Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran

Reagan committed atrocities?

Did he press the launch-button on those gas attacks?

Did he order those gas attacks?

Did he cajole Saddam into those gas attacks?

Somehow, I doubt it.


Somebody just said that we SOLD Saddam the gas?

Did we?

Or is that just so much more smokescreening as an excuse to attack America?

It's the Obama Fluffer Brigade wearing out their kneepads defending Fearless Leader, Lord, Savior and daddy to all good little Progressive boys and girls
Aren't you the same folks who insist we invaded Iraq on the phony premise that he harbored chemical weapons? That's my point.
You'll always be critical of how a conservative administration prosecutes (or doesn't prosecute) an adversary.

Liberals did that?

Still do.

Obama's "red line" has been crossed more than once since he made that statement. I would rather he had kept his mouth shut. Ah... anyhow. Kind of straying from your OP.
Ok, Obama is not a Liberal. Neither is Hillary. Biden is a bit closer.

Pelosi is a Liberal.
Russ Feingold was a Liberal.
Alan Grayson is a Liberal.
Bernie Sanders is a Liberal.

So, you need to get your ideologies straight, otherwise it's like me claiming Mittens is a teabagger, Ron Paul is a Republican, or George Bush is a conservative.
Reagan committed atrocities?

Did he press the launch-button on those gas attacks?

Did he order those gas attacks?

Did he cajole Saddam into those gas attacks?

Somehow, I doubt it.


Somebody just said that we SOLD Saddam the gas?

Did we?

Or is that just so much more smokescreening as an excuse to attack America?
Sorry, but this is a retard-free thread*

You'll have to leave.

*CrusaderFrank is a mascot
Reagan committed atrocities?

Did he press the launch-button on those gas attacks?

Did he order those gas attacks?

Did he cajole Saddam into those gas attacks?

Somehow, I doubt it.


Somebody just said that we SOLD Saddam the gas?

Did we?

Or is that just so much more smokescreening as an excuse to attack America?

It's the Obama Fluffer Brigade wearing out their kneepads defending Fearless Leader, Lord, Savior and daddy to all good little Progressive boys and girls
So Frank - how do you feel about St. Ronnie enabling war crimes?
Reagan committed atrocities?

Did he press the launch-button on those gas attacks?

Did he order those gas attacks?

Did he cajole Saddam into those gas attacks?

Somehow, I doubt it.


Somebody just said that we SOLD Saddam the gas?

Did we?

Or is that just so much more smokescreening as an excuse to attack America?
Sorry, but this is a retard-free thread*

You'll have to leave.

That is not an answer.

Or could it be that you do not HAVE answers that advance your agenda?

As to the unprovoked 'retard' hostility...

I don't know what the hell I did to offend you in some previous life, but, in light of the above, and with your kind permission... and even without your kind permission...

Blow it out your ass...

Best regards,




Answer the fucking questions...

Or is it that you cannot?
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Oh, and pussy 'negging' because someone asks you questions (in answer to your charges of a US President committing atrocities - your words) that don't feed into your agenda - is about as girlie and sissified an emotional reaction as one can possibly serve up...

Getting a 'neg' from you is like receiving a Gold Medal from most folks - lets me know I'm on the right track...

When you accuse somebody - especially a US President - of committing atrocities, be sure you can back it up...

And don't strike out like a little girlie-man when somebody calls you on it...

Second time you've done that in recent weeks, and for no better reason, the second time, than the first...

But it's revealing in its own right, indicative, as it is, of someone who really can't tolerate calls for substantiation in connection with wild, hairy-assed accusations like that...

And who reacts like a child on a school recess-yard when his insult-victims won't back down...
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Reagan committed atrocities?

Did he press the launch-button on those gas attacks?

Did he order those gas attacks?

Did he cajole Saddam into those gas attacks?

Somehow, I doubt it.


Somebody just said that we SOLD Saddam the gas?

Did we?

Or is that just so much more smokescreening as an excuse to attack America?
Sorry, but this is a retard-free thread*

You'll have to leave.

That is not an answer.

Or could it be that you do not HAVE answers that advance your agenda?

As to the unprovoked 'retard' hostility...

I don't know what the hell I did to offend you in some previous life, but, in light of the above, and with your kind permission... and even without your kind permission...

Blow it out your ass...

Best regards,




Answer the fucking questions...

Or is it that you cannot?

Claiming Reagan is not in any way to blame because he didn't actually set off the gas, personally, is retarded.

Was Stalin blameless because he didn't pull the trigger on millions of Russians?

Was Khomeini blameless because he didn't take the Americans hostage himself?

Was Pol Pot blameless because he didn't personally kill all those Cambodians?

Like I said: you're a retard.
"...Claiming Reagan is not in any way to blame because he didn't actually set off the gas, personally, is retarded. Was Stalin blameless because he didn't pull the trigger on millions of Russians? Was Khomeini blameless because he didn't take the Americans hostage himself? Was Pol Pot blameless because he didn't personally kill all those Cambodians? Like I said: you're a retard."

There were THREE possibilities asked of you...

Designed to cover the three ways in which a person can commit an atrocity...

1. Did he press the launch-button on those gas attacks personally?

2. Did he order those gas attacks?

3. Did he cajole (influence) Saddam into making those gas attacks?

...and you only dealt (here) with the first of the three.

The difference between Reagan and the others (Stalin, Khomeni, Pol Pot) is that Reagan neither ordered nor cajoled his subordinates nor allies into committing such acts.

If there is anything 'retarded' going on here, it is childishly focusing upon one (1) form of personal responsibility, while ignoring the the other manifestations of personal responsibility, or lack thereof, in this case...

If Reagan neither (1) pulled the trigger NOR (2) ordered the actions NOR (3) cajoled his ally into such actions, then... (4) he did not commit atrocities, as you so foolishly claim.

You can twist and squirm and wiggle on the hook all you like, but you've failed to substantiate your claim that ol' Ronnie Raygun committed atrocities (neither by person nor by order nor by influence).

Epic Fail.

Now THAT's a little closer to meeting the stereotypical definition of 'retarded' in this narrow whimsical context.

Not bad, for a supposed 'retard', I expect.

Then again, that may be unfair of me, picking on a lightweight like that...
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"...Claiming Reagan is not in any way to blame because he didn't actually set off the gas, personally, is retarded. Was Stalin blameless because he didn't pull the trigger on millions of Russians? Was Khomeini blameless because he didn't take the Americans hostage himself? Was Pol Pot blameless because he didn't personally kill all those Cambodians? Like I said: you're a retard."

There were THREE possibilities asked of you...

Designed to cover the three ways in which a person can commit an atrocity...

1. Did he press the launch-button on those gas attacks personally?

2. Did he order those gas attacks?

3. Did he cajole (influence) Saddam into making those gas attacks?

...and you only dealt (here) with the first of the three.

The difference between Reagan and the others (Stalin, Khomeni, Pol Pot) is that Reagan neither ordered nor cajoled his subordinates nor allies into committing such acts.

If there is anything 'retarded' going on here, it is childishly focusing upon one (1) form of personal responsibility, while ignoring the the other manifestations of personal responsibility, or lack thereof, in this case...

If Reagan neither (1) pulled the trigger NOR (2) ordered the actions NOR (3) cajoled his ally into such actions, then... (4) he did not commit atrocities, as you so foolishly claim.

You can twist and squirm and wiggle on the hook all you like, but you've failed to substantiate your claim that ol' Ronnie Raygun committed atrocities (neither by person nor by order nor by influence).

Epic Fail.

Now THAT's a little closer to meeting the stereotypical definition of 'retarded' in this narrow whimsical context.

Not bad, for a supposed 'retard', I expect.

Then again, that may be unfair of me, picking on a lightweight like that...
What did Reagan think Saddam was going to do with the chemical weapons he supplied, retard?
"...What did Reagan think Saddam was going to do with the chemical weapons he supplied, retard?"

I was not aware that Reagan (his Administration) supplied such gases...

What were they?

Mustard gas?

Sarin gas?

Did we manufacture Mustard gas, Sarin gas, or similar, especially for Saddam?

Did we draw-down on our own inventories and transfer some of it to Saddam?

Did we act as a broker for Saddam to obtain such gases from a third party?

Did we help the Iraqis to set up factories and help them to manufacture the stuff?

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Reagan committed atrocities?

Did he press the launch-button on those gas attacks?

Did he order those gas attacks?

Did he cajole Saddam into those gas attacks?

Somehow, I doubt it.


Somebody just said that we SOLD Saddam the gas?

Did we?

Or is that just so much more smokescreening as an excuse to attack America?

It's the Obama Fluffer Brigade wearing out their kneepads defending Fearless Leader, Lord, Savior and daddy to all good little Progressive boys and girls
So Frank - how do you feel about St. Ronnie enabling war crimes?

"...What did Reagan think Saddam was going to do with the chemical weapons he supplied, retard?"

I was not aware that Reagan (his Administration) supplied such gases...

What were they?

Mustard gas?

Sarin gas?

Did we manufacture Mustard gas, Sarin gas, or similar, especially for Saddam?

Did we draw-down on our own inventories and transfer some of it to Saddam?

Did we act as a broker for Saddam to obtain such gases from a third party?

Did we help the Iraqis to set up factories and help them to manufacture the stuff?

Read the OP, retard. :lol:
It's the Obama Fluffer Brigade wearing out their kneepads defending Fearless Leader, Lord, Savior and daddy to all good little Progressive boys and girls
So Frank - how do you feel about St. Ronnie enabling war crimes?

OK, same question for you, Frank: what did Reagan think Saddam was going to do with those chemical weapons?

(Hint: it's in the OP article! Go ahead - you can look!)
"...What did Reagan think Saddam was going to do with the chemical weapons he supplied, retard?"

I was not aware that Reagan (his Administration) supplied such gases...

What were they?

Mustard gas?

Sarin gas?

Did we manufacture Mustard gas, Sarin gas, or similar, especially for Saddam?

Did we draw-down on our own inventories and transfer some of it to Saddam?

Did we act as a broker for Saddam to obtain such gases from a third party?

Did we help the Iraqis to set up factories and help them to manufacture the stuff?

Read the OP, retard. :lol:

Nowhere in the OP does it say that we sold Chemical Weapons such as Mustard Gas, Sarin Nerve Gas, etc., to Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

YOU have claimed in this thread that Reagan sold such weapons to Saddam.

Feel free to point-out where in the OP that it says we SOLD such weapons to Iraq, as you've just claimed here.

You have yet to substantiate your claim that we sold such weapons to Saddam.

And you have now added a SECOND need-to-substantiate... show us where in the OP that it says we DID sell such weapons to Saddam, as you've just asserted.

The task ahead of you now is twofold...

1. Substantiate your original claim that we sold such weapons to Saddam.

2. Substantiate your later claim that the OP contains such an explicit accusation.

Your turn. :lol:
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So Frank - how do you feel about St. Ronnie enabling war crimes?

OK, same question for you, Frank: what did Reagan think Saddam was going to do with those chemical weapons?

(Hint: it's in the OP article! Go ahead - you can look!)


Meanwhile back on planet Earth, Obama is killing people with drones and abusing our Constitutional right, but let's try to link Reagan with Saddam's use of WMD's because that's time well spent.

LOLiberal Logik 101

A. Saddam, before he didn't have any, used chemical weapons

B. Reagan

C. Therefore, Reagan used chemical weapons
Saddam went to trial for the attacks on the Islamic Dawa Party after the failed assasination attempt on him. This is like capturing Hitler and putting him on trial for the Reichstag fire and ignoring the Holocaust. There was a reason Saddam was not tried for the gassing.
I was not aware that Reagan (his Administration) supplied such gases...

What were they?

Mustard gas?

Sarin gas?

Did we manufacture Mustard gas, Sarin gas, or similar, especially for Saddam?

Did we draw-down on our own inventories and transfer some of it to Saddam?

Did we act as a broker for Saddam to obtain such gases from a third party?

Did we help the Iraqis to set up factories and help them to manufacture the stuff?

Read the OP, retard. :lol:

Nowhere in the OP does it say that we sold Chemical Weapons such as Mustard Gas, Sarin Nerve Gas, etc., to Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

YOU have claimed in this thread that Reagan sold such weapons to Saddam.

Feel free to point-out where in the OP that it says we SOLD such weapons to Iraq, as you've just claimed here.

You have yet to substantiate your claim that we sold such weapons to Saddam.

And you have now added a SECOND need-to-substantiate... show us where in the OP that it says we DID sell such weapons to Saddam, as you've just asserted.

The task ahead of you now is twofold...

1. Substantiate your original claim that we sold such weapons to Saddam.

2. Substantiate your later claim that the OP contains such an explicit accusation.

Your turn. :lol:

No I didn't.

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