Exactly WHAT Are dims Running On??

They're running on Open Borders. Seriously

Anybody else got anything?

Who is running on open borders? Link to just one actual example.

You are one STUPID bitch

Dems Argue for Open Borders. Good Luck in November | RealClearPolitics

Ask me how I know you didn't read your own link.

Like I said, link me to one Democrat who is running on open borders. Your opinion piece "proof" doesn't even come close to naming one.
Seriously, what?

All they got is Trump Derangement Syndrome, socialism from Occasional-Cortex (which will fail miserably) and the usual catering to victim groups.

Great, they got the haters wrapped up. And the socialists, and the perennial victims.........


What else?

I don't see them adding a single vote from 2016.

But I didn't think Trump would win, either.

So what do I know?

Illegals need more services.
They're running on Open Borders. Seriously

Anybody else got anything?

Who is running on open borders? Link to just one actual example.

I think that the Democrats being against funding The Wall and wanting to abolish ICE illustrate that they want Open Borders.

No it certainly does not. The wall won't solve anything and ICE is not doing what it was designed to do but I don't want open borders at all. The world isn't black and white, and everything doesn't have to be all or nothing.
They're running on Open Borders. Seriously

Anybody else got anything?

Who is running on open borders? Link to just one actual example.
Calls for open borders wind up closing doors for Democrats

Thanks for an actual example. This is ridiculous. I will not support any politician that wants open borders.
Its a bullshit example, as explained here.
There is alot of middle ground between families in concentration camps and "open borders".
There are always a few nutters on each side, even the libertarians.
The filthy Democrats use to have some lower class working Americans but they have all jumped ship for Trump.

The Democrats nowadays are a coalition of all the bat shit crazy greedy assholes in the country. Blacks that vote their race and welfare check, queers, Illegals, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, pink pussy hat Moon Bats, Limousine Liberals, Pajama Boys, Feminazis, abortionists, welfare queens and confused college kids and their wacko Marxist professors. You know, the scum of the country.
Exactly WHAT Are dims Running On??

Higher Taxes
Fewer Jobs
Higher Unemployment
Lower Wages
No Bonuses
Fewer Americans working
More Americans on Unemployment, Food Stamps, & Welfare
Fewer Independent Americans
More Americans dependent on THEM
Forcing Blacks and Latinos into High Obama Era level Unemployment Numbers
Elimination of ICE, the 2nd largest law enforcement division in the US
Open Borders
Sanctuary Cities
Violent Intolerance
Emotion - especially HATE
Hate for Trump
Impeachment of Trump, even if there continues to be NO CIME / NO EVIDENCE
Pro-Illegal Spying on Americans
Pro-Criminal DOJ, NIA, CIA, FBI, IRA....
Oh...and Hillary 2020, the 'It's STILL My Turn' Tour ;p
Seriously, what?

All they got is Trump Derangement Syndrome, socialism from Occasional-Cortex (which will fail miserably) and the usual catering to victim groups.

Great, they got the haters wrapped up. And the socialists, and the perennial victims.........


What else?

I don't see them adding a single vote from 2016.

But I didn't think Trump would win, either.

So what do I know?


Even Sanders is calling them out. Democrats have no message, except hate.
Seriously, what?

All they got is Trump Derangement Syndrome, socialism from Occasional-Cortex (which will fail miserably) and the usual catering to victim groups.

Great, they got the haters wrapped up. And the socialists, and the perennial victims.........


What else?

I don't see them adding a single vote from 2016.

But I didn't think Trump would win, either.

So what do I know?
From Warren AND Waters mouth they are running on higher taxes! Stupidest thing I have ever heard a damn party run on but hey be my guest.
The Dems are running on the same agenda they've used for the past decade: Because Reasons, FEELZ, and Shut Up.

From Warren AND Waters mouth they are running on higher taxes! Stupidest thing I have ever heard a damn party run on but hey be my guest.

Virtually everything dimocrap scum post about in here is straight from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, through its propaganda outlets like DailyKooks, DummieUnderground and other totally stupid websites --

To here.

Ask them a straightforward question like, "What are you guys running on?" and they're totally dumbfounded.

Anybody surprised at the empty-headedness of the typical dimocrap scumbag?

They don't have a clue. They are beyond stupid.

They swear allegiance to something, to someone, will fight to the bitter end for it --

And they haven't got a fucking clue what they're fighting for.

All they got is hate.

All they can do in here is parrot what their talking heads and their Cult leaders tell them in twitter-like one-liners.

People, when I tell you dimocraps are scum, it's not to get a rise out of them or to make a funny or to engage in hyperbole---

They're scum.

And stupid, to boot. Too stupid to vote.
Seriously, what?

All they got is Trump Derangement Syndrome, socialism from Occasional-Cortex (which will fail miserably) and the usual catering to victim groups.

Great, they got the haters wrapped up. And the socialists, and the perennial victims.........


What else?

I don't see them adding a single vote from 2016.

But I didn't think Trump would win, either.

So what do I know?

Whatever the Koch brothers want.
Koch network sends GOP a message: We're happy to back Democrats who share our policy goals
And this:

Billionaire Koch brothers' political network will spend millions to oppose Trump's tariffs

Billionaire Koch brothers' political network will spend millions to...
1:50 PM ET Mon, 4 June 2018
The Koch political network unveils a multiyear, multimillion-dollar campaign opposing the tariffs implemented by President Donald Trump's administration. The campaign will include media buys, activist education, grass-roots mobilization, lobbying and policy analysis. The network calls on the president to lift the recent steel and aluminum tariffs...
And this:

Billionaire Koch brothers' political network will spend millions to oppose Trump's tariffs

Billionaire Koch brothers' political network will spend millions to...
1:50 PM ET Mon, 4 June 2018
The Koch political network unveils a multiyear, multimillion-dollar campaign opposing the tariffs implemented by President Donald Trump's administration. The campaign will include media buys, activist education, grass-roots mobilization, lobbying and policy analysis. The network calls on the president to lift the recent steel and aluminum tariffs...

There's a whole thread on that topic, cockbreath.

Why don't you go shit in that thread and either answer the question in the OP or go back to sniffing the underwear in the hamper.

Seriously, what?

All they got is Trump Derangement Syndrome, socialism from Occasional-Cortex (which will fail miserably) and the usual catering to victim groups.

Great, they got the haters wrapped up. And the socialists, and the perennial victims.........


What else?

I don't see them adding a single vote from 2016.

But I didn't think Trump would win, either.

So what do I know?

What are the dims running on? Hot air and self absorbed arrogance.

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