Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

Trump supporters have repeatedly claimed that January 6th was no an insurrection, yet this is coming straight from the horse's mouth. How much more evidence is needed as to the intentions of the capital rioters, especially when it's coming from the Proud Boys who practically the equivalent of Saddam's Republican Guard?

WASHINGTON—Members of the far-right Proud Boys were preparing for “all-out revolution” days before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and eyeing the potential for supporters of then-President Donald Trump to violently oppose the peaceful transfer of power, a former leader of the group testified Wednesday.

Jeremy Bertino, 43 years old, took the stand as a star witness for the Justice Department in its trial against former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and four other members of the group who were charged last year with seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 attack. All five have pleaded not guilty to that and all other charges.

You’re citing the “enemy”?
All your side is doing is going with the thrown spaghetti method of trying to smear your opponents. Throw it against the wall, and see what sticks.
First, my "side" is the side rooting for America. I am an American Army veteran who believes in the American way and that our Constitution is a document that must be adhered to in order to continue the 'American way'.

Trump actively, repeatedly, relentlessly......conspired with others --Clark, Giuliani, Eastman, Meadows, and assorted Republican Congressmen.....to violate the Constitutional requirement of a peaceful-transfer-of-power.

  • Arranging and coordinating for illegal 'alternate electors' ain't nothin'.
  • Overtly pressuring AG's to 'find' just a specific number votes to put him just over the top....ain't nothin'.
  • Bringing Republican legislative leaders to the White House to persuade them to negate their state's vote....ain't nothin. Reported 11-21-20: "Trump, who had invited the lawmakers* to the White House this week, as he seeks to subvert the will of voters in a long-shot effort to overturn the results of an election he lost." (*that would be Michigan Republican's Senate and House Leaders ---Shirkey and Chatfield, in just one publicized incident.)
  • Actively promoting and inciting his more rabid and delusional MAGA-fans to come to Washington and "be wild".....and to 'fight, fight.' To encourage a "trial by combat".....before sending an angered and provoked mob straight at our assembled Representatives without giving warning or notice that he would do so, so that protective measures could be enhanced....ain't nothin'.
  • And then, one of the most damning of revelations......is that while our Capitol police were being savagely beaten by the same MAGA-fans, and our Representatives were hiding or running for their lives.....President Don Trump merely watched on the telly. Despite being the chief law enforcement officer of the country, despite being the Commander in Chief......he chose NOT to exercise critically needed leadership. Rather, he chose dereliction of duty.
Don Trump, most assuredly did not require some old retired farmer like me to 'smear' him. He was...and is ....quite capable of that feat all by himself.


First, my "side" is the side rooting for America. I am an American Army veteran who believes in the American way and that our Constitution is a document that must be adhered to in order to continue the 'American way'.

Trump actively, repeatedly, relentlessly......conspired with others --Clark, Giuliani, Eastman, Meadows, and assorted Republican Congressmen.....to violate the Constitutional requirement of a peaceful-transfer-of-power.

  • Arranging and coordinating for illegal 'alternate electors' ain't nothin'.
  • Overtly pressuring AG's to 'find' just a specific number votes to put him just over the top....ain't nothin'.
  • Bringing Republican legislative leaders to the White House to persuade them to negate their state's vote....ain't nothin. Reported 11-21-20: "Trump, who had invited the lawmakers* to the White House this week, as he seeks to subvert the will of voters in a long-shot effort to overturn the results of an election he lost." (*that would be Michigan Republican's Senate and House Leaders ---Shirkey and Chatfield, in just one publicized incident.)
  • Actively promoting and inciting his more rabid and delusional MAGA-fans to come to Washington and "be wild".....and to 'fight, fight.' To encourage a "trial by combat".....before sending an angered and provoked mob straight at our assembled Representatives without giving warning or notice that he would do so, so that protective measures could be enhanced....ain't nothin'.
  • And then, one of the most damning of revelations......is that while our Capitol police were being savagely beaten by the same MAGA-fans, and our Representatives were hiding or running for their lives.....President Don Trump merely watched on the telly. Despite being the chief law enforcement officer of the country, despite being the Commander in Chief......he chose NOT to exercise critically needed leadership. Rather, he chose dereliction of duty.
Don Trump, most assuredly did not require some old retired farmer like me to 'smear' him. He was...and is ....quite capable of that feat all by himself.


He told them to be peaceful, I see you left that part out. -10 points to TDS twat.

No crimes were committed by Trump, and the only direct fatality was an unarmed woman being shot by a cop.
Only the guy who is plea bargaining
That may be, or not.
Nonetheless, it does highlight an oft-observed reality: Consequences can spur truth-telling, honesty.

They see what can befall them if they lie, or continue to lie. So, not surprisingly, they feel they are now 'incentivized' to finally tell the truth.

Such is a human condition.
"He told them to be peaceful, I see you left that part out."

Indeed, he did say that.
It was a short, single, suggestion......buried in an hour of angry rhetoric intended to incite, provoke, and direct the MAGA-mob to go fight like hell, and engage in trial-by-combat.

And, it was a fig-leaf. A back-door. And escape-hatch. A hidey-hole.
I am mildly convince that you are perceptive enough to recognize it as such.

Good luck.
Indeed, he did say that.
It was a short, single, suggestion......buried in an hour of angry rhetoric intended to incite, provoke, and direct the MAGA-mob to go fight like hell, and engage in trial-by-combat.

And, it was a fig-leaf. A back-door. And escape-hatch. A hidey-hole.
I am mildly convince that you are perceptive enough to recognize it as such.

Good luck.

He didn't incite anything, incitement requires someone to say "go criminally do X" which he didn't do.

Anything else he said was political, nothing more.

All part of your constructed version of what happened, not what really happened.
What did those Trump flag-waving insurrectionists plan to do w/that gallows then, was it there just for show?!??
Yes, what exactly was the intent in pursuing Pence and Pelosi? What were they going to do with those flexicuffs if they were caught (putting aside the SS piling their traitor bodies like driftwood). What exactly was the plan?
He didn't incite anything, incitement requires someone to say "go criminally do X" which he didn't do.
The 'deriliction-of-duty' referenced earlier includes Don Trump's failure to exercise prudent responsible leadership in front of a crowd of American citizens that he and his cohort of speakers had provoked and angered with irresponsible rhetoric.

Notably, as the leader of the nation, and specifically, the object of loyalty by those in that assembly he did NOT...adequately instruct for responsible prudent protests or demonstrations. A mere fig-leaf of saying one time 'peaceful'.....was buried in the context of his prior exhortations and the exhortaions of his fellow speakers.

He urged the angered mob to 'fight-fight'. He did not tamp down, or modify, earlier speaker's inciting to exercise 'trial-by-combat'. He had a duty to do so.
Repeat: He had a duty to do so. To demonstrate prudence, soundness of a measured purpose, and to advise on proper protest, proper demonstration.

And...damningly....he ordered the mob to march to the Capitol, knowing that no permit had been sought, or approved for such a march.....which allowed for an un-reenforced Capitol police force to be overwhelmed by the mob that he had intentionally angered and provoked and incited with his and other's rhetoric at the Eclipse.

As a leader he knew....or should have known....that this was a rally turning into a volatile angry mob. And yet, rather than attempting to modify their behavior, temper their passions, he directed them to illegally march to the Capitol.

It was dereliction of duty......by America's chief law enforcement officer, by America's Commander-in-Chief.

He had a duty to ensure and keep the peace. He willfully and willingly failed at that.
The 'deriliction-of-duty' referenced earlier includes Don Trump's failure to exercise prudent responsible leadership in front of a crowd of American citizens that he and his cohort of speakers had provoked and angered with irresponsible rhetoric.

Notably, as the leader of the nation, and specifically, the object of loyalty by those in that assembly he did NOT...adequately instruct for responsible prudent protests or demonstrations. A mere fig-leaf of saying one time 'peaceful'.....was buried in the context of his prior exhortations and the exhortaions of his fellow speakers.

He urged the angered mob to 'fight-fight'. He did not tamp down, or modify, earlier speaker's inciting to exercise 'trial-by-combat'. He had a duty to do so.
Repeat: He had a duty to do so. To demonstrate prudence, soundness of a measured purpose, and to advise on proper protest, proper demonstration.

And...damningly....he ordered the mob to march to the Capitol, knowing that no permit had been sought, or approved for such a march.....which allowed for an un-reenforced Capitol police force to be overwhelmed by the mob that he had intentionally angered and provoked and incited with his and other's rhetoric at the Eclipse.

As a leader he knew....or should have known....that this was a rally turning into a volatile angry mob. And yet, rather than attempting to modify their behavior, temper their passions, he directed them to illegally march to the Capitol.

It was dereliction of duty......by America's chief law enforcement officer, by America's Commander-in-Chief.

He had a duty to ensure and keep the peace. He willfully and willingly failed at that.

Wow, talk about trying to cover for being called out for bullshitting about incitement.

I can hear those fake goalposts creaking......
"...talk about trying to cover for being called out for bullshitting about incitement."

To repeat, for clarity for some:
"As a leader he knew....or should have known....that this was a rally turning into a volatile angry mob. And yet, rather than attempting to modify their behavior, temper their passions, he directed them to illegally march to the Capitol.

It was dereliction of duty......by America's chief law enforcement officer, by America's Commander-in-Chief.

He had a duty to ensure and keep the peace. He willfully and willingly failed at that."

In other words, and again to clarify for some:
Don Trump incited this rally-turned-mob to illegally march to the Capitol.
To repeat, for clarity for some:
"As a leader he knew....or should have known....that this was a rally turning into a volatile angry mob. And yet, rather than attempting to modify their behavior, temper their passions, he directed them to illegally march to the Capitol.

It was dereliction of duty......by America's chief law enforcement officer, by America's Commander-in-Chief.
He had a duty to ensure and keep the peace. He willfully and willingly failed at that."

In other words, and again to clarify for some:
Don Trump incited this rally-turned-mob to illegally march to the Capitol.

Otherwise known as "something happened I didn't like so I get to blame someone I don't like"

Nice accusations, but all they are are just that.
"Otherwise known as "something happened I didn't like so I get to blame someone I don't like"

Whether that poor avatar of mine likes or dislikes Don Trump is irrelevant.

But, it is true I did not like to see America assaulted, and our Capitol violently breached by an intentionally angered mob of MAGA nutjobs that savagely beat our uniformed police, broke into the Capitol, vandalized offices and furnishings, and spread their feces on the walls.

So yeah, that is true. I did not like that.
And I want every single one of those blokes to pay the legal consequences for their actions.

They are primarily guilty of what they did; however, I do acknowledge that they were incited to illegally march to Capitol, and they may or may not have thought that what they were doing was legal and allowed. It wasn't, so that is on them.

And, of course, on the individuals who incited them to break the law.
Let those chips fall where they may.
Whether that poor avatar of mine likes or dislikes Don Trump is irrelevant.

But, it is true I did not like to see America assaulted, and our Capitol violently breached by an intentionally angered mob of MAGA nutjobs that savagely beat our uniformed police, broke into the Capitol, vandalized offices and furnishings, and spread their feces on the walls.

So yeah, that is true. I did not like that.
And I want every single one of those blokes to pay the legal consequences for their actions.

They are primarily guilty of what they did; however, I do acknowledge that they were incited to illegally march to Capitol, and they may or may not have thought that what they were doing was legal and allowed. It wasn't, so that is on them.

And, of course, on the individuals who incited them to break the law.
Let those chips fall where they may.

It's 100% relevant.

Meanwhile months of riots and violence in several cities during the Floyd thing is just A-OK.

An unarmed woman being plugged by a cop while halfway through a window. A-OK

They. Were. Not. Incited. Stop using that word to lie.
That's not a mechanism. Considering the government as usually defined as the executive branch of the organization was still Trump at the time.
Yeah. Trump's radical right wing warriors, some of whom Trump had told to "stand by", trying to stop the Constitutional duty of counting electoral votes.
Yeah. Trump's radical right wing warriors, some of whom Trump had told to "stand by", trying to stop the Constitutional duty of counting electoral votes.

Again, no mechanism to do what you idiots implied was going to happen.

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