Excess deaths soar in UK


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England
Really this should be in the Humour section , despite its then questionable good taste .

They still are scared rigid to pursue the obvious-- the Killer Shots .
Guess they imagine the Sheeple would take to the streets seeking vengeance if the truth is admitted

But give it more time and that is precisely what will happen .

.More than 650,000 deaths were registered in the UK in 2022 - 9% more than 2019.

This represents one of the largest excess death levels outside the pandemic in 50 years.
Though far below peak pandemic levels, it has prompted questions about why more people are still dying than normal.
Data indicates pandemic effects on health and NHS pressures are among the leading explanations.
The spike could be deaths associated with failures in the routine medical care system because routine surgeries, scans and procedures for real health threats were pushed aside to make room for the scamdemic.

The same thing is happening globally.
While the jab itself in many cases is likely attributing, it's not clear how many of those deaths are from covid vaccinations and how many are from failure to get routine health care. AFAIK.
It should be the worst in countries where the govt FORCED people to get the clot shots, and continue with boosters.

Countries where people only were forced ONE clot shot shouldn't be as bad as the ones forced to take boosters.

And all of THIS depends on if those people got the REAL clot shot or they got the placebo shots. Someone posted a thread on this some time ago, and also posted a link to an article where it was discovered that the production of the clot shot was so fast and furious, that Big Pharma was sending out clot shots, placebos, and even tainted stuff that was filled with literal garbage and other toxins besides what the govt wanted injected into people.

Just be thankful we live in a place where we can still say "FUCK YOU" to the government and live to tell about it another day.
A lot of these other countries did not give their citizens any choice.

I'm still waiting to hear from Australia, because as of yet that I've not heard........nothing as far as clot shots and death rates has been reported from there. If it has, I haven't found it.

Athletes are dropping like files over here, because they were not only forced take the clot shot, they were forced to take the boosters as well. So they got pumped full of the death drug. Apprently ONE injection of the clot shot works much slower and longer than the ones that had the boosters to enhance the original clot shots activities on the human cellular structure.
The spike could be deaths associated with failures in the routine medical care system because routine surgeries, scans and procedures for real health threats were pushed aside to make room for the scamdemic.

The same thing is happening globally.
While the jab itself in many cases is likely attributing, it's not clear how many of those deaths are from covid vaccinations and how many are from failure to get routine health care. AFAIK.

In a country that has such a wonderful socialist healthcare system for all, how could anyone fail to get routine healthcare? The UK has 67.33 million people. 53,813,491 of those have their first dose, 50,762,968 have had their second dose, and 40,373,987 have had a booster or third dose. That's a pretty high vaccination rate.
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The UK relied heavily on the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine which was made in the traditional manner of using HK incubation formulas to produce antibodies and then take the distillation to use as a vaccine.
The Johnson&Johnson and Sputnik and I'm forgetting the Chinese version name all are made in this fashion.

However this formula for vaccines for this class of virus was known to have higher than normal incidence of side effects especially in the form of blood clots. (There are others) And the UK was warned that this would happen.
AstraZeneca was warned that this would happen. But they got their feelings hurt when their protocols were crap and their paperwork was not in order nor were their trials done in a consistent manner. So they were not approved for use in the USA.

J&J's was approved with one squinted eye while knowing that this type of vaccine against this class of virus has long term effects...but had no basis to discriminate against the company's efforts. And it was used in the poor neighborhoods as part of a vaccinemobile....
Where it's still legal to use the J&J no self respecting doctor uses it and the gubbermint has not purchased any more.
The UK relied heavily on the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine which was made in the traditional manner of using HK incubation formulas to produce antibodies and then take the distillation to use as a vaccine.
The Johnson&Johnson and Sputnik and I'm forgetting the Chinese version name all are made in this fashion.

However this formula for vaccines for this class of virus was known to have higher than normal incidence of side effects especially in the form of blood clots. (There are others) And the UK was warned that this would happen.
AstraZeneca was warned that this would happen. But they got their feelings hurt when their protocols were crap and their paperwork was not in order nor were their trials done in a consistent manner. So they were not approved for use in the USA.

J&J's was approved with one squinted eye while knowing that this type of vaccine against this class of virus has long term effects...but had no basis to discriminate against the company's efforts. And it was used in the poor neighborhoods as part of a vaccinemobile....
Where it's still legal to use the J&J no self respecting doctor uses it and the gubbermint has not purchased any more.

China's vaccine is the SINOVAC. That's the one that's supposedly causing the "spinning circle of death" phenomenon, even in that South American country where China has a vaccine manufacturing facility.

Those who slowly turn, and, often, flail in panic at the air, as if a flying demon were attacking them, and then drop dead: It seems they all were given China’s SINOVAC
In a country that has such a wonderful socialist healthcare system for all, how could anyone fail to get routine healthcare? The UK has 67.33 million people. 53,813,491 of those have their first dose, 50,762,968 have had their second dose, and 40,373,987 have had a booster or third dose. That's a pretty high vaccination rate.

It's a beautiful island. Just imagine it free of all those icky-poo humans, left for the enjoyment of just the best of the best, the most important among us, those who DESERVE it.

The spike could be deaths associated with failures in the routine medical care system because routine surgeries, scans and procedures for real health threats were pushed aside to make room for the scamdemic.

The same thing is happening globally.
While the jab itself in many cases is likely attributing, it's not clear how many of those deaths are from covid vaccinations and how many are from failure to get routine health care. AFAIK.

My point is that so called Vaccines are pulled for investigation / further testing after five deaths look a real link possibility .

We are now already in the millions depending how far you choose to cast the net .
I'm still waiting to hear from Australia, because as of yet that I've not heard........nothing as far as clot shots and death rates has been reported from there. If it has, I ha

Worse than Germany in the late 30's for much of the time until the Sheeple really gave the government hell .Truckers played a big part.
Appalling in New Zealand where the Mad WEF Cow is still in charge . Mad as the proverbial .

Oz figures are awful -- they are paying a terrible price .
Good for us long term as they will have fewer world class swimmers and cricketers which will make our job of thrashing them regularly even easier .
The spike could be deaths associated with failures in the routine medical care system because routine surgeries, scans and procedures for real health threats were pushed aside to make room for the scamdemic.

The same thing is happening globally.
While the jab itself in many cases is likely attributing, it's not clear how many of those deaths are from covid vaccinations and how many are from failure to get routine health care. AFAIK.
This is the classic Heads I win/Tails You Lose argument the Left always uses: All deaths are attributed to Covid, but no deaths are attributed to its vaccines.
China's vaccine is the SINOVAC. That's the one that's supposedly causing the "spinning circle of death" phenomenon, even in that South American country where China has a vaccine manufacturing facility.

Those who slowly turn, and, often, flail in panic at the air, as if a flying demon were attacking them, and then drop dead: It seems they all were given China’s SINOVAC
So far it seems to just be the HK derived vaccines that have issues with limited effectiveness and blood clot side effects.(as well as other side effects)

The mRNA technology has been superior up to this point....it might not be completely 100% free of side effects but the side effects are milder and lower incidences of serious issues from long term use.

And considering the side effects of the virus....playing the odds is a "no-brainer".
So far it seems to just be the HK derived vaccines that have issues with limited effectiveness and blood clot side effects.(as well as other side effects)

The mRNA technology has been superior up to this point....it might not be completely 100% free of side effects but the side effects are milder and lower incidences of serious issues from long term use.

And considering the side effects of the virus....playing the odds is a "no-brainer".
What convinces you to make that statement ?.

There are literally multi millions of side effects , let alone deaths .
What snappy piece of research has kidded you ?
And as for boosters --------------------

I would have written your type of comment as surreal, black humour .
What/Who has led you to these serious beliefs ?
What convinces you to make that statement ?.

There are literally multi millions of side effects , let alone deaths .
What snappy piece of research has kidded you ?
And as for boosters --------------------

I would have written your type of comment as surreal, black humour .
What/Who has led you to these serious beliefs ?
The long term trials of mRNA technology that have been ongoing for the past 15 years. mRNA vaccines have been around that long and successful in treating certain types of cancers.
Sure, you have been listening and reading all the hype....I've ignored it all. I've paid attention to full sized double blind studies involving thousands of people...not a cherry picked few in a study done by a hospital janitor...which the antivaxxers quote as if it's gospel. (Some of which actually made it in respected journals and publications...which made them review their publishing security and guidelines)

Science is a very precise way of demonstrating Correlation...not necessarily causation. However causation is also scientifically provable as long as it is logically explainable. (Which no antivaxxer promoter has yet to do)

It's easy to throw rocks at something good and get enough hype to make it sound horribly risky....and even fool most people into believing utter nonsense.
You can't fool everyone especially when they actually know what they are talking about.

The mRNA studies weren't faked. The science behind these treatments is sound. The causation links are thoroughly vetted and proven which the correlating studies proved once again.

But the propaganda of the antivaxxers is confusing and deliberately so. They have blended ALL types of covid vaccines into the same group and told horror stories...even going so far as to state that damages from Covid-19 itself are side effects from vaccines.
The long term trials of mRNA technology that have been ongoing for the past 15 years. mRNA vaccines have been around that long and successful in treating certain types of cancers.
Sure, you have been listening and reading all the hype....I've ignored it all. I've paid attention to full sized double blind studies involving thousands of people...not a cherry picked few in a study done by a hospital janitor...which the antivaxxers quote as if it's gospel. (Some of which actually made it in respected journals and publications...which made them review their publishing security and guidelines)

Science is a very precise way of demonstrating Correlation...not necessarily causation. However causation is also scientifically provable as long as it is logically explainable. (Which no antivaxxer promoter has yet to do)

It's easy to throw rocks at something good and get enough hype to make it sound horribly risky....and even fool most people into believing utter nonsense.
You can't fool everyone especially when they actually know what they are talking about.

The mRNA studies weren't faked. The science behind these treatments is sound. The causation links are thoroughly vetted and proven which the correlating studies proved once again.

But the propaganda of the antivaxxers is confusing and deliberately so. They have blended ALL types of covid vaccines into the same group and told horror stories...even going so far as to state that damages from Covid-19 itself are side effects from vaccines.

Good luck Bubba.

The List of Side Effects by the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine include:

acute kidney injury,
acute flaccid myelitis,
positive antisperm antibodies,
brainstem embolism,
brain stem thrombosis,
heart attack,
heart failure,
cardiac Ventricular Thrombosis,
Cardiogenic shock,
central nervous system vasculitis,
neonatal death,
Deep venous thrombosis,
brain stem encephalitis,
hemorrhagic encephalitis,
frontal lobe epilepsy,
foam at the mouth,
epileptic Psychosis,
Facial paralysis,
fetal Distress Syndrome,
gastrointestinal amyloidosis,
generalized tonic-clonic seizure,
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy
hepatic Vascular Thrombosis,
herpes zoster reactivation,
immune mediated hepatitis,
interstitial lung disease,
jugular Vein Embolism,
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy,
Hepatic injury,
low birth weight,
multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children,
neonatal seizure,
fetal death,
temporal Lobe Epilepsy,
testicular Autoimmunity,
thrombotic cerebral infarction,
type 1 Diabetes Mellitus,
neonatal venous thrombosis
vertebral artery thrombosis
Really this should be in the Humour section , despite its then questionable good taste .

They still are scared rigid to pursue the obvious-- the Killer Shots .
Guess they imagine the Sheeple would take to the streets seeking vengeance if the truth is admitted

But give it more time and that is precisely what will happen .

.More than 650,000 deaths were registered in the UK in 2022 - 9% more than 2019.

This represents one of the largest excess death levels outside the pandemic in 50 years.
Though far below peak pandemic levels, it has prompted questions about why more people are still dying than normal.
Data indicates pandemic effects on health and NHS pressures are among the leading explanations.
Overdose of Get Back.
Good luck Bubba.

The List of Side Effects by the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine include:

acute kidney injury,
acute flaccid myelitis,
positive antisperm antibodies,
brainstem embolism,
brain stem thrombosis,
heart attack,
heart failure,
cardiac Ventricular Thrombosis,
Cardiogenic shock,
central nervous system vasculitis,
neonatal death,
Deep venous thrombosis,
brain stem encephalitis,
hemorrhagic encephalitis,
frontal lobe epilepsy,
foam at the mouth,
epileptic Psychosis,
Facial paralysis,
fetal Distress Syndrome,
gastrointestinal amyloidosis,
generalized tonic-clonic seizure,
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy
hepatic Vascular Thrombosis,
herpes zoster reactivation,
immune mediated hepatitis,
interstitial lung disease,
jugular Vein Embolism,
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy,
Hepatic injury,
low birth weight,
multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children,
neonatal seizure,
fetal death,
temporal Lobe Epilepsy,
testicular Autoimmunity,
thrombotic cerebral infarction,
type 1 Diabetes Mellitus,
neonatal venous thrombosis
vertebral artery thrombosis
It's playing the odds.
Either take chances with the multitude of damages from an endocrine system virus (which most treatments suck) or take my chances from the from the mRNA vaccine.

Covid-19 has a 25% of long term issues chance and mRNA vaccines have one in a million chance.

I've had 3 initial and one variant vaccine....other than getting older I've had no other side effects....most antivaxxers can't say the same thing.
It's playing the odds.
Either take chances with the multitude of damages from an endocrine system virus (which most treatments suck) or take my chances from the from the mRNA vaccine.

Covid-19 has a 25% of long term issues chance and mRNA vaccines have one in a million chance.

I've had 3 initial and one variant vaccine....other than getting older I've had no other side effects....most antivaxxers can't say the same thing.

I had Covid in 2020, it was nothing more than a three-day mild case of the flu. And I'm 71 years old, smoke a pack of the 100mm black Marlboros every day and have smoked since 1967. I eat a lot of junk food, drink cheap vodka right out of the bottle, am on two inhalers for COPD, have had only one flu shot in life, and very seldom ever get the flu or even a cold.

I also went to at least a thousand garage sales, estate sales, flea markets, gun shows, stores, restaurants, and other public places throughout the entire pandemic era of the last four years. I never wore a mask, very seldom used hand sanitizer, had face to face conversations with people who weren't wearing masks, been sneezed on, and shook people's hands. I really have no need for the covid vaccine, because I have the best immunity. That's my God-given natural immunity.
I had Covid in 2020, it was nothing more than a three-day mild case of the flu. And I'm 71 years old, smoke a pack of the 100mm black Marlboros every day and have smoked since 1967. I eat a lot of junk food, drink cheap vodka right out of the bottle, am on two inhalers for COPD, have had only one flu shot in life, and very seldom ever get the flu or even a cold.

I also went to at least a thousand garage sales, estate sales, flea markets, gun shows, stores, restaurants, and other public places throughout the entire pandemic era of the last four years. I never wore a mask, very seldom used hand sanitizer, had face to face conversations with people who weren't wearing masks, been sneezed on, and shook people's hands. I really have no need for the covid vaccine, because I have the best immunity. That's my God-given natural immunity.

And that's all great....for you.
But not everyone is you. Most people don't have your immune system or your genetics.

And there's a reason why anecdotal evidence is not science.

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