'Excessive'? Armed Texas SWAT Team in Body Armor / Armored Vehicles Raids Daddy Zane’s Bar in West Odessa After Breaking State Orders and Reopening

Ah well. I'm not gonna spend any more time on here today.

I'll leave yuns with the fate of the signatories, in the mean time. These men knew the meaning of sacrifice. Unlike so many of these hipster exhibitionists we're seeing trying to make empty political statements with their plinkers these days. Most of em would likely dookie in their britches if you yelled Boo! at them anyway.

The Fate of the Signatories
Ah well. I'm not gonna spend any more time on here today.

I'll leave yuns with the fate of the signatories, in the mean time. These men knew the meaning of sacrifice. Unlike so many of these hipster exhibitionists we're seeing trying to make empty political statements with their plinkers these days. Most of em would likely dookie in their britches if you yelled Boo! at them anyway.

The Fate of the Signatories
Maybe. But, there's no need to shit on them for exercising their rights.

Shit on the people taking those rights away.

Sounds like a good case for the judge to sort out.
I agree, but only on the issue of whether guns were actually carried IN the bar. This is likely an opportunity for lawyers to challenge/limit the 51% law when the bar is not operating (selling alcohol).


Either way, the lady was operating her business in violation of the emergency order, so she completely expected to be shut down by police.
They said it was okay to protest, then they decided to shut it down after giving the all-clear?

The armed protesters weren't even protesting, they were just there for intimidation.
It was on private property. Who were they intimidating? Other protesters?

They were attempting to intimidate the police whom they knew was going to be showing up. They claim they were on private property, but others seem to disagree. Either way, their visible armed presence (on private property or not) was there to intimidate, not protest.

They said they were allowed to protest without weapons. Then they showed up with weapons. It’s not rocket science.
The cops over reacted. They must get off on showing up in an armored car in full body armor with automatic weapons to enforce a safe distancing order that was dropped prior to their arrival. This is not a good sign of things to come Excessive, out of control yes by all means the cops should be reprimanded
Sounds like something Obama was saying.
The cops over reacted. They must get off on showing up in an armored car in full body armor with automatic weapons to enforce a safe distancing order that was dropped prior to their arrival. This is not a good sign of things to come Excessive, out of control yes by all means the cops should be reprimanded
Sounds like something Obama was saying.
Could not be the case, Obama never got anything correct.
The cops over reacted. They must get off on showing up in an armored car in full body armor with automatic weapons to enforce a safe distancing order that was dropped prior to their arrival. This is not a good sign of things to come Excessive, out of control yes by all means the cops should be reprimanded
Sounds like something Obama was saying.
Could not be the case, Obama never got anything correct.
I don't believe in those absolutes. It doesn't mean I think he went about it correctly. In fact I think he made it worse. but the concept of police brutality isn't new. Pretending otherwise isn't real honest to me.
They were attempting to intimidate the police whom they knew was going to be showing up.
How do you know what they "knew" and their intent? Speculating?

The cops have guns (obviously, as we all can clearly see by the photos). It looks to me like the cops (sheriff and deputies) were the ones attempting to intimidate.

You are under the mistaken belief that armed=dangerous.

They claim they were on private property, but others seem to disagree. Either way, their visible armed presence (on private property or not) was there to intimidate, not protest.
Intimidate WHO? The Cops?

Armed does not mean dangerous or attempting to intimidate. Armed is just armed. Get treated for your hoplophobia. It's not healthy.

And, on PRIVATE PROPERTY, one can carry weapons as he/she chooses in Texas. The police/sheriff had no right to stop it.

They said they were allowed to protest without weapons. Then they showed up with weapons. It’s not rocket science.
No, you need to re-read it. Here it is again:

“Ellison says she even called the Ector County Sheriff's Department ahead of time to let them know there would be a peaceful protest at the bar when she reopened Monday. Ellison maintains she was told there wouldn't be any trouble as long people were not seen carrying firearms on the property. (aka in the bar - 51% of revenue from alcohol sales)

So Ellison made sure the demonstration took place in an area behind the bar, (not the bar) which she says is her private property. It was met with and shut down by force.

“Ector County Sheriff Mike Griffis sent in his department's SWAT team with guns drawn. The deputies arrested eight people, including Ellison.”

Ellison made sure the demonstration did not take place IN THE BAR, in response to the sheriff telling her the conditions of allowing the protest (because carrying in a bar is illegal).

They were attempting to intimidate the police whom they knew was going to be showing up. They claim they were on private property, but others seem to disagree. Either way, their visible armed presence (on private property or not) was there to intimidate, not protest.
They said they were allowed to protest without weapons. Then they showed up with weapons. It’s not rocket science.
These were white Christian taxpayers. How they were treated was outrageous.
Dude, this is TEXAS, where law-abiding Americans exercise their Constitutional rights.
Yeah, you guys keep saying that and yet, these incidents keep popping up in Texas. Blue lives matter, right?

'Incidents like this keep popping up in Texas' -- You mean situations like this where heavily armed/armored SWAT Teams in armored vehicles show up to arrest 8 peaceful bar patrons and a female bar owner who informed the police of what they were going to do before hand?

Weren’t the patrons armed?
It's illegal to be armed in a business that gets at least 51 percent of its income selling booze. As a bar I'm sure they meet that criteria.
When everybody's armed, what else can you expect?
Bingo. Was it reasonable to expect armed resistance given the tendency towards nubaggery from these kinds of protesters? Yes.
Read the article dumb shit.

The sheriff told her she could have the protest. It was a bait and switch set up.

The sheriff said they could protest as long as they weren't armed. Guess who showed up armed?
People with a right to keep and bear arms, commie.
UPDATED Article with more info

This sheriff is either a motherfucking dumbass or he is doing this to set up a legal challenge to the TABC code vs the Penal Code.

Ector County Sheriff Mike Griffis during a Tuesday news conference said that the arrests made at Big Daddy Zane’s in West Odessa Monday were of the bar owner for violating Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order and of protestors carrying weapons on property where alcohol is sold.

Griffis said six were charged with felonies related to unlawfully carrying a weapon on a licensed premise, one for interfering with the duties of a peace officer and the owner for violating the Governor’s orders.

After the news conference, Gabrielle Ellison, 47, stood in the Ector County Sheriff’s Office parking lot with a few of her employees holding protest signs. She said bringing a SWAT team was “over forced” and that the armed protesters were on her private property different from the bar.



The arrested protestors, he said, were violating the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission code.

“The premises is any property controlled by that person. All that property out there belongs to that lady,” he said.

Along with media during the press conference was Open Texas member Philip Archibald, 29, who was not arrested during Monday’s protest, because he was not armed. Archibald questioned Griffis about the TABC code saying, “What about Penal Code 46.035, that states that premises is the building and not the surrounding property, parking lots or anything else?”

In response Griffis read the TABC code saying that the, “Premises are the grounds and all buildings, vehicles and appurtenances pertaining to the grounds including any adjacent premises if they are directly or indirectly under control of the same person.”


This may be a coordinated effort to re-write either the TABC code or the Penal Code.

Regardless of the motives of the Sheriff, the executive order is NOT criminally enforceable, so this Sheriff attempting to use force to execute an unenforceable order is stepping way out of line.

Police won't even enforce child possession orders EVEN WHEN THE ORDERS CONTAIN A DIRECTIVE TO DO SO TO ANY PEACE OFFICER!!!


Armed Texas SWAT Team Raids Daddy Zane’s
Bar in West Odessa After Breaking State Orders
and Reopening — 8 Arrested!


The Ector County Sheriff’s office sent out an armed SWAT team in military vehicles to counter a peaceful protest at Daddy Zane’s Bar in West Odessa on Monday. The Ector County SWAT Team arrested 8 people including the female bar owner Gabrielle Ellison.


Damn, she looks 'dangerous' - I'm surprised the SWAT team didn't call for back-up.....


People have lost their damn minds with this Coronavirus shit....

She wasn't following the Dan Patrick directive of old people sacrificing themselves for the economy.

Armed Texas SWAT Team Raids Daddy Zane’s
Bar in West Odessa After Breaking State Orders
and Reopening — 8 Arrested!


The Ector County Sheriff’s office sent out an armed SWAT team in military vehicles to counter a peaceful protest at Daddy Zane’s Bar in West Odessa on Monday. The Ector County SWAT Team arrested 8 people including the female bar owner Gabrielle Ellison.


Damn, she looks 'dangerous' - I'm surprised the SWAT team didn't call for back-up.....


People have lost their damn minds with this Coronavirus shit....


She should have just let the customers in through the back door and run the place legitimately as a Speak Easy. Fewer customers, but speakeasies are exempt from taxation
Nevada and California have curbside pickup. It seems that only States with archaic alcohol laws are having problems. Open bars 24/7 365 with drive thru's in all 50 States. Problem solved.
When everybody's armed, what else can you expect?
Bingo. Was it reasonable to expect armed resistance given the tendency towards nubaggery from these kinds of protesters? Yes.
Read the article dumb shit.

The sheriff told her she could have the protest. It was a bait and switch set up.

The sheriff said they could protest as long as they weren't armed. Guess who showed up armed?
People with a right to keep and bear arms, commie.

In some places but not all.
Cops with military hardware, I thought conservatives loved that shit.

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