Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

That doesn't make me like him you lying sack of shit. Same tactic used over and over by lefty scum like you. Try to connect anyone to the right of Mitt Romney to WP terrorist assholes.

Cops are law and order types by nature, but politicizing law enforcement at the federal level gets the lawful evil and lawful neutral types, not the lawful good types.

Who is Schiffer?

There were some law enforcement officers in the J6 protest, and they are being politically persecuted as well.

It's amazing you don't admit your side shits on cops all the fucking time unless they are shooting, killing, or arresting your political opponents.

I'm trying to connect right wing radicals who want to wage war against the United States Government with right wing radicals who want to wage war against the United States Government. Attack federal buildings, try and kill cops, or try to murder or maim officials and their families.

Shiffer, McVeigh and DePape meet that description perfectly.

And yet the cops didn't join up with any of them. Like that 3 year old in front of the TV, you keep making the ludicrous assumption that because YOU view right wing violence as a grand ideological war between 'patriots' and the 'leftists' that law enforcement will as well.

To the police, you're just another violent dipshit trying to hurt people and attack cops.
But don't take my word for it, my little arm chair warrior.

Fuck around and find out.
I'm trying to connect right wing radicals who want to wage war against the United States Government with right wing radicals who want to wage war against the United States Government. Attack federal buildings, try and kill cops, or try to murder or maim officials and their families.

Shiffer, McVeigh and DePape meet that description perfectly.

And yet the cops didn't join up with any of them. Like that 3 year old in front of the TV, you keep making the ludicrous assumption that because YOU view right wing violence as a grand ideological war between 'patriots' and the 'leftists' that law enforcement will as well.

To the police, you're just another violent dipshit trying to hurt people and attack cops. But don't take my word for it, my little arm chair warrior.

Fuck around and find out.

All you got is references to those idiots, that means you HAVE NOTHING.

Again and again with the same totally false connections and references.

And dude, who was attacking Federal Buildings all the summer of 2020? Oh yeah, ANTIFA AND BLM.
All you got is references to those idiots, that means you HAVE NOTHING.

Again and again with the same totally false connections and references.

And dude, who was attacking Federal Buildings all the summer of 2020? Oh yeah, ANTIFA AND BLM.

All I've got is historical example after historical example of the police taking out the right wing domestic terrorist trash.

And never once JOINING them.

Your fantasy of the cops JOINING your domestic terrorist ilk as they attack cops, state and federal buildings, and attack officials and their families.......is deluded nonsense.

The cops will uphold the law. Not your delusions.

Ask the proud boys and their 'revolution' how well your idea worked out.
All I've got is historical example after historical example of the police taking out the right wing domestic terrorist trash.

And never once JOINING them.

Your fantasy of the cops JOINING your domestic terrorist ilk as they attack cops, state and federal buildings, and attack officials and their families.......is deluded nonsense.

The cops will uphold the law. Not your delusions.

Ask the proud boys and their 'revolution' how well your idea worked out.

Again 30 years ago, and again, their grievances were bullshit.

Ours are not.

This coming from the side that made ACAB their motto is fucking comical.
I'm trying to connect right wing radicals who want to wage war against the United States Government with right wing radicals who want to wage war against the United States Government. Attack federal buildings, try and kill cops, or try to murder or maim officials and their families.

Shiffer, McVeigh and DePape meet that description perfectly.

And yet the cops didn't join up with any of them. Like that 3 year old in front of the TV, you keep making the ludicrous assumption that because YOU view right wing violence as a grand ideological war between 'patriots' and the 'leftists' that law enforcement will as well.

To the police, you're just another violent dipshit trying to hurt people and attack cops. But don't take my word for it, my little arm chair warrior.

Fuck around and find out.
ANTIFA attacked Federal buildings many times, you fucktard! Much more than any "rightwing" group. Also, they are domestic terrorists.

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Again 30 years ago, and again, their grievances were bullshit.

Ours are not.

This coming from the side that made ACAB their motto is fucking comical.

30 years ago their grievances were bullshit.....in the wasteland of your mind.

Like a child, you keep projecting your diseased, damaged worldview onto all the cops. And insisting that when you start attacking cops, attacking federal and state buildings, plot to kidnap and even execute governors, kidnap and attempt to kill officials or their families......

....that the cops will JOIN you because they think exactly the way you do?

No, Marty. You're deluding yourself. To a cop you're just another whackjob trying to blow up a federal building, trying to kidnap a governor, trying to kidnap a senator, plotting sedition, or trying to attack cops.

And they're treat you just like they did McVeigh, Shiffer, Fox, Croft or DePape.
That's true. One group was criminals and paid agitators, and the other was people thinking they were doing their patriotic duty.
Insurrection is not a patriotic duty.

You think the righties at the riots last summer were paid?
30 years ago their grievances were bullshit.....in the wasteland of your mind.

Like a child, you keep projecting your diseased, damaged worldview onto all the cops. And insisting that when you start attacking cops, attacking federal and state buildings, plot to kidnap and even execute governors, kidnap and attempt to kill officials or their families......

....that the cops will JOIN you because they think exactly the way you do?

No, Marty. You're deluding yourself. To a cop you're just another whackjob trying to blow up a federal building, trying to kidnap a governor, trying to kidnap a senator, plotting sedition, or trying to attack cops.

And they're treat you just like they did McVeigh, Shiffer, Fox, Croft or DePape.

Again and again with the references, that's all you fucking have.

Your side was saying all cops are bastards, assaulting them FOR MONTHS, federal property, State property, City Property.

And you think they will be on your side when the shit hits the fan?

What a fucking delusional twat you are, Jillian/Dragonlady level Delusional twat.

Almost to the point of the DERP LORD, SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
Insurrection is not a patriotic duty.

You think the righties at the riots last summer were paid?

One of the core tenets of conservativism is the abdication of any personal responsibility. Even when they attack the capitol, plot sedition, beat cops........its not their fault.

Its always, always someone else's fault. And they'll invent any conspiracy to avoid responsibility.

Ask Ray Epps.
Again and again with the references, that's all you fucking have.

Your side was saying all cops are bastards, assaulting them FOR MONTHS, federal property, State property, City Property.

And you think they will be on your side when the shit hits the fan?

What a fucking delusional twat you are, Jillian/Dragonlady level Delusional twat.

Almost to the point of the DERP LORD, SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
Desh? :dunno:
Again and again with the references, that's all you fucking have.

Your side was saying all cops are bastards, assaulting them FOR MONTHS, federal property, State property, City Property.

And you think they will be on your side when the shit hits the fan?

What a fucking delusional twat you are, Jillian/Dragonlady level Delusional twat.

Almost to the point of the DERP LORD, SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.

Example after example is what I have. One right wing fanatic after right wing fantatic engaging in their 'war' against goverrnment. And never once did the cops join them.

They captured, tried and executed McVeigh. They shot Shiffer to death when he attacked the FBI building. The put DePape in jail when he attacked a senator's husband. They convicted both Fox and Croft for plotting to kidnap a governor. The proud boys who plotted sedition were arrested and convicted.

All by the very cops you insist would JOIN your attacks. And never did.

Your 'civil war' is nothing but generic domestic terrorism

And to a cop, you're just another deluded whackjob attacking cops and trying to hurt people.
Example after example is what I have. One right wing fanatic after right wing fantatic engaging in their 'war' against goverrnment. And never once did the cops join them.

They captured, tried and executed McVeigh. They shot Shiffer to death when he attacked the FBI building. The put DePape in jail when he attacked a senator's husband. They convicted both Fox and Croft for plotting to kidnap a governor. The proud boys who plotted sedition were arrested and convicted.

All by the very cops you insist would JOIN your attacks. And never did.

Your 'civil war' is nothing but generic domestic terrorism

And to a cop, you're just another deluded whackjob attacking cops and trying to hurt people.

Those examples don't match the current situation, and those people's views don't match many usually mainstream people getting sick and fucking tired of government taking sides in policy and social debates.
Those examples don't match the current situation, and those people's views don't match many usually mainstream people getting sick and fucking tired of government taking sides in policy and social debates.

Says you, citing yourself as all cops. Just like you cite yourself as the law. Just like you cite yourself as the constitution.

You literally ignoring EVERY instance of your insane conspiracy failing, every right wing headjob who attacked cops, who tried to kidnap, murder, maim officials or the families. Bertino, McVeigh, Shiffer, Croft, Fox, DePape, Reffitt......all captured or killed by police.

Never ONCE has your delusion ever worked out. Never ONCE did arresting officer stop, abandon their oaths to uphold the law, and JOIN these domestic terrorists.

To your damaged mind, you're a "freedom fighter". To a cop, you're just another deluded whackjob attacking police and hurting people.

There is no 'civil war'. There's just you, off your meds again.
Says you, citing yourself as all cops. Just like you cite yourself as the law. Just like you cite yourself as the constitution.

You literally ignoring EVERY instance of your insane conspiracy failing, every right wing headjob who attacked cops, who tried to kidnap, murder, maim officials or the families. Bertino, McVeigh, Shiffer, Croft, Fox, DePape, Reffitt......all captured or killed by police.

Never ONCE has your delusion ever worked out. Never ONCE did arresting officer cops stop, abandon their oaths to uphold the law, and JOIN these domestic terrorists.

To your damaged mind, you're a "freedom fighter". To a cop, you're just another deluded whackjob attacking police and hurting people.

There is no 'civil war'. There's just you, off your meds again.

I am ignoring your references because they don't apply to the current situation.

Sooner or later the shit is going to hit the fan, and I don't see local law enforcement siding with the people that were fucking with them the whole summer of 2020 and STILL want to defund them and hamstring them from doing their jobs.

There is a first time for everything, and as you said, Fuck around and Find out.
I am ignoring your references because they don't apply to the current situation.

You're ignoring ever EXAMPLE of your deluded conspiracy failing.

Every time your insanity has been put to the test, the cops have upheld the law.......not JOINED the domestic right wing terrorists.

Every. Single. Time.

McVeigh, Shiffer, Reffitt, Fox, Croft, DePape, Bernito, Nichols.

Your insane conspiracy
that cops will JOIN the criminals attacking federal buildings, trying to kill cops, plotting to kidnap, maim or murder officials...

......has literally never worked once. Your record of failure is absolutely perfect. There is no 'civil war'. You're only a 'freedom fighter' in your head.

To a cop, you're just a deluded whackjob hurting people
There is a first time for everything, and as you said, Fuck around and Find out.

Laughing......I have found out. Every single time one of your right wing whackjobs tries to plot sedition, attack cops, plots to kidnap a governor, blow up a federal building, maim or murder an official....

......the cops captured or killed them.

Your delusion has a perfect record of failure.
You're ignoring ever EXAMPLE of your deluded conspiracy failing.

Every time your insanity has been put to the test, the cops have upheld the law.......not JOINED the domestic right wing terrorists.

Every. Single. Time.

McVeigh, Shiffer, Reffitt, Fox, Croft, DePape, Bernito.
Your insane conspiracy that cops will JOIN the domestic terrorists attacking federal buildings, trying to kill cops, plotting to kidnap, maim or murder officials...

......has literally never worked once. Your record of failure is absolutely perfect. There is no 'civil war'. You're only a 'freedom fighter' in your head.

To a cop, you're just a deluded whackjob hurting people

Laughing......I have found out. Every single time one of your right wing whackjobs tries to plot sedition, attack cops, plots to kidnap a governor, blow up a federal building, maim or murder an official....

......the cops captured or killed them.

Your delusion has a perfect record of failure.

Your. Examples. Are. Bullshit.

Considering how many cops are retiring early, and how many people don't want the job, we might not have to worry about the few that stick to your side when the shit hits the fan.

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