Ex-Justice Department Official Testifies They Were Told to Ignore Cases...


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010
(Fox News)- In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims.
J. Christian Adams, testifying Tuesday before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, said that “over and over and over again,” the department showed “hostility” toward those cases. He described the Black Panther case as one example of that — he defended the legitimacy of the suit and said his “blood boiled” when he heard a Justice official claim the case wasn’t solid.
“It is false,” Adams said of the claim.
“We abetted wrongdoing and abandoned law-abiding citizens,” he later testified.
The department abandoned the New Black Panther case last year. It stemmed from an incident on Election Day in 2008 in Philadelphia, where members of the party were videotaped in front of a polling place, dressed in military-style uniforms and allegedly hurling racial slurs while one brandished a night stick.
(Fox News)- In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims.
J. Christian Adams, testifying Tuesday before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, said that “over and over and over again,” the department showed “hostility” toward those cases. He described the Black Panther case as one example of that — he defended the legitimacy of the suit and said his “blood boiled” when he heard a Justice official claim the case wasn’t solid.
“It is false,” Adams said of the claim.
“We abetted wrongdoing and abandoned law-abiding citizens,” he later testified.
The department abandoned the New Black Panther case last year. It stemmed from an incident on Election Day in 2008 in Philadelphia, where members of the party were videotaped in front of a polling place, dressed in military-style uniforms and allegedly hurling racial slurs while one brandished a night stick.

Names and locations?
Does anyone doubt that the actions of this Hussein regime reflect that of a dictator?
PajamasMedia has been following this story quite closely, including posting columns written by J. Christian Adams, the attorney who recently resigned in protest:

Pajamas Media PJM Exclusive: Unequal Law Enforcement Reigns at Obama’s DOJ (UPDATED: Adams Discusses this Article on Fox News)

Pajamas Media J. Christian Adams: DOJ Opponents of Race-Neutral Law Should Explain Themselves

And other former DOJ attorneys are starting to speak out:

Pajamas Media BREAKING: Former DOJ Officials Stepping Forward to Support J. Christian Adams (Updated)

This is not a story that the MSM will willingly follow - so the best place to look is on the internets.
Hell, I knew that shit afore he testified. Else why did they drop the worst most blatent caught on tape case of voter intimidation? oh yeah,, we elected the black guy. whodda thunk it? elections have consequences donchyaknow?
I might be more likely to find this believable with names and locations....but whatever.

Check here:

Wall Street Journal
I think that has the info you requested.

Interesting on its face....however, I notice the link is the Opinion page. Curious about that one.

You libs are so quick to praise whistleblowers and to believe insider stories.... why not this one?

Partisan hacks. Ignorant slobs. I can't wait until November when you all are on the verge of jumping out of windows with depression (just an expression).
I might be more likely to find this believable with names and locations....but whatever.

Check here:

Wall Street Journal
I think that has the info you requested.

Interesting on its face....however, I notice the link is the Opinion page. Curious about that one.

Well, the MSM is not covering it, because it would look bad for the administration (I guess. Who can ascribe motivation for their inaction?) And, I didn't want to post the Fox News link, because you know the kind of back blast you get here if you post Fox, it's like posting an MSLSD link.

I actually saw the event on election day. Fox was showing it as it happened.

If this gets brushed aside, I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a lot of people with different political views from the Black Panthers showing up at polling places "helping" with security. Both situations represent a horrific event in our electoral process history.

This type of stuff cannot be allowed to happen on either side.
Check here:

Wall Street Journal
I think that has the info you requested.

Interesting on its face....however, I notice the link is the Opinion page. Curious about that one.

Well, the MSM is not covering it, because it would look bad for the administration (I guess. Who can ascribe motivation for their inaction?) And, I didn't want to post the Fox News link, because you know the kind of back blast you get here if you post Fox, it's like posting an MSLSD link.

I actually saw the event on election day. Fox was showing it as it happened.

If this gets brushed aside, I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a lot of people with different political views from the Black Panthers showing up at polling places "helping" with security. Both situations represent a horrific event in our electoral process history.

This type of stuff cannot be allowed to happen on either side.

Without looking I know fox and cbs are reporting on it........aren't they the msm?
Interesting on its face....however, I notice the link is the Opinion page. Curious about that one.

Well, the MSM is not covering it, because it would look bad for the administration (I guess. Who can ascribe motivation for their inaction?) And, I didn't want to post the Fox News link, because you know the kind of back blast you get here if you post Fox, it's like posting an MSLSD link.

I actually saw the event on election day. Fox was showing it as it happened.

If this gets brushed aside, I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a lot of people with different political views from the Black Panthers showing up at polling places "helping" with security. Both situations represent a horrific event in our electoral process history.

This type of stuff cannot be allowed to happen on either side.

Without looking I know fox and cbs are reporting on it........aren't they the msm?

Deadly weapons and racist slurs outside a polling booth by Democrat activists and the Administration is being accused of criminal racism and prosecutorial crimes and you aren't concerned that only two networks are reporting it?

Can you imagine the outrage if Bush admin had done this?
Well, the MSM is not covering it, because it would look bad for the administration (I guess. Who can ascribe motivation for their inaction?) And, I didn't want to post the Fox News link, because you know the kind of back blast you get here if you post Fox, it's like posting an MSLSD link.

I actually saw the event on election day. Fox was showing it as it happened.

If this gets brushed aside, I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a lot of people with different political views from the Black Panthers showing up at polling places "helping" with security. Both situations represent a horrific event in our electoral process history.

This type of stuff cannot be allowed to happen on either side.

Without looking I know fox and cbs are reporting on it........aren't they the msm?

Deadly weapons and racist slurs outside a polling booth by Democrat activists and the Administration is being accused of criminal racism and prosecutorial crimes and you aren't concerned that only two networks are reporting it?

Can you imagine the outrage if Bush admin had done this?

You keep proving to be a fucking eeediot. Read my post again.

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