Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

I must have struck a nerve with you... :)

What can I say, such abject dishonesty bugs me, especially in those that brag about it afterwards.

Don't worry, you will never understand why
Was Ashli Babbit Antifa or was she FBI?

As the Insurrectionist-in-Chief sat jerking off for three hours watching his minions attempt a coup, he could have stopped it at any time, but chose instead to stoke them with tweets, encouraging their actions.

Ashli Babbitt's blood is on his hands.

Ashli Babbitt was a gullible terrorist, no different than all the other weaponized weak-minded terrorists that day.

While Trump was jacking off and egging on the mob, the Capitol policeman had been listening to radio transmissions of his fellow officers FOR HOURS being beaten to a pulp by the mob.

He was right there as they began smashing the windows and doors trying to get to him. While Trump was jacking off and ignoring the pleas from his staff, his family, his fellow travelers in Congress, and his media friends to do something.

So the cop shot the first retard to mount the barricade after the idiot ignored several warnings to turn back.

I would have done the same. In a heartbeat.

The blood of Ashli Babbitt is on Traitor Trump's hands.

If you join in an insurrection in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected government, and are breaching the last barricade between the mob and members of the House of Representatives, and you ignore several warnings from a cop pointing a gun at you, try not to die with a surprised look on your Q-tarded face.
What Ashley Babbit was? Alive!
^ Irony coming from a lefty who’s whole ideology is based in “ victimhood”.

Laughing.....'victimhood' is yours now.

The GOP has build an entire political movement on the cuckiest of beta cuck energy. We've got Trump basing his entire campaign on how he was cheated, robbed, and taken advantage of. Kari Lake is building her entire political persona around being a victim.

Conservatives have fetishized failure. The more they lose, the more fervent they become that they've been cheated.
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"bbbbbbbbut this was serious fellas! The even had a gallows!! They were going to hang pence"


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
What did those Trump flag-waving insurrectionists plan to do w/that gallows then, was it there just for show?!??
Trump supporters have repeatedly claimed that January 6th was no an insurrection, yet this is coming straight from the horse's mouth. How much more evidence is needed as to the intentions of the capital rioters, especially when it's coming from the Proud Boys who practically the equivalent of Saddam's Republican Guard?

WASHINGTON—Members of the far-right Proud Boys were preparing for “all-out revolution” days before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and eyeing the potential for supporters of then-President Donald Trump to violently oppose the peaceful transfer of power, a former leader of the group testified Wednesday.

Jeremy Bertino, 43 years old, took the stand as a star witness for the Justice Department in its trial against former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and four other members of the group who were charged last year with seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 attack. All five have pleaded not guilty to that and all other charges.

Even if his claim about what they wanted is true, so what?

Charles Manson and his retarded “family” sought war between blacks and whites. They did far worse evil and they failed miserably in obtaining their objective, too.

If some of the douchebags involved in the 1/6 incident at the Capitol sought to achieve some “insurrection” they also failed miserably.

There was no insurrection that day. Sorry Taz. Despite your most fervent desire, it just isn’t there.
I've been there.

I also took the trouble to provide a link which describes just how big it is.

You clearly have no critical thinking skills. The House chamber alone has seating for the entire House, the Senate, the Cabinet, and the Supreme Court justices during the State of the Union. That's over 550 seats.

Then you have the press gallery above that chamber.

Then you have the Senate chamber.

Then you have all those hallways, and over 500 offices.

About 20,000 people a day visit the Capitol visitor center.

Then there is the cafeteria which has seating for over 500 people.

You have absolutely no sense of how big a place it is.

You could easily fit several thousand more people than invaded on January 6.
Well, how many people have been charged? Thousands? :laugh:
If you could hold congress hostage between January 6th and January 20th following a presidential election, and the speaker of the house becomes acting president.
Not in an emergency situation. Furthermore, they would have just held the vote elsewhere if that building wasnt free at the time. This idea that people entering and occupying a building can end the US, is fucking stupid. :cuckoo:
The Proud Boys revolution was lame.
The French Revolution was a real revolution.
17,000 were decapitated.

Guillotined in the French Revolution: the bloody story through 7 ...

The ruthless efficiency of executions meant whole families could be decapitated in minutes. At least 17,000 were officially condemned to death during the ‘Reign of Terror’, which …
The Proud Boys revolution was chickenshit, nobody even got a scratch.
The American Revolution was a real revolution.

American Revolutionary War - Great Britain vs the 13 Colonies …
WeArmy: 43,633 total dead/ 9,372 killed in battle/ 27,000 died of disease Navy: 1,243 killed in battle/ 18,500 died of disease (1776–1780)/ 42,000 deserted Loyalists:7,000 total dead/ 1,700 killed in battle/ 5,300 died of disease (estimated) Germans:7,774 total dead/ 1,800 killed in battle/ 4,888 deserted
30 laws were broken in 2020....according to who? Gateway Pundit? Infowars?

And as an update to your never ending and ever growing delusion that anyone who doesn't ape your conspiracy must be part of it....

......you're accusing the overwhelmingly republican Maricopa County Election Board of intentionally throwing the elections to democrats?

Does that about cover it, oh-deluded-one?
The AG. did not prosecute. I wonder why.
You always run into the same problem Marty......the one that most 3 year olds figure out by the time they're 4. They stand in front of the TV, and assume that because they can see the TV, so can everyone else.

They learn. These toddlers quickly realize that their view isn't everyone's view.

But you never did. You keep assuming that because YOU view this as some grand ideological battle to stop the 'federal government being used as a political tool' (or whateverr else you make up to justify your ilk's violence), that local LEO will view your ilk killing people and attacking cops...

.....and use YOUR reasoning when they abandoned their jobs and join your domestic terrorist movement?


To them, you're just another dipshit terrorist hurting people and targeting cops. And they'll treat you did McVeigh, Schiffer, and the J6 defendants.

Stop bringing up McVeigh, it was decades ago, I'm glad the shit was executed, and it just shows you can't argue effectively without trying the whole "everyone to the right of Mitt Romney is a Nazi"
That mechanism is already defined...

"an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence."

That's not a mechanism. Considering the government as usually defined as the executive branch of the organization was still Trump at the time.
That's not a mechanism. Considering the government as usually defined as the executive branch of the organization was still Trump at the time.
There was zero mechanism to overturn anything involving the government.

We respectfully disagree.
Of course, there was a "mechanism".
NOT to 'overturn the government'.....rather to overturn the Constitutional requirement of the 'peaceful-transfer-of-power', and retain the office of the Presidency.
The "government" wasn't being overturned......the process was.

The 'mechanism' was Trump and his circle of enablers that intended to keep him in power....NOT throw Biden out. Biden wasn't even in yet.

If the enablers could have stopped the EC vote by a violent disruption of the Capitol grounds and the assembly of legislators....that would have allowed Pence to declare the EC vote compromised and usher in the opportunity for these illegal 'alternate' Electors that were waiting in the wings to be substituted. And thus muddy the whole process.....which could then throw it back to all those Republican state legislatures.

Trump himself said as much.....that he wanted acting AG to declare the vote 'corrupt'....and leave the rest to Trump and the Republican legislators cooperating with his scheme.

The testimony from Rosen and Donoghue was crystal clear on that. To wit:

"During the December 27, 2020, call, Trump pressured Rosen and Donoghue to falsely declare the election “illegal” and “corrupt” even after the Justice Department had not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud.

“Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen,” Trump said on the call, according to Donoghue’s notes.

THAT was the 'mechanism'.
Do we need to be clearer, to anybody?

We respectfully disagree.
Of course, there was a "mechanism".
NOT to 'overturn the government'.....rather to overturn the Constitutional requirement of the 'peaceful-transfer-of-power', and retain the office of the Presidency.
The "government" wasn't being overturned......the process was.

The 'mechanism' was Trump and his circle of enablers that intended to keep him in power....NOT throw Biden out. Biden wasn't even in yet.

If the enablers could have stopped the EC vote by a violent disruption of the Capitol grounds and the assembly of legislators....that would have allowed Pence to declare the EC vote compromised and usher in the opportunity for these illegal 'alternate' Electors that were waiting in the wings to be substituted. And thus muddy the whole process.....which could then throw it back to all those Republican state legislatures.

Trump himself said as much.....that he wanted acting AG to declare the vote 'corrupt'....and leave the rest to Trump and the Republican legislators cooperating with his scheme.

The testimony from Rosen and Donoghue was crystal clear on that. To wit:

"During the December 27, 2020, call, Trump pressured Rosen and Donoghue to falsely declare the election “illegal” and “corrupt” even after the Justice Department had not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud.

“Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen,” Trump said on the call, according to Donoghue’s notes.

THAT was the 'mechanism'.
Do we need to be clearer, to anybody?

The process was delayed 8 hours. Trump thought he was cheated out of the election, and TALKED about how to deal with it. He took no actions that were even remotely illegal.

All your side is doing is going with the thrown spaghetti method of trying to smear your opponents. Throw it against the wall, and see what sticks.

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