Excellent Body Language Analysis of Trump’s Ambush Meeting with Pelosi/Schumer



And by ambush I mean bringing in the press for transparency so we citizens can see what’s going on.

I think both Pelosi and Schumer saw with the caravan, that we need a wall, but they don't want to admit to it in public. So they're putting on a show.
They're trying to score points. They want to trash Trump and make him look like a child, but anyone with any sense can see both of them are the ones being childish. Trump was the adult in that room. We can read their body-language, and Trump was trying to be responsible and transparent, and they were both trying to hide the truth from us.
So the lie this time is "Trump threw a temper-tantrum", but Chucky lied about it. I saw no temper-tantrum by anyone other than Chucky. He was rude and dismissive to Trump and he spend the first part of the discussion sending hand signals to Pelosi till he could work up the courage to start his monologue.
I expect Chuck to repeat this lie. "Trump Temper-Tantrum" till it becomes reality. This is how the left creates these lies. It's like "I can see Russia from my house!!" Totally fabricated.

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Body langague experts. :lol:

Have any phrenologists weighed in yet?
Trump got played. Every Republican about crapped in their pants, when Schumer got Trump to say that he'd take the responsibility for a partial government shutdown.
According polls, a strong majority of Americans do not think there should be a shutdown because of the financing of Trump's wall. A majority of Americans don't think tax payers should pay for the wall.
Way to be out of touch with the America, Trump! What a immature president we have, if he doesn't get his way, he cries and stomps his feet, picks up the ball and goes home.
No wonder, America has become the laughing stock pf the world.

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