Exactly what is "Critical Race Theory"?

"CRT" has been around a very long time as well documented in over a hundred years of Marxist radicalization.
It's long been a favorite Marxist indoctrination tool of college professors and now even our western K-12 educators.
In only 18 minutes, Chris Rufo will explain everything you need to know about "Critical Race Theory".....18 minutes!

Christopher F. Rufo

Jun 14, 2021
"This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back".

It has nothing to do with Marxism. Honestly, can’t you morons come up with something better than the same old same old?

The TRUTH HURTS! :itsok:
"CRT" has been around a very long time as well documented in over a hundred years of Marxist radicalization.
It's long been a favorite Marxist indoctrination tool of college professors and now even our western K-12 educators.
In only 18 minutes, Chris Rufo will explain everything you need to know about "Critical Race Theory".....18 minutes!

Christopher F. Rufo

Jun 14, 2021
"This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back".

It has nothing to do with Marxism. Honestly, can’t you morons come up with something better than the same old same old?

The TRUTH HURTS! :itsok:

What truth? You seem confused. What is Marxist about CRT. Be specific.
This latest fabrication, like Obama being a Kenyan or the dreaded "caravans" that never appear, is an interesting one. It's a Tiananmen square moment for Republicans, who are begging the government not to allow discussion or education over the evils committed by or supported by that government. Tuskegee Experiments? Can't let people know our government would do that. The Tulsa Massacre? Can't let people know the government didn't charge the slaughterers and that the courts told insurance companies they didn't have to pay for any damages. Slavery? Have to teach people that it was great for the country. The point is to not have people learn from the past in case the government wants to commit a genocide or 2 later on.

I can't understand it, other than it being part of the insane backlash continuing against black people by conservatives after the 1st black President was elected.
Obama simply put blood in their racist eyes, because in no way, shape or form was even a partially black man was supposed to be able to become President in their blessed lily-white nation.

The attack on Black Americans has been sustained by white conservatives since slavery.

White Rage is just ramping up, so stand back and stand by, because they intend on taking the country back.
You forget that the Republican Party was formed in order to abolish slavery. You forget that the Democrat Party has opposed civil rights for blacks since reconstruction days. You forget that the KKK was founded by the Democrat Party. You forget that the Democrat Party insists on maintaining the Welfare Plantation and black poverty by offering trinkets in exchange for votes.

You need to watch this video and listen to the narrator.

And exactly what did Rufo say that was so funny?

For a shorter video where he gets even more pwn3d!.....

I seriously doubt you watched the vid I posted. Well I did, in its entirety...

Did you even watch the two vids that you posted MarcATL? Again, I did...

Marc Lamont Hill is obviously very intelligent and an excellent interviewer.

Despite Mr. Hill's obvious leftist perspective, his interview was quite professional and very courteous.

And Mr. Rufo never once faltered when answering a question and calmly delivered his narrative on que.

Joy Reid, on the other hand, is a rude ignorant bitch whose only agenda was to shout down Mr. Rufo to prevent him from responding to her accusations.

So the two videos you hand-picked to discredit Mr. Rufo, were unable to fulfill their purpose.

In the future I suggest you fully view the videos you intend to post as evidence.
"CRT" has been around a very long time as well documented in over a hundred years of Marxist radicalization.
It's long been a favorite Marxist indoctrination tool of college professors and now even our western K-12 educators.
In only 18 minutes, Chris Rufo will explain everything you need to know about "Critical Race Theory".....18 minutes!

Christopher F. Rufo

Jun 14, 2021
"This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back".

It has nothing to do with Marxism. Honestly, can’t you morons come up with something better than the same old same old?

The TRUTH HURTS! :itsok:

What truth? You seem confused. What is Marxist about CRT. Be specific.

Creating divisiveness within the state.

The recognition of the existence of social classes that divide men and women into distinct segments of the population; the recognition of the profound inequalities and injustices that separate these classes; and the recognition that as long as society is divided into classes, there will be conflicts between these classes (the class struggle).

Is that specific enough?
And exactly what did Rufo say that was so funny?

For a shorter video where he gets even more pwn3d!.....

I seriously doubt you watched the vid I posted. Well I did, in its entirety...

Did you even watch the two vids that you posted MarcATL? Again, I did...

Marc Lamont Hill is obviously very intelligent and an excellent interviewer.

Despite Mr. Hill's obvious leftist perspective, his interview was quite professional and very courteous.

And Mr. Rufo never once faltered when answering a question and calmly delivered his narrative on que.

Joy Reid, on the other hand, is a rude ignorant bitch whose only agenda was to shout down Mr. Rufo to prevent him from responding to her accusations.

So the two videos you hand-picked to discredit Mr. Rufo, were unable to fulfill their purpose.

In the future I suggest you fully view the videos you intend to post as evidence.

See my reply at #17. We agree completely!
"CRT" has been around a very long time as well documented in over a hundred years of Marxist radicalization.
It's long been a favorite Marxist indoctrination tool of college professors and now even our western K-12 educators.
In only 18 minutes, Chris Rufo will explain everything you need to know about "Critical Race Theory".....18 minutes!

Christopher F. Rufo

Jun 14, 2021
"This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back".

It has nothing to do with Marxism. Honestly, can’t you morons come up with something better than the same old same old?

The TRUTH HURTS! :itsok:

What truth? You seem confused. What is Marxist about CRT. Be specific.

Creating divisiveness within the state.

The recognition of the existence of social classes that divide men and women into distinct segments of the population; the recognition of the profound inequalities and injustices that separate these classes; and the recognition that as long as society is divided into classes, there will be conflicts between these classes (the class struggle).

Is that specific enough?

Well crap...that means Trump’s a Marxist! Who would have ever thought he and his minions were actually Marxists :omg:
"CRT" has been around a very long time as well documented in over a hundred years of Marxist radicalization.
It's long been a favorite Marxist indoctrination tool of college professors and now even our western K-12 educators.
In only 18 minutes, Chris Rufo will explain everything you need to know about "Critical Race Theory".....18 minutes!

Christopher F. Rufo

Jun 14, 2021
"This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back".

It has nothing to do with Marxism. Honestly, can’t you morons come up with something better than the same old same old?

The TRUTH HURTS! :itsok:

What truth? You seem confused. What is Marxist about CRT. Be specific.

Creating divisiveness within the state.

The recognition of the existence of social classes that divide men and women into distinct segments of the population; the recognition of the profound inequalities and injustices that separate these classes; and the recognition that as long as society is divided into classes, there will be conflicts between these classes (the class struggle).

Is that specific enough?

Well crap...that means Trump’s a Marxist! Who would have ever thought he and his minions were actually Marxists :omg:

You're just dumb enough to think that's all there is to Marxism.

The political gap between the Democrat Party and the Republican Party is what drives this country and keeps it from becoming and oligarchy or a dictatorship. The fact that Democrats and Republicans don't agree is a blessing. Trump enhanced that. He taught Republicans how to fight for their beliefs.

Racism is a different avenue. Racial divisiveness is not good.

The racial divide between blacks and whites is what threatens to destroy this country and create our first real civil war. Your royal asshole President Obama widened that gap every chance he got. He wanted blacks to hate whites, blacks to hate cops, blacks to hate each other...Obubba was the most divisive President since Woodrow Wilson.

...and he certainly did not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the Divider in Chief.
"CRT" has been around a very long time as well documented in over a hundred years of Marxist radicalization.
It's long been a favorite Marxist indoctrination tool of college professors and now even our western K-12 educators.
In only 18 minutes, Chris Rufo will explain everything you need to know about "Critical Race Theory".....18 minutes!

Christopher F. Rufo

Jun 14, 2021
"This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back".

This latest fabrication, like Obama being a Kenyan or the dreaded "caravans" that never appear, is an interesting one. It's a Tiananmen square moment for Republicans, who are begging the government not to allow discussion or education over the evils committed by or supported by that government. Tuskegee Experiments? Can't let people know our government would do that. The Tulsa Massacre? Can't let people know the government didn't charge the slaughterers and that the courts told insurance companies they didn't have to pay for any damages. Slavery? Have to teach people that it was great for the country. The point is to not have people learn from the past in case the government wants to commit a genocide or 2 later on.

I can't understand it, other than it being part of the insane backlash continuing against black people by conservatives after the 1st black President was elected.

Let me see, the Tuskeegee experiments went from 1932-1972. Presidential administrations 1932-1944, FDR, DEMOCRAT. 1944-1952 TRUMAN, DEMOCRAT, 1952-1960 EISENHOWER, REPUBLICAN, 1960-1963 KENNEDY, DEMOCRAT, 1963-1968 JOHNSON, DEMOCRAT, 1968-1972 NIXON, REPUBLICAN. So what do we learn from this--Democrat, FDR implemented the program and ran it for 28 of the 40 years that it ran until REPUBLICAN, NIXON ended it. I think you are a bit jaded.

How interesting that you want so badly to cover up their secrets. I bet you look back fondly on Confederates too. Go fuck yourself.
Why do you disagree As? It fits your specific criteria.
You sense of logic is really not your strong suit. You fallacy here is called by some "the red hat fallacy".

Communists wear red hats.
Johnny has on a red hat.
Johnny is a communist.

If you do not understand that fallacy, please refrain from replying to my posts in the future.
"CRT" has been around a very long time as well documented in over a hundred years of Marxist radicalization.
It's long been a favorite Marxist indoctrination tool of college professors and now even our western K-12 educators.
In only 18 minutes, Chris Rufo will explain everything you need to know about "Critical Race Theory".....18 minutes!

Christopher F. Rufo

Jun 14, 2021
"This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back".

This latest fabrication, like Obama being a Kenyan or the dreaded "caravans" that never appear, is an interesting one. It's a Tiananmen square moment for Republicans, who are begging the government not to allow discussion or education over the evils committed by or supported by that government. Tuskegee Experiments? Can't let people know our government would do that. The Tulsa Massacre? Can't let people know the government didn't charge the slaughterers and that the courts told insurance companies they didn't have to pay for any damages. Slavery? Have to teach people that it was great for the country. The point is to not have people learn from the past in case the government wants to commit a genocide or 2 later on.

I can't understand it, other than it being part of the insane backlash continuing against black people by conservatives after the 1st black President was elected.

Let me see, the Tuskeegee experiments went from 1932-1972. Presidential administrations 1932-1944, FDR, DEMOCRAT. 1944-1952 TRUMAN, DEMOCRAT, 1952-1960 EISENHOWER, REPUBLICAN, 1960-1963 KENNEDY, DEMOCRAT, 1963-1968 JOHNSON, DEMOCRAT, 1968-1972 NIXON, REPUBLICAN. So what do we learn from this--Democrat, FDR implemented the program and ran it for 28 of the 40 years that it ran until REPUBLICAN, NIXON ended it. I think you are a bit jaded.

How interesting that you want so badly to cover up their secrets. I bet you look back fondly on Confederates too. Go fuck yourself.

Thats exactly what I expected from a hypocritical racist bigot when confronted with an uncomfortable truth.
It's interesting that our forum leftist are now lying and saying CRT isn't real.
It's interesting, but not surprising, that you're choosing to lie so openly.

You're also lying very badly. If you're going to lie for the cause of censoring any talk about racism, don't suck so badly at it. Satan won't keep you around longer on earth unless you're a good liar.

Every Trump cultist here is lying about CRT, and they all know it. The cult orders them to lie, and they obey. They now serve the Lord of Lies willingly. Trumpism may be Satan's greatest triumph.
"CRT" has been around a very long time as well documented in over a hundred years of Marxist radicalization.
It's long been a favorite Marxist indoctrination tool of college professors and now even our western K-12 educators.
In only 18 minutes, Chris Rufo will explain everything you need to know about "Critical Race Theory".....18 minutes!

Christopher F. Rufo

Jun 14, 2021
"This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back".

It has nothing to do with Marxism. Honestly, can’t you morons come up with something better than the same old same old?

It was developed by the frankfurt school FFS. Come on woman. Shit
"CRT" has been around a very long time as well documented in over a hundred years of Marxist radicalization.
It's long been a favorite Marxist indoctrination tool of college professors and now even our western K-12 educators.
In only 18 minutes, Chris Rufo will explain everything you need to know about "Critical Race Theory".....18 minutes!

Christopher F. Rufo

Jun 14, 2021
"This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back".

It has nothing to do with Marxism. Honestly, can’t you morons come up with something better than the same old same old?

It was developed by the frankfurt school FFS. Come on woman. Shit



It emerged as a movement by the 1980s, reworking theories of critical legal studies (CLS) with more focus on race.[1][9] CRT is grounded in critical theory[10]and draws from thinkers such as Antonio Gramsci, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, and W. E. B. DuBois, as well as the Black Power, Chicano, and radical feministmovements from the 1960s and 1970s.[1]


In sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. Though a "critical theory" or a "critical social theory" may have similar elements of thought, capitalizing Critical Theory as if it were a proper noun stresses the intellectual lineage specific to the Frankfurt School.


The Frankfurt School perspective of critical investigation (open-ended and self-critical) is based upon Freudian, Marxist and Hegelianpremises of idealist philosophy.[2] To fill the omissions of 19th-century classical Marxism, which did not address 20th-century social problems, they applied the methods of antipositivist sociology, of psychoanalysis, and of existentialism.[3] The School's sociologic works derived from syntheses of the thematically pertinent works of Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, and Karl Marx, of Sigmund Freud and Max Weber, and of Georg Simmel and Georg Lukács.[4][5]
Why do you disagree As? It fits your specific criteria.
You sense of logic is really not your strong suit. You fallacy here is called by some "the red hat fallacy".

Communists wear red hats.
Johnny has on a red hat.
Johnny is a communist.

If you do not understand that fallacy, please refrain from replying to my posts in the future.
There is no fallacy. You came with one...ONE specific trait of Marxism...one that by itself implicates your Chosen Leader and you, as well. Is that the only evidence of Marxism you got? Cause I think you desperately scraping the bottom of the barrel in an attempt to inflate a sadly flaccid bogeyman.
Without cutting and pasting long explanations, what is it about CRT that some people think should be taught in school? From what I have read, one item of concern is building affordable housing in white neighborhoods for non whites. A lot of low income tenants trash their living areas, be it people in the ghettos or white trailer trash. I don’t want anyone trashing my neighborhood, so this is a valid concern, not racial.
"CRT" has been around a very long time as well documented in over a hundred years of Marxist radicalization.
It's long been a favorite Marxist indoctrination tool of college professors and now even our western K-12 educators.
In only 18 minutes, Chris Rufo will explain everything you need to know about "Critical Race Theory".....18 minutes!

Christopher F. Rufo

Jun 14, 2021
"This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back".

...Critical race theory has not been around for 100 years...

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