Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

Actually that’s what you’re doing. Your distrust is based on nothing that your feewings.

Marty is literally citing his emotions and imagination on the cops joining him in his attacks on the government, cops, governors, and officials.

And ignoring every example of the cops arresting or killing every right wing whackjob who attempted the same.

You can't fix stupid. But you can point and laugh at it.
There is nothing patriotic about censoring news and outright lying to the public either. The people you support do both.

Like.......Fox News hosts shilling the Big Lie conspiracy theory that they didn't believe for a second...... to maintain market share and stock prices?

That kind of outright lying to the public, tinfoil?
Like.......Fox News hosts shilling the Big Lie conspiracy theory that they didn't believe for a second...... to maintain market share and stock prices?

That kind of outright lying to the public, tinfoil?
You are shilling for the Big Lie. The 2020 election was stolen.
You are shilling for the Big Lie. The 2020 election was stolen.

Says you, citing the lies you were fed by Fox News hosts who didn't believe a word of what they were pumping down your gullet.

You've been played, rube.
81 million votes and I have been played?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

When you swallowed the Big Lie that Fox News pumped down your throat.....a lie they didn't believe a word of?

Yup. You've been played. They lied to you to maintain their market share and stock price.

And you believed every word of it.
Trump supporters have repeatedly claimed that January 6th was no an insurrection, yet this is coming straight from the horse's mouth. How much more evidence is needed as to the intentions of the capital rioters, especially when it's coming from the Proud Boys who practically the equivalent of Saddam's Republican Guard?

WASHINGTON—Members of the far-right Proud Boys were preparing for “all-out revolution” days before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and eyeing the potential for supporters of then-President Donald Trump to violently oppose the peaceful transfer of power, a former leader of the group testified Wednesday.

Jeremy Bertino, 43 years old, took the stand as a star witness for the Justice Department in its trial against former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and four other members of the group who were charged last year with seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 attack. All five have pleaded not guilty to that and all other charges.


1. An FBI infiltrated informant testified earlier the Proud Boys had no intention of 'overthrowing the Govt' on J6.

2. Bertino must be the dumbest and easiest Proud Boy to manipulate / flip, seeing as he reportedly just claimed the group had the intent to overthrow the US govt despite having zero guns there at the Capitol on J6 while facing rubber bullets, tear gas, mortars, baton-wielding security - as recently released J6 video shows - and arned security that did not hesitate to use a gun to shoot and kill an unarmed, female US Vet.
When you swallowed the Big Lie that Fox News pumped down your throat.....a lie they didn't believe a word of?

Yup. You've been played. They lied to you to maintain their market share and stock price.

And you believed every word of it.
It was creepy how they kept saying they should respect their audience, as if letting people destroy themselves for a politician is respectful.
When you swallowed the Big Lie that Fox News pumped down your throat.....a lie they didn't believe a word of?

Yup. You've been played. They lied to you to maintain their market share and stock price.

And you believed every word of it.
And the Covid vaccine is safe. Please, you are fucking played out.
"bbbbbbbbut this was serious fellas! The even had a gallows!! They were going to hang pence"


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If a statue of Mary covered in elephant dung is considered by the Left to be 'art' ... if Hunter Biden, who has as much experience with art as he does with petroleum / energy, can create 'art' to sell to Influence Purchasers, then this can be considered 'art'.


1. An FBI infiltrated informant testified earlier the Proud Boys had no intention of 'overthrowing the Govt' on J6.

2. Bertino must be the dumbest and easiest Proud Boy to manipulate / flip, seeing as he reportedly just claimed the group had the intent to overthrow the US govt despite having zero guns there at the Capitol on J6 while facing rubber bullets, tear gas, mortars, baton-wielding security - as recently released J6 video shows - and arned security that did not hesitate to use a gun to shoot and kill an unarmed, female US Vet.

Aren't you the guy that blamed Ray Epps for J6?

In the party of personal responsibility, its *always* someone else's fault.
Again, bullshit. Per the deluded conspiracy dipshit nonsense that your ilk have sworn to......that democrats have stolen not one but TWO elections, bare minimum. They've instigated 'false flag' attacks against the capitol. They've imprisoned hundreds of 'political prisoners'. They've stripped you of your rights to free speech. They've STOLEN the presidency......per y'all's delusions.

If that's not enough, then what?

Either your ilk are like Fox News hosts, and merely virtue signalling with your lip service to these silly conspiracies. Or you're hopeless chickenshits who lack the spine and conviction to back ANY of your rhetoric up.

I vote you're both.

You're harmless, boy.
What other election in the US was stolen besides 2020? The one Kennedy's dad did?

I tell ya wut; Democrats have set themselves up for another Reagan-type victory with America going longer than the 12 years after Carter without Democrats

after this Biden fuckup that they cheated in. Biden is decidedly worse than Carter was, and Americans take notice of these things, especially when it hits them in

the pocket. Maybe the 2000 election was cheated for Bush over Gore, but that's the only other election in modern times

that I can think was cheated enough to make a difference. Democrats used that model and multiplied it across 7 states in 2020.

IF the US continues until 2024 that is, Biden's a serious fuckup.

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