Exactly WHAT Are dims Running On??


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Seriously, what?

All they got is Trump Derangement Syndrome, socialism from Occasional-Cortex (which will fail miserably) and the usual catering to victim groups.

Great, they got the haters wrapped up. And the socialists, and the perennial victims.........


What else?

I don't see them adding a single vote from 2016.

But I didn't think Trump would win, either.

So what do I know?
I'm confident the democrooks lose, big time.

I didn't think Trump would win either, then again I wasn't shocked when he did.

He was running against the re-incarnation of adolph hitler in a pantsuit with an ice cold snatch.

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They're running on Open Borders. Seriously

Anybody else got anything?
Free money...free healthcare....free education...no borders...release prisoners early...healthcare for illegal aliens.....and MS-13 basketball night with free hotdogs.....
Well, I wouldn't mind hearing from some dimocraps (if they can keep from lying) on this as well.

What are the dimocraps running on besides hate, socialism and the perennial self-pity of its permanent victim groups??
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Who is running on open borders? Link to just one actual example.

dimocrap scum can't go three posts without sending in a liar to disrupt the thread.

Seriously, I wanna know, dimocrap scum -- What are you running on this November?

You really don't know, do you?
I give dimocrap scum a platform to voice their ideas for why they should displace Patriotic Republicans in the House and Senate and we get -- Nothing.

Not surprising since their Judas Goats in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lame Stream Media haven't given their marching orders yet.

dimocraps are without critical thought.
Seriously, what?

All they got is Trump Derangement Syndrome, socialism from Occasional-Cortex (which will fail miserably) and the usual catering to victim groups.

Great, they got the haters wrapped up. And the socialists, and the perennial victims.........


What else?

I don't see them adding a single vote from 2016.

But I didn't think Trump would win, either.

So what do I know?

Exactly WHAT Are dims Running On??


Exactly WHAT Are dims Running On??



I think something has to be noted here --

dimocrap scum voters don't have shit to say about who runs on their ticket or what he/she is running on.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, Hollywood and the Party Apparatus determine who runs in the dimocrap scum party -- NOT dimocrap scum voters.

That was PROVEN beyond any doubt when Ubercunt STOLE the nomination from Bernie Sanders.

So I'm not surprised that dimocrap scum voters haven't got a clue what it is their party stands for and what their platform is.

But one thing you can be sure of -- They'll be here in force once the Party tells them what to say. Once it's released to DailyKooks, Comedy Central, CNN, etc (the usual routes of propaganda dissemination used by the dimocrap scum party)

They'll be in here tell us all exactly what it is they stand for. Or lying about it.

Whichever is easier.

My money's on lying.

C'mon, dimocrap scum..... Tell us WHY we should remove Republicans and put in dimocraps?

I mean, aside from the usual HATE, victimization, identity politics penis-envy bullshit.

Something fresh for a fucking change would be nice.

Got anything?

Didn't think so.
Free money...free healthcare....free education...no borders...release prisoners early...healthcare for illegal aliens.....and MS-13 basketball night with free hotdogs.....

That's right:

Vote Democrat if you are for:
Higher taxes.
Fewer jobs.
Lower wages.
Unsustainable government benefits for all.
Unfair competition.
Unfair trade.
Socialized Healthcare.
Open Borders.
Protection of illegals.
America last.
Rampant crime.
A police state.
Disarming ordinary citizens so that criminals can walk fearless.
Death of the 2-party system.
Death of honest media.
Socialism in our schoolrooms.
All aspects of God and morality banned from our culture.
Freaks, perverts and weirdos.
Popping out abortions left and right like a sunday sport.
Massive energy costs to meet European carbon credits.

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