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Examples of why you can't tust Liberals with "reasonable" gun control

Fuck, you're from IDHOE. That explains EVERYTHING!!

You're the biggest blowhard I have seen on any message board, and that's saying a lot. The nauseating usage of this "gun nutter" phrase over and over and over again is utterly ridiculous. I suspect that you have very few friends in the real world. I can't see many being able to stomach you for very long. You seem very miserable, and it projects into the style you post with. You could try getting out more, instead of sitting there thinking of how to label everyone but yourself. Have you ever met anyone who owns firearms, that isn't a "gun nutter"? Everyone but you, as you sit atop whatever high horse you are on and think of all the ways everyone else sucks, and you are so great. :puke:

Get some help, seriously.
Fuck, you're from IDHOE. That explains EVERYTHING!!

You're the biggest blowhard I have seen on any message board, and that's saying a lot. The nauseating usage of this "gun nutter" phrase over and over and over again is utterly ridiculous. I suspect that you have very few friends in the real world. I can't see many being able to stomach you for very long. You seem very miserable, and it projects into the style you post with. You could try getting out more, instead of sitting there thinking of how to label everyone but yourself. Have you ever met anyone who owns firearms, that isn't a "gun nutter"? Everyone but you, as you sit atop whatever high horse you are on and think of all the ways everyone else sucks, and you are so great. :puke:

Get some help, seriously.

I can see you what you mean dude.

Anybody that is concerned and voices that concern over kids killing themselves or others with guns that they should have never been able to get their hands on, I can see where you would think that pretty crazy.

Anyone that would want to spare families the tragedy of an accidental killing of a kid and tries to find ways to keep that from happening, I can see where you would think that off the wall.

Anyone that wants to MAKE FEWER the reasons for gun grabbers to call for elimination of guns, yea that's fucking crazy.

Anybody that's concerned that the argument for guns has to rely on bullshit statistics which cause the anti gun groups to doubt even the accurate information is crazy. I am thinking of the 1.6 million claims of DGU. (or whatever the outrageous number is today) 43, 835 per day. And no one can document that. But nutters cling to that number.That's bullshit.

. You gun nutters are you own worst enemies. You fucks want to flaunt your power of the gun to the point you piss enough people off, ignore or down play the tragedy brought about by guns, and that which you fear most will start to come to pass. This ain't the late 1700's.

And really dude. Trying to denigrate me by making some weird projections about my life? That's fucking stupid.
You have no idea wtf you're talking about.

I know a few people that own guns who are definitely not gun nutters. I know some people who most likely have guns but don't say anything about them and I know one real gun nutter. I built his shooting range for him. Indoor. Back stopped the target end with those large rubber blocks (specifically for this purpose) made from old tires. In front of 3 3/4 in. lumber, Exhaust system. This guy can fire anything in this range. And be safe doing it.
AC and heated the reload room. Nice set up. I think he said he goes through at least 1000 rounds a week end
Various caliber.That right there is gun nutter land. But he's a nice guy and not an asshole like you seem to be.

Hey one more thing. They got "ignore" here. If you can't handle things. Know what I mean?
And? You didnt make a point. One shows that the law is ineffective and the other is a misnomer. Anything beginning with 'gun' crime is filtering data to get desired results. I dont care how many people are killed with a gun. I care how many people are killed PERIOD. If the killer decides to use a hammer, you are no less dead.

The overall crime rates show that weapon bans simply do not have an effect on homicide. What then is the goal of gun control? Less gun deaths but more deaths with other means? That seems to be an asinine goal.

What did you expect me to search for, Elmo gets a blow job? We are talking about gun related deaths in the UK, are we not. Perhaps you should reread the articles at the links.

If you go by the statistics, the UK has a far higher crime rate than the USA, Orogenicman. Which proves that owning guns prevents would be rapists from raping, break and enters, murders from happening.

That's a load of crap. The UK has 0.24 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 while the U.S. has 10.3 firearm-related deaths per 100,000. Just because this is make up shit Thursday doesn't mean I'm not going to call you on bullshit:

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Don't even try it. The UK has a higher crime rate than the USA because they do not have firearms. People are living in fear over there.

You're attempt to wiggle on this one will avail you nothing.

No sir, it does not. Try reading the data I provided. And if you disagree, then provide supporting data of your own. Otherwise, stop making up shit you refuse to support.
Would you rather see a ban on gun sales altogether?

The far left wants that, the side you support and voted for twice..

The rampant possession of firearms in this country has taken, and continues to take a terrible toll in lives. Now, unless you can come up with a viable solution that addresses that toll, I will continue to hold that we need to get rid of them altogether. But hey, that's just me.
How do you propose to get rid of them alttogether? Never mind the Constitutional aspect that makes it impossible.

Shut down the manufacturing facilities. Confiscate all the guns, and turn them into electric cars. :)
i once thought you were an idiot.., now i know for certain you ARE an idiot without a scintilla of brains, you would have been a great candidate for a late term abortion. :up:

:fu: .............................. :asshole:

You should look up the definition of the word "facetious".
And? You didnt make a point. One shows that the law is ineffective and the other is a misnomer. Anything beginning with 'gun' crime is filtering data to get desired results. I dont care how many people are killed with a gun. I care how many people are killed PERIOD. If the killer decides to use a hammer, you are no less dead.

The overall crime rates show that weapon bans simply do not have an effect on homicide. What then is the goal of gun control? Less gun deaths but more deaths with other means? That seems to be an asinine goal.

What did you expect me to search for, Elmo gets a blow job? We are talking about gun related deaths in the UK, are we not. Perhaps you should reread the articles at the links.

If you go by the statistics, the UK has a far higher crime rate than the USA, Orogenicman. Which proves that owning guns prevents would be rapists from raping, break and enters, murders from happening.

That's a load of crap. The UK has 0.24 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 while the U.S. has 10.3 firearm-related deaths per 100,000. Just because this is make up shit Thursday doesn't mean I'm not going to call you on bullshit:

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Don't even try it. The UK has a higher crime rate than the USA because they do not have firearms. People are living in fear over there.

You're attempt to wiggle on this one will avail you nothing.

No sir, it does not. Try reading the data I provided. And if you disagree, then provide supporting data of your own. Otherwise, stop making up shit you refuse to support.

Try uncovering your own eyes and read the data I have provided. And quit cussing. It does not improve your image one iota.
Some nut shoots 6 people and the lefties want a law banning magazines with more than 5 bullets. Some nut shoots 7 people and they want a ban on magazines with more than 6 bullets. Shoot 10 and the left responds with a ban of 10 bullet magazines. Always chasing the irrelevant circumstances of gun violence instead of addressing the real causes.

Would you rather see a ban on gun sales altogether?
No, I'd rather see us abide by the Constitution.


The constitution did not specify what constitutes "arms". The "arms" of the day was a musket and a saber. If you want to own a musket or a saber, have at it.

Yes, at the time the US Constitution was written, the musket and the muzzle-loading rifle, were the arms of the day. But they were also the high tech weapons used by the military. The farmers and store owners had the same weapons as the top infantry soldiers.

So what you are saying is that everyone should have one of these:

Here is the real evidence you failed to examine. The UK has a crime rate 5 times higher than the USA's because we have gun rights and they don't. Read it Oregonicman.
Gun Facts Gun Control and Crime in non-US Countries

Fact: Since gun banning has escalated in the UK, the rate of crime – especially violent crime – has risen.

Fact: Ironically, firearm use in crimes in the UK has doubled in the decade since handguns were banned. 16

Fact: Britain has the highest rate of violent crime in Europe, more so than the United States or even South Africa. They also have the second highest overall crime rate in the European Union. In 2008, Britain had a violent crime rate nearly five times higher than the United States (2034 vs. 446 per 100,000 population). 17

click to enlarge

Fact: 67% of British residents surveyed believed that “As a result of gun and knife crime [rising], the area I live in is not as safe as it was five years ago.” 18

Fact: U.K. street robberies soared 28% in 2001. Violent crime was up 11%, murders up 4%, and rapes were up 14%. 19

Fact: This trend continued in the U.K in 2004 with a 10% increase in street crime, 8% increase in muggings, and a 22% increase in robberies.

Fact: In 1919, before they had any gun control, the U.K. had a homicide rate that was 8% of the U.S. rate. By 1986, and after enacting significant gun control, the rate was 9% – practically unchanged. 20

Fact: “… [There is] nothing in the statistics for England and Wales to suggest that either the stricter controls on handguns prior to 1997 or the ban imposed since have controlled access to such firearms by criminals.”21

Fact: Comparing crime rates between America and Britain is fundamentally flawed. In America, a gun crime is recorded as a gun crime. In Britain, a crime is only recorded when there is a final disposition (a conviction). All unsolved gun crimes in Britain are not reported as gun crimes, grossly undercounting the amount of gun crime there. 22 To make matters worse, British law enforcement has been exposed for falsifying criminal reports to create falsely lower crime figures, in part to preserve tourism. 23

Fact: An ongoing parliamentary inquiry in Britain into the growing number of black market weapons has concluded that there are more than three million illegally held firearms in circulation – double the number believed to have been held 10 years ago – and that criminals are more willing than ever to use them. One in three criminals under the age of 25 possesses or has access to a firearm. 24

British Offenses in 2000
Offense category
Increase from pre-ban
Armed Robbery 170.1%
Kidnapping/abduction 144.0%
Assault 130.9%
Attempted murder 117.6%
Sexual assault 112.6%
Fact: Handgun homicides in England and Wales reached an all-time high in 2000, years after a virtual ban on private handgun ownership. More than 3,000 crimes involving handguns were recorded in 1999-2000, including 42 homicides, 310 cases of attempted murder, 2,561 robberies and 204 burglaries. 25

Fact: Handguns were used in 3,685 British offenses in 2000 compared with 2,648 in 1997, an increase of 40%. 26 It is interesting to note:

  • Of the 20 areas with the lowest number of legal firearms, 10 had an above average level of “gun crime.”
  • Of the 20 areas with the highest levels of legal guns, only 2 had armed crime levels above the average.
Fact: Between 1997 and 1999, there were 429 murders in London, the highest two-year figure for more than 10 years – nearly two-thirds of those involved firearms – in a country that has virtually banned private firearm ownership. 27

Fact: Over the last century, the British crime rate was largely unchanged. In the late nineteenth century, the per capita homicide rate in Britain was between 1.0 and 1.5 per 100,000. 28 In the late twentieth century, after a near ban on gun ownership, the homicide rate is around 1.4. 29 This implies that the homicide rate did not vary with either the level of gun control or gun availability.

Fact: The U.K. has strict gun control and a rising homicide rate of 1.4 per 100,000. Switzerland has the highest per capita firearm ownership rate on the planet (all males age 20 to 42 are required to keep rifles or pistols at home) and has a homicide rate of 1.2 per 100,000. To date, there has never been a schoolyard massacre in Switzerland. 30
What did you expect me to search for, Elmo gets a blow job? We are talking about gun related deaths in the UK, are we not. Perhaps you should reread the articles at the links.

If you go by the statistics, the UK has a far higher crime rate than the USA, Orogenicman. Which proves that owning guns prevents would be rapists from raping, break and enters, murders from happening.

That's a load of crap. The UK has 0.24 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 while the U.S. has 10.3 firearm-related deaths per 100,000. Just because this is make up shit Thursday doesn't mean I'm not going to call you on bullshit:

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Don't even try it. The UK has a higher crime rate than the USA because they do not have firearms. People are living in fear over there.

You're attempt to wiggle on this one will avail you nothing.

No sir, it does not. Try reading the data I provided. And if you disagree, then provide supporting data of your own. Otherwise, stop making up shit you refuse to support.

Try uncovering your own eyes and read the data I have provided. And quit cussing. It does not improve your image one iota.

What data, where? You have provided nothing but your own opinion. I have provided a link to widely available data and references. Got anything like that? Anything at all?
Some nut shoots 6 people and the lefties want a law banning magazines with more than 5 bullets. Some nut shoots 7 people and they want a ban on magazines with more than 6 bullets. Shoot 10 and the left responds with a ban of 10 bullet magazines. Always chasing the irrelevant circumstances of gun violence instead of addressing the real causes.

Would you rather see a ban on gun sales altogether?
No, I'd rather see us abide by the Constitution.


The constitution did not specify what constitutes "arms". The "arms" of the day was a musket and a saber. If you want to own a musket or a saber, have at it.

Yes, at the time the US Constitution was written, the musket and the muzzle-loading rifle, were the arms of the day. But they were also the high tech weapons used by the military. The farmers and store owners had the same weapons as the top infantry soldiers.

So what you are saying is that everyone should have one of these:


No one is saying such a thing. However, if I want to have what you call an assault rifle, I can whether you like it or not.
Would you rather see a ban on gun sales altogether?
No, I'd rather see us abide by the Constitution.


The constitution did not specify what constitutes "arms". The "arms" of the day was a musket and a saber. If you want to own a musket or a saber, have at it.

Yes, at the time the US Constitution was written, the musket and the muzzle-loading rifle, were the arms of the day. But they were also the high tech weapons used by the military. The farmers and store owners had the same weapons as the top infantry soldiers.

So what you are saying is that everyone should have one of these:


No one is saying such a thing. However, if I want to have what you call an assault rifle, I can whether you like it or not.

Only certain kinds. And not for long. Enjoy it while you can.
No, I'd rather see us abide by the Constitution.


The constitution did not specify what constitutes "arms". The "arms" of the day was a musket and a saber. If you want to own a musket or a saber, have at it.

Yes, at the time the US Constitution was written, the musket and the muzzle-loading rifle, were the arms of the day. But they were also the high tech weapons used by the military. The farmers and store owners had the same weapons as the top infantry soldiers.

So what you are saying is that everyone should have one of these:


No one is saying such a thing. However, if I want to have what you call an assault rifle, I can whether you like it or not.

Only certain kinds. And not for long. Enjoy it while you can.

When should I expect you to personally come and try to take it?
The constitution did not specify what constitutes "arms". The "arms" of the day was a musket and a saber. If you want to own a musket or a saber, have at it.

Yes, at the time the US Constitution was written, the musket and the muzzle-loading rifle, were the arms of the day. But they were also the high tech weapons used by the military. The farmers and store owners had the same weapons as the top infantry soldiers.

So what you are saying is that everyone should have one of these:


No one is saying such a thing. However, if I want to have what you call an assault rifle, I can whether you like it or not.

Only certain kinds. And not for long. Enjoy it while you can.

When should I expect you to personally come and try to take it?

I won't have to.
It only affected open carry, so yes, it was an open carry issue, even though you lamely attempt to subsume it into guns in general, so great is your lust to take away everyone's guns but your own.

I changed my mind. You're not one of us, you're a hypocrite that owns a gun while demanding nobody else does.

Holy shit dude. You got it bad.
That's the take away you got from our exchange eh?

You may be a gun nutter when you have to phrase things; "you're not one of us".
You can't point to a single fucking post I made calling for taking anyone's guns away.
And you sure can't answer a straight forward question. A sure fire sign of a "gun nutter extreme".

Been fun though dude. You gun nut you.
You're the jackass calling people "gun nutters" because they support the 2nd Amendment.

I'm not a psychologist but I know that there's a reason people do things and the only one that makes sense for you is that you'd like to own a gun, but can't because you're a felon or you beat your girl and the law prevents you from having guns. Your pitched hatred of gun ownership and advocacy speaks volumes more than your claim to be a gun owner. It says you're bitter, jealous of us who have guns while you can't. Nothing else explains the seeming dichotomy of your love-hate regard for gun rights.

I truly feel sorry for you.
I'm not a psychologist
No shit.

but I know that there's a reason people do things and the only one that makes sense for you is that you'd like to own a gun, but can't because you're a felon or you beat your girl and the law prevents you from having guns. Your pitched hatred of gun ownership and advocacy speaks volumes more than your claim to be a gun owner. It says you're bitter, jealous of us who have guns while you can't. Nothing else explains the seeming dichotomy of your love-hate regard for gun rights.

You and eatmorchicken have had a rough day of it. I can tell. I think your widdle feelings have been hurt. Is that true?

Hey mabe you and eatmor can set up a psychology/gun shop.

Saintmikeeatmorechick drive by internet psychology and gun shop. It has a good ring to it, don't cha think?

But its has been funny the things I have been projected to be. I've gone from a friendless felon to a girl friend (my wife's gonna be mad) beating, gun owner hating drug dealing something or other. I can't remember all of them.
But I think your on line psychology diagnosis work needs a little bit more work on the accuracy part. I hope you can hit what you aim at with a gun better than the shots you have taken at me. You missed on all of them LMAO.

You guys are a lot of fun. Really. What are you gonna make up about me tomorrow? Save some ammo for later is always good advice.
It only affected open carry, so yes, it was an open carry issue, even though you lamely attempt to subsume it into guns in general, so great is your lust to take away everyone's guns but your own.

I changed my mind. You're not one of us, you're a hypocrite that owns a gun while demanding nobody else does.

Holy shit dude. You got it bad.
That's the take away you got from our exchange eh?

You may be a gun nutter when you have to phrase things; "you're not one of us".
You can't point to a single fucking post I made calling for taking anyone's guns away.
And you sure can't answer a straight forward question. A sure fire sign of a "gun nutter extreme".

Been fun though dude. You gun nut you.
You're the jackass calling people "gun nutters" because they support the 2nd Amendment.

I'm not a psychologist but I know that there's a reason people do things and the only one that makes sense for you is that you'd like to own a gun, but can't because you're a felon or you beat your girl and the law prevents you from having guns. Your pitched hatred of gun ownership and advocacy speaks volumes more than your claim to be a gun owner. It says you're bitter, jealous of us who have guns while you can't. Nothing else explains the seeming dichotomy of your love-hate regard for gun rights.

I truly feel sorry for you.

Wow, that ridiculous rant just takes my breath away.
Some nut shoots 6 people and the lefties want a law banning magazines with more than 5 bullets. Some nut shoots 7 people and they want a ban on magazines with more than 6 bullets. Shoot 10 and the left responds with a ban of 10 bullet magazines. Always chasing the irrelevant circumstances of gun violence instead of addressing the real causes.

Tell us oh wise one, what are the real causes of gun violence in America?

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