Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

Trump supporters have repeatedly claimed that January 6th was no an insurrection, yet this is coming straight from the horse's mouth. How much more evidence is needed as to the intentions of the capital rioters, especially when it's coming from the Proud Boys who practically the equivalent of Saddam's Republican Guard?

WASHINGTON—Members of the far-right Proud Boys were preparing for “all-out revolution” days before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and eyeing the potential for supporters of then-President Donald Trump to violently oppose the peaceful transfer of power, a former leader of the group testified Wednesday.

Jeremy Bertino, 43 years old, took the stand as a star witness for the Justice Department in its trial against former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and four other members of the group who were charged last year with seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 attack. All five have pleaded not guilty to that and all other charges.

So, I guess in your mind, all of the people at the rally, or the capitol that day were “Proud Boys” members?

Of the tens of thousands in attendance that day, how many did the “Proud Boys” represent as a totality of the crowd?

Does AntiFa, or BLM represent the entirety of the left today?

What percentage of these leftist groups were there that day?

Your OP is a logical fallacy, and we should expect better from a “Senior Moderator” of this board than yet another triggered, hyperbolic, trolling, steaming pile of crap that you’ve presented here…

Shame on you.

You should resign your position immediately, and ban yourself.
The Proud Boys are a total joke and their leader is a rat bitch.

The Proud Boys are rats and weaklings, and they epitomize the GOP and MAGA republicans, pure rat trash weaklings.
Internet tough guy…

Their Constitutional duty does not include rubber stamping and.illehal and fraudulent election.

Dumbass leftard.

We ask them to CERTIFY. Put their name on it. Guarantee it's correct.
It includes counting the electorial votes.

You lost. To bad so sad.
Yeah. Liberals aren't big fans of insurrections.

Evidently that appeals to you. Good luck.

You are not liberals, you are progressives.

And I didn't see the left demand CHAZ/CHOP be ended as soon as possible.

That was an actual insurrection, where actual control was taken away from local authority for weeks.
You are not liberals, you are progressives.

And I didn't see the left demand CHAZ/CHOP be ended as soon as possible.

That was an actual insurrection, where actual control was taken away from local authority for weeks.
Take it up with scruffy. It was his claim.
Not caring about scruffy, stop deflecting.
It's going to be hard to glean why scruffy used the term liberal if you refuse to ask him/her about it.

I would love to help you but I am unable to determine why he used the term liberal.

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