Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

The problem isn't what they did.......

The problem is not enough did it with them.

Also they need to learn how to play the game.
If they had ALL masqueraded as LGBTQ no one in government would have dared to challenge them.
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The problem isn't what they did.......

The problem is not enough did it with them.

Its a big problem for you guys.

There are 10,000 arm chair warriors calling for a 'revolution' they won't fight in....for every Ricky Shiffer, David DePape or Tim McVeigh you've got.
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"...the problem isn't what they did.......
Well, actually, poster BHUnit, it is what they did.

And the arrests, indictments, trials, guilty pleas, guilty sentences, seem to indicate that what "they did".....has consequences.

The problem isn't what they did.......

The problem is not enough did it with them.

Also they need to learn how to play the game.
If they had ALL masqueraded as LGBTQ no one in government would have dared to challenge them.
Haha, the terrified white winger squeaks. It's okay, son.
Their all criminal traitors and need to be prosecuted to the highest extent of the law.

Let's start with the entire democrat party first, add in the California colleges, Harvard, and the MSM plus many school teachers in the blue states and see how that goes calling for life in prison or the death penalty by slow torture and if things work out well, we will see.

I'd feel a whole lot safer in a room full of faithful, loyal American patriots than I would a room full of uneducated, heathen brooding democrats, you know--- your kind.
Let's start with the entire democrat party first, add in the California colleges, Harvard, and the MSM plus many school teachers in the blue states and see how that goes calling for life in prison or the death penalty by slow torture and if things work out well, we will see.

I'd feel a whole lot safer in a room full of faithful, loyal American patriots than I would a room full of uneducated, heathen brooding democrats, you know--- your kind.

These right wing murder fantasies are getting more elaborate.

The number of Americans these right wing extremists want to kill through 'slow torture' just keeps getting larger and larger.

As I've said, no one hates America like conservatives.
Why? He's had the same anti-government rhetoric that y'all do. He made up the same blithering conspiracies that your little 'civil war' cosplayers do now.

Why didn't cops flock to join McVeigh after he attacked the federal building?

Why didn't cops flock to join Schiffer as he attacked the FBI?

Why didn't cops flock to join the J6 attackers and seditionists as they attacked our capitol?

Simple: You may imagine this grand battle between good and evil, between the 'patriots' and the 'woke left'. But to a cop, you'd just be another dipshit trying to hurt people and kill cops.

That doesn't make me like him you lying sack of shit. Same tactic used over and over by lefty scum like you. Try to connect anyone to the right of Mitt Romney to WP terrorist assholes.

Cops are law and order types by nature, but politicizing law enforcement at the federal level gets the lawful evil and lawful neutral types, not the lawful good types.

Who is Schiffer?

There were some law enforcement officers in the J6 protest, and they are being politically persecuted as well.

It's amazing you don't admit your side shits on cops all the fucking time unless they are shooting, killing, or arresting your political opponents.
The mechanism was violence.

It even worked for a while. Lucky none of those Trump fanatics ran into Pence, Pelosi or AOC. I expect there would have been blood... except for pence I guess; hangings don't usually involve a lot of blood.

Yep. As tragic as 9-6 was, America actually got lucky that day. It could have gone a lot worse.

That's not a mechanism.
It isn't? I guess I don't understand how you are defining mechanism. I thought is was essentially the catalyst to prevent the counting of electoral votes.

Just more of the false narrative around J6 you idiots made up to blow things out of proportion
What false narrative? You keep generalizing. Please be specific.

The whole narrative, it doesn't need any specifying. That J6 was some massive attempt at a coup, that it was an insurrection, that that woman had to be shot.
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The whole narrative, it doesn't need any specifying. That J6 was some massive attempt at a coup, that it was an insurrection, that that woman had to be shot.
The woman was legally shot. The courts already determined that. Why are you still talking about it?

It was an organized act against the federal government involving violence. Multiple people are guilty of sedition. "Massive" has nothing to do with it.

Trump fanatics disgraced America that day and you defending them is a disgrace as well.
The woman was legally shot. The courts already determined that. Why are you still talking about it?

It was an organized act against the federal government involving violence. Multiple people are guilty of sedition. "Massive" has nothing to do with it.

Trump fanatics disgraced America that day and you defending them is a disgrace as well.

What "court"? He was never prosecuted because the people on the same side as he was decided not to prosecute.

Nice try adding a court to it you fucking lying twat.

The only disgrace is your side overblowing it for political gain using rigged courts.
What "court"? He was never prosecuted because the people on the same side as he was decided not to prosecute.

Nice try adding a court to it you fucking lying twat.

The only disgrace is your side overblowing it for political gain using rigged courts.
So you don't believe in our justice system. I can't argue with that kind of position.
"Proud Boys" (unarmed somewhat homoerotic goobers that get off on brawling with ANTIFA ) "All out revolution" they say. :aargh: :wtf:

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