Exactly what is "Critical Race Theory"?

It seems that Western Civilization just wouldn't buy into the beautiful Utopia that 20th Century Marxists had been desperately trying to sell them.
So "Critical Theory" was created by Frankfurt School ideologues and specifically designed to convince Western Capitalists to join in their Marxist Utopia.
It all began in Frankfurt Germany in 1923. Caution; reading the links below will scare any sane, rational, freedom loving person to death...It's pure Orwellian.

Herbert Marcuse (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
The Frankfurt School has had an enormous impact on philosophy as well as social and political theory in the United States and around the world. In the 1960s Marcuse ascended to prominence and became one of the best known philosophers and social theorists in the world.

Frankfurt School and Critical Theory | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Frankfurt School, known more appropriately as Critical Theory, is a philosophical and sociological movement spread across many universities around the world. It was originally located at the Institute for Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung), an attached institute at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. The Institute was founded in 1923 thanks to a donation by Felix Weil with the aim of developing Marxist studies in Germany. After 1933, the Nazis forced its closure, and the Institute was moved to the United States where it found hospitality at Columbia University in New York City.

You people need to stop being so damn gullible and start researching the ideo-political propaganda and indoctrination that you're being spoon fed by radical ideologues, universities and the MSM...This aint rocket surgery boys and girls.

Again germans don't give a fuck about race. Just because it has "critical" in the name does not make it critical race theory.

Critical Race Theory is a US construction. If you're pointing the fingers outside our borders you're wrong.

Your view of this is so shallow....I'm trying to not be some ivory tower **** but I just told you where the throughlines* are. Yes part of it is marxist. Them sharing the nomenclature of "critical" is a lot less critical (haha) than you seem to imagine.

It's mostly post modernist thought with a bit of marxism in there for some structure. They basically gutted out the framework of marxism and replaced class concerns with race/gender/sexual orientation concerns. It's not marxism.

You have to call it neo marxism or something to designate it's distinct difference, cultural marxism used to be popular. To real marxists race is just used for the capital class to divide us. Not to be shoved in everyone's faces. You have no fucking idea what a marxist is please stop.

If you had read the link I posted you would know the "German" connection to Critical Theory was a minor historical detail prior to these Marxist intellectuals relocating their studies to America after eleven years in Frankfurt Germany developing and studying Critical Theory.

Keep in mind; "Critical Theory" in and of itself is a generic term intended to be applied to any useful social construct of a target nation whether it be gender, family, homosexuality, law or race, etc-etc.....Thus; "Critical Race Theory".

One more time:
The Frankfurt School, known more appropriately as Critical Theory, is a philosophical and sociological movement spread across many universities around the world. It was originally located at the Institute for Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung), an attached institute at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. The Institute was founded in 1923 thanks to a donation by Felix Weil with the aim of developing Marxist studies in Germany. After 1933, the Nazis forced its closure, and the Institute was moved to the United States where it found hospitality at Columbia University in New York City.

The goal of these intellectuals was to spread the Marxist ideology throughout western civilization. (primarily Europe and the US)

Their plan was and still is to use the universities to indoctrinate the malleable young minds of students during the most rebellious years of their lives.

Which has spread like wildfire throughout Western Civilization ever since 1933 when it was welcomed at Columbia University in NYC,





I think it's time that you be told the truth, Juicin.....The cold hard facts of life...

20th Century Westerners were eyewitnesses to the horrors of Marxist Totalitarians.

The poverty, famine, suffering, oppression, and a hundred million+ people murdered.

So the intellectuals adopted Progressive as the new sanitized term to disguise Marxism.

This Marxist Revolution was now promoting itself incognito...The old bait and switch trick.

The Marx/Progs avoided informing Westerners about certain details of their Marxist Doctrine.

Details such as property rights, personal freedoms and the reality of the Marxist Proletariat Class.

Marxist/Progressives promise Utopia where all necessities are provided equally by Big Government.

Except the Marx/Progs always leave out the part about some people being more equal than others.
Update: The 21st Century Dem Party now seems to believe it no longer needs to hide its true identity.
You can't point out anything in it that is actually communist? Maybe you shod examine your own cult for a change.
Height of stupidity to believe our very wealthy bourgeois class is going to fucking turn commie

The delusion necessary to believe that is just unbelievable

Yea these rich "progressives" who live in very nice communities are going to give it up, because that's what they do with their personal income. Oh wait

You're so fucking easy to manipulate.

"look see it has critical in the name i barely got my GED"

Remember your fucking place


You can't point out anything in it that is actually communist? Maybe you shod examine your own cult for a change.
The same thing happened in Communist China, only it was about culture instead of race. The idea is to pit people against each other to cause division problems.
Height of stupidity to believe our very wealthy bourgeois class is going to fucking turn commie

The delusion necessary to believe that is just unbelievable

Yea these rich "progressives" who live in very nice communities are going to give it up, because that's what they do with their personal income. Oh wait

You're so fucking easy to manipulate.

"look see it has critical in the name i barely got my GED"

Remember your fucking place


Are you under the mistaken idea that wealthy people can't be commies? That's hilarious.
You can't point out anything in it that is actually communist? Maybe you shod examine your own cult for a change.
The same thing happened in Communist China, only it was about culture instead of race. The idea is to pit people against each other to cause division problems.
Well...now you have added yet another question.

1. You still can’t identify what is communist about the theory...

and 2. You seem to think pitting people against each other is somehow uniquely “communist”...

Pitting people against each other to create division is an age old concept. All conquering, colonizing, occupying powers did this...divide and and conquer. America’s rightwing has become expert... pitting the religious against those not of tbe right religion, nativists against immigrants, white males against well...pretty much everyone...

Can you come up with any actual communist plank in CRT?
The same thing happened in Communist China, only it was about culture instead of race. The idea is to pit people against each other to cause division problems.
In the US, it is definitely race.
You can't point out anything in it that is actually communist? Maybe you shod examine your own cult for a change.
The same thing happened in Communist China, only it was about culture instead of race. The idea is to pit people against each other to cause division problems.
Well...now you have added yet another question.

1. You still can’t identify what is communist about the theory...

and 2. You seem to think pitting people against each other is somehow uniquely “communist”...

Pitting people against each other to create division is an age old concept. All conquering, colonizing, occupying powers did this...divide and and conquer. America’s rightwing has become expert... pitting the religious against those not of tbe right religion, nativists against immigrants, white males against well...pretty much everyone...

Can you come up with any actual communist plank in CRT?
Bullshit. Conservatives aren't anti immigrant. You obviously aren't intelligent enough to understand the difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration. Get the fuck out of here.
Height of stupidity to believe our very wealthy bourgeois class is going to fucking turn commie

The delusion necessary to believe that is just unbelievable

Yea these rich "progressives" who live in very nice communities are going to give it up, because that's what they do with their personal income. Oh wait

You're so fucking easy to manipulate.

"look see it has critical in the name i barely got my GED"

Remember your fucking place


Are you under the mistaken idea that wealthy people can't be commies? That's hilarious.

You go look at the history of communist revolutions. See how many fucking rich people you find

Mao wasn't rich

Stalin wasn't rich

Ho Chi Minh wasn't rich

Why the fuck would the elite in our society want to fuck it up? You are so fucking vapid.
Height of stupidity to believe our very wealthy bourgeois class is going to fucking turn commie

The delusion necessary to believe that is just unbelievable

Yea these rich "progressives" who live in very nice communities are going to give it up, because that's what they do with their personal income. Oh wait

You're so fucking easy to manipulate.

"look see it has critical in the name i barely got my GED"

Remember your fucking place


Are you under the mistaken idea that wealthy people can't be commies? That's hilarious.

You go look at the history of communist revolutions. See how many fucking rich people you find

Mao wasn't rich

Stalin wasn't rich

Ho Chi Minh wasn't rich

Why the fuck would the elite in our society want to fuck it up? You are so fucking vapid.
You really should do some research before spewing your ignorant shit here.

Much has been made of the record China recently broke: [China] houses more billionaires in its government than any other country in the world. They make up the so-called "Red Aristocracy." So the central question of this blog is: How can you create the world's largest such collection of billionaires in a communist system?
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Stalin was worth trillions, Khruschev worth about 5 million. You're a fucking idiot.
Height of stupidity to believe our very wealthy bourgeois class is going to fucking turn commie

The delusion necessary to believe that is just unbelievable

Yea these rich "progressives" who live in very nice communities are going to give it up, because that's what they do with their personal income. Oh wait

You're so fucking easy to manipulate.

"look see it has critical in the name i barely got my GED"

Remember your fucking place


Are you under the mistaken idea that wealthy people can't be commies? That's hilarious.

You go look at the history of communist revolutions. See how many fucking rich people you find

Mao wasn't rich

Stalin wasn't rich

Ho Chi Minh wasn't rich

Why the fuck would the elite in our society want to fuck it up? You are so fucking vapid.
You really should do some research before spewing your ignorant shit here.

The moron just spews emotional propaganda. Probably can't read above 5th grade level.
Height of stupidity to believe our very wealthy bourgeois class is going to fucking turn commie

The delusion necessary to believe that is just unbelievable

Yea these rich "progressives" who live in very nice communities are going to give it up, because that's what they do with their personal income. Oh wait

You're so fucking easy to manipulate.

"look see it has critical in the name i barely got my GED"

Remember your fucking place


Are you under the mistaken idea that wealthy people can't be commies? That's hilarious.

You go look at the history of communist revolutions. See how many fucking rich people you find

Mao wasn't rich

Stalin wasn't rich

Ho Chi Minh wasn't rich

Why the fuck would the elite in our society want to fuck it up? You are so fucking vapid.
You really should do some research before spewing your ignorant shit here.

The moron just spews emotional propaganda. Probably can't read above 5th grade level.


says the fucking pleb who can't read

remember your place. We didn't take standardized tests because they don't work.

What the fuck would give you hillbillies the confidence to think you can read well? You know you can't.

"critical see it's in the name"

no one in your life has ever thought you were fucking clever, it's not going to change now.
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Stalin was worth trillions, Khruschev worth about 5 million. You're a fucking idiot.

You think Stalin was born worth trillions?

Khruschev maybe came from wealth, but he wasn't a fucking revolutionary you dumb ****

Stalin was born a fucking street urchin

First you have the revolution THEN you get rich.

You don't start rich and start a fucking revolution unless you're a bored and stupid ****.
Last edited:
Height of stupidity to believe our very wealthy bourgeois class is going to fucking turn commie

The delusion necessary to believe that is just unbelievable

Yea these rich "progressives" who live in very nice communities are going to give it up, because that's what they do with their personal income. Oh wait

You're so fucking easy to manipulate.

"look see it has critical in the name i barely got my GED"

Remember your fucking place


Are you under the mistaken idea that wealthy people can't be commies? That's hilarious.

You go look at the history of communist revolutions. See how many fucking rich people you find

Mao wasn't rich

Stalin wasn't rich

Ho Chi Minh wasn't rich

Why the fuck would the elite in our society want to fuck it up? You are so fucking vapid.
You really should do some research before spewing your ignorant shit here.

Much has been made of the record China recently broke: [China] houses more billionaires in its government than any other country in the world. They make up the so-called "Red Aristocracy." So the central question of this blog is: How can you create the world's largest such collection of billionaires in a communist system?

Yea they're rich now

It's the poor who will change their system.

Again the rich don't change systems. Communist revolutions are universally about the poor offing the rich.

Remember your IQ. Remember your standardized tests

"they're rich now they weren't ever peasants"

Mao was a fucking peasant just like the rest of them. That's why they went to war with their elites
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It has nothing to do with Marxism. Honestly, can’t you morons come up with something better than the same old same old?

...Critical race theory has not been around for 100 years...

It seems that Western Civilization just wouldn't buy into the beautiful Utopia that 20th Century Marxists had been desperately trying to sell them.
So "Critical Theory" was created by Frankfurt School ideologues and specifically designed to convince Western Capitalists to join in their Marxist Utopia.
It all began in Frankfurt Germany in 1923. Caution; reading the links below will scare any sane, rational, freedom loving person to death...It's pure Orwellian.

Herbert Marcuse (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
The Frankfurt School has had an enormous impact on philosophy as well as social and political theory in the United States and around the world. In the 1960s Marcuse ascended to prominence and became one of the best known philosophers and social theorists in the world.

Frankfurt School and Critical Theory | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Frankfurt School, known more appropriately as Critical Theory, is a philosophical and sociological movement spread across many universities around the world. It was originally located at the Institute for Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung), an attached institute at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. The Institute was founded in 1923 thanks to a donation by Felix Weil with the aim of developing Marxist studies in Germany. After 1933, the Nazis forced its closure, and the Institute was moved to the United States where it found hospitality at Columbia University in New York City.

You people need to stop being so damn gullible and start researching the ideo-political propaganda and indoctrination that you're being spoon fed by radical ideologues, universities and the MSM...This aint rocket surgery boys and girls.
There is a difference between Critical Theory and critical theory.

A critical theory (lower-case) is a way of examining society by reassessing its institutions and baked-in ways of doing things, in order to allow its people more freedom from the parts of society that are keeping them down. It's a broad term that can apply to lots of different aspects of society, so lots of different groups of people use critical theories to develop their ideologies, and get their message across.

Critical Theory, in initial caps, refers specifically to the thinkers of the Frankfurt School, who were using those methods to combine politics with psychology and reassess the whole world along the lines of Marx and Freud. They were not the only ones who used critical theory to develop their Critical Theory. Get it?

I know it's somewhat stupid and confusing, but historians do this a lot. You come across it also when you're discussing fascists and Fascists, or democratic and republican compared to Democratic and Republican.

So, yeah.
[Critical Theory] and [Critical Race Theory]
- both use -
(critical theory)
as a template to form their own ideas,
but they're not the same thing.

If you want to get super-nerdy, here's some more about it.

Yea they're rich now

It's the poor who will change their system.

Again the rich don't change systems. Communist revolutions are universally about the poor offing the rich.

Remember your IQ. Remember your standardized tests

"they're rich now they weren't ever peasants"

Mao was a fucking peasant just like the rest of them. That's why they went to war with their elites
You are really too stupid to learn. Communist dictatorships are corrupt government organizations with one dictator surrounded by hundreds of rich, loyal friends. If they weren't allowed to be rich, they wouldn't be loyal. The poor masses have been disarmed and have no way of resisting the huge army of people that are paid to do the bidding of the dictator, executed if they refuse.
This latest fabrication, like Obama being a Kenyan or the dreaded "caravans" that never appear, is an interesting one. It's a Tiananmen square moment for Republicans, who are begging the government not to allow discussion or education over the evils committed by or supported by that government. Tuskegee Experiments? Can't let people know our government would do that. The Tulsa Massacre? Can't let people know the government didn't charge the slaughterers and that the courts told insurance companies they didn't have to pay for any damages. Slavery? Have to teach people that it was great for the country. The point is to not have people learn from the past in case the government wants to commit a genocide or 2 later on.

I can't understand it, other than it being part of the insane backlash continuing against black people by conservatives after the 1st black President was elected.
Obama simply put blood in their racist eyes, because in no way, shape or form was even a partially black man was supposed to be able to become President in their blessed lily-white nation.

The attack on Black Americans has been sustained by white conservatives since slavery.

White Rage is just ramping up, so stand back and stand by, because they intend on taking the country back.
You forget that the Republican Party was formed in order to abolish slavery. You forget that the Democrat Party has opposed civil rights for blacks since reconstruction days. You forget that the KKK was founded by the Democrat Party. You forget that the Democrat Party insists on maintaining the Welfare Plantation and black poverty by offering trinkets in exchange for votes.

You need to watch this video and listen to the narrator.

Please stop trying to tell black people about the democratic and republican parties. It was republicans that authored, fought for, and got passed, the Corwin Amendment that would have made slavery constitutional.

I can truly understand why you want to silence me regarding the Republicans and the Democrats diametrically opposed views regarding black people. The truth hurts your cause. The Republican Party for founded on the principle of abolishing slavery. The Republican Party fought for civil rights for blacks from the beginning of its existence. The Democrat Party has opposed civil rights for blacks from the beginning of reconstruction. The Democrat Party founded the KKK.

That;s why you want me to shut up about it.

Ain't gonna happen, Bubba!

The true history of the Corwin Amendment:


  • The amendment was passed and signed by outgoing President James Buchanan.
  • Abraham Lincoln mentioned it in his inaugural address and seemed to support its passage.
  • The Corwin Amendment was not ratified by all of the states. The only states to ratify the amendment were:
    • Kentucky – April 4, 1861
    • Ohio – May 13, 1861
    • Rhode Island – May 31, 1861
    • Maryland – January 10, 1862
    • Illinois – February 14, 1862
  • Ohio rescinded its ratification March 31, 1862, and Maryland rescinded ratification April 7, 2014
  • On February 8, 1864, during the 38th Congress, with the prospects for a Union victory improving, Republican Senator Henry B. Anthony of Rhode Island introduced Senate (Joint) Resolution No. 25 to withdraw the Corwin Amendment from further consideration by the state legislatures and to halt the ratification process. That same day, Anthony’s joint resolution was referred to the Senate’s Committee on the Judiciary. On May 11, 1864, Illinois Senator Lyman Trumbull, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, received the Senate’s permission to discharge Senate (Joint) Resolution No. 25 from the Committee, with no further action having been taken on Anthony’s joint resolution.

It was signed by President James Buchanan

The Corwin Amendment was proposed after President-elect abraham lincoln rejected the crittenden compromise proposals, which would have permitted slavery in some federal territories. Its intended effect was that, although slavery would survive in the existing slave states, there would never be any new slave states admitted to the union, and slaveholders would be an ever diminishing minority. In any case, the Corwin Amendment was largely a symbolic gesture of conciliation, as six southern states had already seceded by the time it was proposed. The legislatures of only two states (Ohio and Maryland) voted to ratify the Corwin Amendment.

The problem with you bullshit is that it is not exactly the truth.
The republican party is the party of the Corwin Amendment.
The Republican party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction.
Republicans had 100 years to end Jim Crow but didn't. So you're not telling any truth.
It has nothing to do with Marxism. Honestly, can’t you morons come up with something better than the same old same old?

...Critical race theory has not been around for 100 years...

It seems that Western Civilization just wouldn't buy into the beautiful Utopia that 20th Century Marxists had been desperately trying to sell them.
So "Critical Theory" was created by Frankfurt School ideologues and specifically designed to convince Western Capitalists to join in their Marxist Utopia.
It all began in Frankfurt Germany in 1923. Caution; reading the links below will scare any sane, rational, freedom loving person to death...It's pure Orwellian.

Herbert Marcuse (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
The Frankfurt School has had an enormous impact on philosophy as well as social and political theory in the United States and around the world. In the 1960s Marcuse ascended to prominence and became one of the best known philosophers and social theorists in the world.

Frankfurt School and Critical Theory | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Frankfurt School, known more appropriately as Critical Theory, is a philosophical and sociological movement spread across many universities around the world. It was originally located at the Institute for Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung), an attached institute at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. The Institute was founded in 1923 thanks to a donation by Felix Weil with the aim of developing Marxist studies in Germany. After 1933, the Nazis forced its closure, and the Institute was moved to the United States where it found hospitality at Columbia University in New York City.

You people need to stop being so damn gullible and start researching the ideo-political propaganda and indoctrination that you're being spoon fed by radical ideologues, universities and the MSM...This aint rocket surgery boys and girls.
There is a difference between Critical Theory and critical theory.

A critical theory (lower-case) is a way of examining society by reassessing its institutions and baked-in ways of doing things, in order to allow its people more freedom from the parts of society that are keeping them down. It's a broad term that can apply to lots of different aspects of society, so lots of different groups of people use critical theories to develop their ideologies, and get their message across.

Critical Theory, in initial caps, refers specifically to the thinkers of the Frankfurt School, who were using those methods to combine politics with psychology and reassess the whole world along the lines of Marx and Freud. They were not the only ones who used critical theory to develop their Critical Theory. Get it?

I know it's somewhat stupid and confusing, but historians do this a lot. You come across it also when you're discussing fascists and Fascists, or democratic and republican compared to Democratic and Republican.

So, yeah.
[Critical Theory] and [Critical Race Theory]
- both use -
(critical theory)
as a template to form their own ideas,
but they're not the same thing.

If you want to get super-nerdy, here's some more about it.
Semantics. Critical Race theory is correct. I mean we can look at the 3/5th's compromise to start with to prove the correctness of this theory. I suggest people study the theory and stop listening to right wing whites with an agenda.

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