Excellent demonstration for how bad liberals have become


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
Wholly shit. The middle class are ditching California, leaving the wealthy and poor, and they actually believe this is good.

They see it as a spread of their ideology, which is a polite label for poison. They're right, because they're fucking up other states. Only a liberal would be so cause and effect challenged as to misunderstand their worth, and why there's a Ca. exodus in the first place. Leave a shit hole only to build new shit holes? That my friends is lunacy.

A good personal example was just yesterday. My neighbors are the typical middle class former Californians. On Sunday I rolled the chassis of my truck into the driveway to wash it. Yesterday the guy comes over with his 24/7 pouty face and asks how long it will be in the driveway. I told him a couple days, and asked "eye sore huh?" He says yes and starts to walk away, while I explode in laughter. My only thought was return your ass to California, and then I couldn't help myself and said just that. This guy "tells" on everyone. Your business is their business. They're miserable people.

This is Nevada, we aren't up in everyone's shit. The liberals have already managed to ruin Las Vegas. Again, wholly shit, when did conservatives become the true liberals? Progressives are complete opposites what they hope to be. They're confused, dangerous, and likely the greatest threat to our country.

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As I stated before:
the career politician/elitist liberals lost me when they pushed

* "anti-choice" ACA mandates that penalize free choice of health care and force federal regulations on everyone
* "anti-gun" policies where only police should have guns, but then attacking police for having too much power and abusing firearms,
thus leaving no one to be able to use guns at all to defend ourselves from criminal threats and attacks
* to legalize pot as "not proven" to be harmful or addictive, while banning sugary drinks as a health hazard

And I still haven't figured out where the feminists stand on rape
by illegal immigrant traffickers and extreme Islamist regimes.

The white feminists used to be criticized for fighting nonissues
compared with women of color suffered double discrimination.

The elitist liberals keep hijacking issues, from environmentalism twisted into "global warming"
for political points and carbon credits, to the anti-war issue just to get Bush out of office
and elect Democrats who spent even more tax dollars on funding foreign interests.

Hillary trampled over Sanders, then bought him out, and left both Democrats
and Greens divided with no help to truly represent independent progressives.
The career politicians on both right and left keep pimping the issues, from
prolife to health care, just to get votes. But then won't change anything.

At some point, when will the taxpayers give up on govt and start funding
our own solutions. That's when the tide and tables will turn on govt.
When we start governing ourselves, funding our own programs, deducting
those business and charity expenses from taxes, and quit relying on govt.

We the people need to vote with our own money, labor, words and actions;
and let govt follow the model programs that are more cost effective where people choose them because they work!
Not because govt forced taxpayers to fund them, just to keep their jobs and bureaucracy going.

When the people get smart and realize we want the same things,
we can no longer be divided and conquered by party leaders seeking donations, votes and political points.

We can just as soon create and fund programs with our own resources,
and let leaders compete to be hired for jobs managing what works IN PRACTICE,
instead of living off donations to preach promises that don't pan out.
On a side, California can pay for the wall.

I think you should since you want it so badly.

normal people know that we're not paying for your freaking wall.

You're cause and effect challenged. If Ca. WANTS to leave our borders must be protected from their shit hole ways. If Ca. doesn't want to pay for their decision, then perhaps you can explain why the US military should protect the country of Ca.

ILMAO @ "normal" people.
Wholly shit. The middle class are ditching California, leaving the wealthy and poor, and they actually believe this is good.

They see it as a spread of their ideology, which is a polite label for poison. They're right, because they're fucking up other states. Only a liberal would be so cause and effect challenged as to misunderstand their worth, and why there's a Ca. exodus in the first place. Leave a shit hole only to build new shit holes? That my friends is lunacy.

A good personal example was just yesterday. My neighbors are the typical middle class former Californians. On Sunday I rolled the chassis of my truck into the driveway to wash it. Yesterday the guy comes over with his 24/7 pouty face and asks how long it will be in the driveway. I told him a couple days, and asked "eye sore huh?" He says yes and starts to walk away, while I explode in laughter. My only thought was return your ass to California, and then I couldn't help myself and said just that. This guy "tells" on everyone. Your business is their business. They're miserable people.

This is Nevada, we aren't up in everyone's shit. The liberals have already managed to ruin Las Vegas. Again, wholly shit, when did conservatives become the true liberals? Progressives are complete opposites what they hope to be. They're confused, dangerous, and likely the greatest threat to our country.

I bet your neighbor would be so happy to see you move since you hate it so much.

Just let them secede.

That would give us someone new to invade and destroy.
(And the vast majority would enjoy it)
On a side, California can pay for the wall.

I think you should since you want it so badly.

normal people know that we're not paying for your freaking wall.

Normal people don't want a flood of friggin illegals coming into this country.

no one is talking about people coming in. the disagreements are about what we do with people who have been here for decades and who have committed no crimes.

and it's the cost benefit analysis of a wall, dum dum.
That dumbfuck in the video actually said they need the middle class to leave to make room for the illegals.
On a side, California can pay for the wall.

I think you should since you want it so badly.

normal people know that we're not paying for your freaking wall.

Normal people don't want a flood of friggin illegals coming into this country.

no one is talking about people coming in. the disagreements are about what we do with people who have been here for decades and who have committed no crimes.

and it's the cost benefit analysis of a wall, dum dum.
Every illegal alien has committed a crime, Dufus.
On a side, California can pay for the wall.

Hopefully between them and the rest of the country. Hillary could be their president, and they could sanctuary all the illegals they could fit into their country, and turn all of their children gay, and Hollywood could be their capitol....
It would be a win-win.
Wholly shit. The middle class are ditching California, leaving the wealthy and poor, and they actually believe this is good.

They see it as a spread of their ideology, which is a polite label for poison. They're right, because they're fucking up other states. Only a liberal would be so cause and effect challenged as to misunderstand their worth, and why there's a Ca. exodus in the first place. Leave a shit hole only to build new shit holes? That my friends is lunacy.

A good personal example was just yesterday. My neighbors are the typical middle class former Californians. On Sunday I rolled the chassis of my truck into the driveway to wash it. Yesterday the guy comes over with his 24/7 pouty face and asks how long it will be in the driveway. I told him a couple days, and asked "eye sore huh?" He says yes and starts to walk away, while I explode in laughter. My only thought was return your ass to California, and then I couldn't help myself and said just that. This guy "tells" on everyone. Your business is their business. They're miserable people.

This is Nevada, we aren't up in everyone's shit. The liberals have already managed to ruin Las Vegas. Again, wholly shit, when did conservatives become the true liberals? Progressives are complete opposites what they hope to be. They're confused, dangerous, and likely the greatest threat to our country.

If you have an HOA you're obligated to do what the rules say. It's why I agree with them. I hate them because every HOA eventually gets run by Nazi Brownshirts.
On a side, California can pay for the wall.

I think you should since you want it so badly.

normal people know that we're not paying for your freaking wall.

Normal people don't want a flood of friggin illegals coming into this country.

no one is talking about people coming in. the disagreements are about what we do with people who have been here for decades and who have committed no crimes.

and it's the cost benefit analysis of a wall, dum dum.

You dumbshit. Every one of those Illegals committed the crime of trespass.
Californians need to do a cost/benefit analysis for moving their Mexican border wall to Arizona.
Wholly shit. The middle class are ditching California, leaving the wealthy and poor, and they actually believe this is good.

They see it as a spread of their ideology, which is a polite label for poison. They're right, because they're fucking up other states. Only a liberal would be so cause and effect challenged as to misunderstand their worth, and why there's a Ca. exodus in the first place. Leave a shit hole only to build new shit holes? That my friends is lunacy.

A good personal example was just yesterday. My neighbors are the typical middle class former Californians. On Sunday I rolled the chassis of my truck into the driveway to wash it. Yesterday the guy comes over with his 24/7 pouty face and asks how long it will be in the driveway. I told him a couple days, and asked "eye sore huh?" He says yes and starts to walk away, while I explode in laughter. My only thought was return your ass to California, and then I couldn't help myself and said just that. This guy "tells" on everyone. Your business is their business. They're miserable people.

This is Nevada, we aren't up in everyone's shit. The liberals have already managed to ruin Las Vegas. Again, wholly shit, when did conservatives become the true liberals? Progressives are complete opposites what they hope to be. They're confused, dangerous, and likely the greatest threat to our country.

If you have an HOA you're obligated to do what the rules say. It's why I agree with them. I hate them because every HOA eventually gets run by Nazi Brownshirts.

We don't have an HOA, pending Ca. NAZI rule. The kicker is, if he makes a fuss, I'll remind him he needs to pay for a landscaper (third time) to prevent water from going from his yard to mine. The dumb shit had his landscape done twice. The first time was 25K, and it was washed away in a torrential rain "I won't need a retaining wall". The second time was at minimum 80K. Still they fucked it up. They figured they could use my fence as a retaining wall, so I removed the boards until they did it right. The irony is, they said "We don't even want a fence". I wonder why they had a cyclone fence installed above their property? They fucked that up too, plus it looks like it belongs at a prison.

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California should leave The Union, and we should then pull our troops and equipment out of that Nation. Then we should also abruptly stop all Federal Monies from flowing in to California.
After that, we should state that we have no trade agreements with The Nation of California, and the 49 States cannot accept any goods from California, or trade with California, until a Trade Agreement is reached.

All California Citizens then will have their Social Security Numbers deleted as they are no longer US Citizens. They will also be barred from receiving Medicaid, SSI, Disability, Federal Government Pensions, Medicare, Welfare, Food Stamps, Grants and any and all Federally provided government benefits and services.

All US Post offices will be closed, and US Postman will no longer be US Citizens and will be dismissed from their jobs. All Federal Employees will lose their jobs as they are no longer US Citizens. Californians will need to apply for new passports and Visas, and will have to go through customs as they enter The United States. No Californian can work in any of the other 49 states with out a Work Permit or Visa, and no student can study at any university or college or trade school without a student visa.
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On a side, California can pay for the wall.

I think you should since you want it so badly.

normal people know that we're not paying for your freaking wall.

Dear jillian: would you be willing to pay for and lobby Democrats to build medical education programs along the border? To create jobs for inmates and immigrants who otherwise can't access work legally to support their families?

That might actually make sense.
Does that mean liberals would or would not support such a campaign? What do you think?

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