Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

Cornered and deflecting again.

How predictable you are...
Cornered? Because scruffy used the term liberal?

Maybe he would feel cornered but we don't know because he roots for your team so you dare not attack his post.

Good looking out for your team!
Nope. Whataboutism noted though.
Yes, yes...I know you leftists hate it when your summer of destruction, and attempted murder of law enforcement is brought up, but it is what it is....

Claiming "whataboutism" is just plain lazy, and a tactic used by the left most often when they don't want to address the argument....

Attacking the messenger is always a fallacy. Even if the messenger is morally worse than you, it doesn't absolve you of your sin to point that fact out. You committed your sin, regardless of the messenger who states that fact.

We all saw what happened during the Floyd riots across the nation, as well as the CHOP/CHAD zone in Seattle, for which now the city is being sued by business owners that had their life's work destroyed by insurrectionists....

So, let's call this what it is, selective outrage, based of which political ideology one subscribes to...It's weak, lazy, and a fallacy.
Yes, yes...I know you leftists hate it when your summer of destruction, and attempted murder of law enforcement is brought up, but it is what it is....

Claiming "whataboutism" is just plain lazy, and a tactic used by the left most often when they don't want to address the argument....

Attacking the messenger is always a fallacy. Even if the messenger is morally worse than you, it doesn't absolve you of your sin to point that fact out. You committed your sin, regardless of the messenger who states that fact.

We all saw what happened during the Floyd riots across the nation, as well as the CHOP/CHAD zone in Seattle, for which now the city is being sued by business owners that had their life's work destroyed by insurrectionists....

So, let's call this what it is, selective outrage, based of which political ideology one subscribes to...It's weak, lazy, and a fallacy.
Make a thread. Send me an invite. See yah their.
Because I don't like to hijack threads by facilitating whataboutisms.
Well, following the discussion is exactly what I was doing, and I don't believe that you can discuss this topic without including the violence during the summer of the Floyd riots along with the violence of J6...They are BOTH political violence, which should be offensive to rational people of both right and left...By deflecting half of the argument using the lazy term of "whataboutism" is just showing people that you are not serious about the problem, but rather here to deflect from one sides responsibility of the violence problem in this country, and looking to only blame to one side....

IOW, disingenuous...

BTW, I found a thread already talking about the use of "whataboutism" and commented in it, you should go and contribute and we can talk about it further...
Well, following the discussion is exactly what I was doing, and I don't believe that you can discuss this topic without including the violence during the summer of the Floyd riots along with the violence of J6...They are BOTH political violence, which should be offensive to rational people of both right and left...By deflecting half of the argument using the lazy term of "whataboutism" is just showing people that you are not serious about the problem, but rather here to deflect from one sides responsibility of the violence problem in this country, and looking to only blame to one side....

IOW, disingenuous...

BTW, I found a thread already talking about the use of "whataboutism" and commented in it, you should go and contribute and we can talk about it further...
This thread is about the capital riot/insurrection, not riots in general.

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