Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran

The task ahead of you now is twofold...

1. Substantiate your original claim that we sold such weapons to Saddam.

2. Substantiate your later claim that the OP contains such an explicit accusation.

Your turn. :lol:

No I didn't.

No you didn't WHAT?

Claim that we had supplied chemical weapons gases (mustard? sarin? etc.?) to Iraq?

Here's your claim...

"...What did Reagan think Saddam was going to do with the chemical weapons he supplied, retard?"

Fail No. 1 of 2...

No you didn't WHAT? (continued)...

Claim that the OP contained any such detailed accusation?

Here's your claim...

I was not aware that Reagan (his Administration) supplied such gases...

What were they?

Mustard gas?

Sarin gas?

Did we manufacture Mustard gas, Sarin gas, or similar, especially for Saddam?

Did we draw-down on our own inventories and transfer some of it to Saddam?

Did we act as a broker for Saddam to obtain such gases from a third party?

Did we help the Iraqis to set up factories and help them to manufacture the stuff?

Read the OP, retard. :lol:

And, given that the OP makes no explicit mention of chemical weapons which we sold or transferred or brokered or otherwise supplied to Iraq, well, 'reading the OP', as 'retarded' as I am, yields nothing more for you than...

Fail No. 2 of 2.

You have...

1. Failed to demonstrate that the US sold or transferred or brokered chemical weapons to Iraq.

2. Failed to demonstrate that the OP contained explicit references to such sales or transfers or brokerage.

Fail No. 1 + Fail No. 2 = A twice-over Loser.

"...Apparently, quality of wits, is more important than quantity of wits..."

"Too easy, drill sergeant"
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I was not aware that Reagan (his Administration) supplied such gases...

What were they?

Mustard gas?

Sarin gas?

Did we manufacture Mustard gas, Sarin gas, or similar, especially for Saddam?

Did we draw-down on our own inventories and transfer some of it to Saddam?

Did we act as a broker for Saddam to obtain such gases from a third party?

Did we help the Iraqis to set up factories and help them to manufacture the stuff?

Read the OP, retard. :lol:

Nowhere in the OP does it say that we sold Chemical Weapons such as Mustard Gas, Sarin Nerve Gas, etc., to Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

YOU have claimed in this thread that Reagan sold such weapons to Saddam.

Feel free to point-out where in the OP that it says we SOLD such weapons to Iraq, as you've just claimed here.

You have yet to substantiate your claim that we sold such weapons to Saddam.

And you have now added a SECOND need-to-substantiate... show us where in the OP that it says we DID sell such weapons to Saddam, as you've just asserted.

The task ahead of you now is twofold...

1. Substantiate your original claim that we sold such weapons to Saddam.

2. Substantiate your later claim that the OP contains such an explicit accusation.

Your turn. :lol:

Nowhere in the OP does it say that we sold Chemical Weapons such as Mustard Gas, Sarin Nerve Gas, etc., to Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

that is because we did not

Hans van Anraat did he is currently serving a 16 year prison term for doing so

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — A Dutch court on Wednesday ordered a businessman convicted of selling Saddam Hussein raw materials for mustard gas to pay compensation to victims of chemical weapon attacks by the late Iraqi dictator's regime.

The landmark ruling was largely symbolic for the 16 survivors as the businessman, Hans van Anraat, is serving a prison sentence for selling the chemicals and is believed to be destitute. But it served as a warning to individuals or businesses who may still try to sell chemicals to tyrants at a time of reports that poison gas is being used in Syria's bloody civil war.

Dutch court: compensation for gas attack survivors
And then the chemical weapons magically disappeared in advance of the U.S. invasion...

They didn't disappear. They actually found them.

Insurgents tried to even use them.

They were so degraded that as munitions they were completely worthless.

...which made Bush and Cheney war criminals resulting in the Leftie's cries for their prosecution, impeachment, and execution.
"They didn't have to" tell us they were using nerve gas (in 1988)? That's the freaking smoking gun from a A.F. Col who apparently couldn't make general and had to retire? What else did the CIA "release"? When is the radical left going to take their heads out of the sand and address issues relevant to the failed administration today?
And the wingnuts go silent in the face of Reagan atrocities.

Reagan used chemical weapons?

Is the US responsible for the actions of every country it has any relations at all with?

It's so fucking hilarious that you shitbag liberals will hold a Republican responsible for the actions of others just because there was some small perceived relationship to the guilty party. Yet Obama and his administration are completely immune to accepting any responsibility for anything they do themselves.
Since none of you read OPs:

U.S. intelligence officials conveyed the location of the Iranian troops to Iraq, fully aware that Hussein's military would attack with chemical weapons, including sarin, a lethal nerve agent.

This is in Reagan's 8th year. If it isn't his administration, his people, making these decisions by then . . .
Since none of you read OPs:

U.S. intelligence officials conveyed the location of the Iranian troops to Iraq, fully aware that Hussein's military would attack with chemical weapons, including sarin, a lethal nerve agent.

This is in Reagan's 8th year. If it isn't his administration, his people, making these decisions by then . . .

Well, that's a little different from either (1) providing Iraq with chemical weapons or (2) the OP containing a solid accusation that we did so, as you claimed earlier in this thread...

Feeding satellite intel to an ally or favored third party in a conflict is a far cry from providing mustard gas or sarin gas or the like to Iraq, isn't it? :lol:

So, now that THAT line of unsubstantiated claims has played itself out, we're down to kvetching about feeding satellite intel to Saddam, and transferring various dual-use materials (biological and chemical) to Saddam, as a fall-back position?

Folks (myself included) would not have taken you up on your kind offer to divert from the theme-topic on the OP, had you not tossed out those wild-and-hairy claims about weapon-sales, midstream...

You've got nobody to blame but yourself for that one...

Kinda runnin' out of steam on this one, I fear... :lol:
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The US provided troop movements troop concentrations and logistic hubs, care to show where they provided chemical agents, authorized their use or had anything to do with how Saddam waged war?
Brennan is Obama's boy in every sense and history of the word including the prison slang. It isn't a surprise that a democrat activist like Leon Panetta would use the CIA as a political tool for the administration and neither is it a surprise that Brennan would do the same thing when his administration was in serious and deep political trouble. What's the best cheap shot the CIA can offer to the administration? Drum roll.....leaks.....about.....Bush's relationship in Iraq. The important question is when Americans are going to drop their stupid fascination about Hollywood stereotypes they learned in video games and inane movies and realize that the CIA couldn't even find a Russian terrorist in Boston.
Since none of you read OPs:

U.S. intelligence officials conveyed the location of the Iranian troops to Iraq, fully aware that Hussein's military would attack with chemical weapons, including sarin, a lethal nerve agent.

This is in Reagan's 8th year. If it isn't his administration, his people, making these decisions by then . . .

Well, that's a little different from either (1) providing Iraq with chemical weapons or (2) the OP containing a solid accusation that we did so, as you claimed earlier in this thread...

Feeding satellite intel to an ally or favored third party in a conflict is a far cry from providing mustard gas or sarin gas or the like to Iraq, isn't it? :lol:

So, now that THAT line of unsubstantiated claims has played itself out, we're down to kvetching about feeding satellite intel to Saddam, and transferring various dual-use materials (biological and chemical) to Saddam, as a fall-back position?

Folks (myself included) would not have taken you up on your kind offer to divert from the theme-topic on the OP, had you not tossed out those wild-and-hairy claims about weapon-sales, midstream...

You've got nobody to blame but yourself for that one...

Kinda runnin' out of steam on this one, I fear... :lol:
I said that Reagan aided and abetted Saddam's use of Chemical weapons.

Would you like to try and refute that?
Wow. I knew we supplied intelligence to them, and knew full well we knew Saddam was using chemical weapons, but i didn't know we supplied the chemical weapons.

Is this really true?

It was a horrible mistake,' former CIA military analyst Kenneth Pollack said last night. 'We were warning at the time that Hussein was a very nasty character. We were constantly fighting the State Department.'
On November 1, 1983, a full month before Mr Rumsfeld's visit to Baghdad, Secretary of State George Shultz was officially informed that the CIA had discovered Iraqi troops were resorting to 'almost daily use of chemical weapons' against the Iranians.
Nevertheless, Mr Rumsfeld arranged for the Iraqis to receive billions of pounds in loans to buy weapons and CIA Director William Casey used a Chilean front company to supply Iraq with cluster bombs.

According to the Washington Post, a Senate committee investigating the relationship between the US and Iraq discovered that in the mid-1980s - following the Rumsfeld visit - dozens of biological agents were shipped to Iraq under licence from the Commerce Department.

They included anthrax, subsequently identified by the Pentagon as a key component of the Iraqi biological warfare programme.

Read more: Rumsfeld 'helped Iraq get chemical weapons' | Mail Online

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