staffers lied to Muellers, to Congress and to the American people about their connections to and with agents of the Russian government.

Then there's Donald Trump's record on Covid19, the economy, the trade wars, and the policing crisis.

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