Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation

It’s happening.

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.

Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation — CNN

what's going on monday?
More spinning fake news.
What is fake?
There are already calls for Mueller to fold up his tent and take his circus down the road...you libs must be dreaming...
Believing his own petrified media. Yeah now that the investigation is winding down he’s going to step down.,
You fuckers are crazy.
Uh oh Crooked Hillary bot engage!

Right on cue. The shit is hitting the fan with your criminals and you run right to Hilary.

She's part of the DNC, dummy. I mean is the DNC.
Hannity believes CNN's story


Be afraid, be VERY afraid

LOL you're threatened by Hannity cause he isn't trying to be fake news.
Yeah right. Hannity is ALL fake news. He’s a complete joke among real journalists and sane people.
He doesn't claim to be a journalist, moron. He's a commentator. The so-called "real journalists" at CNN and the NYT are the jokes.
yeah the professionals are the jokes but the roofer is the expert.
You can’t make up this type of insanity..
It's probably Manafort, but I'm having a good laugh over this. Obviously the libs are still believing that President Trump will be somehow miraculously taken down by guilt of association, and that the Hildebeast be immediately sworn in. That's just nutty.
It’s happening.

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.

Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation — CNN

what's going on monday?
More spinning fake news.
What is fake?
It's probably Manafort, but I'm having a good laugh over this. Obviously the libs are still believing that President Trump will be somehow miraculously taken down by guilt of association, and that the Hildebeast be immediately sworn in. That's just nutty.
Name one person who said Hillary will take his place. You liars are hysterical.
I’m sure Mueller has a bundle on the serial sex offender. Plus....The underlings that will be indicted will spill the truth on Trump to stay out of prison.
There are already calls for Mueller to fold up his tent and take his circus down the road...you libs must be dreaming...
Believing his own petrified media. Yeah now that the investigation is winding down he’s going to step down.,
You fuckers are crazy.
Uh oh Crooked Hillary bot engage!

Right on cue. The shit is hitting the fan with your criminals and you run right to Hilary.
you know she lost the election right?...hehehehe
Will the perp turn himself in - or wait to be arrested? We shall see...
It’s happening.

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.

Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation — CNN

Yep a few Republicans and A LOT of Democrats gots some explaining to do.

Shame none will be our POUS.
It's probably Manafort, but I'm having a good laugh over this. Obviously the libs are still believing that President Trump will be somehow miraculously taken down by guilt of association, and that the Hildebeast be immediately sworn in. That's just nutty.
Name one person who said Hillary will take his place. You liars are hysterical.
I’m sure Mueller has a bundle on the serial sex offender. Plus....The underlings that will be indicted will spill the truth on Trump to stay out of prison.
hillary had a nervous breakdown on election night, was screaming and blaming everyone for the loss, had to be sedated, could not make her concession speech because "THE DONALD" denied her what she believed was her birthright.
It’s happening.

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.

Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation — CNN

btw. Some extra reads.

BREAKING : Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation
First, no information on who it is or what charge. Perhaps we should be patient before jumping too conclusions.

Second, fairly certain the white house knows what's going on. Especially with the "investigation is wrapping up" comments earlier today and now an indictment. If trump is worried about going down he isn't acting that way.

Perhaps waiting till we know more would be prudent? Or you guys can keep calling each other idiots over who is right about something no one knows.
If trump is worried about going down he isn't acting that way.

Shirley you jest! All the trump hair on fire this week? Just today trump orders all of Hillary's emails to be released?

Don't call me Shirley

Sure trump knows he or someone close to him is going to face criminal charges so rather than make a huge ruckus about how bad Mueller is or attacking the media, he does nothing on the offensive. That's trump
It's probably Manafort, but I'm having a good laugh over this. Obviously the libs are still believing that President Trump will be somehow miraculously taken down by guilt of association, and that the Hildebeast be immediately sworn in. That's just nutty.
Trump will freak out when the difficulties reach into his family members. The kids are in danger of state charges. beyond the zone of pardon safety.
It's probably Manafort, but I'm having a good laugh over this. Obviously the libs are still believing that President Trump will be somehow miraculously taken down by guilt of association, and that the Hildebeast be immediately sworn in. That's just nutty.
Trump will freak out when the difficulties reach into his family members. The kids are in danger of state charges. beyond the zone of pardon safety.
uh, you forgot to add the "cnn" fake news heads up

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