Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

Your. Examples. Are. Bullshit.

My examples are spot on. Each and every one of them were right wing whack jobs spouting the same kind of deluded rhetoric as their justications. And every one attempted to either attack cops, plot conspiracy, or tried to blow up federal buildings, maim or murder officials, kidnap governors.....all your "civil war" bullshit.

And the cops never joined any of them. Instead, they arrested or killed them.

Your delusion has been weight and measured. And its failed every time its been tested.

Every. Single. Time.

You're simply off your meds again, Marty.
30 years ago their grievances were bullshit.....in the wasteland of your mind.

Like a child, you keep projecting your diseased, damaged worldview onto all the cops. And insisting that when you start attacking cops, attacking federal and state buildings, plot to kidnap and even execute governors, kidnap and attempt to kill officials or their families......

....that the cops will JOIN you because they think exactly the way you do?

No, Marty. You're deluding yourself. To a cop you're just another whackjob trying to blow up a federal building, trying to kidnap a governor, trying to kidnap a senator, plotting sedition, or trying to attack cops.

And they're treat you just like they did McVeigh, Shiffer, Fox, Croft or DePape.

One of the core tenets of conservativism is the abdication of any personal responsibility. Even when they attack the capitol, plot sedition, beat cops........its not their fault.

Its always, always someone else's fault. And they'll invent any conspiracy to avoid responsibility.

Ask Ray Epps.

Example after example is what I have. One right wing fanatic after right wing fantatic engaging in their 'war' against goverrnment. And never once did the cops join them.

They captured, tried and executed McVeigh. They shot Shiffer to death when he attacked the FBI building. The put DePape in jail when he attacked a senator's husband. They convicted both Fox and Croft for plotting to kidnap a governor. The proud boys who plotted sedition were arrested and convicted.

All by the very cops you insist would JOIN your attacks. And never did.

Your 'civil war' is nothing but generic domestic terrorism

And to a cop, you're just another deluded whackjob attacking cops and trying to hurt people.

Says you, citing yourself as all cops. Just like you cite yourself as the law. Just like you cite yourself as the constitution.

You literally ignoring EVERY instance of your insane conspiracy failing, every right wing headjob who attacked cops, who tried to kidnap, murder, maim officials or the families. Bertino, McVeigh, Shiffer, Croft, Fox, DePape, Reffitt......all captured or killed by police.

Never ONCE has your delusion ever worked out. Never ONCE did arresting officer stop, abandon their oaths to uphold the law, and JOIN these domestic terrorists.

To your damaged mind, you're a "freedom fighter". To a cop, you're just another deluded whackjob attacking police and hurting people.

There is no 'civil war'. There's just you, off your meds again.

You're ignoring ever EXAMPLE of your deluded conspiracy failing.

Every time your insanity has been put to the test, the cops have upheld the law.......not JOINED the domestic right wing terrorists.

Every. Single. Time.

McVeigh, Shiffer, Reffitt, Fox, Croft, DePape, Bernito, Nichols.

Your insane conspiracy
that cops will JOIN the criminals attacking federal buildings, trying to kill cops, plotting to kidnap, maim or murder officials...

......has literally never worked once. Your record of failure is absolutely perfect. There is no 'civil war'. You're only a 'freedom fighter' in your head.

To a cop, you're just a deluded whackjob hurting people

Laughing......I have found out. Every single time one of your right wing whackjobs tries to plot sedition, attack cops, plots to kidnap a governor, blow up a federal building, maim or murder an official....

......the cops captured or killed them.

Your delusion has a perfect record of failure.
Hey dumbfuck. When Democrats push things too far, no cops are going to save you and your lying ilk.

Law enforforcement cannot beat millions of angry and armed Americans, the army can't either. You will have nowhere to run and no one to hide behind.

Go slither back under a rock, you little fucking worm.
My examples are spot on. Each and every one of them were right wing whack jobs spouting the same kind of deluded rhetoric as their justications. And every one attempted to either attack cops, plot conspiracy, or tried to blow up federal buildings, maim or murder officials, kidnap governors.....all your "civil war" bullshit.

And the cops never joined any of them. Instead, they arrested or killed them.

Your delusion has been weight and measured. And its failed every time its been tested.

Every. Single. Time.

You're simply off your meds again, Marty.

Your. Examples. Are. Bullshit.

Your attempt to link current distrust of government to past bad acts just shows you are a dishonest twat.

Still waiting for your 30 cats to eat your corpse.
Your. Examples. Are. Bullshit.

Your attempt to link current distrust of government to past bad acts just shows you are a dishonest twat.

Still waiting for your 30 cats to eat your corpse.
Says you, citing you. You're literally citing your imagination as the source that cops will JOIN your domestic terror attacks. And have not a single example of the police every doing what you've deluded yourself into believing they will.

Meanwhile, back in reality......we have right wing whackjob after right wing whackjob spouting your anti-government nonsense as their justifications for their attacks.

Your deluded conspiracy has been tested over and over again. McVeigh, Shiffer, Reffitt, Fox, Croft, DePape, Bernito, Nichols.

And never ONCE did the arresting officers stop, abandon their oath to uphold the law, and join the criminals.

You know I'm right. Which is why you always have chickenshit excuses for why you won't be trying what they did. You know that the cops will see you as another deluded whackjob, not the 'freedom fighter' you imagine yourself to be.

Fuck around and find out.
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Hey dumbfuck. When Democrats push things too far, no cops are going to save you and your lying ilk.

Law enforforcement cannot beat millions of angry and armed Americans, the army can't either. You will have nowhere to run and no one to hide behind.

Go slither back under a rock, you little fucking worm.

Again, bullshit. Per the deluded conspiracy dipshit nonsense that your ilk have sworn to......that democrats have stolen not one but TWO elections, bare minimum. They've instigated 'false flag' attacks against the capitol. They've imprisoned hundreds of 'political prisoners'. They've stripped you of your rights to free speech. They've STOLEN the presidency......per y'all's delusions.

If that's not enough, then what?

Either your ilk are like Fox News hosts, and merely virtue signalling with your lip service to these silly conspiracies. Or you're hopeless chickenshits who lack the spine and conviction to back ANY of your rhetoric up.

I vote you're both.

You're harmless, boy.
Again, bullshit. Per the deluded conspiracy dipshit nonsense that your ilk have sworn to......that democrats have stolen not one but TWO elections, bare minimum. They've instigated 'false flag' attacks against the capitol. They've imprisoned hundreds of 'political prisoners'. They've stripped you of your rights to free speech. They've STOLEN the presidency......per y'all's delusions.

If that's not enough, then what?

Either your ilk are like Fox News hosts, and merely virtue signalling with your lip service to these silly conspiracies. Or you're hopeless chickenshits who lack the spine and conviction to back ANY of your rhetoric up.

I vote you're both.

You're harmless, boy.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Says you, citing you. You're literally citing your imagination as the source that cops will JOIN your domestic terror attacks. And have not a single example of the police every doing what you've deluded yourself into believing they will.

Meanwhile, back in reality......we have right wing whackjob after right wing whackjob spouting your anti-government nonsense as their justifications for their attacks.

Your deluded conspiracy has been tested over and over again. McVeigh, Shiffer, Reffitt, Fox, Croft, DePape, Bernito, Nichols.

And never ONCE did the arresting officers stop, abandon their oath to uphold the law, and join the criminals.

You know I'm right. Which is why you always have chickenshit excuses for why you won't be trying what they did. You know that the cops will see you as another deluded whackjob, not the 'freedom fighter' you imagine yourself to be.

Fuck around and find out.

Good god, you just copy the same shit over and over like the good wibble progressive lemming you are.

The same tired bullshit, over and over.

Don't worry, Last. You're neither.

You're a true believer in whatever conspiracy pablum is pumped down your gullet. But I've never seen you beat your chest in false bravado about acts of violence you lack the stones to actually commit.
Good god, you just copy the same shit over and over like the good wibble progressive lemming you are.

The same tired bullshit, over and over.

Says the soul that's citing his IMAGINATION as the basis of his delusion that cops will abandon their oath to uphold the law and join attacks on cops, officials, their families, federal buildings, even sedition.


Every time your conspiracy has been tested......it failed spectacularly. So much for your imagination.
Says the soul that's citing his IMAGINATION as the basis of his delusion that cops will abandon their oath to uphold the law and join attacks on cops, officials, their families, federal buildings, even sedition.


Every time your conspiracy has been tested......it failed spectacularly. So much for your imagination.

At least you avoided copying the same bullshit linking tropes for the 40th fucking time.
Don't worry, Last. You're neither.

You're a true believer in whatever conspiracy pablum is pumped down your gullet. But I've never seen you beat your chest in false bravado about acts of violence you lack the stones to actually commit.
I have never called for violence you lying bag of shit.
At least you avoided copying the same bullshit linking tropes for the 40th fucking time.

Laughing.....when you have more than your deluded imagination, come find us.

Until then, history contradicts your silly conspiracy. As Fox, McVeigh, Croft, Nichols, Shiffer and DePape demonstrate elegantly.
I have never called for violence you lying bag of shit.
Read what you're responding to, tinfoil.

"You're a true believer in whatever conspiracy pablum is pumped down your gullet. But I've never seen you beat your chest in false bravado about acts of violence you lack the stones to actually commit."

Before getting triggered, try literacy.
Laughing.....when you have more than your deluded imagination, come find us.

Until then, history contradicts your silly conspiracy. As Fox, McVeigh, Croft, Nichols, Shiffer and DePape demonstrate elegantly.
And Mueller,Clapper and Comey prove there was a conspiracy. Why leave them out?
Laughing.....when you have more than your deluded imagination, come find us.

Until then, history contradicts your silly conspiracy. As Fox, McVeigh, Croft, Nichols, Shiffer and DePape demonstrate elegantly.

and back to the tired bullshit list link.

You. Have. Nothing.
Read what you're responding to, tinfoil.

"You're a true believer in whatever conspiracy pablum is pumped down your gullet. But I've never seen you beat your chest in false bravado about acts of violence you lack the stones to actually commit."

Before getting triggered, try literacy.
Try being a patriot. You do not have a chance in Hell.
and back to the tired bullshit list link.

You. Have. Nothing.
I have historical example after historical example of cops arresting or killing your right wing whackjob ilk.

And you have nothing but your own delusions to back up the fantasy that cops will JOIN you in attacking cops, blowing up federal buildings, committing sedition, kidnapping governors or murdering/maiming officials.

Try again.

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